225 research outputs found

    Pemasaran Garam Rakyat (Studi Kasus Desa Lembung, Kecamatan Galis, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur)

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    Salt is a strategic and high economic valued commodity because it is needed in every human food as a main raw material. The purpose of this research was to analyze marketing channels, function, structure and marketing institutions of farmer salt commodity and to analyze the efficiency of farmer salt marketing in anymarketing channel using marketing margin, farmer's share and benefit cost ratio approach. The research showed that there were main channels, the formation of which was based on the starting point of the distribution with different institutions, functions and market structure in each channel. The result of operational efficiency analysis indicator and qualitative indicator showed that all marketing channels were inefficient. This was due to the fact that farmers had a role as a price taker and price fixing tended to be unfair because farmer had a weak bargaining power. Thus, goverment role was hoped to change farmers‘roles and improve the presence of farmer groups to increase farmer prosperity

    Enumerasi Graf Sederhana dengan Enam Simpul Menggunakan Teorema Polya

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    Salah satu dari dari masalah yang sering muncul dalam matematika adalah masalah enumerasi atau pencacahan objek dari suatu pengaturan. Seperti diketahui, dari beberapa permasalahan matematika yang rumit terkait pada masalah enumerasi tersebut. Hal ini lebih dikarenakan permasalahan konspetual yaitu ketika objek berbeda dapat dipandang sama (isomorfis). Selain grup permutasi, penyelesaian permasalahan enumerasi juga melibatkan Teorema Polya I dan Teorema Polya II. Teorema Polya I digunakan untuk menentukan banyaknya objek yang tidak isomorfis sedangkan Teorema Polya II digunakan untuk menentukan bentuk-bentuk objek yang tidak isomorfis tersebut. Beberapa tahun terakhir dilakukan penelitian terkait permasalahan enumerasi pada graf sederhana. Lebih detailnya, permasalahan mengenai banyaknya graf sederhana dengan empat (lima) simpul yang tidak isomorfis menggunakan konsep grup simetri , Teorema Polya I serta Teorema Polya II sehingga diperoleh hasil sebelas (tiga puluh lima) graf sederhana yang tidak saling isomorfis. Pada Penelitian ini diselidiki banyaknya graf sederhana dengan enam simpul yang tidak isomorfis menggunakan konsep grup simetri , Teorema Polya I serta Teorema Polya II sehingga diperoleh hasil seratus lima puluh enam graf sederhana yang tidak saling isomorfis

    Constraints on coupling constant between dark energy and dark matter

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    We have investigated constraints on the coupling between dark matter and the interacting Chaplygin gas. Our results indicate that the coupling constant cc between these two entities can take arbitrary values, which can be either positive or negative, thus giving arbitrary freedom to the inter-conversion between Chaplygin gas and dark matter. Thus our results indicate that the restriction 0<c<10<c<1 on the coupling constant occurs as a very special case. Our analysis also supports the existence of phantom energy under certain conditions on the coupling constant.Comment: 16 Pages, 3 figure

    Thermodynamics of interacting entropy-corrected holographic dark energy in a non-flat FRW universe

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    A so-called "entropy-corrected holographic dark energy" (ECHDE), was recently proposed to explain the dark energy-dominated universe with the help of quantum corrections to the entropy-area relation in the setup of loop quantum cosmology. Using this new definition, we investigate its thermodynamical features including entropy and energy conservation. We describe the thermodynamical interpretation of the interaction between ECHDE and dark matter in a non-flat universe. We obtain a relation between the interaction term of the dark components and thermal fluctuation. Our study further generalizes the earlier works [M.R. Setare and E.C. Vagenas, Phys. Lett. B 666 (2008) 111; B. Wang et al., Phys. Lett. B 662 (2008) 1] in this direction.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, accepted by Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    AI-driven optimization of ethanol-powered internal combustion engines in alignment with multiple SDGs: A sustainable energy transition

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    With the escalating requirement for global sustainable energy solutions and the complexities linked with the complete transition to new technologies, internal combustion engines (ICEs) powered with biofuels like ethanol are gaining significance over time. However, problems linked to the performance and emissions of such ICEs necessitate accurate prediction and optimization. The study employed the integration of artificial neural networks (ANN) and multi-level historical design of response surface methodology (RSM) to address these challenges in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A single-cylinder spark ignition (SI) engine powered with ethanol-gasoline blends at different loads and speeds was used to gather data. Among six initially trained ANN models, the most efficient model with a regression coefficient (R2) of 0.9952 (training), 0.98579 (validation), 0.98847 (testing), and 0.99307 (overall) was employed to predict outputs such as brake power, brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), brake thermal energy (BTE), concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), and oxides of nitrogen NOx. Predicted outputs were optimized by incorporating RSM. On implementing optimized conditions, it was observed that BP and BTE increased by 19.9%, and 29.8%, respectively. Additionally, CO, and HC emissions experienced substantial reductions of 28.1%, and 40.6%, respectively. This research can help engine producers and researchers make refined decisions and achieve improved performance and emissions. The study directly supports SDG 7, SDG 9, SDG 12, SDG 13, and SGD 17, which call for achieving affordable, clean energy, sustainable industrialization, responsible consumption, and production, taking action on climate change, and partnership to advance the SDGs as a whole respectively

    Generalized Holographic Dark Energy Model

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    In this paper, the model of holographic Chaplygin gas has been extended to two general cases: first is the case of modified variable Chaplygin gas and secondly of the viscous generalized Chaplygin gas. The dynamics of the model are expressed by the use of scalar fields and the scalar potentials.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Simultaneous microbeam IBA and beam-induced luminescence analysis of strained doped silica fibre radiation dosimeters

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    We demonstrate that the simultaneous combination of ion beam analysis (IBA) and ion beam induced luminescence (IL) can reveal valuable information concerning the performance of strained doped silica fibre thermoluminescence microdosimeters. The micron scale spatial resolution and low detection limits of IBA allow the lateral distribution of dopant elements to be mapped and then correlated with the distribution of prompt radioluminescence. Measurement of the decay of the IL signal with dose provide information concerning the saturation of the subsequent TL signal at high doses. MeV ion beams can deposit relatively high energy in localized, well-quantified small volumes and so this method is valuable for studying high dose effects in TL dosimeters. We describe a simple modification of the target chamber microscope which enables sensitive low background light detection in two wavelength bands and present preliminary results from three types of germanium doped silica fibre dosimeter

    Knee joint impedance hybrid modeling and control of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)-cyclingfor paraplegic: free swinging trajectory

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    Functional electrical stimulation (FES) has been used to restore the function of paralyzed muscles due to spinal cord injury (SCI). FES induced movement control is a significantly challenging area due to complexity and non�linearity of musculoskeletal system. A crucial issue of FES is the control of motor function by the artificial activation of paralyzed muscles due to the various characteristics of the underlying physiological/biomechanical system. Muscle response characteristics are nonlinear and time-varying with fatigue issues. In this approach only the quadriceps muscle is stimulated to perform the trajectory motion. This paper presents the initial development of control strategies using FLC and GA in order to optimize the system by FES�cycling trajectory control via Analog Digital Converter,ADC