349 research outputs found

    Differences in both prevalence and titre of specific immunoglobulin E among children with asthma in affluent and poor communities within a large town in Ghana.

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    Background Reports from several African countries have noted an increasing prevalence of asthma in areas of extensive urbanization. Objective To investigate the relevance of allergen-specific sensitization and body mass index (BMI) to asthma/wheezing and exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB) among children from affluent and poorer communities within a large town in Ghana. Methods Children with physician-diagnosed asthma and/or current wheezing aged 9-16 years (n=99; cases) from three schools with differing socio-economic backgrounds [urban affluent (UA), urban poor (UP) or suburban/rural (SR)] were recruited from a cross-sectional study (n=1848) in Kumasi, Ghana, and matched according to age, sex and area of residence with non-asthmatic/non-wheezy controls. We assayed sera for IgE antibodies to mite, cat, dog, cockroach, Ascaris and galactose-α-1,3-galactose. Results Children from the UA school had the lowest total serum IgE. However, cases from the UA school had a higher prevalence and mean titre of sIgE to mite (71.4%, 21.2IU/mL) when compared with controls (14.3%, 0.8IU/mL) or cases from UP (30%, 0.8IU/mL) and SR community (47.8%, 1.6IU/mL). While similar findings were observed with EIB in the whole population, among cases there was no difference in IgE antibody prevalence or titre between children with or without EIB. BMI was higher among UA children with and without asthma; in UP and SR communities, children with EIB (n=14) had a significantly higher BMI compared with children with asthma/wheezing without EIB (n=38) (18.2 vs. 16.4, respectively, P<0.01). Conclusions and Clinical Relevance In the relatively affluent school, asthma/wheezing and EIB were associated with high titre IgE antibodies to mite, decreased total IgE, and increased BMI. This contrasted with children in the urban poor school and suggests that changes relevant to a Western model of childhood asthma can occur within a short geographical distance within a large city in Africa. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd


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    Information on breeding biology of birds is fundamental for the understanding of life history evolution and conservation. This information is only beginning to accumulate for Neotropical birds but the southern subtropics are still overlooked. Here we describe the breeding biology of passerines in subtropical Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We monitored 265 nests of 38 species during the 2012–2013 breeding season. Breeding began in September, but some species started as late as December. Average breeding season length was 64 days, but varied broadly across species. Average clutch sizes ranged from two to five eggs. The breeding season phenology, clutch sizes, and nesting periods were similar to other two communities at the same latitude in Argentina. Our data contribute to the debate that the combination of small clutch sizes and short breeding seasons seen in subtropical South America challenges the tropical-temperate paradigm of life-history theory

    Localisation of GPR30, a novel G protein-coupled oestrogen receptor, suggests multiple functions in rodent brain and peripheral tissues

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    Recently, the G protein-coupled receptor GPR30 has been identified as a novel oestrogen receptor (ER). The distribution of the receptor has been thus far mapped only in the rat central nervous system. This study was undertaken to map the distribution of GPR30 in the mouse brain and rodent peripheral tissues. Immunohistochemistry using an antibody against GPR30 revealed high levels of GPR30 immunoreactivity (ir) in the forebrain (e.g. cortex, hypothalamus and hippocampus), specific nuclei of the midbrain (e.g. the pontine nuclei and locus coeruleus) and the trigeminal nuclei and cerebellum Purkinje layer of the hindbrain in the adult mouse brain. In the rat and mouse periphery, GPR30-ir was detected in the anterior, intermediate and neural lobe of the pituitary, adrenal medulla, renal pelvis and ovary. In situ hybridisation histochemistry using GPR30 riboprobes, revealed intense hybridisation signal for GPR30 in the paraventricular nucleus and supraoptic nucleus (SON) of the hypothalamus, anterior and intermediate lobe of the pituitary, adrenal medulla, renal pelvis and ovary of both rat and mouse. Double immunofluorescence revealed GPR30 was present in both oxytocin and vasopressin neurones of the paraventricular nucleus and SON of the rat and mouse brain. The distribution of GPR30 is distinct from the other traditional ERs and offers an additional way in which oestrogen may mediate its effects in numerous brain regions and endocrine systems in the rodent

    Experimental food supplementation increases reproductive effort in the Variable Antshrike in subtropical Brazil

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    Food limitation may interact with nest predation and influence nesting patterns, such as breeding season length and renesting intervals. If so, reproductive effort should change with food availability. Thus, when food is limited, birds should have fewer attempts and shorter seasons than when food is not limiting. Here we experimentally test that increased food availability results in increased reproductive effort in a fragmented landscape in the Variable Antshrike (Thamnophilus caerulescens) in southern Brazil. We followed nesting pairs in a naturally fragmented habitat and experimentally supplemented food for half of those pairs. Birds were seen, but evidence of nesting was never found in two small fragments, even though these fragments were larger than individual territories. Pairs with supplemented food were more likely to increase clutch size from two to three eggs and tended to renest sooner (20 d on average) than control pairs. Also, fragment size was associated with breeding patterns, although fragment replicates were unavailable. Nest duration, nest success and breeding season length were all greater, while renesting intervals were shorter, in the largest fragments. Simulations showed that only the largest fragments were able to have a net production of young. Food availability clearly influenced reproductive effort and as a consequence, because of the interaction with predation risk, forest fragments of varying sizes will have complex reproductive dynamics

    Staphylococcus aureus infects osteoclasts and replicates intracellularly

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    Osteomyelitis (OM), or inflammation of bone tissue, occurs most frequently as a result of bacterial infection and severely perturbs bone structure. OM is predominantly caused b

    SUpporting wellbeing through PEeR-Befriending (SUPERB) feasibility trial: fidelity of peer-befriending for people with aphasia.

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    Objective To evaluate systematically the fidelity of a peer-befriending intervention for people with aphasia. Design SUpporting wellbeing through Peer-befriending (SUPERB) was a feasibility randomised controlled trial comparing usual care to usual care +peer-befriending. This paper reports on the fidelity of all intervention aspects (training and supervision of providers/befrienders; intervention visits) which was evaluated across all areas of the Behaviour Change Consortium framework. Setting Community. Participants People with aphasia early poststroke and low levels of distress, randomised to the intervention arm of the trial (n=28); 10 peer-befrienders at least 1-year poststroke. Intervention Peer-befrienders were trained (4–6 hours); and received regular supervision (monthly group while actively befriending, and one-to-one as and when needed) in order to provide six 1-hour peer-befriending visits over 3 months. Main measures Metrics included number and length of training, supervision sessions and visits. All training and supervision sessions and one (of six) visits per pair were rated against fidelity checklists and evaluated for inter-rater and intrarater reliability (Gwets AC1 agreement coefficient). Per-cent adherence to protocol was evaluated. Results All peer-befrienders received 4–6 hours training over 2–3 days as intended. There were 25 group supervision sessions with a median number attended of 14 (IQR=8–18). Twenty-six participants agreed (92.8%) to the intervention and 21 (80.8%) received all six visits (median visit length 60 min). Adherence was high for training (91.7%–100%) and supervision (83%–100%) and moderate-to-high for befriending visits (66.7%–100%). Where calculable, inter-rater and intrarater reliability was high for training and supervision (Gwets AC1 >0.90) and moderate-to-high for intervention visits (Gwets AC1 0.44–1.0). Conclusion Planning of fidelity processes at the outset of the trial and monitoring throughout was feasible and ensured good-to-high fidelity for this peer-befriending intervention. The results permit confidence in other findings from the SUPERB trial

    Disruption of Intraflagellar Transport in Adult Mice Leads to Obesity and Slow-Onset Cystic Kidney Disease

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    SummaryThe assembly of primary cilia is dependant on intraflagellar transport (IFT), which mediates the bidirectional movement of proteins between the base and tip of the cilium. In mice, congenic mutations disrupting genes required for IFT (e.g., Tg737 or the IFT kinesin Kif3a) are embryonic lethal, whereas kidney-specific disruption of IFT results in severe, rapidly progressing cystic pathology [1–3]. Although the function of primary cilia in most tissues is unknown, in the kidney they are mechanosenstive organelles that detect fluid flow through the tubule lumen [4]. The loss of this flow-induced signaling pathway is thought to be a major contributing factor to cyst formation [5–7]. Recent data also suggest that there is a connection between ciliary dysfunction and obesity as evidenced by the discovery that proteins associated with human obesity syndromes such as Alström and Bardet-Biedl localize to this organelle [8]. To more directly assess the importance of cilia in postnatal life, we utilized conditional alleles of two ciliogenic genes (Tg737 and Kif3a) to systemically induce cilia loss in adults. Surprisingly, the cystic kidney pathology in these mutants is dependent on the time at which cilia loss was induced, suggesting that cyst formation is not simply caused by impaired mechanosensation. In addition to the cystic pathology, the conditional cilia mutant mice become obese, are hyperphagic, and have elevated levels of serum insulin, glucose, and leptin. We further defined where in the body cilia are required for normal energy homeostasis by disrupting cilia on neurons throughout the central nervous system and on pro-opiomelanocortin-expressing cells in the hypothalamus, both of which resulted in obesity. These data establish that neuronal cilia function in a pathway regulating satiety responses

    Ascidians at the Pacific and Atlantic entrances to the Panama Canal

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    © The Author(s), 2011. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Aquatic Invasions 6 (2011): 371-380, doi:10.3391/ai.2011.6.4.02.The Panama Canal region is susceptible to non-native species introductions due to the heavy international shipping traffic through the area. Ascidian introductions are occurring worldwide but little is known about introductions at the Panama Canal. Surveys were conducted in 2002, 2008, and 2009 within the Pacific and Atlantic entrances to the canal. We found a high diversity of ascidians on both sides of the canal, dominated by non-native species; six species occurred at both Pacific and Atlantic Panama sites. This is the first report of Polyandrocarpa anguinea and P. sagamiensis in Atlantic Panama waters and Ascidia incrassata, Ascidia sydneiensis, Botrylloides nigrum, Botryllus planus, Didemnum perlucidum, Diplosoma listerianum, Microcosmus exasperatus, Polyandrocarpa zorritensis, Polyclinum constellatum, Symplegma brakenhielmi, Symplegma rubra, and Trididemnum orbiculatum in Pacific Panama waters. The canal may serve as a major invasion corridor for ascidians and should be monitored over time.Funding for this project came from WHOI Ocean Life Institute-Tropical Research Initiative to Carman and CNPq to Rocha

    Chlorhexidine hexametaphosphate as a wound care material coating: antimicrobial efficacy, toxicity and effect on healing.

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    AIM: In this study, chlorhexidine hexametaphosphate (CHX-HMP) is investigated as a persistent antimicrobial coating for wound care materials. MATERIALS & METHODS: CHX-HMP was used as a wound care material coating and compared with chlorhexidine digluconate materials with respect to antimicrobial efficacy, toxicity and wound closure. RESULTS: Antimicrobial efficacy at day 1, 3 and 7 was observed with experimental and commercial materials. CHX-HMP coated materials had less toxic effect on human placental cells than commercial chlorhexidine dressings. CHX-HMP in pluronic gel did not delay healing but reduced wound colonization by E. faecalis. CONCLUSION: CHX-HMP could become a useful component of wound care materials with sustained antimicrobial efficacy, lower toxicity than chlorhexidine digluconate materials, and reduction in wound colonization without affecting closure