24,963 research outputs found

    Noncontact temperature pattern measuring device

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    Laser pyrometer techniques are utilized to accurately image a true temperature distribution on a given target without touching the target and without knowing the localized emissivity of the target. The pyrometer utilizes a very high definition laser beam and photodetector, both having a very narrow focus. The pyrometer is mounted in a mechanism designed to permit the pyrometer to be aimed and focused at precise localized points on the target surface. The pyrometer is swept over the surface area to be imaged, temperature measurements being taken at each point of focus

    Sputtering yield measurements at glancing incidence using a quartz crystal microbalance

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    Low energy sputtering yields at grazing incidence have been investigated experimentally using a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) technique. This method involved precoating the QCM with a thin film of the desired target material and relating the resonance frequency shift directly to mass loss during ion bombardment. A highly focused, low divergence ion beam provided a well defined incidence angle. Focusing most of the ion current on the center of the target allowed for higher sensitivity by taking into account the radial mass sensitivity of the QCM. Measurements of Mo, Cu, and W sputtering yields were taken for low energy (80–1000 eV) Xe+ and Ar+ to validate this experimental method. The target films ranged from 3.5 to 8.0 µm in thickness and were deposited so that their crystal structure and density would match those of the bulk material as closely as possible. These properties were characterized using a combination of scanning electron microscope imagery, profilometry, and x-ray diffraction. At normal incidence, the sputtering yields demonstrated satisfactory agreement with previously published work. At angles of incidence up to 40° off normal, the data agreed well with predictions from existing theoretical models. Sputtering yields were found to increase by a factor of 1.6 over this range. The optimum angle for sputtering occurred at 55°, after which the yields rapidly decreased. Measurements were taken up to 80° from the surface normal

    A large scale prediction of bacteriocin gene blocks suggests a wide functional spectrum for bacteriocins

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    Bacteriocins are peptide-derived molecules produced by bacteria, whose recently-discovered functions include virulence factors and signalling molecules as well as their better known roles as antibiotics. To date, close to five hundred bacteriocins have been identified and classified. Recent discoveries have shown that bacteriocins are highly diverse and widely distributed among bacterial species. Given the heterogeneity of bacteriocin compounds, many tools struggle with identifying novel bacteriocins due to their vast sequence and structural diversity. Many bacteriocins undergo post-translational processing or modifications necessary for the biosynthesis of the final mature form. Enzymatic modification of bacteriocins as well as their export is achieved by proteins whose genes are often located in a discrete gene cluster proximal to the bacteriocin precursor gene, referred to as \textit{context genes} in this study. Although bacteriocins themselves are structurally diverse, context genes have been shown to be largely conserved across unrelated species. Using this knowledge, we set out to identify new candidates for context genes which may clarify how bacteriocins are synthesized, and identify new candidates for bacteriocins that bear no sequence similarity to known toxins. To achieve these goals, we have developed a software tool, Bacteriocin Operon and gene block Associator (BOA) that can identify homologous bacteriocin associated gene clusters and predict novel ones. We discover that several phyla have a strong preference for bactericon genes, suggesting distinct functions for this group of molecules. Availability: https://github.com/idoerg/BOAComment: Accepted for publication in BMC Bioinformatic


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    Predicted crop yields and wind erosion rates from a multi-year/multi-crop growth simulation model provided input into a multi-period recursive QP model to evaluate erosion implications during the transition to dryland crop production on the Texas Southern High Plains. Three farm-program participation options were considered in this study. Participation in an extension of the current farm program resulted in an increase in net returns and wind erosion rates above nonparticipation. Imposition of a soil loss limit without consideration of a flexible base option can significantly reduce discounted present values. Increasing risk aversion across producers affects crop mix selection which can result in lower per acre wind erosion rates for this particular region.Crop Production/Industries,

    Sunday Friends: The Working Alternative to Charity

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    Sunday Friends is a non-profit organization in San José, California, that provides multiple activities for families who are in need of financial support. Given the particular location of the program, most families are Latino and bilingual. Participants and program volunteers form a community at an elementary school on a couple of scheduled Sundays each month. When family members participate in activities designed to educate, improve skills, and to give back to the larger community, they earn tickets that they can redeem for items that they need and want from the Sunday Friends store. Activities include healthy cooking projects, “Thank You Letter” writing, English-as-a-Second-Language programs, crafts, and education in nutrition and financial literacy. The program’s central focus is to empower families to break out of poverty. A specific guiding principal is the developmental assets approach promoted by the Search Institute in Minneapolis (http://www.search-institute.org/). This approach encourages individuals and organizations to work together toward a common goal of supporting the healthy development of all children and youth. Healthy development is conceptualized as consisting of the development of external assets (i.e., support, empowerment, boundaries and expectations, constructive activities) and internal assets (i.e., commitment to learning, positive values, social competencies, and positive identity). The 2009 evaluation’s primary focus was on whether Sunday Friends was succeeding at fostering developmental assets for children. Other relevant indicators of success were perceptions of program effectiveness, regard for program activities, and nutrition and healthy eating habits. Data were gathered from family members (adults and minors) during program activities using written surveys administered by volunteers to the research team (most of whom were bilingual). The families were recruited in person by program staff onsite. The questionnaires were written in English and Spanish (with the choice made by respondents). Sunday Friends volunteers were recruited to the study via email by Sunday Friends staff. They completed questionnaires through an online survey platform. In all, 74 parents or guardians, 67 children or youth, and 45 volunteers participated in the data collection. Across the three sets of surveys (parents or guardians, children or youth, and volunteers), there are fairly consistent results. The families and volunteers in the Sunday Friends program believe that Sunday Friends is effectively engaging them and meeting its goals. Overall, children and youth report positive experiences at Sunday Friends. On every dimension of psychological well-being, connectedness with others, and self-efficacy, the answers provided by children and youth indicate that Sunday Friends is promoting developmental assets. In addition, parents and guardians report that Sunday Friends has positive influences on their lives. The majority of measures, whether questions about self-efficacy, the effect of Sunday Friends on their children, or improved nutrition for their family, indicate that Sunday Friends is meeting its goals. Finally, volunteers agree that the program makes an important contribution to the lives of both children and adults. They also feel that Sunday Friends enhances their awareness of the community and contributes to making their personal lives more meaningful. The survey results presented here should be interpreted with caution because all persons surveyed were continuing participants in the program, and the cross-sectional data could not detect changes over time. Despite this caution, each group’s data and triangulation across family and volunteer surveys reveal that milestones are accomplished at Sunday Friends. It is safe to conclude that Sunday Friends’ community-based approach to empowering parents and youths is achieving its goals

    Cyber Security in Cyber Space

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    For almost twenty years, the Internet has been a driving force in global communication and an integral part of people\u27s everyday lives. As a result of technical developments and declining prices, over 3 billion people worldwide now utilize the Internet. The Internet has created a global infrastructure, and it is worth billions of dollars annually to the global economy (Judge et al.). Today\u27s economic, commercial, cultural, social, and governmental activities and exchanges occur in Cyberspace, involving individuals, enterprises, non-profit organizations, and government and governmental agencies (Aghajani and Ghadimi 220). Cyberspace is the birthplace of much of the world\u27s most essential and sensitive data, produced by transferring vital and sensitive information to it and developing fundamental and sensitive infrastructures and systems. (Akhavan-Hejazi and Mohsenian-Rad ). Also, most citizens spend time and energy interacting in this arena, which has become the focal point of media migration and financial transactions (Siniosoglou et al.) Most of a country\u27s material and spiritual resources are invested in Cyberspace, and most of an individual\u27s material and spiritual resources are either gained from or have a substantial influence on it (Amir and Givargis). That is to say, many facets of individuals\u27 lives depend on this area, and its instability, insecurity, and difficulties have an impact beyond its borders (Li et al.). For example, figure 1 shows the projected cost of cybercrimes worldwide as the negative impact of insecure Cyberspace. Nonetheless, governments face new security threats in the digital realm. Due to the low barrier to entrance, anonymity, the ambiguity of the unstable geographical region, the dramatic impact, and the lack of public transparency in Cyberspace, there are powerful and weak actors in Cyberspace, including governments, organized and terrorist organizations, and even individuals (Li and Qinghui). It distinguishes cyber risks from conventional national security concerns, which tend to be more obfuscated and whose actors can typically be traced back to certain governments and states in a specific region (Sarker). Analysts have speculated on the effects of cyber assaults for over a decade (Shin et al.). A virus\u27s purpose may be described as an attack on the financial papers of an economic system or a disruption of a country\u27s stock market. It is also possible for severe and potentially widespread physical or economic harm to arise from delivering an inaccurate message that causes a country\u27s power plant to halt and fail or interrupt the air traffic control system, which adds to air mishaps (Li and Qinghui)

    Oxidation processes in magneto-optic and related materials

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    The surface oxidation processes of thin films of magneto-optic materials, such as the rare-earth transition metal alloys have been studied, starting in ultrahigh vacuum environments, using surface analysis techniques, as a way of modeling the oxidation processes which occur at the base of a defect in an overcoated material, at the instant of exposure to ambient environments. Materials examined have included FeTbCo alloys, as well as those same materials with low percentages of added elements, such a Ta, and their reactivities to both O2 and H2O compared with materials such as thin Fe films coated with ultrathin adlayers of Ti. The surface oxidation pathways for these materials is reviewed, and XPS data presented which indicates the type of oxides formed, and a critical region of Ta concentration which provides optimum protection
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