10 research outputs found

    Gut microbial communities and pathogens infection in New Zealand bumble bees (Bombus terrestris, Linnaeus, 1758)

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    The gut microbiome is an important component of bee health. Previous research around the globe indicated that bee gut microbiome can be affected by the presence of pathogens. We surveyed for the presence of three specific pathogens in populations of the buff-tailed bumble bee, Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758), across New Zealand. The pathogen Crithidia bombi was the most prevalent and widespread pathogen across the studied sites, with prevalence ranging from 30 to 100% of the bees examined. Nosema bombi was, however, only found in North Island sites. The Deformed wing virus was detected in bumble bees at all the sites except one (Twizel in the South Island) with prevalence ranging from 0 to 60%. The B. terrestris gut microbiome and the associated pathogens from two contrasting locations were studied. Bacteria such as Snodgrassella alvi and Lactobacillales were observed. We also found that infections with C. bombi were associated with more diverse, distinct gut microbiome perhaps indicating disruptions of gut microbe communities that contribute to impair bumble bees’ health

    Gene silencing for invasive paper wasp management: Synthesized dsRNA can modify gene expression but did not affect mortality

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    Invasive paper wasps such as Polistes dominula are a major pest and problem for biodiversity around the globe. Safe and highly targeted methods for the control of these and other social wasp populations are needed. We attempted to identify potentially-lethal gene targets that could be used on adult paper wasps in a gene silencing or RNA interference (RNAi) approach. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) was designed to target genes for which silencing has proven lethal in other insects. dsRNA was provided either orally to foragers or directly injected into the wasps. We also provided the dsRNA unprotected or protected from degradation by gut nucleases in two different forms (lipofectamine and carbon quantum dots). The effects of oral delivery of 22 different gene targets to forager wasps was evaluated. The expression of five different genes was successfully reduced following dsRNA ingestion or injection. These gene targets included the FACT complex subunit spt16 (DRE4) and RNA-binding protein fusilli (FUSILLI), both of which have been previously shown to have potential as lethal targets for pest control in other insects. However, we found no evidence of significant increases in adult wasp mortality following ingestion or injection of dsRNA for these genes when compared with control treatments in our experiments. The methods we used to protect the dsRNA from digestive degradation altered gene expression but similarly did not influence wasp mortality. Our results indicate that while many of the same gene targets can be silenced and induce mortality in other insects, dsRNA and RNAi approaches may not be useful for paper wasp control

    Pathogen shifts in a honeybee predator following the arrival of the Varroa mite

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    Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) are a global threat to honeybees, and spillover from managed bees threaten wider insect populations. Deformed wing virus (DWV), a widespread virus that has become emergent in conjunction with the spread of the mite Varroa destructor, is thought to be partly responsible for global colony losses. The arrival of Varroa in honeybee populations causes a dramatic loss of viral genotypic diversity, favouring a few virulent strains. Here, we investigate DWV spillover in an invasive Hawaiian population of the wasp, Vespula pensylvanica, a honeybee predator and honey-raider. We show that Vespula underwent a parallel loss in DWV variant diversity upon the arrival of Varroa, despite the mite being a honeybee specialist. The observed shift in Vespula DWV and the variant-sharing between Vespula and Apis suggest that these wasps can acquire DWV directly or indirectly from honeybees. Apis prey items collected from Vespula foragers were positive for DWV, indicating predation is a possible route of transmission. We also sought cascading effects of DWV shifts in a broader Vespula pathogen community. We identified concurrent changes in a suite of additional pathogens, as well as shifts in the associations between these pathogens in Vespula. These findings reveal how hidden effects of the Varroa mite can, via spillover, transform the composition of pathogens in interacting species, with potential knock-on effects for entire pathogen communities

    Different bacterial and viral pathogens trigger distinct immune responses in a globally invasive ant

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    Invasive species populations periodically collapse from high to low abundance, sometimes even to extinction. Pathogens and the burden they place on invader immune systems have been hypothesised as a mechanism for these collapses. We examined the association of the bacterial pathogen (Pseudomonas spp.) and the viral community with immune gene expression in the globally invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile (Mayr)). RNA-seq analysis found evidence for 17 different viruses in Argentine ants from New Zealand, including three bacteriophages with one (Pseudomonas phage PS-1) likely to be attacking the bacterial host. Pathogen loads and prevalence varied immensely. Transcriptomic data showed that immune gene expression was consistent with respect to the viral classification of negative-sense, positive-sense and double-stranded RNA viruses. Genes that were the most strongly associated with the positive-sense RNA viruses such as the Linepithema humile virus 1 (LHUV-1) and the Deformed wing virus (DWV) were peptide recognition proteins assigned to the Toll and Imd pathways. We then used principal components analysis and regression modelling to determine how RT-qPCR derived immune gene expression levels were associated with viral and bacterial loads. Argentine ants mounted a substantial immune response to both Pseudomonas and LHUV-1 infections, involving almost all immune pathways. Other viruses including DWV and the Kashmir bee virus appeared to have much less immunological influence. Different pathogens were associated with varying immunological responses, which we hypothesize to interact with and influence the invasion dynamics of this species

    The native and exotic prey community of two invasive paper wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in New Zealand as determined by DNA barcoding

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    Social wasps are invasive in many regions around the world. In their new communities, introduced predators such as these wasps may be beneficial as consumers of exotic pests, but they will also consume native species. Here, we examined the diet of the exotic European paper wasp (Polistes dominula) and the closely related congener, Polistes chinensis, in a region of New Zealand where they co-occur. DNA barcoding was used to analyse their diet. The diet of both wasp species was largely Lepidopteran but other orders such as Hemiptera, Diptera and Coleoptera were also represented. Our analysis showed substantial site-to-site variation in diet. The two wasps differed significantly in their prey, although these differences appear to be driven by taxa identified from a small number of DNA reads in a small number of samples. Native and introduced fauna were represented in the diets of both wasps and included important agricultural pests. Of the 92 prey taxa able to be identified to species level, 81 were identified as exotic or introduced to New Zealand. The remaining 11 were species native to New Zealand. However, our estimates suggest over 50% of the prey DNA in the wasp diet is derived from native species. These wasps are abundant in some coastal and urban habitats, where they are likely to consume pest species as well as native species of conservation importance. The ecosystem services or costs and benefits provided by these invasive species are likely to be contingent on the prey communities and habitats they occupy

    The potential for a CRISPR gene drive to eradicate or suppress globally invasive social wasps

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    CRISPR gene drives have potential for widespread and cost-efficient pest control, but are highly controversial. We examined a potential gene drive targeting spermatogenesis to control the invasive common wasp (Vespula vulgaris) in New Zealand. Vespula wasps are haplodiploid. Their life cycle makes gene drive production challenging, as nests are initiated by single fertilized queens in spring followed by several cohorts of sterile female workers and the production of reproductives in autumn. We show that different spermatogenesis genes have different levels of variation between introduced and native ranges, enabling a potential ‘precision drive’ that could target the reduced genetic diversity and genotypes within the invaded range. In vitro testing showed guide-RNA target specificity and efficacy that was dependent on the gene target within Vespula, but no cross-reactivity in other Hymenoptera. Mathematical modelling incorporating the genetic and life history traits of Vespula wasps identified characteristics for a male sterility drive to achieve population control. There was a trade-off between drive infiltration and impact: a drive causing complete male sterility would not spread, while partial sterility could be effective in limiting population size if the homing rate is high. Our results indicate that gene drives may offer viable suppression for wasps and other haplodiploid pests

    Fitness and microbial networks of the common wasp, Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), in its native and introduced ranges

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    1. Variation in microbial communities between populations is increasingly hypothesised to affect animal fitness and performance, including for invasive species. Pathogenic species may be lost during the introduction process, enhancing invader fitness and abundance. 2. This study assessed fitness, immune gene expression, and microbial network complexity of invasive common wasps, Vespula vulgaris. Microbial networks were assayed using 16S and 18S sequencing and gene expression arrays in the native (Belgium) and introduced range (New Zealand). The immune gene expression of the wasp Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam) gene homologue was examined. Dscam expression can be induced by viruses, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and parasites. 3. Individual nest fitness was higher in the native range of Belgium than in the introduced New Zealand range. Microbial communities of wasps in the introduced range were more diverse with more complex networks, although some microorganisms were range-specific. Microbial networks in the introduced range showed higher clustering coefficients, number of connected paths, network centralisation, number of neighbours and network density. 4. Larvae, workers, virgin and foundress queens had higher expression of Dscam in the New Zealand samples. These immune gene expression patterns were associated with higher pathogen pressure and lower relative fitness. 5. Epidemiological theory predicts that a high density of pathogen and microbial hosts should result in a high rate of disease infection, prevalence, and highly connected microbial networks. The results of this study support these predictions. Wasps displayed lower relative fitness and more highly connected microbial networks in New Zealand than in Belgium

    A diverse viral community from predatory wasps in their native and invaded range, with a new virus infectious to honey bees

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    Wasps of the genus Vespula are social insects that have become major pests and predators in their introduced range. Viruses present in these wasps have been studied in the context of spillover from honey bees, yet we lack an understanding of the endogenous virome of wasps as potential reservoirs of novel emerging infectious diseases. We describe the characterization of 68 novel and nine previously identified virus sequences found in transcriptomes of Vespula vulgaris in colonies sampled from their native range (Belgium) and an invasive range (New Zealand). Many viruses present in the samples were from the Picorna-like virus family (38%). We identified one Luteo-like virus, Vespula vulgaris Luteo-like virus 1, present in the three life stages examined in all colonies from both locations, suggesting this virus is a highly prevalent and persistent infection in wasp colonies. Additionally, we identified a novel Iflavirus with similarity to a recently identified Moku virus, a known wasp and honey bee pathogen. Experimental infection of honey bees with this novel Vespula vulgaris Moku-like virus resulted in an active infection. The high viral diversity present in these invasive wasps is a likely indication that their polyphagous diet is a rich source of viral infections

    Viral and fungal pathogens associated with Pneumolaelaps niutirani (Acari: Laelapidae): a mite found in diseased nests of Vespula wasps

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    © 2019, International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI). Introduced social wasps (Vespula spp.) are a pest in many parts of the world. Recently, a mite species (Pneumolaelaps niutirani) was described and associated with disease symptoms in wasps. The mite does not appear to directly parasitise the wasps, but has been observed in high abundance, feeding on exudates from the mouths of larvae. We investigated the viral and fungal pathogens community in these mites and wasps. We found known viruses including Moku virus in both wasps and mites. Moku virus replicated in mites, likely indicating parasitism. Deformed wing virus, commonly found in wasps, was also detected in mite samples. Furthermore, the presence of putative viral transcripts related to 38 distinct viruses, including seven viruses previously isolated from arthropods, indicated that there may be many more viruses associated with the mite that are potentially shared with Vespula wasps. We also found generalist entomopathogenic fungus Aspergillus to infect both mites and wasps. Twelve distinct Aspergillus species were observed, all of which were found in wasp larvae from nests displaying symptoms of disease, with only one species in larvae from apparently healthy nests. Aspergillus novofumigatus was the most common of these species observed in wasps. Six Aspergillus species, including A. novofumigatus were detected in mites. Aspergillus loads were significantly higher in larvae from diseased nests. Our exploratory study indicates that mites can harbour both viruses and fungi that infect wasps, providing avenues of research into biological control using mites as infection vectors

    Viral communities in the parasite Varroa destructor and in colonies of their honey bee host (Apis mellifera) in New Zealand

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    AbstractThe parasitic mite Varroa destructor is a leading cause of mortality for Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies around the globe. We sought to confirm the presence and likely introduction of only one V. destructor haplotype in New Zealand, and describe the viral community within both V. destructor mites and the bees that they parasitise. A 1232 bp fragment from mitochondrial gene regions suggests the likely introduction of only one V. destructor haplotype to New Zealand. Seventeen viruses were found in bees. The most prevalent and abundant was the Deformed wing virus A (DWV-A) strain, which explained 95.0% of the variation in the viral community of bees. Black queen cell virus, Sacbrood virus, and Varroa destructor virus 2 (VDV-2) played secondary roles. DWV-B and the Israeli acute paralysis virus appeared absent from New Zealand. Ten viruses were observed in V. destructor, with > 99.9% of viral reads from DWV-A and VDV-2. Substantially more variation in viral loads was observed in bees compared to mites. Where high levels of VDV-2 occurred in mites, reduced DWV-A occurred in both the mites and the bees co-occurring within the same hive. Where there were high loads of DWV-A in mites, there were typically high viral loads in bees