5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Calvatia Craniformis Mushroom Activity in Treatment of Ringworm Disease Ion Cattle

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    In order to determine and treatment of the dermatophytosis , that infections in cattle, skin scraping samples were collected from thirty cattle which showed clinical  signs of skin diseases from some farms in different areas in Diyala  governorate. The isolation results in cattle samples showed that (90%) were positive for fungal isolation. The main fungal species that isolated included Trichophyton verrucosum. Three different concentration of Calvatia craniformis mushroom ointment are prepared to obtain (0.25%,0.50% and 1%) of the mushroom ointment respectively and then applied topically to lesion  once daily.Sixty infected cattles in different age and sex were involved in our study  and divided into two  groups ; the first is treatment group and, the second is the control group. The treatment group includes thirty patients  were treated by one of the three concentrations ( Ten patients 0.25% , Ten patients 0.50%, Ten patients 1% concentrations). The control group included thirty patients was treated by 1% sulpher ointment . The 1% mushroom ointment significantly reduce  clearance time  (P<0.05) in comparison with the control group , while other concentration produce non significant changes in clearance time , therefore this substance in all preparations is effective in the treatment of ringworm  . Keywords: ringworm, dermatophytosis, Calvatia craniformi

    Immunomodulatory, Apoptosis Induction and Antitumor Activities of Aqueous and Methanolic Extract of Calvatia Craniiformis in Mice Transfected with Murine Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the Immunomodulatory, apoptosis induction and antitumor effects of aqueous and methanolic extracts of Calvatia craniiformis regarding the size of tumour mass, caspase-8 expression and apoptotic index (AI%) in mice transfected with murine hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (H22) as an experimental therapeutic system for human hepatocellular carcinoma.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty-eight Balb/C albino mice were transfected in legs with H22 cells. Tumour size was measured twice a week. Caspase-8 protein expression and apoptotic index determination evaluated by Immunohistochemistry.RESULTS: Tumor size significantly differed between the two groups of mice transfected with H22 cells; the first was treated with C. craniiformis aqueous extract (0.3, 0.6, 1.2) mg/kg and the second group was treated with C. craniiformis methanolic extract (0.25, 0.5, 1.0) mg/kg compared with control group. The inhibitory activity of aqueous and methanolic extracts was dose and duration dependent. The size of the tumour mass was reduced up to 87.9% when treated with 1.2 mg/kg aqueous extract and 1 mg/kg for methanolic extract. Caspase-8 expression was increased in a dose-dependent manner among H22 bearing mice treated with C. craniiformis aqueous extract (0.3, 0.6, 1.2) mg/kg. At 0.3 mg/kg, the intensity of expression was strong in (33.33%) and very strong in (66.67%). While at 0.6 mg/kg and 1.2 mg/kg the intensity of expression was strong in (33.33%) and very strong in (100%) with a significant difference (P ≤ 0.001). H22 bearing mice treated with (0.25, 0.5, 1.0) mg/kg C. craniiformis methanolic extract shows increased caspase-8 expression in a dose-dependent manner. At 0.25 mg/kg, the intensity of expression was strong in (33.33%) and very strong in (66.67%). While at 0.5 mg/kg, the intensity of expression was strong in (33.33%) and very strong in (100%). At 1.0 mg/kg, the intensity of expression was strong in (16.67%) and very strong in (83.33%) with significant difference (P ≤ 0.001). AI% of H22 bearing mice treated with C. craniiformis aqueous and methanolic extracts were significantly increased (P ≤ 0.05) compared with the untreated control group. No significant difference was reported in AI% between aqueous and methanolic extracts treated groups.CONCLUSIONS: Extracts of C. craniiformis were highly efficient in tumour growth inhibition, causing a reduction in the tumour size clinically and increase the expression of caspase-8 gene product in tumour tissue, causing increase apoptotic index of H22 cells taken from the legs of inoculated mice leading to loss of legs due to bone necrosis. Antitumor activity of C. craniiformis aqueous, and the methanolic extract was dose and duration dependent

    Treatment of Tinea Corporis by 0.50% Topical Ointment Prepared from Calvatia Craniformis Mushroom

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    Background: Tinea Corporis or Ringworm is a fungal disease caused by Trichophyton  rubrum,T.mentagrophytes , Microsporum  canis andT.tonsurans.It is transmitted by direct contact with infected animals and humans or by indirect contact through fomites. The Aim of Study: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of  0.50% ointment prepared from Calvatia craniformis mushroom in treatment of Tinea Corporis in human. The Patients and Methods : The study is done in dermatology clinic in Baquba city. Three different concentration of Calvatia craniformis mushroom ointment are prepared by mixing three different weights of mushroom powder (0.3 ,0.4 and 0.5gm) with vaseline and completed up to 100 gm for each concentration to obtain  (0.3%,0.4% and 0.5%) of the mushroom ointment respectively and then applied topically to lesion  twice daily. Sixty  patients were involved in our study  and divided into two  groups, the treatment group includes thirty patients which is divided into three subgroups, each  subgroup  include ten patients they were treated by one of the three concentrations ( Ten patients 0.3% , Ten patients 0.4%, Ten patients 0.5% concentrations). The control group included thirty patients was treated by 1% clotrimazol cream. Results and Conclusion: 0.5% mushroom ointment significantly reduce  clearance time  (P<0.05)in comparison with the control group , while other concentration produce non significant changes in clearance time , therefore this substance is effective in the treatment of tinea corporis  with less time,  more patient compliance compared with the control group

    The Saudi Critical Care Society practice guidelines on the management of COVID-19 in the ICU: Therapy section

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    BACKGROUND: The rapid increase in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases during the subsequent waves in Saudi Arabia and other countries prompted the Saudi Critical Care Society (SCCS) to put together a panel of experts to issue evidence-based recommendations for the management of COVID-19 in the intensive care unit (ICU). METHODS: The SCCS COVID-19 panel included 51 experts with expertise in critical care, respirology, infectious disease, epidemiology, emergency medicine, clinical pharmacy, nursing, respiratory therapy, methodology, and health policy. All members completed an electronic conflict of interest disclosure form. The panel addressed 9 questions that are related to the therapy of COVID-19 in the ICU. We identified relevant systematic reviews and clinical trials, then used the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach as well as the evidence-to-decision framework (EtD) to assess the quality of evidence and generate recommendations. RESULTS: The SCCS COVID-19 panel issued 12 recommendations on pharmacotherapeutic interventions (immunomodulators, antiviral agents, and anticoagulants) for severe and critical COVID-19, of which 3 were strong recommendations and 9 were weak recommendations. CONCLUSION: The SCCS COVID-19 panel used the GRADE approach to formulate recommendations on therapy for COVID-19 in the ICU. The EtD framework allows adaptation of these recommendations in different contexts. The SCCS guideline committee will update recommendations as new evidence becomes available