47 research outputs found

    Optimizing parameters and algorithms of multivariate pattern classification for hypothesis testing in high-density EEG

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    Multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) has come into widespread use for analysis of neuroimaging data in recent years and is gaining further momentum. Given the task of detecting a generalizable pattern in neural activity, MVPA allows to detect fine multidimensional spatiotemporal contrasts between two or more conditions and is thus able to take the full advantage of multivariate information encoded in the data. In particular, MVPA based approaches lend themselves very well to the analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) data because, unlike the widely-used averaging methods, they consider the signal in its entirety and are thus less susceptible to the confounding effects of single points with abnormal amplitudes. However, using MVPA for hypothesis testing purposes in high-density EEG data has remained a challenging issue. Although MVPA is getting more and more mainstream to detect information in neural activity, its behavior is not well understood, yet. EEG data are high dimensional, yet sample size is usually low in comparison. Moreover, due to the low signal-to-noise ratio, the effect size is small and differences between classes are hard to detect. In such cases, MVPA behaves unexpectedly which makes the overall accuracy of the classifier difficult to interpret. In addition, because MVPA is sensitive to any kind of structure in the data, confounding factors or additional variance within data can bias accuracy. Such complexities warrant extra caution when interpreting classification results, thereby requiring further investigation and guidelines. On the other hand, MVPA literature is mainly dominated by methods suited for fMRI data and most of the dedicated EEG methodology is developed for brain computer interfaces (BCI) or single trial analysis of event-related potentials. Specifically, decoding continuous EEG increasingly suffers from the curse of dimensionality because of the lack of clear prior knowledge on which frequency bands and time points carry relevant information, or an onset where the effect of stimulation can be expected. In this thesis, we addressed the aforementioned challenges involved in using MVPA for decoding EEG data. Chapter 2 describes the statistical properties of MVPA in realistic neuroimaging data and provides important guidelines to interpret classification results. We show that the probability distribution of classification accuracies does not follow any known parametric distribution and can be strongly biased and skewed. We describe unexpected properties of the distribution of classification rates which forbid their use as estimates of the size of experimental effects. Importantly, we scrutinize the finding of below chance level classification rates, which often occur in low sample size, low effect size data and their implications on the shape of classification rates distribution. Next, in chapter 3, we investigate neuroimaging data that, next to a main effect of class, additionally contains a nested subclass structure. We show that in these data sets, correct classification ratios are systematically biased from chance even in absence of class effect. We propose a nonparametric permutation algorithm which can detect the subclass bias and account for its effect by adjusting permutation tests to consider the subclass structure of the data, using subclass-level randomization. Finally, in chapter 4, we used MVPA to decode continuous high-density EEG across subjects. We developed a classification framework along with a specific preprocessing procedure that is optimized for three purposes: 1) to increase signal-to-noise ratio, 2) to reduce the dimensionality of the data, and 3) to adapt the signal better to between-subject classification. Our algorithm uses a two-step classification procedure based on ensemble of linear support vector machines (SVM) which learns the spatial and temporal components of neural activity separately and then aggregates the two components of information to build a classification hyperplane using another linear SVM. We then use this method to see whether human sleep EEG contains any information about what has been learned before sleep

    Too Much Flexibility in a Dynamical Model of Repetitive Negative Thinking?

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    Iftach and Bernstein propose a dynamical system model of task-unrelated thought that is designed to explain how repetitive negative thinking (RNT) and maladaptive internally-directed cognition more generally arises from attentional biases, working memory, and negative affect. They show that specifically during a period of low task demands, it is easier for negative affect to grab resources and take over with RNT. They also postulate that for individuals with high cognitive reactivity, this tendency for RNT to take over is increased. We argue this paper is an important move forward toward understanding in what circumstances RNT takes over, but also that the model is not yet sufficiently “formalized.” Specifically, we notice excessive levels of flexibility and redundancy that could undermine the explainability of the model. Moreover, the likelihood of negative thinking, as implemented in the proposed model, relies heavily on working memory capacity. In response to this observation, we give suggestions for how the parametrization of this model could be done in a more principled manner. We think such an analysis paves the way for more principled computational modeling of RNT which can be applied to describing empirical data and eventually, to inform decision-making in clinical settings.</p

    AAHES: A hybrid expert system realization of Adaptive Autonomy for smart grid

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    Abstract--Smart grid expectations objectify the need for optimizing power distribution systems greater than ever. Distribution Automation (DA) is an integral part of the SG solution; however, disregarding human factors in the DA systems can make it more problematic than beneficial. As a consequence, Human-Automation Interaction (HAI) theories can be employed to optimize the DA systems in a human-centered manner. Earlier we introduced a novel framework for the realization of Adaptive Autonomy (AA) concept in the power distribution network using expert systems. This research presents a hybrid expert system for the realization of AA, using both Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Logistic Regression (LR) models, referred to as AAHES, respectively. AAHES uses neural networks and logistic regression as an expert system inference engine. This system fuses LR and ANN models' outputs which will results in a progress, comparing to both individual models. The practical list of environmental conditions and superior experts' judgments are used as the expert systems database. Since training samples will affect the expert systems performance, the AAHES is implemented using six different training sets. Finally, the results are interpreted in order to find the best training set. As revealed by the results, the presented AAHES can effectively determine the proper level of automation for changing the performance shaping factors of the HAI systems in the smart grid environment

    Cyber security for smart grid: a human-automation interaction framework

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    Abstract-- Power grid cyber security is turning into a vital concern, while we are moving from the traditional power grid toward modern Smart Grid (SG). To achieve the smart grid objectives, development of Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and computer based automation is necessary. This development makes the smart grid more prone to the cyber attacks. This paper presents a cyber security strategy for the smart grid based on Human Automation Interaction (HAI) theory and especially Adaptive Autonomy (AA) concept. We scheme an adaptive Level of Automation (LOA) for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. This level of automation will be adapted to some environmental conditions which are presented in this paper. The paper presents a brief background, methodology (methodology design), implementation and discussions. Index Terms—smart grid, human automation interaction, adaptive autonomy, cyber security, performance shaping facto

    EEG-Microstates Reflect Auditory Distraction After Attentive Audiovisual Perception Recruitment of Cognitive Control Networks

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    Processing of sensory information is embedded into ongoing neural processes which contribute to brain states. Electroencephalographic microstates are semi-stable short-lived power distributions which have been associated with subsystem activity such as auditory, visual and attention networks. Here we explore changes in electrical brain states in response to an audiovisual perception and memorization task under conditions of auditory distraction. We discovered changes in brain microstates reflecting a weakening of states representing activity of the auditory system and strengthening of salience networks, supporting the idea that salience networks are active after audiovisual encoding and during memorization to protect memories and concentrate on upcoming behavioural response

    The neural signature of psychomotor disturbance in depression.

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    Up to 70% of patients with major depressive disorder present with psychomotor disturbance (PmD), but at the present time understanding of its pathophysiology is limited. In this study, we capitalized on a large sample of patients to examine the neural correlates of PmD in depression. This study included 820 healthy participants and 699 patients with remitted (n = 402) or current (n = 297) depression. Patients were further categorized as having psychomotor retardation, agitation, or no PmD. We compared resting-state functional connectivity (ROI-to-ROI) between nodes of the cerebral motor network between the groups, including primary motor cortex, supplementary motor area, sensory cortex, superior parietal lobe, caudate, putamen, pallidum, thalamus, and cerebellum. Additionally, we examined network topology of the motor network using graph theory. Among the currently depressed 55% had PmD (15% agitation, 29% retardation, and 11% concurrent agitation and retardation), while 16% of the remitted patients had PmD (8% retardation and 8% agitation). When compared with controls, currently depressed patients with PmD showed higher thalamo-cortical and pallido-cortical connectivity, but no network topology alterations. Currently depressed patients with retardation only had higher thalamo-cortical connectivity, while those with agitation had predominant higher pallido-cortical connectivity. Currently depressed patients without PmD showed higher thalamo-cortical, pallido-cortical, and cortico-cortical connectivity, as well as altered network topology compared to healthy controls. Remitted patients with PmD showed no differences in single connections but altered network topology, while remitted patients without PmD did not differ from healthy controls in any measure. We found evidence for compensatory increased cortico-cortical resting-state functional connectivity that may prevent psychomotor disturbance in current depression, but may perturb network topology. Agitation and retardation show specific connectivity signatures. Motor network topology is slightly altered in remitted patients arguing for persistent changes in depression. These alterations in functional connectivity may be addressed with non-invasive brain stimulation

    Principal component analysis as an efficient method for capturing multivariate brain signatures of complex disorders—ENIGMA study in people with bipolar disorders and obesity

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    Multivariate techniques better fit the anatomy of complex neuropsychiatric disorders which are characterized not by alterations in a single region, but rather by variations across distributed brain networks. Here, we used principal component analysis (PCA) to identify patterns of covariance across brain regions and relate them to clinical and demographic variables in a large generalizable dataset of individuals with bipolar disorders and controls. We then compared performance of PCA and clustering on identical sample to identify which methodology was better in capturing links between brain and clinical measures. Using data from the ENIGMA-BD working group, we investigated T1-weighted structural MRI data from 2436 participants with BD and healthy controls, and applied PCA to cortical thickness and surface area measures. We then studied the association of principal components with clinical and demographic variables using mixed regression models. We compared the PCA model with our prior clustering analyses of the same data and also tested it in a replication sample of 327 participants with BD or schizophrenia and healthy controls. The first principal component, which indexed a greater cortical thickness across all 68 cortical regions, was negatively associated with BD, BMI, antipsychotic medications, and age and was positively associated with Li treatment. PCA demonstrated superior goodness of fit to clustering when predicting diagnosis and BMI. Moreover, applying the PCA model to the replication sample yielded significant differences in cortical thickness between healthy controls and individuals with BD or schizophrenia. Cortical thickness in the same widespread regional network as determined by PCA was negatively associated with different clinical and demographic variables, including diagnosis, age, BMI, and treatment with antipsychotic medications or lithium. PCA outperformed clustering and provided an easy-to-use and interpret method to study multivariate associations between brain structure and system-level variables. Practitioner Points: In this study of 2770 Individuals, we confirmed that cortical thickness in widespread regional networks as determined by principal component analysis (PCA) was negatively associated with relevant clinical and demographic variables, including diagnosis, age, BMI, and treatment with antipsychotic medications or lithium. Significant associations of many different system-level variables with the same brain network suggest a lack of one-to-one mapping of individual clinical and demographic factors to specific patterns of brain changes. PCA outperformed clustering analysis in the same data set when predicting group or BMI, providing a superior method for studying multivariate associations between brain structure and system-level variables.</p

    Principal component analysis as an efficient method for capturing multivariate brain signatures of complex disorders—ENIGMA study in people with bipolar disorders and obesity

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    Multivariate techniques better fit the anatomy of complex neuropsychiatric disorders which are characterized not by alterations in a single region, but rather by variations across distributed brain networks. Here, we used principal component analysis (PCA) to identify patterns of covariance across brain regions and relate them to clinical and demographic variables in a large generalizable dataset of individuals with bipolar disorders and controls. We then compared performance of PCA and clustering on identical sample to identify which methodology was better in capturing links between brain and clinical measures. Using data from the ENIGMA-BD working group, we investigated T1-weighted structural MRI data from 2436 participants with BD and healthy controls, and applied PCA to cortical thickness and surface area measures. We then studied the association of principal components with clinical and demographic variables using mixed regression models. We compared the PCA model with our prior clustering analyses of the same data and also tested it in a replication sample of 327 participants with BD or schizophrenia and healthy controls. The first principal component, which indexed a greater cortical thickness across all 68 cortical regions, was negatively associated with BD, BMI, antipsychotic medications, and age and was positively associated with Li treatment. PCA demonstrated superior goodness of fit to clustering when predicting diagnosis and BMI. Moreover, applying the PCA model to the replication sample yielded significant differences in cortical thickness between healthy controls and individuals with BD or schizophrenia. Cortical thickness in the same widespread regional network as determined by PCA was negatively associated with different clinical and demographic variables, including diagnosis, age, BMI, and treatment with antipsychotic medications or lithium. PCA outperformed clustering and provided an easy-to-use and interpret method to study multivariate associations between brain structure and system-level variables. Practitioner Points: In this study of 2770 Individuals, we confirmed that cortical thickness in widespread regional networks as determined by principal component analysis (PCA) was negatively associated with relevant clinical and demographic variables, including diagnosis, age, BMI, and treatment with antipsychotic medications or lithium. Significant associations of many different system-level variables with the same brain network suggest a lack of one-to-one mapping of individual clinical and demographic factors to specific patterns of brain changes. PCA outperformed clustering analysis in the same data set when predicting group or BMI, providing a superior method for studying multivariate associations between brain structure and system-level variables.</p

    Principal component analysis as an efficient method for capturing multivariate brain signatures of complex disorders—ENIGMA study in people with bipolar disorders and obesity

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    Multivariate techniques better fit the anatomy of complex neuropsychiatric disorders which are characterized not by alterations in a single region, but rather by variations across distributed brain networks. Here, we used principal component analysis (PCA) to identify patterns of covariance across brain regions and relate them to clinical and demographic variables in a large generalizable dataset of individuals with bipolar disorders and controls. We then compared performance of PCA and clustering on identical sample to identify which methodology was better in capturing links between brain and clinical measures. Using data from the ENIGMA-BD working group, we investigated T1-weighted structural MRI data from 2436 participants with BD and healthy controls, and applied PCA to cortical thickness and surface area measures. We then studied the association of principal components with clinical and demographic variables using mixed regression models. We compared the PCA model with our prior clustering analyses of the same data and also tested it in a replication sample of 327 participants with BD or schizophrenia and healthy controls. The first principal component, which indexed a greater cortical thickness across all 68 cortical regions, was negatively associated with BD, BMI, antipsychotic medications, and age and was positively associated with Li treatment. PCA demonstrated superior goodness of fit to clustering when predicting diagnosis and BMI. Moreover, applying the PCA model to the replication sample yielded significant differences in cortical thickness between healthy controls and individuals with BD or schizophrenia. Cortical thickness in the same widespread regional network as determined by PCA was negatively associated with different clinical and demographic variables, including diagnosis, age, BMI, and treatment with antipsychotic medications or lithium. PCA outperformed clustering and provided an easy-to-use and interpret method to study multivariate associations between brain structure and system-level variables. Practitioner Points: In this study of 2770 Individuals, we confirmed that cortical thickness in widespread regional networks as determined by principal component analysis (PCA) was negatively associated with relevant clinical and demographic variables, including diagnosis, age, BMI, and treatment with antipsychotic medications or lithium. Significant associations of many different system-level variables with the same brain network suggest a lack of one-to-one mapping of individual clinical and demographic factors to specific patterns of brain changes. PCA outperformed clustering analysis in the same data set when predicting group or BMI, providing a superior method for studying multivariate associations between brain structure and system-level variables