119 research outputs found

    The Application of Logical Tools in Project-Based Classrooms

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the application of logical tools such as inference trees and columnar data flow diagrams in the information system (IS) analysis and design context. Seventeen students at an institution of higher education were observed during the design and analysis of information systems and their experiences were evaluated through a focus group interview, observations and documents analysis. This research was based on a qualitative, action research approach (Yin 1994; Merriam 1998). The most important findings were: the columnar method empowers students’ motivational and cognitive skills enhancing their vision and system design skills; inference trees improve detection and correction of reasoning errors overcoming students’ limited information processing capacity

    Podrška deci sa razvojnim smetnjama u predškolskoj ustanovi

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    У демократском друштву, каквом тежимо, један од показатеља нивоа развијености демократије је и степен у коме сви имају једнаку прилику да учествују у друштвеном животу. Интеграција деце са развојним сметњама подразумева једнако васпитање и образовање за сву децу, укључујући и децу са тешкоћама у развоју. То значи да се овој деци пружају једнаке могућности за васпитање, образовање, укључивање у друштвени живот и да буду призната на основу својих заслуга, без обзира на ограничења и тешкоће. Интеграција деце са развојним сметњама има двоструки значај – са једне стране она омогућава укључивање деце са тешкоћама у развоју у живот заједнице на равноправним основама, са друге, деца из редовне популације постају свесна различитости и специфичности људских могућности и потенцијала, што помаже развијању емпатичности, хуманизма и поштовања људских различитости. У раду акценат се ставља на родитеље чија су деца укључена у васпитне и развојне групе, када су приметили кашњење код деце и који вид подршке је био доступан како за дете, тако и целу породицу. Такође, акценат се ставља у ком домену је најчешће присутно кашњење код деце и укључености родитеља у дефектолошки третман.In a democratic society, which we aspire to establish, one of the indicators of democracy development is also an extent to which everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in social life. Integration of the children who are suffering from developmental disorders implies equal treatment and education provided to all children, including the children with disabilities. This means that these children are provided equal opportunities in relation to upbringing, education, social life integration and recognition of their merits and contributions regardless of their disabilities and impairments. Integration of the children suffering from developmental disorders and disabilities has a twofold significance – on the one hand it enables the disabled children’s inclusion into the life of a community based on equal grounds and, on the other hand, the children belonging to general population become aware of differences and specificities of human potentials and abilities, which enhances the development of empathy and humanity and helps respecting human diversity and individual differences. In this paper, we emphasized a role of the parents whose children are involved in educational and developmental groups in regard to the time when they noticed a delay in their children’s development and which form of support has been provided to both the children and their entire family. In addition, the emphasis was on the field where the delays in child development were most frequently observed as well as on the inclusion of parents into special education and rehabilitation treatments

    The role of purinergic signaling in neuroinflammation and demyelination - implications for multiple sclerosis

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    Multipla skleroza (MS) je hronična inflamacijska bolest centralnog nervnog sistema (CNS) koju kao i njen in vivo model eksperimentalni autoimunski encefalomijelitis (EAE) karakterišu infiltracija imunskih ćelija, aktivacija mikroglije i astrocita, demijelinizacija, oštećenje aksona, ali i remijelinizacija posredovana oligodendrocitnim progenitorskim ćelijama (OPĆ). Tokom neuroinflamacije, ATP ostvaruje pro-, a adenozin antiinflamacijsko dejstvo putem P2, odnosno P1 purinskih receptora. Aktivacija specifičnih purinskih receptora zavisi od koncentracije ATP, ADP i adenozina koju u vanćelijskom prostoru regulišu ektonukleotidaze. Najzastupljenije ektonukelotidaze u CNS su NTPDaza1/CD39, NTPDaza2 i eN/CD73. U MS/EAE uloga NTPDaza1/CD39 i eN/CD73 eksprimiranih na ćelijama imunskog sistema uglavnom je poznata, dok je uloga ovih enzima prisutnih na ćelijama CNS nedovoljno istražena. Budući da aktivirana mikroglija i astrociti imaju ključnu ulogu u toku neuroinflamacije glavni cilj ove disertacije bio je ispitivanje ekspresije glavnih ektonukleotidaza CNS na pomenutim ćelijama i procena njihovog inflamacijskog fenotipa, kao i ekspresije purinskih receptora u kičmenoj moždini pacova tokom EAE kao animalnog modela MS. S obzirom na ulogu OPĆ u remijelinizaciji tokom MS/EAE, dodatni cilj bio je ispitivanje uticaja proinflamacijskih faktora na vijabilnost i funkcionalnost OPĆ linije Oli-neu i ekspresiju eN/CD73 na tim ćelijama. Rezultati prikazani u ovoj disertaciji pokazali su da tokom EAE dolazi do fazno-specifičnih promena ekspresije svih ispitivanih komponenti purinskog signalnog sistema u kičmenoj moždini pacova. Uočeno povećanje ekspresije NTPDaza1/CD39 uzrokovano je aktivacijom mikroglije i infiltracijom monocita/makrofaga kao i drugih perifernih imunskih ćelija tokom EAE, a povezano je i sa tranzicijom mikroglije/makrofaga u pravcu antiinflamacijskog fenotipa, kao i indukcijom polarizacije astrocita u pravcu neuroprotektivnog fenotipa. U pogledu NTPDaza2, smanjenje ekspresije ove ektonukleotidaze prisutne prvenstveno na astrocitima u beloj masi kičmene moždine, uslovljeno je smanjenjem ekspresije na ovim ćelijama tokom EAE. Dodatno, tokom EAE došlo je do fazno-specifičnih promena u ekspresiji svih analiziranih purinskih receptora. Delovanje proinflamacijskih faktora na ćelije Oli-neu OPĆ linije izazvalo je porast ekspresije eN/CD73 koji ukazuje na inhibiciju diferencijacije i govori u prilog inhibitornoj ulozi proinflamacijskih faktora prisutnih u CNS tokom neuroinflamacije na diferencijaciju OPĆ a time i na proces remijelinizacije tokom EAE/MS, kao i na ulogu eN/CD73 ovih ćelija u tom procesu. U tom smislu, rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na značajnu ulogu glavnih ektonukleotidaza CNS u toku bolesti u EAE/MS patologiji i predstavljaju osnov za razvoj novih potencijalnih terapeutika.that is characterized like its in vivo model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) by immune cell infiltration, microglia and astrocyte activation, demyelination, axonal damage, as well as remyelination guided by oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPC). During neuroinflammation, ATP acts pro-, while adenosine acts anti-inflammatory via P2 and P1 purine receptors, respectively. Activation of specific purine receptor depends on ATP, ADP and adenosine extracellular concentrations that are regulated by by ectonucleotidases. In the CNS most abundant ectonucleotidases are NTPDase1/CD39, NTPDase2 and eN/CD73. Role of NTPDase1/CD39 and eN/CD73 in the cells of immune system, unlike in the CNS, in MS/EAE is mostly well known,. Since activated microglia and astrocytes have a key role in the course of neuroinflammation, the main goal of this dissertation was to study expression of major ectonucleotidases in the CNS at these cells and to assess their inflammatory phenotype, likewise to analyze expression of purine receptors in the rat spinal cord during EAE as animal model of MS. Considering role of OPC in remyelination during MS/EAE, additional goal was to assess the effects of proinflammatory factors at viability and functionality of OPC Oli-neu cell line and their expression of eN/CD73. Results presented herein have demonstrated disease phase-specific changes of all analyzed components of purine signaling system in rat spinal cord during EAE. Upregulation of NTPDase1/CD39 during EAE arised as a consequence of microglial activation and infiltration of monocytes/macrophages and other perypheral immune cells and also was related to transition of microglia/macrophages towards anti-inflammatory phenotype, likewise to induction of astrocyte polarization towards neuroprotective phenotype. Regarding NTPDase2, mainly expressed at white matter astrocytes, observed downregulation resulted from decreased expression by these cells during EAE. Additionally, during EAE all analyzed purine receptors showed phase-specific expression changes. Proinflammatory factors induced in OPC Oli-neu cell line upregulation of eN/CD73, indicating inhibition of differentiation, and arguing in favor of inhibitory effect of proinflammatory factors, present in the CNS during neuroinflammation, at OPC differentiation and remyelination during EAE/MS, likewise the role of eN/CD73 in that process. Thus, results presented herein indicate important role of major CNS ectonucleotidases in the disease course during EAE/MS, representing a base for development of new potential therapeutics


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    Organized crime and related economic crime are the focus of interest for all modern, well-organized states. Theoreticians generally agree that organized crime has closely followed the development of modern states, while economic crime has evolved with the development of the economy and business, both at national and supranational levels, alongside the expansion of information and communication technologies. Despite being viewed as two distinct types of crime, economic and organized crime are highly interdependent and interconnected. While a small number of economic crime offenses lack the characteristics of organized crime, a significant number of criminal activities exhibit organized elements within the realm of the economy and economic activities. Thus, the relationship between these two types of crime is directly proportional, wherein the development of organized crime follows the development of economic crime, and vice versa. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the paper consists of three interconnected and interrelated parts. The first part elucidates the philosophy of organized crime. It highlights the problems of defining, the lack of a unique definition, and its multidisciplinary nature. Additionally, it presents the most significant characteristics and manifestations of organized crime in theory and practice. The second part deals with the issues of economic crime. Similarly to the first part, it discusses the process of determining and defining the concept of economic crime, presenting its basic characteristics and contemporary types. Finally, the third part of the paper examines the relationship between these two categories of crime

    Information Privacy: The Attitudes and Behaviours of Internet Users

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    The rise of electronic commerce and the Internet have created new technologies and capabilities, which increase concern for privacy online. This study reports on the results of an investigation of Internet users attitudes towards concern for privacy online, online behaviours adopted under varying levels of concern for privacy (high, moderate and low) and the types of information Internet users are protective of. Methodological triangulation was used, whereby both quantitative and qualitative research was conducted. A questionnaire and semi-structured individual interviews were used as the data collection methods. The results of a cross-sectional survey of 104 Internet users suggest a lack of control over personal information online, a lack of privacy rights online, a dislike of government regulation and other privacy concerns. Concern was decreased if personal information was provided for customisation or if there was the ability to opt-out. Anonymity also decreased concern. The qualitative results reveal five areas of concern for privacy, namely the role of Internet Service Providers, online businesses, Internet shopping, government regulation and general Internet privacy problems. This study attempts to add something of value to the body of knowledge regarding concern for privacy on the Internet in the context of South African environment


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    Economic crime is a constant and rather dynamic negative social phenomena which skillfully adapts to the social-economic and political situation in society. Fraud in the field of industry and production is a characteristic and a conspicuous form of economic crime in the legal doctrine. The motive behind committing fraud is typically personal gain, with perpetrators utilizing their positions in business or official authority within a state or public institution to obtain an illegal advantage in the form of money or goods. This paper, focusing on the subject, begins with defining the term and describing the characteristics and main classifications of economic crime. This part is followed by an in-depth analysis of a characteristic form of economic crime in legal theory, specifically fraud in the field of industry and production. Despite adequate legislation at both the European and national levels, current control systems in the field of industry and production may be perceived as insufficient to prevent fraud in a timely manner. Besides, the modalities of committing fraud in this sphere have continuously evolved and adapted to current business circumstances and the legal framework, which is why the perpetrators very often succeed in evading detection and sanctioning of the committed fraud. Considering the transnational nature of fraud in the field of industry and production, it has become evident that security procedures need to extend beyond national frameworks and include international measures

    Application of microbial levan as a new component for production of graft copolymer with polystyrene

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    Polysaccharides based on fructose, also called fructans, are synthetized from sucrose by some plant species and many bacteria, fungi and Archaea. Levan is an exopolysaccharide composed of fructose units and has numerous applications in personal care and cosmetics, medicine and food industry. Polystyrene is the most widespread polymer for plastic production due to its low costing and easy production. Degradation of polystyrene is longterm process, therefore incorporating natural polymers is the desirable approach. In the present study, levan-polystyrene graft copolymer (L-g-PS) was synthetized, characterized and influence of reaction time on grafting reaction at two temperatures was investigated. Levan was isolated after cultivation Bacillus licheniformis NS032. Syntheses of L-g-PS were performed by the free radical reaction using K2S2O8 as initiator. Grafting reactions proceeded in nitrogen atmosphere, at 55ºC and 70ºC and reaction time ranged between 15 and 210 min. FTIR spectra and XRD patterns were recorded using a Thermo Nicolet 6700 Spectrophotometer and Philips PW-1710 automated diffractometer, respectively. The formation of L-d-g-PS was confirmed by FTIR spectra which displayed the presence of all characteristic peaks for both component and X-ray diffractograms which showed amorphous nature of copolymer. Compared to other reaction parameters, the temperature of 70ºC and time of 45 min was more optimal showing higher percentage of grafting

    Synthesis and characterization of Co2+ doped TiO2 nanoparticles

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    Scrolled titania nanotubes were synthesized by a hydrothermal method using commercial TiO2 powder in proton-deficient aqueous systems. In presence of CoCl2 extended hydrothermal treatment of TiO2 nanotubes lead to formation Co2+ doped TiO2 nanoparticles. TEM and HRTEM measurement were used for determining the shape, dimension and structure of doped nanoaprticles. XRD confirmed anatase crystalline structure od Co2+ doped TiO2. The presence of Co2+ ions did not induce distortions of the overall anatase crystal structure of TiO2 matrix. The concentration of Co2+ ions was 1.5% compared with the amount of Ti4+ ions.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Short-Term Antibacterial Efficacy of Three Bioceramic Root Canal Sealers Against Enterococcus Faecalis Biofilms

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    Ciljevi: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati antimikrobnu učinkovitost triju biokeramičkih materijala za punjenje korijenskog kanala na biofilm s bakterijama E. faeaclis. Materijali i metode: Bakterijski biofilm s enterekokima fekalis uzgojen je na papirnatim filtar-diskovima postavljenima na ploče s agarom. Nakon inkubacije diskovi su prekriveni s četirima različitim materijalima za punjenje korijenskih kanala: 1. jednokomponentnim biokeramičkim punilom (TotalFill BC Sealer); 2. dvokomponentnim biokeramičkim punilom (BioRoot RCS); 3. punilom proizvedenim na temelju mineralnog trioksidnog agregata (MTA Fillapex); 4. punilom proizvedenim na temelju epoksidne smole (AH Plus). Nakon kontaktnog 60-minutnog razdoblja materijali su uklonjeni, a diskovi uloženi u epruvete s puferiranom fiziološkom otopinom. Nakon serijskog razrjeđivanja, suspenzija je nasađena na ploče s agarom te su nakon 24 sata izbrojene narasle kolonije i određen njihov ukupan broj prema čimbeniku razrjeđenja. Rezultati: Nije bilo značajne razlike u antimikrobnoj učinkovitosti između TotalFill BC Sealera i AH Plusa (p = 0,386). Oba materijala pokazala su bolju antibakterijsku učinkovitost od BioRoot RCS-a i MTA Fillapexa (p < 0,001). Zaključak: Total Fill BC Sealer i AH Plus bolje antibakterijski djeluju od BioRoot RCS-a i MTA Fillapexa.Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of three bioceramic root canal sealers against Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) biofilm. Material and methods: E. faecalis bacterial suspension was grown on filter paper discs on agar plates. After the incubation period, the discs were covered with four different root canal sealers: 1) Premixing bioceramic root canal sealer (TotalFill BC Sealer); 2) Dual component bioceramic sealer (BioRoot RCS); 3) Mineral trioxide agreggate based sealer (MTA Fillapex); 4) Epoxy resin-based selar (AH Plus). After contact time of 60 minutes, the sealers were removed, and the discs were transferred into sterile tubes containing phosphate buffered saline. After serial dilutions, the aliquots of the suspension were cultivated for 24 hours. After the incubation period, the colony forming units (CFUs) were counted. Results: There were no significant differences in antibacterial efficacy between the Total Fill BC Sealer and the AH Plus sealer (p=0.386). Both sealers showed better antibacterial efficacy compared to the BioRoot RCS and the MTA Fillapex (p<0.001). Conclusion: The Total Fill BC Sealer and AH Plus had better antibacterial efficacy than the BioRoot RCS and the MTA Fillapex sealers

    Phytochemical, Free Radical Scavenging and Antifungal Profile of Cuscuta campestris Yunck. Seeds

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    This work was conceptualized with the goal to investigate the phytochemical, free radical scavenging and antifungal profile of Cuscuta campestrisYunck. seeds. Total phenolics, amino acid and carbohydrate contents were evaluated in ethanolic, acetone and chloroform extract. Effective antioxidant activity was evaluated throughout seven antioxidant methods. The antifungal activity was assessed against eight fungal strains and Candida albicans. The results showed total phenol, flavonoid, flavonols and phenolic acids contents in amount of 1.51-6.35mg GAE/mL, 78-425g RU/mL, 1.04-2.98mg QU/g and 12.01-30.58g CAE/mL, respectively. The total amino acids and carbohydrates content ranged from 8.29 to 185.45g Gly/mL and from 0.05 to 0.12g Glu/mL. The ethanolic extract showed the best antioxidant activity in phosphomolybdenum, DPPH free radical scavenging, ferric reducing power and lipid peroxidation assays. The best activity in ferrous ion chelating and H2O2 assays had the acetone extract, whereas the best hydroxyl radical scavenging activity was observed with the chloroform extract. The ethanolic extract at a concentration of 6mg/mL proved to be the most effective antimycotic, since it inhibited the growth of all tested fungi except Penicillium verrucosum. The obtained results indicate that C.campestris seeds could be attributed to a potential source of natural antioxidants in food and pharmaceutical products.This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Jakovljević, V. D.; Vrvić, M. M.; Vrbničanin, S.; Sarić-Krsmanović, M. Phytochemical, Free Radical Scavenging and Antifungal Profile of Cuscuta Campestris Yunck. Seeds. Chemistry & Biodiversity 2018, 15 (8). [https://doi.org/10.1002/cbdv.201800174]