24 research outputs found

    Directional asymmetry estimates developmental instability in plants: A case report in Plantago major L. leaves

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    In the present study, an additional approach was used to evaluate the potential effects of the industrial development on natural population of the common plantain (Plantago major L.), previously estimated using si2 as an index of fluctuation asymmetry (FA) together with the coefficient of variation (CV). In this study, directional asymmetry (DA), a form of asymmetry in bilaterally symmetric traits, was used in order to estimate its rule as a potential indicator of developmental instability in leaf traits. Obtained results shows significantly higher DA values for the vein distances within a leaf (VD) on environmentally stressed area than in the control site. Reporting significantly higher values of DA for VD on the environmentally stressed sample and a positive relationship between FA and CV values obtained for the same trait within the same site, in a previous study, the study corroborates the potential of DA as an indicator of developmental perturbations.U ovom radu, koriŔćen je dodatni pristup u proceni potencijalnih efekata industrijskog razvitka na prirodne populacije obične bokvice (Plantago major L.) prethodno procenjenih koriŔćenjem (Oi2) indeksa fluktuirajuće asimetrije (FA) i koeficijenta varijabilnosti (CV). U ovoj studiji procenjena je uloga direkcione asimetrije (DA), oblik simetrije bilateralno simetričnih karaktera, kao mogućeg indikatora razvojne nestabilnosti karaktera lista. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju značajno veću vrednost DA za karakter: rastojanje među venama unutar lista (VD) na stresnom području u odnosu na kontrolni lokalitet. Ukazujući na značajno veće vrednosti DA za VD za uzorak sa stresnog lokaliteta i pozitivan odnos između vrednosti FA i CV za VD u prethodnoj studiji, ova studija ide u prilog koriŔćenju DA kao indikatora sredinskih poremećaja.nul

    Directional asymmetry estimates developmental instability in plants: A case report in Plantago major L. leaves

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    In the present study, an additional approach was used to evaluate the potential effects of the industrial development on natural population of the common plantain (Plantago major L.), previously estimated using si2 as an index of fluctuation asymmetry (FA) together with the coefficient of variation (CV). In this study, directional asymmetry (DA), a form of asymmetry in bilaterally symmetric traits, was used in order to estimate its rule as a potential indicator of developmental instability in leaf traits. Obtained results shows significantly higher DA values for the vein distances within a leaf (VD) on environmentally stressed area than in the control site. Reporting significantly higher values of DA for VD on the environmentally stressed sample and a positive relationship between FA and CV values obtained for the same trait within the same site, in a previous study, the study corroborates the potential of DA as an indicator of developmental perturbations.U ovom radu, koriŔćen je dodatni pristup u proceni potencijalnih efekata industrijskog razvitka na prirodne populacije obične bokvice (Plantago major L.) prethodno procenjenih koriŔćenjem (Oi2) indeksa fluktuirajuće asimetrije (FA) i koeficijenta varijabilnosti (CV). U ovoj studiji procenjena je uloga direkcione asimetrije (DA), oblik simetrije bilateralno simetričnih karaktera, kao mogućeg indikatora razvojne nestabilnosti karaktera lista. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju značajno veću vrednost DA za karakter: rastojanje među venama unutar lista (VD) na stresnom području u odnosu na kontrolni lokalitet. Ukazujući na značajno veće vrednosti DA za VD za uzorak sa stresnog lokaliteta i pozitivan odnos između vrednosti FA i CV za VD u prethodnoj studiji, ova studija ide u prilog koriŔćenju DA kao indikatora sredinskih poremećaja.nul

    Freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbyi Lankester, 1880 (Hydrozoa, Olindiidae): 50 years' observations in Serbia

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    Detailed and relevant limnological investigations of Serbian waters were initiated in 1958 and have continued to the present. During the period 1971-2008 we monitored biological elements as a part of working studies/projects, including the distribution of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbyi Lankester, 1880. We observed over 500 sampling sites in running and standing waters. Specimens of this hydro-medusa were found in five of them. Throughout the period of investigation, only the medusae stages were observed. Our purpose in this paper was to provide data of the records and distribution of this limnomedusa during the period 1958-2008 in inland waters of Serbia. These observations should contribute to knowledge on the limnofauna not only of the Balkan Peninsula but Europe as a whole.Opsežna i značajna limnoloÅ”ka istraživanja voda u Srbiji otpočela su 1958. godine i nastavljena do danas. Tokom celog istraživačkog perioda nađena je slatkovodna meduza Craspedacusta sowerbyi Lankester, 1880 na pet lokaliteta (bara na Velikoj Moravi kod Ćuprije, Savsko jezero kod Beograda, jezero Velika PeŔčara kod Zrenjanina, jezero MiloÅ”evo kod Jagodine i jezero Å umarice kod Kragujevca). Predstavljeni rezultati su doprinos dosadaÅ”njih saznanja o nalazima i distribuciji ove vrste u Srbiji, kao i poznavanju limnofaune Balkanskog poluostrva i Evrope.Projekat ministarstva br. 14302

    A new record of Haplotaxis gordioides (Hartmann, 1821) (Oligochaeta, annelida) in the benthocenoses of a potamon-type river (Sava river, Serbian sector)

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    The species Haplotaxis gordioides (Hartmann, 1821), from the family Haplotaxidae (Oligochaeta), was found for the first time in a lowland, potamon-type river (Sava River, Serbian sector) in 2002. This new record adds to our knowledge of the range and spreading of the given species.Cilj rada je prikaz novog nalaza vrste Haplotaxis gordioides (Hartmann, 1821), iz familije Haplotaxidae (Oligochaeta), koja je prvi put nađena 2002. u potamonu nizijske reke (reka Sava, sektor kroz Srbiju). Ovaj novi nalaz je posebno važan za razumevanje područja rasprostranjenja i Å”irenja ove oligohetne vrste.nul

    Results of investigating the macroinvertebrate community of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (km 1083-1071)

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    The present work cites results of investigating aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (KM 1083-1071). The investigated part is interesting from the hydrobiological standpoint above all due to differences of faunal composition in relation to higher sections that could be expected in view of differences in overall characteristics of the river. A rich macroinvertebrate community (84 taxa) was observed. The diversity of taxa is primarily a result of habitat diversity within the given stretch. Oligochaeta and Mollusca were the principal components.Cilj rada je da se prikažu rezultati istraživanja vodenih makroinvertebrata u sektoru uzvodno od Đerdapa (1083-1071 km). Istraživano područje interesantno je za hidrobioloŔka istraživanja, pre svega, zbog promena u strukturi faune u odnosu na gornji deo toka, Ŕto je i očekivano ako se uzmu u obzir promene opŔtih karakteristika reke u sektoru. Zabeleženo je raznovrsno naselje makroinvertebrata (84 taksona). Raznovrsnost faune posledica je, pre svega, diverziteta staniŔta u okviru istraživanog područja. Grupe Oligochaeta i Mollusca bile su najznačajnije komponente proučavane zajednice makro invertebrata.Part of the material originated from the Joint Danube Survey, a national progra

    Results of investigating the macroinvertebrate community of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (km 1083-1071)

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    The present work cites results of investigating aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (KM 1083-1071). The investigated part is interesting from the hydrobiological standpoint above all due to differences of faunal composition in relation to higher sections that could be expected in view of differences in overall characteristics of the river. A rich macroinvertebrate community (84 taxa) was observed. The diversity of taxa is primarily a result of habitat diversity within the given stretch. Oligochaeta and Mollusca were the principal components

    Trophic relations between macroinvertebrates in the Vlasina river (Serbia)

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    The aim of the study presented was to define trophic relationships within the benthic community according to functional feeding groups (FFG) in the Vlasina River (Southeast Serbia), with an attempt to use those results to describe the watercourse. In an investigation performed during 1996, a total of 125 macrozoobenthic taxa were identified, 95 of which were included in FFG analyses. Although the investigated part of the river, in its physical and chemical characteristics, as well as characteristics of the benthofauna, generally corresponds to what could be expected, certain variations of faunal composition were observed along the river. Two groups of sites were separated by FFG analysis - sites on the upper section of the river and on a tributary (the Gradska River) comprised one group, while the remaining sites made up the other.Cilj nam je da ovim radom prikažemo trofičke odnose u zajednici makroinvertebrata prema funkcionalnim grupama u ishrani (FGI) u reci Vlasini (jugo-istočna Srbija) i te rezultate upotrebimo za opisivanje vodotoka. U okviru istraživanja obavljenih tokom 1996. godine, od ukupno 125 identifikovanih taksona makrozoobentosa, 95 taksona koriŔćeno je u FGI analizi. Iako istraživani deo reke, sa njegovim fizičkim i hemijskim karaktristikama, kao i karakteristikama bentofaune uopÅ”te, odgovara srednjem toku reka, istraživane su fine promene u distribuciji bentofaune duž toka. Izdvojile su se dve grupe lokaliteta prema FFG analizi - grupisali su se lokaliteti gornjeg sektora reke kao i pritoka Gradska reka, dok su ostali lokaliteti formirali drugu grupu.nul

    Results of investigating the macroinvertebrate community of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (km 1083-1071)

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    The present work cites results of investigating aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (KM 1083-1071). The investigated part is interesting from the hydrobiological standpoint above all due to differences of faunal composition in relation to higher sections that could be expected in view of differences in overall characteristics of the river. A rich macroinvertebrate community (84 taxa) was observed. The diversity of taxa is primarily a result of habitat diversity within the given stretch. Oligochaeta and Mollusca were the principal components.Cilj rada je da se prikažu rezultati istraživanja vodenih makroinvertebrata u sektoru uzvodno od Đerdapa (1083-1071 km). Istraživano područje interesantno je za hidrobioloŔka istraživanja, pre svega, zbog promena u strukturi faune u odnosu na gornji deo toka, Ŕto je i očekivano ako se uzmu u obzir promene opŔtih karakteristika reke u sektoru. Zabeleženo je raznovrsno naselje makroinvertebrata (84 taksona). Raznovrsnost faune posledica je, pre svega, diverziteta staniŔta u okviru istraživanog područja. Grupe Oligochaeta i Mollusca bile su najznačajnije komponente proučavane zajednice makro invertebrata.Part of the material originated from the Joint Danube Survey, a national progra