158 research outputs found

    Parsec: a state channel for the Internet of Value

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    We propose Parsec, a web-scale State channel for the Internet of Value to exterminate the consensus bottleneck in Blockchain by leveraging a network of state channels which enable to robustly transfer value off-chain. It acts as an infrastructure layer developed on top of Ethereum Blockchain, as a network protocol which allows coherent routing and interlocking channel transfers for trade-off between parties. A web-scale solution for state channels is implemented to enable a layer of value transfer to the internet. Existing network protocol on State Channels include Raiden for Ethereum and Lightning Network for Bitcoin. However, we intend to leverage existing web-scale technologies used by large Internet companies such as Uber, LinkedIn or Netflix. We use Apache Kafka to scale the global payment operation to trillions of operations per day enabling near-instant, low-fee, scalable, and privacy-sustainable payments. Our architecture follows Event Sourcing pattern which solves current issues of payment solutions such as scaling, transfer, interoperability, low-fees, micropayments and to name a few. To the best of knowledge, our proposed model achieve better performance than state-of-the-art lightning network on the Ethereum based (fork) cryptocoins

    Lightweight Adaptation of Neural Language Models via Subspace Embedding

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    Traditional neural word embeddings are usually dependent on a richer diversity of vocabulary. However, the language models recline to cover major vocabularies via the word embedding parameters, in particular, for multilingual language models that generally cover a significant part of their overall learning parameters. In this work, we present a new compact embedding structure to reduce the memory footprint of the pre-trained language models with a sacrifice of up to 4% absolute accuracy. The embeddings vectors reconstruction follows a set of subspace embeddings and an assignment procedure via the contextual relationship among tokens from pre-trained language models. The subspace embedding structure calibrates to masked language models, to evaluate our compact embedding structure on similarity and textual entailment tasks, sentence and paraphrase tasks. Our experimental evaluation shows that the subspace embeddings achieve compression rates beyond 99.8% in comparison with the original embeddings for the language models on XNLI and GLUE benchmark suites.Comment: 5 pages, Accepted as a Main Conference Short Paper at CIKM 202

    A Model-Agnostic Framework for Recommendation via Interest-aware Item Embeddings

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    Item representation holds significant importance in recommendation systems, which encompasses domains such as news, retail, and videos. Retrieval and ranking models utilise item representation to capture the user-item relationship based on user behaviours. While existing representation learning methods primarily focus on optimising item-based mechanisms, such as attention and sequential modelling. However, these methods lack a modelling mechanism to directly reflect user interests within the learned item representations. Consequently, these methods may be less effective in capturing user interests indirectly. To address this challenge, we propose a novel Interest-aware Capsule network (IaCN) recommendation model, a model-agnostic framework that directly learns interest-oriented item representations. IaCN serves as an auxiliary task, enabling the joint learning of both item-based and interest-based representations. This framework adopts existing recommendation models without requiring substantial redesign. We evaluate the proposed approach on benchmark datasets, exploring various scenarios involving different deep neural networks, behaviour sequence lengths, and joint learning ratios of interest-oriented item representations. Experimental results demonstrate significant performance enhancements across diverse recommendation models, validating the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: Accepted Paper under LBR track in the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) 202

    Faster Algorithms for the Constrained k-Means Problem

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    The classical center based clustering problems such as k-means/median/center assume that the optimal clusters satisfy the locality property that the points in the same cluster are close to each other. A number of clustering problems arise in machine learning where the optimal clusters do not follow such a locality property. For instance, consider the r-gather clustering problem where there is an additional constraint that each of the clusters should have at least r points or the capacitated clustering problem where there is an upper bound on the cluster sizes. Consider a variant of the k-means problem that may be regarded as a general version of such problems. Here, the optimal clusters O_1, ..., O_k are an arbitrary partition of the dataset and the goal is to output k-centers c_1, ..., c_k such that the objective function sum_{i=1}^{k} sum_{x in O_{i}} ||x - c_{i}||^2 is minimized. It is not difficult to argue that any algorithm (without knowing the optimal clusters) that outputs a single set of k centers, will not behave well as far as optimizing the above objective function is concerned. However, this does not rule out the existence of algorithms that output a list of such k centers such that at least one of these k centers behaves well. Given an error parameter epsilon > 0, let l denote the size of the smallest list of k-centers such that at least one of the k-centers gives a (1+epsilon) approximation w.r.t. the objective function above. In this paper, we show an upper bound on l by giving a randomized algorithm that outputs a list of 2^{~O(k/epsilon)} k-centers. We also give a closely matching lower bound of 2^{~Omega(k/sqrt{epsilon})}. Moreover, our algorithm runs in time O(n * d * 2^{~O(k/epsilon)}). This is a significant improvement over the previous result of Ding and Xu who gave an algorithm with running time O(n * d * (log{n})^{k} * 2^{poly(k/epsilon)}) and output a list of size O((log{n})^k * 2^{poly(k/epsilon)}). Our techniques generalize for the k-median problem and for many other settings where non-Euclidean distance measures are involved

    A simple D^2-sampling based PTAS for k-means and other Clustering Problems

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    Given a set of points PRdP \subset \mathbb{R}^d, the kk-means clustering problem is to find a set of kk {\em centers} C={c1,...,ck},ciRd,C = \{c_1,...,c_k\}, c_i \in \mathbb{R}^d, such that the objective function xPd(x,C)2\sum_{x \in P} d(x,C)^2, where d(x,C)d(x,C) denotes the distance between xx and the closest center in CC, is minimized. This is one of the most prominent objective functions that have been studied with respect to clustering. D2D^2-sampling \cite{ArthurV07} is a simple non-uniform sampling technique for choosing points from a set of points. It works as follows: given a set of points PRdP \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d, the first point is chosen uniformly at random from PP. Subsequently, a point from PP is chosen as the next sample with probability proportional to the square of the distance of this point to the nearest previously sampled points. D2D^2-sampling has been shown to have nice properties with respect to the kk-means clustering problem. Arthur and Vassilvitskii \cite{ArthurV07} show that kk points chosen as centers from PP using D2D^2-sampling gives an O(logk)O(\log{k}) approximation in expectation. Ailon et. al. \cite{AJMonteleoni09} and Aggarwal et. al. \cite{AggarwalDK09} extended results of \cite{ArthurV07} to show that O(k)O(k) points chosen as centers using D2D^2-sampling give O(1)O(1) approximation to the kk-means objective function with high probability. In this paper, we further demonstrate the power of D2D^2-sampling by giving a simple randomized (1+ϵ)(1 + \epsilon)-approximation algorithm that uses the D2D^2-sampling in its core

    FPT Approximation for Constrained Metric k-Median/Means

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    The Metric kk-median problem over a metric space (X,d)(\mathcal{X}, d) is defined as follows: given a set LXL \subseteq \mathcal{X} of facility locations and a set CXC \subseteq \mathcal{X} of clients, open a set FLF \subseteq L of kk facilities such that the total service cost, defined as Φ(F,C)xCminfFd(x,f)\Phi(F, C) \equiv \sum_{x \in C} \min_{f \in F} d(x, f), is minimised. The metric kk-means problem is defined similarly using squared distances. In many applications there are additional constraints that any solution needs to satisfy. This gives rise to different constrained versions of the problem such as rr-gather, fault-tolerant, outlier kk-means/kk-median problem. Surprisingly, for many of these constrained problems, no constant-approximation algorithm is known. We give FPT algorithms with constant approximation guarantee for a range of constrained kk-median/means problems. For some of the constrained problems, ours is the first constant factor approximation algorithm whereas for others, we improve or match the approximation guarantee of previous works. We work within the unified framework of Ding and Xu that allows us to simultaneously obtain algorithms for a range of constrained problems. In particular, we obtain a (3+ε)(3+\varepsilon)-approximation and (9+ε)(9+\varepsilon)-approximation for the constrained versions of the kk-median and kk-means problem respectively in FPT time. In many practical settings of the kk-median/means problem, one is allowed to open a facility at any client location, i.e., CLC \subseteq L. For this special case, our algorithm gives a (2+ε)(2+\varepsilon)-approximation and (4+ε)(4+\varepsilon)-approximation for the constrained versions of kk-median and kk-means problem respectively in FPT time. Since our algorithm is based on simple sampling technique, it can also be converted to a constant-pass log-space streaming algorithm

    Development of stabilized Fly Ash composite materials for Haul Road Application

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    Generation of fly ash from the thermal power stations is and will remain a major challenge for the near future. At present out of 140 MT fly ash about 50% are being gainfully used. Rest remain potential environment hazard. Filling of low lying area, underground voids are some of the potential areas of bulk uses. Sub-base of haul road is one such area. An essential attributes of such usage is the strength of fly ash at different period of time. Fly ash does not have any strength. It gains strength in presence of free lime. This investigation is an attempt in that direction. The sub-base of opencast haul road typically suffers from low bearing capacity material as the local material is used. It is envisioned that stabilised fly ash has strong potential to replace the sub-base material and provide adequate resistance to t road degradation. Lime and cement were used as additives to provide reactive lime at different proportions. Laboratory experiments were carried out to evaluate the strength gain in the fly ash. Standard proctor hammer test, unconfined compressive test, Brazilian tensile test and tri-axial test were carried out to determine respective properties. Lime and cement show to be enhancing the strength profiles of the fly ash. Curing periods also has strong influence on the fly ash strength properties. 90 % fly ash and 10% lime shows the maximum strength values at 100 days curing

    Towards Subject Agnostic Affective Emotion Recognition

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    This paper focuses on affective emotion recognition, aiming to perform in the subject-agnostic paradigm based on EEG signals. However, EEG signals manifest subject instability in subject-agnostic affective Brain-computer interfaces (aBCIs), which led to the problem of distributional shift. Furthermore, this problem is alleviated by approaches such as domain generalisation and domain adaptation. Typically, methods based on domain adaptation confer comparatively better results than the domain generalisation methods but demand more computational resources given new subjects. We propose a novel framework, meta-learning based augmented domain adaptation for subject-agnostic aBCIs. Our domain adaptation approach is augmented through meta-learning, which consists of a recurrent neural network, a classifier, and a distributional shift controller based on a sum-decomposable function. Also, we present that a neural network explicating a sum-decomposable function can effectively estimate the divergence between varied domains. The network setting for augmented domain adaptation follows meta-learning and adversarial learning, where the controller promptly adapts to new domains employing the target data via a few self-adaptation steps in the test phase. Our proposed approach is shown to be effective in experiments on a public aBICs dataset and achieves similar performance to state-of-the-art domain adaptation methods while avoiding the use of additional computational resources.Comment: To Appear in MUWS workshop at the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 202

    Effects of foraging in personalized content-based image recommendation

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    A major challenge of recommender systems is to help users locating interesting items. Personalized recommender systems have become very popular as they attempt to predetermine the needs of users and provide them with recommendations to personalize their navigation. However, few studies have addressed the question of what drives the users' attention to specific content within the collection and what influences the selection of interesting items. To this end, we employ the lens of Information Foraging Theory (IFT) to image recommendation to demonstrate how the user could utilize visual bookmarks to locate interesting images. We investigate a personalized content-based image recommendation system to understand what affects user attention by reinforcing visual attention cues based on IFT. We further find that visual bookmarks (cues) lead to a stronger scent of the recommended image collection. Our evaluation is based on the Pinterest image collection