374 research outputs found

    Achilles-Tendon Strain Most Common Injury in Sports; Cause, Symptems and Management

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    Background: Achilles tendon strain actually identifies itself. First a strain is milder always than a sprain and a strain affects tendons while sprains affect ligaments. A strain involves hyperextension of a tendon or mild tearing of its fibers. Methods: Analytical methods was used for this article by reviewing relevant publications, primarily based on the online sports medicine journals available on Internet, Wikipedia, Elsevier, PubMed, Google Scholar and National Sports Injury Center Saffdarjang Hospital. Conclusion: This review will provide an overview of the Achilles tendon Sprain and their immediate management on playfield. By this sports personals i.e. coach, trainer and player itself would be able to identify this injury. And will give a better understanding about the sign and symptoms of this injury. Approaches should be used to help in sports training and to avoid injury. Good understanding of the injury and their management may be used in the sports to establish safe and effective training guidelines for sportsman

    Multicast QoS Routing Using Collaborative Path Exploration

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    Quality of Service (QoS) is one of the most active research areas in networking. The most fundamental requirement for QoS routing is the ability to find and maintain a network path that provides the required network resources between two or more nodes. In this paper, we present a distributed collaborative multicast QoS routing architecture that uses a semi-greedy probing heuristic to quickly find a QoS path between a joining node and the multicast tree. The proposed architecture will enable the routers along the path to intelligently and dynamically discover a QoS path. Any router that receives a probe will only know its neighbours and it will create a link to the previous router from where the probe comes from. The proposed architecture is a tree-initiated QoS search and the first QoS packet to reach the joining node will be used as the QoS path. Analysis of this method shows that the path search time and message overhead is lower than other similar schemes

    Application of Dirichlet Distribution for Polytopic Model Estimation

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    The polytopic model (PM) structure is often used in the areas of automatic control and fault detection and isolation (FDI). It is an alternative to the multiple model approach which explicitly allows for interpolation among local models. This thesis proposes a novel approach to PM estimation by modeling the set of PM weights as a random vector with Dirichlet Distribution (DD). A new approximate (adaptive) PM estimator, referred to as a Quasi-Bayesian Adaptive Kalman Filter (QBAKF) is derived and implemented. The model weights and state estimation in the QBAKF is performed adaptively by a simple QB weights\u27 estimator and a single KF on the PM with the estimated weights. Since PM estimation problem is nonlinear and non-Gaussian, a DD marginalized particle filter (DDMPF) is also developed and implemented similar to MPF. The simulation results show that the newly proposed algorithms have better estimation accuracy, design simplicity, and computational requirements for PM estimation

    Application of Dirichlet Distribution for Polytopic Model Estimation

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    The polytopic model (PM) structure is often used in the areas of automatic control and fault detection and isolation (FDI). It is an alternative to the multiple model approach which explicitly allows for interpolation among local models. This thesis proposes a novel approach to PM estimation by modeling the set of PM weights as a random vector with Dirichlet Distribution (DD). A new approximate (adaptive) PM estimator, referred to as a Quasi-Bayesian Adaptive Kalman Filter (QBAKF) is derived and implemented. The model weights and state estimation in the QBAKF is performed adaptively by a simple QB weights\u27 estimator and a single KF on the PM with the estimated weights. Since PM estimation problem is nonlinear and non-Gaussian, a DD marginalized particle filter (DDMPF) is also developed and implemented similar to MPF. The simulation results show that the newly proposed algorithms have better estimation accuracy, design simplicity, and computational requirements for PM estimation

    Diagnostic accuracy of multidetector computed tomography scan in mediastinal masses assuming histopathological findings as gold standard

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    Purpose: Aim of the study was to: 1) present MDCT characteristics of different mediastinal mass lesions, 2) estimate proportion of benign and malignant mediastinal mass lesions based on MDCT findings, and 3) find out the diagnostic accuracy with sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of MDCT in mediastinal mass lesions assuming histopathology as gold standard. Material and methods: This study was an analysis of 60 patients who underwent MDCT scan for characterisation of mediastinal mass lesion, and subsequently imaging findings were verified with pathological diagnosis. Results: Out of 60 patients 65% were malignant and 35% were benign. Metastatic carcinoma was the leading diagnosis. Sensitivity of MDCT in this study came out to be 94%, specificity is 90%, with a positive predictive value of 94% and negative predictive value of 90% with diagnostic accuracy of 93%. Conclusions: Mediastinal mass lesion can be accurately diagnosed with MDCT which is a non-invasive and easily available modality requiring clinical data for accurate diagnosis and management. Co-relation of MDCT findings with other imaging findings is complex and requires adequate clinical data for optimum diagnostic confidence

    Nutritional strategies to control clostridium perfringens in gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens

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    A series of experiments were conducted to examine the effect of chemical composition of the diet on intestinal Clostridium perfringens populations and necrotic enteritis (NE) in broiler chickens. In the first experiment, birds were fed high concentrations of dietary protein (fish meal or soy protein concentrate) and soluble fiber (guar gum). Clinical NE was not observed, however, there was a high level of C. perfringen colonization especially in guar gum fed birds. The next set of experiments examined the effect of various levels of DL-Met or MHA-FA on C. perfringen and other intestinal microbes. These experiments demonstrated a significant reduction (P < 0.05) in C. perfringen growth with methionine supplementation in ileum and cecum. The results suggest that both DL-Met and MHA-FA may reduce intestinal populations of C. perfringen in broiler chickens when used in high concentrations. The next three experiments were conducted to examine the effect of dietary glycine levels on gut C. perfringen populations, &#945;-toxin production and NE lesion scores. Majority of birds showed clinical signs of disease with 4.16-8.33% mortality. There was a direct correlation between intestinal C. perfringen populations, NE lesions scores and mortality with dietary glycine level. However, due to the use of gelatin as the dietary source of glycine in these experiments, the diets also contained high proline levels which confounded our results. The last study was conducted to establish a direct causative relationship between dietary glycine concentration and C. perfringen growth and/or NE in broiler chickens using encapsulated amino acids. Birds fed diets containing high levels of encapsulated glycine had higher NE lesion scores than those fed encapsulated proline or no encapsulated amino acids, thus demonstrating a direct effect of glycine on intestinal C. perfringen growth. It is concluded that amino acid composition of dietary protein is an important determinant of intestinal microbial growth, particularly C. perfringen, and could affect incidence of NE in broiler chickens

    A Survey of Microstrip Antenna for Global Navigation Satellite System

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    As it is outstanding, the transfer speed of antenna will diminish with the decline of reception apparatus size and this element constrains the outline of minimal Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) fix antenna (1-2 GHz). In this correspondence, a novel wideband system in light of the mode examination on the shorting load fix antenna is studied. By modifying the position and the extent of the shorting load structure, the prevailing resounding method of fix antenna(TM 10 ) is isolated into two auxiliary modes and these two modes are joined together to shape a wide working band

    A Survey of Microstrip Patch Antenna for future Endeavors in 5G Communication

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    Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA) is usually utilized as a result of its position of safety, minimal effort and simplicity of assembling. Microstrip fix antenna will turn out to be more mainstream nowadays because of its captivating element, for example, ease, light weight, low profile planar arrangement. It has few hindrances as well like Low increase, low effectiveness, low directivity and thin data transfer capacity. To usage of many fix antenna in cluster arrangement, making cuts in the ground and by expanding the stature of the fix and substrate thickness, at that point diminishing the permittivity of the substrate the level of data transmission is expanded these are the disservices are survived. The planned antenna are created on a superior FR4 circuit board. To investigation of a microstrip-line inset-nourished rectangular fix receiving wire and two-layer electromagnetically coupled rectangular fix antenna. Plan and advancement of recurrence reconfigurable microstrip fix receiving wire for use of remote gadgets.

    A Framework for Patient Practitioner Information Exchange

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    The global Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) epidemic imposes a heavy burden on communities that are ethnically vulnerable to the disease and further disadvantaged by socio-economic circumstance and cultural communications barriers. Aboriginal communities in rural and remote Western Australia are representative of these high-riskgroups. Indigenous patients needing continuous management of T2DM are also experiencing disproportionate risk of co-morbidities and hospitalizations compared with nonindigenous patients. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is often described as ’the lifestyle disease’. Within clinical care and patient quality of life management domains, T2DM presents both the healthcare practitioner and the patient with a mosaic of complexities.Information processing demands for self-management of diabetes are extensive, requiring constant self monitoring and assessment of the illness state in order to apply per instance and per condition the most appropriate form of control. In this work we introduce a primary care communications concept tool centered upon optimization of the Patient-Practitioner Interview Encounter (PPIE). The target beneficiary is the Aboriginal T2DM patient living in Western Australia. Avital part of our design effort is therefore dedicated to understanding and responding to the cultural domain barriers, challenges and opportunities of this specific health care environment
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