2,052 research outputs found

    Ethnomedicinal Observations Among the Bheel and Bhilal Tribe of Jhabua District, Madhya Pradesh, India

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    The paper highlights uses of 15 ethnomedicinal plants traditionally utilized by the Bheel and Bhilala tribes of Jhabua district. The plant species are used as herbal medicines for treatment of various ailments and healthcare

    A capillary electrophoretic method for isolation and characterization of grape xylem proteins

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    European (Vitis vinifera) and American (Vitis labrusca) grape species succumb to a bacterial disease known as Pierce's Disease (PD). In contrast, muscadine grape genotypes (Vitis rotundifolia) are tolerant/resistant to PD. This is due to the unique biochemical composition of muscadine xylem. However, because of low protein concentration, conventional methods such as low-pressure chromatography and PAGE are unsuitable for grape xylem protein characterization. In addition, these procedures are tedious, time-consuming and require large amount of sample. This study reports a procedure for isolating and separating proteins from muscadine and bunch grape xylem tissue. The procedure consists of separation of xylem from cortex and phloem, removal of pigments and other gummy substances from xylem with ethanol: ethylacetate (2:1) and subsequent Capillary Electrophoretic (CE) analysis of xylem protein extracts to achieve desired resolution. Number of peaks, peak height and areas, retention time and baseline position were used to compare resolution and study the effect of sample and separation buffer. Xylem tissue proteins extracted with 0.05% sodium borate buffer (pH 8.3) and subjected to CE using 1.2% sodium borate (pH 8.3) as a separation buffer were found to yield most satisfactory resolution of grape xylem proteins. The data obtained by CE were consistent and reproducible, and hence, is well suited to obtain excellent resolution of xylem tissue protein for identifying differences in protein composition among the grape genotypes. (African Journal of Biotechnology: 2003 2(3): 66-70

    Cloning and structural analysis of a cDNA clone encoding glycinin (Gly-1) seed storage protein of peanut

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    A cDNA clone (peanut Gly-1) encoding for glycinin protein was isolated from the immature seeds (from yellow-1 maturity pods) and characterized. The clone spanning a total of 1836 bp, predicted protein of 529 amino acid residues with a calculated mass of 60,447.61 Da. Peanut Gly-1 sequence comparison shows high level of sequence homology with other two peanut glycinin (arachin) genes [Ara h3 (95%) and Ara h4 (94%)] and glycinin (legumin) genes of other legumes such as soybean, broad bean, French bean and pea etc., both at nucleotide (67 to 69%) and amino acid (60 to 63%) levels. The N- and C-terminals of peanut Gly-1 are highly conserved with other glycinin genes; central region of the gene possess three variable regions, which also show conservation with other glycinin genes. peanut glycinin-1 gene deciphers 11S type A seed storage protein. Mapping for conserved domains indicate that Peanut Gly-1 consists of bi-cupin domain. RNA gel blot studies demonstrate that the gene expressed during embryo development that is transcriptionally activated early in embryogenesis (white pod maturity) and is repressed late in seed maturation (orange pod maturity stage). Peanut Gly-1 does not express in other tissues like leaf, stem, root, flower, pegs or post germinating seedlings

    Cloning and structural analysis of a cDNA clone encoding glycinin (Gly-1) seed storage protein of peanut

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    Adsorption of Methylene Blue Dye from Industrial Effluents Using Coal Fly Ash

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    Industrial Wastewater contains several type of dye, causing serious environmental hazard. The discharge of highly colored effluents into natural water bodies not only is aesthetically displeasing, but also impedes light penetration, thus upsetting biological processes within stream and thus required treatment before discharge into a water body. In the present study, fly ash generated from coal based thermal powers station has been converted into a low-cost adsorbent for the removal of Methylene Blue from effluents of textile industry. Batch studies have been carried out to study the effect of pH, adsorbent doses, adsorbate concentration, temperature and contact time. The results of batch studies reveal that the adsorption of Methylene Blue is strongly pH dependent and maximum Methylene Blue removal is observed at equilibrium pH of 7.0. Optimum adsorbent dose and contact time are found to be 10 g/l and 360 minutes respectively. Kinetic studies have been performed to have an idea of the mechanistic aspects and to obtain the thermodynamic parameters of the process. The results also show that adsorption decreases with increase in temperature thereby showing the process exothermic in nature. Adsorption data have also been correlated with both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models

    A study of low level nitrogen laser therapy in the treatment of non-responding tubercular lymphadenopathy and sinuses

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    Forty-four cases of tubercular lymphadenopathy and sinuses, who were taking anti-tubercular treatment for more than 6 months and not responding to it, were randomly selected in this study. Overall cure rate in cases of lymphadenopathy was 93.99% , sinus 77.77% and cold abscess 100%. Mean age of the patients was 30.13 (Male: female1:4.5). Most common site of lymphadenopathy was cervical , smear was positive in 19(43.18%) cases and culture in 25(56.81%) cases. Low Level Nitrogen Laser Therapy may be used as an adjuvant to anti-tubercular drugs in cases of chronic non-responding tubercular lymphadenopathy and sinuses

    Želatinske nanočestice presvučene mananom za polaganu i ciljanu isporuku didanozina: In vitro i in vivo vrednovanje

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    Macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system and brain act as major reservoir for HIV because of their long term survival after HIV infection and ability to spread virus particles to bystander CD4 positive lymphocyte cells. The objective of the present study was to investigate mannan-coated nanoparticles for macrophage targeting of didanosine. Different didanosine loaded nanoparticles were prepared using the double desolvation technique and were characterized in vitro, ex-vivo and in vivo. Results of the ex-vivo cellular uptake study indicated 5-fold higher uptake of didanosine from the mannan-coated nanoparticles formulation (62.5 ± 5.4%) by the macrophages in comparison with didanosine solution in phosphate buffer saline (PBS, pH 7.4) (12.1 ± 2.3%). The better cellular uptake from the nanoparticles formulation was further confirmed by fluorescence microscopy using hydrophilic 6-carboxyfluorescein as a marker. Results of the quantitative biodistribution study showed 1.7, 12.6 and 12.4 times higher localization of didanosine in the spleen, lymph nodes and brain, respectively, after administration of mannan-coated nanoparticles compared to that after injection of didanosine solution in PBS (pH 7.4). Results of the present study showed that the mannan-coated nanoparticles targeted didanosine to the macrophage by mannosyl receptor mediated endocytosis.Makrofagi retikuloendotelnog sustava i mozak djeluju kao glavni rezervoari za HIV zbog njihovog dugoročnog preživljavanja nakon infekcije HIV-om i sposobnosti da usmjere virusne čestice u CD4 pozitivne limfocite. Cilj rada bio je ispitati nanočestice obložene mananom za ciljanu isporuku didanozina u makrofage. Koristeći metodu dvostruke desolvatacije pripravljene su različite nanočestice s didanozinom te su zatim karakterizirane in vitro, ex vivo i in vivo. Rezultati ex vivo ispitivanja ukazuju da je unos didanozina u makrofage 5 puta veći iz nanočestica obloženih mananom (62,5 ± 5,4%) u usporedbi s otopinom didanozina u fosfatnom puferu (PBS, pH 7,4) (12,1 ± 2,3%). Bolji celularni unos iz nanočestica potvrđen je fluorescentnom mikroskopijom koristeći hidrofilni 6-karboksifluorescein kao marker. Rezultati kvantitativne biodistribucije pokazuju da je lokalizacija didanozina u slezeni, limfnim čvorovima i mozgu 1,7, 12,6, odnosno 12,4 puta veća nakon primjene nanočestica obloženih mananom nego nakon primjene otopine didanozina u PBS-u (pH 7,4). Nanočestice s mananom usmjeravaju didanozin u makrofage procesom endocitoze u kojoj posreduju receptori za manozu