494 research outputs found

    An Emerging Decision Support Systems Technology for Disastrous Actions Management

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    The purpose of the chapter is to introduce a conceptual approach of emerging decision \ud \ud support systems (DSS) development in enhancing contextual support in decision making. \ud \ud We analyse the requirements of outlining a technological solution model for addressing \ud \ud disaster management problem situations in which decision makers at different levels can \ud \ud have the information support to respond effectively

    The Making of a Virtual Monster: Ideological Criticism on the ISIS Hate and Extremism

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    The 9/11 incident and its subsequent terrorism specifically the rise of radical Islamist groups like ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), and al-Qaeda astounds the world. ISIS’s propaganda technique using digital media helps the terrorist group motivate and recruit a large group of people from around the world. Terrorist incidents like the Dhaka café in 2016 and France soccer game attack in 2015 provide a glimpse of ISIS ferocity and barbarism with its subsequent series of attacks. This research examines the kind of rhetorical language that ISIS leaders and followers use to support their ideologies. And, how the internet became the main medium for ISIS in promoting hate ideology, violence, and terror? In this study, I follow the method of ideological criticism to examine ISIS’s rhetorical artifacts. I analyze the speeches of al-Baghdadi, the ISIS top leader, and Bangladesh and France terrorists. Specifically, I collect data from the video speeches, with the purpose of revealing how al-Baghdadi and other terrorist’s speeches were crafted with ideological elements to attract and motivate people. I, then, analyze the functions of the text, cultural influence, and practice on subsequent global socio-political reality. I identify three main ideologies from the artifacts—a) martyrdom or victory, b) global Muslims’ freedom, and c) Establishment of Caliphate for Global Muslims. ISIS ideologies work as camouflage to mislead people. The linguistic construction of ISIS messages are not exception to other such groups to motivate and recruit people. The findings of the analysis led to some intriguing results of how an extremist group begins and culminates its propaganda mechanisms though clever rhetorical strategies. ISIS incorporates concurrent problems in Muslims countries, blames the West and its allies for all those problems. The terrorist group also includes various divine and worldly benefits of terrorism in its rhetorical strategy

    Interplaying user roles in e-government design : a participatory good governance perspective

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    The interplaying roles among the user groups must be adequately-mapped to fulfil the design needs of Egovernment applications. In previous studies, the design of citizen-centric e-government and its theoretical understanding is still limited in relation to the requirement of engaging malleable features for supporting all relevant users&rsquo; roles in governing bodies. Operationalising IS theories to improve the design of e-government application has been a much sought-after objective. Yet, there is a lack of actionable guidance on how to develop e-government application that exhibits high levels of users&rsquo; engagement through malleable features. Under a participatory good governance perspective, the paper reports a qualitative study and identifies requirement of malleable provisions to support the interplaying roles among users in a case demonstration of extensional service delivery in government. While service content describes the features available on an e-government application for assisting user groups in completing their support services.<br /

    A Design Science Research Methodology for Expert Systems Development

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    The knowledge of design science research (DSR) can have applications for improving expert systems (ES) development research. Although significant progress of utilising DSR has been observed in particular information systems design – such as decision support systems (DSS) studies – only rare attempts can be found in the ES design literature. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the use of DSR for ES design. First, we explore the ES development literature to reveal the presence of DSR as a research methodology. For this, we select relevant literature criteria and apply a qualitative content analysis in order to generate themes inductively to match the DSR components. Second, utilising the findings of the comparison, we determine a new DSR approach for designing a specific ES that is guided by another result – the findings of a content analysis of examination scripts in Mathematics. The specific ES artefact for a case demonstration is designed for addressing the requirement of a ‘wicked’ problem in that the key purpose is to assist human assessors when evaluating multi-step question (MSQ) solutions. It is anticipated that the proposed design knowledge, in terms of both problem class and functions of ES artefacts, will help ES designers and researchers to address similar issues for designing information system solutions

    Motivation-based IS evaluation strategy : a perspective of marketing information systems

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    The article describes the importance of motivational factors through an analysis of the core TAM constructs in the context of marketing IS evaluation. We argue that our findings compliment current IS evaluation strategy, specially for measuring motivational elements for online IS. The study consequently provides an empirical validation of the importance of motivational and behavioural factors. Through an experimental analysis we evaluated the relative importance of perceived enjoyment with perceived usefulness of using an online website for shopping purposes and found that enjoyment was by far the dominant predictor of attitude towards online shopping. The result illustrates that in terms of IS evaluation online environments have moved from being functional online applications to being functional, engaging and interactive online IS (e.g. websites).<br /

    On-Cloud Motherhood Clinic: A Healthcare Management Solution for Rural Communities in Developing Countries

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    Background: Modern telecommunication infrastructure enables bridging of the digital divide between rural and urban healthcare services, promoting the provision of suitable medical care and support. Thus far, there has been some positive impacts to applying mobile health (m-Health) solutions, but their full potential in relation to cloud computing has is yet to be realised. It is imperative to develop an innovative approach for addressing the digital divide in a context of developing country. Method: Adopting a design science research approach (DSR), this study describes an innovative m-Health solution utilising cloud computing that enables healthcare professionals and women in rural areas to achieve comprehensive maternal healthcare support. We developed the solution framework through iterative prototyping with stakeholders’ participation, and evaluated the design using focus groups. Results: The cloud-based solution was positively evaluated as supporting healthcare professionals and service providers. It was perceived to help provide a virtual presence for evaluating and diagnosing expectant mothers’ critical healthcare data, medical history, and in providing necessary service support in a virtual clinic environment. Conclusions: The new application offers benefits to target stakeholders enabling a new practice-based paradigm applicable in other healthcare management. We demonstrated utilities to address target problems as well as the mechanism propositions for meeting the information exchange demand for better realisation of practical needs of the end users. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol12/iss1/3
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