339 research outputs found

    Orbital Angular Momentum in Scalar Diquark Model and QED

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    We compare the orbital angular momentum of the 'quark' in the scalar diquark model as well as that of the electron in QED (to order {\alpha}) obtained from the Jaffe-Manohar de- composition to that obtained from the Ji relation. We estimate the importance of the vector potential in the definition of orbital angular momentum

    Evolution of Gluon Spin in the Nucleon

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    We examine the Q2Q^2 evolution of gluon polarization in polarized nucleons. As is well known, the evolution of αsΔG(Q2)\alpha_s \Delta G(Q^2) is negligible for typical momentum transfer variations found in experimental deep inelastic scattering. As αs\alpha_s increases, however, the leading nonzero term in the evolution equation for the singlet first moment reduces the magnitude of the gluon spin. At low Q2Q^2 the term αsΔG\alpha_s \Delta G can vanish, and ultimately become negative. Thus, low energy model calculations yielding negative ΔG\Delta G are not necessarily in conflict with experimental evidence for positive gluon polarization at high Q2Q^2.Comment: ReVTeX + psfig, 7 pages, 3 figures (postscript), accepted in Physics Letters B, ([email protected]

    Space-time properties of the higher twist amplitudes

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    A consistent and intuitive description of the twist-4 corrections to the hadron structure functions is presented in a QCD-improved parton model using time-ordered perturbative theory, where the collinear singularities are naturally eliminated. We identify the special propagators with the backward propagators of partons in time order.Comment: 18 Pages, Latex, 8 Ps figures, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    What Do We Know About the Strange Magnetic Radius?

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    We analyze the q^2-dependence of the strange magnetic form factor, \GMS(q^2), using heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory (HBChPT) and dispersion relations. We find that in HBChPT a significant cancellation occurs between the O(p^2) and O(p^3) loop contributions. Consequently, the slope of \GMS at the origin displays an enhanced sensitivity to an unknown O(p^3) low-energy constant. Using dispersion theory, we estimate the magnitude of this constant, show that it may have a natural size, and conclude that the low-q^2 behavior of \GMS could be dominated by nonperturbative physics. We also discuss the implications for the interpretation of parity-violating electron scattering measurements used to measure \GMS(q^2).Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, 2 ps figure

    Investigation of the high momentum component of nuclear wave function using hard quasielastic A(p,2p)X reactions

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    We present theoretical analysis of the first data on the high energy and momentum transfer (hard) quasielastic C(p,2p)XC(p,2p)X reactions. The cross section of hard A(p,2p)XA(p,2p)X reaction is calculated within the light-cone impulse approximation based on two-nucleon correlation model for the high-momentum component of the nuclear wave function. The nuclear effects due to modification of the bound nucleon structure, soft nucleon-nucleon reinteraction in the initial and final states of the reaction with and without color coherence have been considered. The calculations including these nuclear effects show that the distribution of the bound proton light-cone momentum fraction (α)(\alpha) shifts towards small values (α<1\alpha < 1), effect which was previously derived only within plane wave impulse approximation. This shift is very sensitive to the strength of the short range correlations in nuclei. Also calculated is an excess of the total longitudinal momentum of outgoing protons. The calculations are compared with data on the C(p,2p)XC(p,2p)X reaction obtained from the EVA/AGS experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory. These data show α\alpha-shift in agreement with the calculations. The comparison allows also to single out the contribution from short-range nucleon correlations. The obtained strength of the correlations is in agreement with the values previously obtained from electroproduction reactions on nuclei.Comment: 30 pages LaTex file and 19 eps figure

    Power Counting in the Soft-Collinear Effective Theory

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    We describe in some detail the derivation of a power counting formula for the soft-collinear effective theory (SCET). This formula constrains which operators are required to correctly describe the infrared at any order in the Lambda_QCD/Q expansion (lambda expansion). The result assigns a unique lambda-dimension to graphs in SCET solely from vertices, is gauge independent, and can be applied independent of the process. For processes with an OPE the lambda-dimension has a correspondence with dynamical twist.Comment: 12 pages, 1 fig, journal versio

    Nonperturbative Description of Deep Inelastic Structure Functions in Light-Front QCD

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    We explore the deep inelastic structure functions of hadrons nonperturbatively in an inverse power expansion of the light-front energy of the probe in the framework of light-front QCD. We arrive at the general expressions for various structure functions as the Fourier transform of matrix elements of different components of bilocal vector and axial vector currents on the light-front in a straightforward manner. The complexities of the structure functions are mainly carried by the multi-parton wave functions of the hadrons, while, the bilocal currents have a dynamically dependent yet simple structure on the light-front in this description. We also present a novel analysis of the power corrections based on light-front power counting which resolves some ambiguities of the conventional twist analysis in deep inelastic processes. Further, the factorization theorem and the scale evolution of the structure functions are presented in this formalism by using old-fashioned light-front time-ordered perturbation theory with multi-parton wave functions. Nonperturbative QCD dynamics underlying the structure functions can be explored in the same framework. Once the nonperturbative multi-parton wave functions are known from low-energy light-front QCD, a complete description of deep inelastic structure functions can be realized.Comment: Revtex, 30 pages and no figur

    The role of orbital angular momentum in the proton spin

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    The orbital angular momenta LuL^u and LdL^d of up and down quarks in the proton are estimated as functions of the energy scale as model-independently as possible, on the basis of Ji's angular momentum sum rule. This analysis indicates that LuLdL^u - L^d is large and negative even at low energy scale of nonperturbative QCD, in contrast to Thomas' similar analysis based on the refined cloudy bag model. We pursuit the origin of this apparent discrepancy and suggest that it may have a connection with the fundamental question of how to define quark orbital angular momenta in QCD.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 table A slightly extended version to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Accessing Transversity in Double-Spin Asymmetries at the BNL-RHIC

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    We give upper bounds for transverse double-spin asymmetries in polarized proton-proton collisions by saturating the positivity constraint for the transversity densities at a low hadronic resolution scale. We consider prompt photon, jet, pion, and heavy flavor production at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Estimates of the expected statistical accuracy for such measurements are presented, taking into account the acceptance of the RHIC detectors.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures as eps file

    Instantons and Scalar Multiquark States: From Small to Large N_c

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    We study scalar quark-anti-quark and two-quark-two-anti-quark correlation functions in the instanton liquid model. We show that the instanton liquid supports a light scalar-isoscalar (sigma) meson, and that this state is strongly coupled to both (qˉq)(\bar{q}q) and (qˉq)2(\bar{q}q)^2. The scalar-isovector a0a_0 meson, on the other hand, is heavy. We also show that these properties are specific to QCD with three colors. In the large NcN_c limit the scalar-isoscalar meson is not light, and it is mainly coupled to (qˉq)(\bar{q}q).Comment: 24 page