198 research outputs found

    A profiling analysis of contributions of cigarette smoking, dietary calcium intakes, and physical activity to fragility fracture in the elderly

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    Fragility fracture and bone mineral density (BMD) are influenced by common and modifiable lifestyle factors. In this study, we sought to define the contribution of lifestyle factors to fracture risk by using a profiling approach. The study involved 1683 women and 1010 men (50+ years old, followed up for up to 20 years). The incidence of new fractures was ascertained by X-ray reports. A “lifestyle risk score” (LRS) was derived as the weighted sum of effects of dietary calcium intake, physical activity index, and cigarette smoking. Each individual had a unique LRS, with higher scores being associated with a healthier lifestyle. Baseline values of lifestyle factors were assessed. In either men or women, individuals with a fracture had a significantly lower age-adjusted LRS than those without a fracture. In men, each unit lower in LRS was associated with a 66% increase in the risk of total fracture (non-adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 1.66; 95% CI, 1.26 to 2.20) and still significant after adjusting for age, weight or BMD. However, in women, the association was uncertain (HR 1.30; 95% CI, 1.11 to 1.53). These data suggest that unhealthy lifestyle habits are associated with an increased risk of fracture in men, but not in women, and that the association is mediated by BMD

    Epidemiological transition to mortality and refracture following an initial fracture

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    This study sought to redefine the concept of fracture risk that includes refracture and mortality, and to transform the risk into "skeletal age". We analysed data obtained from 3521 women and men aged 60 years and older, whose fracture incidence, mortality, and bone mineral density (BMD) have been monitored since 1989. During the 20-year follow-up period, among 632 women and 184 men with a first incident fracture, the risk of sustaining a second fracture was higher in women (36%) than in men (22%), but mortality risk was higher in men (41%) than in women (25%). The increased risk of mortality was not only present with an initial fracture, but was accelerated with refractures. Key predictors of post-fracture mortality were male gender (hazard ratio [HR] 2.4; 95% CI, 1.79–3.21), advancing age (HR 1.67; 1.53–1.83), and lower femoral neck BMD (HR 1.16; 1.01–1.33). A 70-year-old man with a fracture is predicted to have a skeletal age of 75. These results were incorporated into a prediction model to aid patient-doctor discussion about fracture vulnerability and treatment decisions

    Clinical Implications of Combinatorial Pharmacogenomic Tests Based on Cytochrome P450 Variant Selection

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    Despite the potential to improve patient outcomes, the application of pharmacogenomics (PGx) is yet to be routine. A growing number of PGx implementers are leaning toward using combinatorial PGx (CPGx) tests (i.e., multigene tests) that are reusable over patients’ lifetimes. However, selecting a single best available CPGx test is challenging owing to many patient- and population-specific factors, including variant frequency differences across ethnic groups. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the detection rate of currently available CPGx tests based on the cytochrome P450 (CYP) gene variants they target. The detection rate was defined as the percentage of a given population with an “altered metabolizer” genotype predicted phenotype, where a CPGx test targeted both gene variants a prospective diplotypes. A potential genotype predicted phenotype was considered an altered metabolizer when it resulted in medication therapy modification based on Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC) guidelines. Targeted variant CPGx tests found in the Genetic Testing Registry (GTR), gene selection information, and diplotype frequency data from the Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base (PharmGKB) were used to determine the detection rate of each CPGx test. Our results indicated that the detection rate of CPGx tests covering CYP2C19, CYP2C9, CYP2D6, and CYP2B6 show significant variation across ethnic groups. Specifically, the Sub-Saharan Africans have 63.9% and 77.9% average detection rates for CYP2B6 and CYP2C19 assays analyzed, respectively. In addition, East Asians (EAs) have an average detection rate of 55.1% for CYP2C9 assays. Therefore, the patient’s ethnic background should be carefully considered in selecting CPGx tests

    The origins of haplotype 58 (H58) Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a serious threat to the clinical management of typhoid fever. AMR in Salmonella Typhi (S. Typhi) is commonly associated with the H58 lineage, a lineage that arose comparatively recently before becoming globally disseminated. To better understand when and how H58 emerged and became dominant, we performed detailed phylogenetic analyses on contemporary genome sequences from S. Typhi isolated in the period spanning the emergence. Our dataset, which contains the earliest described H58 S. Typhi organism, indicates that ancestral H58 organisms were already multi-drug resistant (MDR). These organisms emerged spontaneously in India in 1987 and became radially distributed throughout South Asia and then globally in the ensuing years. These early organisms were associated with a single long branch, possessing mutations associated with increased bile tolerance, suggesting that the first H58 organism was generated during chronic carriage. The subsequent use of fluoroquinolones led to several independent mutations in gyrA. The ability of H58 to acquire and maintain AMR genes continues to pose a threat, as extensively drug-resistant (XDR; MDR plus resistance to ciprofloxacin and third generation cephalosporins) variants, have emerged recently in this lineage. Understanding where and how H58 S. Typhi originated and became successful is key to understand how AMR drives successful lineages of bacterial pathogens. Additionally, these data can inform optimal targeting of typhoid conjugate vaccines (TCVs) for reducing the potential for emergence and the impact of new drug-resistant variants. Emphasis should also be placed upon the prospective identification and treatment of chronic carriers to prevent the emergence of new drug resistant variants with the ability to spread efficiently

    A retrospective investigation of the population structure and geospatial distribution of Salmonella Paratyphi A in Kathmandu, Nepal

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    Salmonella Paratyphi A, one of the major etiologic agents of enteric fever, has increased in prevalence in recent decades in certain endemic regions in comparison to S. Typhi, the most prevalent cause of enteric fever. Despite this increase, data on the prevalence and molecular epidemiology of S. Paratyphi A remain generally scarce. Here, we analysed the whole genome sequences of 216 S. Paratyphi A isolates originating from Kathmandu, Nepal between 2005 and 2014, of which 200 were from patients with acute enteric fever and 16 from the gallbladder of people with suspected chronic carriage. By exploiting the recently developed genotyping framework for S. Paratyphi A (Paratype), we identified several genotypes circulating in Kathmandu. Notably, we observed an unusual clonal expansion of genotype 2.4.3 over a four-year period that spread geographically and systematically replaced other genotypes. This rapid genotype replacement is hypothesised to have been driven by both reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones and genetic changes to virulence factors, such as functional and structural genes encoding the type 3 secretion systems. Finally, we show that person-to-person is likely the most common mode of transmission and chronic carriers seem to play a limited role in maintaining disease circulation

    A Risk Assessment Tool for Predicting Fragility Fractures and Mortality in the Elderly

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    Existing fracture risk assessment tools are not designed to predict fracture-associated consequences, possibly contributing to the current undermanagement of fragility fractures worldwide. We aimed to develop a risk assessment tool for predicting the conceptual risk of fragility fractures and its consequences. The study involved 8965 people aged >= 60 years from the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study and the Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study. Incident fracture was identified from X-ray reports and questionnaires, and death was ascertained though contact with a family member or obituary review. We used a multistate model to quantify the effects of the predictors on the transition risks to an initial and subsequent incident fracture and mortality, accounting for their complex interrelationships, confounding effects, and death as a competing risk. There were 2364 initial fractures, 755 subsequent fractures, and 3300 deaths during a median follow-up of 13 years (interquartile range [IQR] 7-15). The prediction model included sex, age, bone mineral density, history of falls within 12 previous months, prior fracture after the age of 50 years, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, chronic pulmonary diseases, hypertension, and cancer. The model accurately predicted fragility fractures up to 11 years of follow-up and post-fracture mortality up to 9 years, ranging from 7 years after hip fractures to 15 years after non-hip fractures. For example, a 70-year-old woman with aT-score of -1.5 and without other risk factors would have 10% chance of sustaining a fracture and an 8% risk of dying in 5 years. However, after an initial fracture, her risk of sustaining another fracture or dying doubles to 33%, ranging from 26% after a distal to 42% post hip fracture. A robust statistical technique was used to develop a prediction model for individualization of progression to fracture and its consequences, facilitating informed decision making about risk and thus treatment for individuals with different risk profiles. (c) 2020 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

    Unstable Flow and Non-Monotonic Constitutive Equation of Transient Networks

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    We have measured the nonlinear rheological response of a model transient network over a large range of steady shear rates. The system is built up from an oil in water droplet microemulsion into which a telechelic polymer is incorporated. The phase behaviour is characterized which comprises a liquid-gas phase separation and a percolation threshold. The rheological measurements are performed in the one phase region above the percolation line. Shear thinning is observed for all samples, leading in most cases to an unstable stress response at intermediate shear rates. We built up a very simple mean field model which involves the reduction of the residence time of the stickers in the droplets due to the chain tensions at high shear. The computed constitutive equation is non-monotonic with a range where the stress is a decreasing function of the rate, a feature that indeed makes homogeneous flows unstable. The computed the flow curves compare well to the experiments.Comment: mai 200

    Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status, Depression, and Health Status in the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Study

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    Depression and diminished health status are common in adults with diabetes, but few studies have investigated associations with socio-economic environment. The objective of this manuscript was to evaluate the relationship between neighborhood-level SES and health status and depression. Individual-level data on 1010 participants at baseline in Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes), a trial of long-term weight loss among adults with type 2 diabetes, were linked to neighborhood-level SES (% living below poverty) from the 2000 US Census (tracts). Dependent variables included depression (Beck Inventory), and health status (Medical Outcomes Study (SF-36) scale). Multi-level regression models were used to account simultaneously for individual-level age, sex, race, education, personal yearly income and neighborhood-level SES. Overall, the % living in poverty in the participants' neighborhoods varied, mean = 11% (range 0-67%). Compared to their counterparts in the lowest tertile of neighborhood poverty (least poverty), those in the highest tertile (most poverty) had significantly lower scores on the role-limitations(physical), role limitations(emotional), physical functioning, social functioning, mental health, and vitality sub-scales of the SF-36 scale. When evaluating SF-36 composite scores, those living in neighborhoods with more poverty had significantly lower scores on the physical health (β-coefficient [β] = -1.90 units, 95% CI: -3.40,-0.039), mental health (β = -2.92 units, -4.31,-1.53) and global health (β = -2.77 units, -4.21,-1.33) composite scores. In this selected group of weight loss trial participants, lower neighborhood SES was significantly associated with poorer health status. Whether these associations might influence response to the Look AHEAD weight loss intervention requires further investigation
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