16 research outputs found

    8-Triazolylpurines: Towards Fluorescent Inhibitors of the MDM2/p53 Interaction

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    Small molecule nonpeptidic mimics of alpha-helices are widely recognised as protein-protein interaction (PPIs) inhibitors. Protein-protein interactions mediate virtually all important regulatory pathways in a cell, and the ability to control and modulate PPIs is therefore of great significance to basic biology, where controlled disruption of protein networks is key to understanding network connectivity and function. We have designed and synthesised two series of 2,6,9-substituted 8-triazolylpurines as alpha-helix mimetics. The first series was designed based on low energy conformations but did not display any biological activity in a biochemical fluorescence polarisation assay targeting MDM2/p53. Although solution NMR conformation studies demonstrated that such molecules could mimic the topography of an alpha-helix, docking studies indicated that the same compounds were not optimal as inhibitors for the MDM2/p53 interaction. A new series of 8-triazolylpurines was designed based on a combination of docking studies and analysis of recently published inhibitors. The best compound displayed low micromolar inhibitory activity towards MDM2/p53 in a biochemical fluorescence polarisation assay. In order to evaluate the applicability of these compounds as biologically active and intrinsically fluorescent probes, their absorption/emission properties were measured. The compounds display fluorescent properties with quantum yields up to 50%

    Entreprenören i servicebranschen

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    Sammanfattning (for english: scroll down) Titel: Entreprenören i servicebranschen Seminariedatum: 2007-05-31, 2007-06-01 Kurs: SMT302 Kandidatuppsats 10p Författare: Jimmy Heijel, Lars Jacobsson, Fredrik Svensson Handledare: Elin Bommenel, Carl R. Hellberg Nyckelord: Entreprenören, serviceentreprenören, servicebranschen, service management, kontrollens lokalisering, innovationsförmĂ„ga, riskhantering, prestationsbehov och intuition. Syfte: Att med utgĂ„ngspunkt i entreprenörers vedertagna egenskaper identifiera beskriva och analysera egenskaper som sĂ€rskiljer entreprenörer i serviceverksamheter. Metod: Arbetet genom uppsatsen har följt ett kvalitativt angreppssĂ€tt dĂ€r en deduktiv ansats anvĂ€nts. TvĂ„ intervjuer har gjorts med entreprenörer verksamma i nĂ€ringslivet. Vidare görs en förklaring av servicebranschens sĂ€rart för att sedan stĂ€llas mot entreprenörskapsteorier. Intervjuerna anvĂ€nds som illustrationer för att levandegöra det teoretiska underlaget. Teoriskt perspektiv: De teorier som anvĂ€nts i uppsatsen r fokuserade pĂ„ egenskaper och Ă€r hĂ€mtade frĂ„n följande entreprenörskapsforskare; Fredrik Delmar, Scott Shane, David Kirby, Bengt Johannisson och Ingeman Arbnor. Fokus har legat pĂ„ de egenskaper som författarna ansett lĂ€mpligast för Ă€ndamĂ„let; individualism, innovationsförmĂ„ga, riskhantering, intuition och prestationsbehov. Dessa egenskaper Ă€r Ă€ven de som varit stĂ€ndigt Ă„terkommande hos forskarna. Empiri: VĂ„rt empiriska material bestĂ„r av tvĂ„ semistrukturerade personliga intervjuer, som genomförts dels med Bicky Chakraborty och dels med Svante Paulsson. Vidare har Ă€ven sekundĂ€rdata om bilbyggaren Christian von Koenigsegg anvĂ€nts. Slutsatser: Teorin sĂ€ger att entreprenören Ă€r vĂ€ldigt individuell och tar gĂ€rna inte hĂ€nsyn till andra mĂ€nniskors idĂ©er, ibland nĂ€st intill en avvikare. För en entreprenör att vara individuell inom servicesektorn lĂ€mpar sig inte sĂ„ vĂ€l, dĂ„ denne stĂ€ndigt Ă€r i kontakt med mĂ€nniskor, och mĂ„ste ta hĂ€nsyn till mĂ€nniskors önskemĂ„l. Det Ă€r mĂ€nniskor som bygger verksamheten, och sĂ„ledes entreprenörens framgĂ„ng. För entreprenörer i servicebranschen handlar innovationer mer om att kontinuerligt utveckla sitt befintliga tjĂ€nsteerbjudande Ă€n om att komma med revolutionerade uppfinningar. Abstract Title: Entrepreneurship in the service industry Seminar date: 2007-05-31, 2007-06-01 Course: Bachelor thesis in Service Management, 10 Swedish credits (15 ECTC) Authors: Jimmy Heijel, Lars Jacobsson, Fredrik Svensson Supervisor/Advisor: Elin Bommenel, Carl R. Hellberg Key Words: Entrepreneur, hosptalityentrepreneur, Service Management, service entrepreneur, the service sector, independence, locus of control, innovation, risk-management, need for achievement and intuition. Purpose: To identify, describe and analyse the characteristics that distinguishes the entrepreneur within the hospitality industry weighing in to account the generally accepted characteristics of the entrepreneur. Methodology: In this thesis we use a qualitative approach. Two interviews have been conducted with entrepreneurs within the business world. We then describe the distinctive character of the hospitality industry, with which we compare the theories about the entrepreneur. We use the interviews to illustrate our theoretical perspective. Theoretical perspectives: The theories mainly focus on specific characteristics, which are collected from the fallowing entrepreneurship researchers; Fredrik Delmar, Scott Shane, David Kirby, Bengt Johannisson och Ingeman Arbnor. With our purpose in mind, we focus on the following characteristics; independence, locus of control, innovation, risk-management, need of achievement and intuition. Empirical perspectives: The empirical material consists of two semi structured personal interviews, the first with Bicky Chakraborty and the second with Svante Paulsson. Furthermore we have studied secondary sources around Christian von Koenigsegg. Conclusion: The theory describes an entrepreneur as very autonomous people who does not often consider other people’s ideas. In the hospitality industry individualism is not a favourable characteristic, since an entrepreneur in this industry has to consider peoples desires and interact with people on a daily basis. People are the cornerstone of this industry, which ultimately determines the success of the entrepreneur. Innovation within the hospitality industry consists of an ongoing development of ones established services, rather than implementing revolutional inventions

    Conformational analysis of 8a.

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    <p>a) NOE correlations (green arrows) in proximity of the triazole ring observed for <b>8a</b>. b) Sideview and c) topview of one of the conformations found in the NAMFIS-analysis. (All 6 NAMFIS conformations can be found in Fig. D and E in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0124423#pone.0124423.s001" target="_blank">S1 File</a>).</p

    Absorption and fluorescent properties of 8-(triazolyl)purine derivatives in methanol solution.

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    <p>λ<sub>abs, max</sub> and λ<sub>em, max</sub> are the wavelengths of absorption and emission maxima, respectively, and <i>Ί</i><sub><i>F</i></sub> is the fluorescence quantum yield</p><p>Absorption and fluorescent properties of 8-(triazolyl)purine derivatives in methanol solution.</p

    Photophysical characterization of 14b, 14f, 14g, 14h and 14i.

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    <p>Normalised absorption (solid lines) and emission (dashed lines) spectra of a selection of the investigated compounds (the full set of absorption and emission spectra can be found in the SI).</p

    Synthesis of compound 1–6.

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    <p>Reaction conditions: (<b>a</b>) R<sub>1</sub>OH, DIAD, Ph<sub>3</sub>P, THF. (<b>b</b>) R<sub>2</sub>OH, ADDP, <i>n</i>Bu<sub>3</sub>P, THF. (<b>c</b>) DMF, MW, 180°C. (<b>d</b>) PyBr<sub>3</sub>, CH<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub>. (<b>e</b>) (i) Pd(II)Cl<sub>2</sub>(PPh<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>, Cu(I)I, Amberlite IRA-67, TMS-acetylene, MW, 110°C. (ii) PS-F, THF.</p

    Overview of 8-(triazolyl)purine design.

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    <p>Schematic representation of a) an α-helix with residues present on one face of the helix (<i>i</i>, <i>i</i>+4 and <i>i</i>+7) denoted as black spheres, and b) the 8-triazolyl scaffold with R-groups denoted as black spheres. c) Superimposition of Ala-helix (black), with low energy conformations of 8-(1,4-triazolyl)-purine (turquoise) and 8-(1,5-triazolyl)-purine (yellow).</p