7 research outputs found

    En ordbog er en database

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    Under produktionen af Ordbog over det norrøne prosasprog: Registre (første bind af Den arnamagnæanske kommissions ordbog i 12 bind, udkommet i slutningen af 1989) lagdes alle oplysninger om ordbogens kildemateriale (håndskrifter, udgaver, norrøne og udenlandske) i database. Fra databaserne udvalgte redaktionen, hvilke data pr. automatik skulle bringes i registerbindet og under hvilken præsentationsform (typografi, layout). Det traditionelle stadium i en bogs tilblivelsesproces med udfærdigelse af "tekstbehandlet" manuskript og efterfølgende korrekturlæsning kunne således overspringes, og arbejdet kunne koncentreres om bogens indhold

    Finding the needle in the haystack: Comparison of methods for salmon louse enumeration in plankton samples

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    The economic and social implications of salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) epidemics in salmon aquaculture drive focus of the dispersal dynamics of the planktonic larval stages. The vast spatial scale and high connectivity of the marine environment creates difficult conditions to monitor the infective planktonic louse stage, whereby the number of samples required for a representative description is bottlenecked by processing capacity. This study assessed five quantification methods for accuracy and precision in enumeration of lice in plankton samples, validated against the benchmark method of light microscopy. Visual-based (fluorescence microscopy and automated fluid imaging) and molecular-based (droplet digital PCR, quantitative fraction PCR and quantitative PCR) were tested using high- and low-density plankton samples spiked with louse copepodids, with spike numbers blind to assessors. We propose an approach to comparative assessment that uses the collective bias and deviation of a test method to determine whether it is acceptably similar to the benchmark method. Under this framework, no methods passed the comparative test, with only ddPCR comparable to light microscopy (87% mean accuracy and 74% precision). qfPCR and fluorescence microscopy were moderately efficient (88% and 67% accuracy, and 36% and 52% precision respectively). Molecular techniques are currently restricted in distinguishing between larval stages, which is an essential distinction for some research questions, but can be economical in processing numerous samples. Overall method suitability will depend on the research objectives and resources available. These results provide evidence for operational accuracy for the tested methods and highlight the direction for further development to optimize their use

    Samanburður HEp-2000 fruma við fyrirliggjandi kjarnamótefna rannsóknaraðferðir á ónæmisfræðideild LSH

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    Sjálfsofnæmissjúkdómar hrjá 5-8% fólks í heiminum og eru mun algengari hjá konum en körlum. Margir þeirra hafa sterk tengsl við sjálfsofnæmismótefni sem eru ekki vefjasértæk og beinast því gegn sameindum sem finnast meira og minna í öllum frumum líkamans, þar á meðal kjarnaþáttum. Dæmi um þessa sjúkdóma eru rauðir úlfar, blandaður bandvefsjúkdómur, Sjögrens heilkenni og herslismein. ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimpróf er óbeint flúrskinspróf sem er notað til að skima fyrir sjálfsofnæmismótefnum sem beinast gegn kjarnaþáttum og geta niðurstöður hjálpað til við sjúkdómsgreiningu. Í upphafi voru ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimpróf framkvæmd á nagdýravef. Á síðast liðnum tveim áratugum hefur nagdýravefnum verið skipt út á flest öllum rannsóknarstofum í heiminum fyrir HEp2 og HEp-2000 frumur en á ónæmsifræðideild LSH er ennþá notaður nagdýravefur. Sýnin eru metin með tilliti til styrks mótefna í sermi og mynsturs í flúrskinssmásjá en mynstur geta gefið vísbendingar um ákveðin sjálfsofnæmismótefni. Ef sýni eru jákvæð í ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimprófi eru framkvæmdar ENA mótefnamælingar til nánari greiningar á kjarnaþáttum. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að bera saman ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimpróf á nagdýravef og HEp-2000 frumum, skoða mynstursgreiningu á HEp-2000 frumum miðað við nagdýravef, bera niðurstöður ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimprófa saman við fyrirliggjandi ENA mótefnamælingar og skoða samband sjálfsofnæmismótefna við ákveðna sjálfsofnæmissjúkdóma. 195 sjúklingasýni af gigtar- og ónæmisfræðideildum LSH sem áður höfðu verið sett upp á nagdýravef voru sett upp á HEp-2000 frumum og niðurstöður bornar saman. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar benda til þess að noktun á nagdýravef sem undirlag í ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimprófi er sambærilegt við notkun á HEp-2000 frumum. Tengsl eru á milli mynstra í ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimprófi og ákveðinna sjálfsofnæmismótefna í ENA mótefnamælingum. Niðurstöður sýna fram á að ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimpróf er mikilvægt skimpróf til stuðnings við sjúkdómsgreiningu. Samkvæmt niðurstöðum þessarar rannsóknar er ekkert því til fyrirstöðu að halda áfram að framkvæma ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimpróf á nagdýravef á ónæmisfræðideild LSH

    Greiningarhæfni og samanburður HEp-2000 fruma við fyrirliggjandi kjarnamótefna rannsóknaraðferðir á ónæmisfræðideild LSH. Notkun og túlkun ANA gigtarprófa

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    Introduction: Autoimmune diseases as a group affect about 5-8 % of the population and are more frequent in female. Many of them have a connection to autoantibodies that are non-organ specific and are therefore directed against the molecules that are found more or less in all cells of the human body, including nuclear and intracellular cytoplasm molecules. Examples of these diseases are mixed connective tissue disease, Sjögren’s syndrome, systemic sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus. The anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) screen test is an indirect immunofluorescence assay that is used to screen for autoantibodies against nuclear and intracellular cytoplasm molecules. Test results may help with the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. The ANA screen test was originally performed on a cryocut of rodent tissue as a substrate, but in the past three or four decades it has mostly been replaced by HEp-2 cells and later on HEp-2000 cells. At the Department of Immunology, Landspítali -The National University Hospital of Iceland a cryocut of rodent tissue is still used as a substrate. Objectives: To compare HEp-2000 cells and rodent tissue as substrates for ANA testing on chosen cohort. Evaluate antibody concentration and ANA patterns on both HEp-2000 cells and rodent tissue. Further analysis of data from 195 individuals, where ANA screen test results were compared to existing diagnosis and specific symptoms. Material and methods: Three hundred samples (cohort A) from hospitals and clinics with request for ANA screening test arriving at Department of Immunology in September 2013. ANA screen test using HEp-2000 cells was performed on all samples and ENA screen test and/or dsDNA (EliA) if appropriate. Further analysis of data from 195 individuals (cohort B), that were selected based on ANA and ENA screen test results, coming from outpatient clinic of Departments of Rheumatology and Immunology at Landspitali to the Department of Immunology during the years 2008-2010. Results: There is a significant correlation between both patterns (p= <0.0001) and titer (p= <0.0001) on rodent tissue and HEp-2000 cells. Of positive samples, ANA pattern were identical in 50.6% (45/89) of cases. ANA testing using IIF shows a good sensitivity, 86.2% on rodent tissue and 94.2% on HEp-2000 cells and positive predictive value. 76.8% on rodent tissue and 73% on Hep-2000 cells. Conclusion: Rodent tissue and HEp-2000 cells are equaly eligible as substrate for ANA screen test. There is no evidence to suggest updating the current proticol of performing ANA test on rodent tissue at the Department of Immunolgoy, Landspital – The National Univerisity Hospital of Iceland. If a decision will be made to implement HEp-2000 cells, the cut-off titer must be well considered, our results indicate that a titer less than 1:100 should be used. According to our findings the ANA screen test should continue to be the screening test that comes before the ENA screen test or other similar test to detect anti-ENA antibodies and anti-dsDNA antibodies.Inngangur: Sjálfsofnæmissjúkdómar hrjá 5-8% af fólki í heiminum og eru mun algengari hjá konum en körlum. Margir þeirra hafa sterk tengsl við sjálfsofnæmismótefni sem eru ekki vefjasértæk og beinast því gegn sameindum sem finnast meira og minna í öllum frumum líkamans, þar á meðal kjarnaþáttum. Dæmi um þessa sjúkdóma eru blandaður bandvefsjúkdómur, herslismein, rauðir úlfar og Sjögrens heilkenni. ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimpróf er óbeint flúrskinspróf sem er notað til að skima fyrir sjálfsofnæmismótefnum sem beinast gegn kjarnaþáttum og geta niðurstöður hjálpað til við sjúkdómsgreiningu. Í upphafi voru ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimpróf framkvæmd á nagdýravef. Á síðast liðnum þrem til fjórum áratugum hefur nagdýravefnum verið skipt út á flest öllum rannsóknarstofum fyrir HEp-2 og HEp-2000 frumur en á ónæmsifræðideild LSH er ennþá notaður nagdýravefur. Sýnin eru metin með tilliti til styrks mótefna í sermi og mynsturs í flúrskinssmásjá en mynstur geta gefið vísbendingar um ákveðin sjálfsofnæmismótefni. Ef sýni eru jákvæð í ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimprófi eru framkvæmdar ENA og DNA mótefnamælingar til nánari greiningar á kjarnaþáttum. Markmið: Að bera saman HEp-2000 frumur og nagdýravef sem undirlag fyrir ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimpróf á völdu þýði. Skoða mótefnastyrk og mynstursgreiningu á bæði HEp-2000 frumum og nagdýravef. Ásamt áframhaldandi úrvinnsla á 195 sýnum, þar sem kjarnamótefnaskimprófs niðurstöður eru bornar saman við sjúkdómsgreiningu og einstök einkenni. Efni og aðferðir: Þrjúhundruð sýni (þýði A) frá sjúkrahúsum, heilsugæslustöðvum og einkareknum læknastofum, með beiðni um ANA skimpróf sem komu á ónæmisfræðideild LSH í september 2013. Öll sýnin voru sett upp á HEp-2000 frumur og ENA og DNA mótefnamælingar framkvæmdar þar sem við á. Áframhaldandi úrvinnsla gagna á 195 sýnum (þýði B) sem valin voru út frá ANA og ENA niðurstöðum og komu frá göngudeildum gigtar- og ónæmisfræðideildum LSH á tímabilinu 2008-2010. Niðurstöður: Það er marktæk fylgni á milli bæði styrks (p= <0.0001) og mynstra (p= <0.0001) sýna úr þýði A á nagdýravef og HEp-2000 frumum. Jákvæð sýni voru með eins ANA mynstur í 50.6% (45/89) tilfella. Kjarnamótenfaskimpróf gert með óbeinu flúrskinsprófi af þýði B sýndi góða næmni, 86.2% á nagdýravef og 94.2% á HEp-2000 frumum og jákvætt forspárgildi, 76.8% á nagdýravef og 73% á HEp-2000 frumum. Ályktanir: Nagdýravefur og HEp-2000 frumur eru jafn hæf til notkunar sem undirlag við framkvæmd kjarnamótefnaskimprófa. Það er ekkert því til fyrirstöðu að halda áfram að framkvæma ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimpróf á nagdýravef á ónæmisfræðdeild LSH. Ef ákveðið verður að taka upp HEp-2000 frumur þarf að gera frekari mælingar til að ákveða upphafsþynningu sýna en samkvæmt þessari rannsókn virðist ekki henta að hafa upphafsþynningu sama sem eða hærri en 1:100. Samkvæmt niðurstöðum þessarar rannsóknar á ANA-kjarnamótefnaskimprófið áfram að vera það próf sem notað er til að skima fyrir kjarnamótefnum og getur ENA skimprófið eða sambærileg próf ekki komið í stað þess til að skima fyrir ENA og DNA mótefnum

    Perspectives on implementation of eDNA methods in Northeast Atlantic marine monitoring : A basis for researchers and stakeholders to discuss challenges and ambitions

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    Although there is high interest in realizing the great potential of applying eDNA methods to marine monitoring in the Northeast Atlantic, the implementation process has proven challenging. Researchers and stakeholders lack a common understanding about how eDNA methods can be used as well as a basis for discussing the various challenges and ambitions of both parties. The aim of the UNIFIeD project was to assess the current status of implementation; identifying these challenges and ambitions and provide a basis for enhanced communication between researchers and stakeholders. This report describes results from surveys addressing the key issues of eDNA application, standardization and implementation. In addition, the discussions and consensus from the following workshop is presented.

    Finding the needle in the haystack: Comparison of methods for salmon louse enumeration in plankton samples

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    The economic and social implications of salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) epidemics in salmon aquaculture drive focus of the dispersal dynamics of the planktonic larval stages. The vast spatial scale and high connectivity of the marine environment creates difficult conditions to monitor the infective planktonic louse stage, whereby the number of samples required for a representative description is bottlenecked by processing capacity. This study assessed five quantification methods for accuracy and precision in enumeration of lice in plankton samples, validated against the benchmark method of light microscopy. Visual-based (fluorescence microscopy and automated fluid imaging) and molecular-based (droplet digital PCR, quantitative fraction PCR and quantitative PCR) were tested using high- and low-density plankton samples spiked with louse copepodids, with spike numbers blind to assessors. We propose an approach to comparative assessment that uses the collective bias and deviation of a test method to determine whether it is acceptably similar to the benchmark method. Under this framework, no methods passed the comparative test, with only ddPCR comparable to light microscopy (87% mean accuracy and 74% precision). qfPCR and fluorescence microscopy were moderately efficient (88% and 67% accuracy, and 36% and 52% precision respectively). Molecular techniques are currently restricted in distinguishing between larval stages, which is an essential distinction for some research questions, but can be economical in processing numerous samples. Overall method suitability will depend on the research objectives and resources available. These results provide evidence for operational accuracy for the tested methods and highlight the direction for further development to optimize their use

    Finding the needle in the haystack: Comparison of methods for salmon louse enumeration in plankton samples

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    The economic and social implications of salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) epidemics in salmon aquaculture drive focus of the dispersal dynamics of the planktonic larval stages. The vast spatial scale and high connectivity of the marine environment creates difficult conditions to monitor the infective planktonic louse stage, whereby the number of samples required for a representative description is bottlenecked by processing capacity. This study assessed five quantification methods for accuracy and precision in enumeration of lice in plankton samples, validated against the benchmark method of light microscopy. Visual-based (fluorescence microscopy and automated fluid imaging) and molecular-based (droplet digital PCR, quantitative fraction PCR and quantitative PCR) were tested using high- and low-density plankton samples spiked with louse copepodids, with spike numbers blind to assessors. We propose an approach to comparative assessment that uses the collective bias and deviation of a test method to determine whether it is acceptably similar to the benchmark method. Under this framework, no methods passed the comparative test, with only ddPCR comparable to light microscopy (87% mean accuracy and 74% precision). qfPCR and fluorescence microscopy were moderately efficient (88% and 67% accuracy, and 36% and 52% precision respectively). Molecular techniques are currently restricted in distinguishing between larval stages, which is an essential distinction for some research questions, but can be economical in processing numerous samples. Overall method suitability will depend on the research objectives and resources available. These results provide evidence for operational accuracy for the tested methods and highlight the direction for further development to optimize their use