1,110 research outputs found

    The Acute Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Muscular Power and Agility

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    Context: While research suggests whole body vibration (WBV) positively affects measures of neuromuscular performance in athletes, researchers have yet to address appropriate and effective vibration protocols. Objective: To identify the acute effects of continuous and intermittent WBV on muscular power and agility in recreationally active females. Design: We used a randomized 3-period cross-over design to observe the effects of 3 vibration protocols on muscular power and agility. Setting: Sports Science and Medicine Research Laboratory at Florida International University. Patients or Other Participants: Eleven recreationally active female volunteers (age=24.4±5.7y; ht=166.0±10.3cm; mass=59.7±14.3kg). Interventions: Each session, subjects stood on the Galileo WBV platform (Orthometrix, White Plains, NY) and received one of three randomly assigned vibration protocols. Our independent variable was vibration length (continuous, intermittent, or no vibration). Main Outcome Measures: An investigator blinded to the vibration protocol measured muscular power and agility. We measured muscular power with heights of squat and countermovement jumps. We measured agility with the Illinois Agility Test. Results: Continuous WBV significantly increased SJ height from 97.9±7.6cm to 98.5±7.5cm (P=0.019, β=0.71, η2 =0.07) but not CMJ height [99.1±7.4cm pretest and 99.4±7.4cm posttest (P=0.167, β=0.27)] or agility [19.2±2.1s pretest and 19.0±2.1s posttest (P=0.232, β=0.21)]. Intermittent WBV significantly enhanced SJ height from 97.6±7.7cm to 98.5±7.7cm (P=0.017, β=0.71, η2 =0.11) and agility 19.4±2.2s to 19.0±2.1s (P=0.001, β=0.98, η2=0.16), but did not effect CMJ height [98.7±7.7cm pretest and 99.3±7.3cm posttest (P=0.058, β=0.49)]. Conclusion: Continuous WBV increased squat jump height, while intermittent vibration enhanced agility and squat jump height. Future research should continue investigating the effect of various vibration protocols on athletic performance

    Acute Effects of Neuromuscular-Training with Handheld-Vibration on Elbow Joint Position Sense

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    Context: Clinicians use exercises in rehabilitation to enhance sensorimotor-function, however evidence supporting their use is scarce. Objective: To evaluate acute effects of handheld-vibration on joint position sense (JPS). Design: A repeated-measure, randomized, counter-balanced 3-condition design. Setting: Sports Medicine and Science Research Laboratory. Patients or Other Participants: 31 healthy college-aged volunteers (16-males, 15-females; age=23+3y, mass=76+14kg, height=173+8cm). Interventions: We measured elbow JPS and monitored training using the Flock-of-Birds system (Ascension Technology, Burlington, VT) and MotionMonitor software (Innsport, Chicago, IL), accurate to 0.5°. For each condition (15,5,0Hz vibration), subjects completed three 15-s bouts holding a 2.55kg Mini-VibraFlex dumbbell (Orthometric, New York, NY), and used software-generated audio/visual biofeedback to locate the target. Participants performed separate pre- and post-test JPS measures for each condition. For JPS testing, subjects held a non-vibrating dumbbell, identified the target (90°flexion) using biofeedback, and relaxed 3-5s. We removed feedback and subjects recreated the target and pressed a trigger. We used SPSS 14.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) to perform separate ANOVAs (p\u3c0.05) for each protocol and calculated effect sizes using standard-mean differences. Main Outcome Measures: Dependent variables were absolute and variable error between target and reproduced angles, pre-post vibration training. Results: 0Hz (F1,61=1.310,p=0.3) and 5Hz (F1,61=2.625,p=0.1) vibration did not affect accuracy. 15Hz vibration enhanced accuracy (6.5±0.6 to 5.0±0.5°) (F1,61=8.681,p=0.005,ES=0.3). 0Hz did not affect variability (F1,61=0.007,p=0.9). 5Hz vibration decreased variability (3.0±1.8 to 2.3±1.3°) (F1,61=7.250,p=0.009), as did 15Hz (2.8±1.8 to 1.8±1.2°) (F1,61=24.027, p\u3c0.001). Conclusions: Our results support using handheld-vibration to improve sensorimotor-function. Future research should include injured subjects, functional multi-joint/multi-planar measures, and long-term effects of similar training

    Caffeine enhances upper body strength in resistance-trained women

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    BACKGROUND: Research has indicated that low-to-moderate dosages of caffeine supplementation are ergogenic for sustained endurance efforts as well as high-intensity exercise. The effects of caffeine supplementation on strength-power performance are equivocal, with some studies indicating a benefit and others demonstrating no change in performance. The majority of research that has examined the effects of caffeine supplementation on strength-power performance has been carried out in both trained and untrained men. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the acute effects of caffeine supplementation on strength and muscular endurance in resistance-trained women. METHODS: In a randomized manner, 15 women consumed caffeine (6 mg/kg) or placebo (PL) seven days apart. Sixty min following supplementation, participants performed a one-repetition maximum (1RM) barbell bench press test and repetitions to failure at 60% of 1RM. Heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) were assessed at rest, 60 minutes post-consumption, and immediately following completion of repetitions to failure. RESULTS: Repeated measures ANOVA indicated a significantly greater bench press maximum with caffeine (p CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate a moderate dose of caffeine may be sufficient for enhancing strength performance in resistance-trained women

    Long-term glycine propionyl-l-carnitine supplemention and paradoxical effects on repeated anaerobic sprint performance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been demonstrated that acute GPLC supplementation produces enhanced anaerobic work capacity with reduced lactate production in resistance trained males. However, it is not known what effects chronic GPLC supplementation has on anaerobic performances or lactate clearance.</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to examine the long-term effects of different dosages of GPLC supplementation on repeated high intensity stationary cycle sprint performance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-five resistance trained men participated in a double-blind, controlled research study. All subjects completed two testing sessions, seven days apart, 90 minutes following oral ingestion of either 4.5 grams GPLC or 4.5 grams cellulose (PL), in randomized order. The exercise testing protocol consisted of five 10-second Wingate cycle sprints separated by 1-minute active recovery periods. Following completion of the second test session, the 45 subjects were randomly assigned to receive 1.5 g, 3.0 g, or 4.5 g GPLC per day for a 28 day period. Subjects completed a third test session following the four weeks of GPLC supplementation using the same testing protocol. Values of peak power (PP), mean power (MP) and percent decrement of power (DEC) were determined per bout and standardized relative to body mass. Heart rate (HR) and blood lactate (LAC) were measured prior to, during and following the five sprint bouts.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were no significant effects of condition or significant interaction effects detected for PP and MP. However, results indicated that sprint bouts three, four and five produced 2 - 5% lower values of PP and 3 - 7% lower values of MP with GPLC at 3.0 or 4.5 g per day as compared to baseline values. Conversely, 1.5 g GPLC produced 3 - 6% higher values of PP and 2 -5% higher values of MP compared with PL baseline values. Values of DEC were significantly greater (15-20%) greater across the five sprint bouts with 3.0 g or 4.5 g GPLC, but the 1.5 g GPLC supplementation produced DEC values -5%, -3%, +4%, +5%, and +2% different from the baseline PL values. The 1.5 g group displayed a statistically significant 24% reduction in net lactate accumulation per unit power output (p < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The effects of GPLC supplementation on anaerobic work capacity and lactate accumulation appear to be dosage dependent. Four weeks of GPLC supplementation at 3.0 and 4.5 g/day resulted in reduced mean values of power output with greater rates of DEC compared with baseline while 1.5 g/day produced higher mean values of MP and PP with modest increases of DEC. Supplementation of 1.5 g/day also produced a significantly lower rate of lactate accumulation per unit power output compared with 3.0 and 4.5 g/day. In conclusion, GPLC appears to be a useful dietary supplement to enhance anaerobic work capacity and potentially sport performance, but apparently the dosage must be determined specific to the intensity and duration of exercise.</p

    Blood pressure response to renal denervation is correlated with baseline blood pressure variability: a patient-level meta-analysis

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    Background: Sympathetic tone is one of the main determinants of blood pressure (BP) variability and treatment-resistant hypertension. The aim of our study was to assess changes in BP variability after renal denervation (RDN). In addition, on an exploratory basis, we investigated whether baseline BP variability predicted the BP changes after RDN. Methods: We analyzed 24-h BP recordings obtained at baseline and 6 months after RDN in 167 treatmentresistant hypertension patients (40% women; age, 56.7 years; mean 24-h BP, 152/90 mmHg) recruited at 11 expert centers. BP variability was assessed by weighted SD [SD over time weighted for the time interval between consecutive readings (SDiw)], average real variability (ARV), coefficient of variation, and variability independent of the mean (VIM). Results: Mean office and 24-h BP fell by 15.4/6.6 and 5.5/ 3.7 mmHg, respectively (P &lt; 0.001). In multivariable-adjusted analyses, systolic/diastolic SDiw and VIM for 24-h SBP/DBP decreased by 1.18/0.63 mmHg (P 0.01) and 0.86/0.42 mmHg (P 0.05), respectively, whereas no significant changes in ARV or coefficient of variation occurred. Furthermore, baseline SDiw (P ¼ 0.0006), ARV (P ¼ 0.01), and VIM (P ¼ 0.04) predicted the decrease in 24-h DBP but not 24-h SBP after RDN. Conclusion: RDN was associated with a decrease in BP variability independent of the BP level, suggesting that responders may derive benefits from the reduction in BP variability as well. Furthermore, baseline DBP variability estimates significantly correlated with mean DBP decrease after RDN. If confirmed in younger patients with less arterial damage, in the absence of the confounding effect of drugs and drug adherence, baseline BP variability may prove a good predictor of BP response to RDN