22 research outputs found

    Servicio de asesoramiento grupal agropecuario

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    Outreach activities, along with teaching and research, are part of the educational mission of higher education institutions. All three must be integrated into the policies and strategies of the institutions, interacting and enriching each other through channels of communication and mutual support. The objective of this work was to contribute to the training and development of agricultural producers, considering good agricultural practices. In order to do this, we worked in the districts of Serrezuela, Caminiaga and Sebastian Elcano. We worked to consolidate groups of producers and to promote behavioural changes; to this end, two aspects were exploited: i) the group dynamics, which consists of an active, participatory and reflective methodology through gradual, intentional and continuous work, and ii) the space-workshop, through which the learning of new behaviors related to livestock production was generated. The training, action and management of three groups of producers were consolidated. Producers and young coordinators of the groups created a space where knowledge was exchanged through an informal educational process.La extensión, a la par de la docencia y la investigación, forma parte de la misión educativa de las instituciones de educación superior. Todas deben estar presentes en las políticas y estrategias de las instituciones, interrelacionándose y enriqueciéndose recíprocamente a través de canales de comunicación y de apoyo mutuo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue contribuir a la capacitación y desarrollo de los productores agropecuarios, considerando las buenas prácticas agropecuarias. Para ello, se trabajó en las localidades Serrezuela, Caminiaga y Sebastián Elcano. Se trabajó en consolidar la formación de grupos de productores y promover cambios de conductas; para esto, se utilizaron dos ejes: la dinámica de grupo, que consiste en una metodología activa, participativa y reflexiva a través de un trabajo gradual, intencional y continuo y el espacio-taller, a través del cual se generó el aprendizaje de nuevas conductas referidas a la producción pecuaria. Se consolidó la formación, acción y autogestión de tres grupos de productores. Los productores y los jóvenes profesionales coordinadores de grupo generaron un espacio donde se intercambiaron saberes mediante un proceso educativo no formal

    Plasma lipid profiles discriminate bacterial from viral infection in febrile children

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    Fever is the most common reason that children present to Emergency Departments. Clinical signs and symptoms suggestive of bacterial infection ar

    Detection of an Unidentified Soft X-ray Emission Feature in NGC 5548

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    NGC~5548 is an X-ray bright Seyfert 1 active galaxy. It exhibits a variety of spectroscopic features in the soft X-ray band, including in particular the absorption by the AGN outflows of a broad range of ionization states, with column densities up to 1E27 /m^2, and having speeds up to several thousand kilometers per second. The known emission features are in broad agreement with photoionized X-ray narrow and broad emission line models. We report on an X-ray spectroscopic study using 1.1 Ms XMM-Newton and 0.9 Ms Chandra grating observations of NGC 5548 spanning two decades. The aim is to search and characterize any potential spectroscopic features in addition to the known primary spectral components that are already modeled in high precision. We detect a weak unidentified excess emission feature at 18.4 Angstrom (18.1 Angstrom in the restframe). The feature is seen at >5 sigma statistical significance taking into account the look elsewhere effect. No known instrumental issues, atomic transitions, and astrophysical effects can explain this excess. The observed intensity of the possible feature seems to anti-correlate in time with the hardness ratio of the source. However, the variability might not be intrinsic, it might be caused by the time-variable obscuration by the outflows. An intriguing possibility is the line emission from charge exchange between a partially ionized outflow and a neutral layer in the same outflow, or in the close environment. Other possibilities, such as emission from a highly-ionized component with high outflowing speed, cannot be fully ruled out

    Detection of an unidentified soft X-ray emission feature in NGC 5548

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    Context. NGC 5548 is an X-ray bright Seyfert 1 active galaxy. It exhibits a variety of spectroscopic features in the soft X-ray band, in particular including the absorption by the active galactic nucleus (AGN) outflows of a broad range of ionization states, with column densities up to 1027 m−2, and having speeds up to several thousand kilometers per second. The known emission features are in broad agreement with photoionized X-ray narrow and broad emission line models. Aims. We report on an X-ray spectroscopic study using 1.1 Ms XMM-Newton and 0.9 Ms Chandra grating observations of NGC 5548 spanning two decades. The aim is to search and characterize any potential spectroscopic features in addition to the known primary spectral components that are already modeled in high precision. Methods. For each observation, we modeled the data using a global fit including an intrinsic spectral energy distribution of the AGNs and the known distant X-ray absorbers and emitters. We utilized as much knowledge from previous studies as possible. The fit residuals were stacked and scanned for possible secondary features. Results. We detect a weak unidentified excess emission feature at ∼18.4 Å (18.1 Å in the restframe). The feature is seen at > 5σ statistical significance taking the look-elsewhere effect into account. No known instrumental issues, atomic transitions, or astrophysical effects can explain this excess. The observed intensity of the possible feature seems to anticorrelate in time with the hardness ratio of the source. However, even though the variability might not be intrinsic, it might be caused by the time-variable obscuration by the outflows. An intriguing possibility is the line emission from charge exchange between a partially ionized outflow and a neutral layer in the same outflow, or in the close environment. Other possibilities, such as emission from a highly ionized component with high outflowing speed, cannot be fully ruled out

    Detection of an Unidentified Soft X-ray Emission Feature in NGC 5548

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    International audienceNGC~5548 is an X-ray bright Seyfert 1 active galaxy. It exhibits a variety of spectroscopic features in the soft X-ray band, including in particular the absorption by the AGN outflows of a broad range of ionization states, with column densities up to 1E27 /m^2, and having speeds up to several thousand kilometers per second. The known emission features are in broad agreement with photoionized X-ray narrow and broad emission line models. We report on an X-ray spectroscopic study using 1.1 Ms XMM-Newton and 0.9 Ms Chandra grating observations of NGC 5548 spanning two decades. The aim is to search and characterize any potential spectroscopic features in addition to the known primary spectral components that are already modeled in high precision. We detect a weak unidentified excess emission feature at 18.4 Angstrom (18.1 Angstrom in the restframe). The feature is seen at >5 sigma statistical significance taking into account the look elsewhere effect. No known instrumental issues, atomic transitions, and astrophysical effects can explain this excess. The observed intensity of the possible feature seems to anti-correlate in time with the hardness ratio of the source. However, the variability might not be intrinsic, it might be caused by the time-variable obscuration by the outflows. An intriguing possibility is the line emission from charge exchange between a partially ionized outflow and a neutral layer in the same outflow, or in the close environment. Other possibilities, such as emission from a highly-ionized component with high outflowing speed, cannot be fully ruled out