7,095 research outputs found

    A novel approach for quality control system using sensor fusion of infrared and visual image processing for laser sealing of food containers

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    This paper presents a new mechatronic approach of using infrared thermography combined with image processing for the quality control of a laser sealing process for food containers. The suggested approach uses an on-line infrared system to assess the heat distribution within the container seal in order to guarantee the integrity of the process. Visual image processing is then used for quality assurance to guarantee optimum sealing. The results described in this paper show examples of the capability of the condition monitoring system to detect faults in the sealing process. The results found indicate that the suggested approach could form an effective quality control and assurance system

    Computer modelling of hafnium doping in lithium niobate

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    Lithium niobate, LiNbO3, is an important technological material with good electro-optic, acousto-optic, elasto-optic, piezoelectric and nonlinear properties. Doping LiNbO3 with hafnium, Hf has been shown to improve the resistance of the material to optical damage. Computer modelling provides a useful means of determining the properties of doped and undoped LiNbO3, including its defect chemistry, and the effect of doping on the structure. In this paper, Hf doped LiNbO3 has been modelled, and the final defect configurations are found to be consistent with experimental results

    Ball positioning in robotic billiards: a nonprehensile manipulation-based solution

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    The development and testing of a robotic system to play billiards is described in this paper. The last two decades have seen a number of developments in creating robots to play billiards. Although the designed systems have uccessfully incorporated the kinematics required for gameplay, a system level approach needed for accurate shot- making has not been realized. The current work considers the different aspects, like machine vision, dynamics, robot design and computational intelligence, and proposes, for the first time, a method based on robotic non-prehensile manipulation. High-speed video tracking is employed to determine the parameters of balls dynamics. Furthermore, three-dimensional impact models, involving ball spin and friction, are developed for different collisions. A three degree of freedom manipulator is designed and fabricated to execute shots. The design enables the manipulator to position the cue on the ball accurately and strike with controlled speeds. The manipulator is controlled from a PC via a microcontroller board. For a given table scenario, optimization is used to search the inverse dynamics space to find best parameters for the robotic shot maker. Experimental results show that a 90% potting accuracy and a 100–200 mm post-shot cue ball positioning accuracy has been achieved by the autonomous system

    Noninvasive genetic population survey of snow leopards (Panthera uncia) in Kangchenjunga conservation area, Shey Phoksundo National Park and surrounding buffer zones of Nepal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The endangered snow leopard is found throughout major mountain ranges of Central Asia, including the remote Himalayas. However, because of their elusive behavior, sparse distribution, and poor access to their habitat, there is a lack of reliable information on their population status and demography, particularly in Nepal. Therefore, we utilized noninvasive genetic techniques to conduct a preliminary snow leopard survey in two protected areas of Nepal.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 71 putative snow leopard scats were collected and analyzed from two different areas; Shey Phoksundo National Park (SPNP) in the west and Kangchanjunga Conservation Area (KCA) in the east. Nineteen (27%) scats were genetically identified as snow leopards, and 10 (53%) of these were successfully genotyped at 6 microsatellite loci. Two samples showed identical genotype profiles indicating a total of 9 individual snow leopards. Four individual snow leopards were identified in SPNP (1 male and 3 females) and five (2 males and 3 females) in KCA.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We were able to confirm the occurrence of snow leopards in both study areas and determine the minimum number present. This information can be used to design more in-depth population surveys that will enable estimation of snow leopard population abundance at these sites.</p

    Disruption of smooth pursuit eye movements in cirrhosis: relationship to hepatic encephalopathy and its treatment.

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    Smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM) are the conjugate movements used to track the smooth trajectory of small dots. Jerky or 'saccadic' ocular pursuit has been reported in patients with cirrhosis, but no formal assessment of SPEM has ever been undertaken. The aim of this study was to evaluate SPEM in patients with cirrhosis and varying degrees of hepatic encephalopathy. The patient population comprised 56 individuals (31 men, 25 women) of mean age 51.1 (range, 25-70) years, with biopsy-proven cirrhosis, classified, using clinical, electroencephalographic, and psychometric variables, as either neuropsychiatrically unimpaired or as having minimal or overt hepatic encephalopathy; patients were further categorized in relation to their treatment status. The reference population comprised 28 healthy volunteers (12 men, 16 women) of mean age 47.3 (range, 26-65) years. SPEM was assessed using an electro-oculographic technique. Visual inspection of the SPEM recordings showed clear disruption of smooth pursuit in the patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy, and more pronounced disruption, if not complete loss, of smooth pursuit in patients with overt hepatic encephalopathy. The differences observed in quantifiable SPEM indices between the healthy volunteers/unimpaired patients and those with overt hepatic encephalopathy were significant (P < .05). In conclusion, SPEM performance is impaired in patients with hepatic encephalopathy in parallel with the degree of neuropsychiatric disturbance: the pathophysiology of these changes is unknown, but retinal, extrapyramidal, and attentional abnormalities are likely to play a role. Treatment status confounds the classification of neuropsychiatric status and should be taken into account when categorizing these patients

    Spatially valid proprioceptive cues improve the detection of a visual stimulus

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    Vision and proprioception are the main sensory modalities that convey hand location and direction of movement. Fusion of these sensory signals into a single robust percept is now well documented. However, it is not known whether these modalities also interact in the spatial allocation of attention, which has been demonstrated for other modality pairings. The aim of this study was to test whether proprioceptive signals can spatially cue a visual target to improve its detection. Participants were instructed to use a planar manipulandum in a forward reaching action and determine during this movement whether a near-threshold visual target appeared at either of two lateral positions. The target presentation was followed by a masking stimulus, which made its possible location unambiguous, but not its presence. Proprioceptive cues were given by applying a brief lateral force to the participant’s arm, either in the same direction (validly cued) or in the opposite direction (invalidly cued) to the on-screen location of the mask. The d′ detection rate of the target increased when the direction of proprioceptive stimulus was compatible with the location of the visual target compared to when it was incompatible. These results suggest that proprioception influences the allocation of attention in visual spac

    Awareness and willingness to use HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis amongst gay and bisexual men in Scotland: implications for biomedical HIV prevention

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    Objectives:&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; To investigate the awareness of, and willingness to use, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), and willingness to take part in a PrEP study among gay and bisexual men in Scotland.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Methods:&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Cross-sectional survey of 17 gay commercial venues in Glasgow and Edinburgh in May 2011 (N = 1515, 65.2% response rate); 1393 are included in the analyses.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Results:&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Just under one-third of participants had heard of PrEP (n = 434; 31.2%), with awareness associated with being aged older than 35 years, talking to UAI partners about HIV, and with having had an HIV or STI test in the previous 12 months. Around half were willing to take part in a PrEP study (n = 695; 49.9%) or to take PrEP on a daily basis (n = 756; 54.3%). In multivariate analysis, willingness to take PrEP was associated with lower levels of education, regular gay scene attendance, ‘high-risk’ unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) and testing for HIV or STI in the previous 12 months. Reasons for not wanting to participate in a PrEP study or take PrEP included perceptions of low personal risk of HIV and concerns with using medication as an HIV prevention method.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Conclusions:&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; There is a willingness to engage in new forms of HIV prevention and research amongst a significant number of gay and bisexual men in Scotland. Future biomedical HIV interventions need to consider the links between sexual risk behaviour, testing, and potential PrEP use

    Deceptive body movements reverse spatial cueing in soccer

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.The purpose of the experiments was to analyse the spatial cueing effects of the movements of soccer players executing normal and deceptive (step-over) turns with the ball. Stimuli comprised normal resolution or point-light video clips of soccer players dribbling a football towards the observer then turning right or left with the ball. Clips were curtailed before or on the turn (-160, -80, 0 or +80 ms) to examine the time course of direction prediction and spatial cueing effects. Participants were divided into higher-skilled (HS) and lower-skilled (LS) groups according to soccer experience. In experiment 1, accuracy on full video clips was higher than on point-light but results followed the same overall pattern. Both HS and LS groups correctly identified direction on normal moves at all occlusion levels. For deceptive moves, LS participants were significantly worse than chance and HS participants were somewhat more accurate but nevertheless substantially impaired. In experiment 2, point-light clips were used to cue a lateral target. HS and LS groups showed faster reaction times to targets that were congruent with the direction of normal turns, and to targets incongruent with the direction of deceptive turns. The reversed cueing by deceptive moves coincided with earlier kinematic events than cueing by normal moves. It is concluded that the body kinematics of soccer players generate spatial cueing effects when viewed from an opponent's perspective. This could create a reaction time advantage when anticipating the direction of a normal move. A deceptive move is designed to turn this cueing advantage into a disadvantage. Acting on the basis of advance information, the presence of deceptive moves primes responses in the wrong direction, which may be only partly mitigated by delaying a response until veridical cues emerge

    The link between turbulence, magnetic fields, filaments, and star formation in the Central Molecular Zone cloud G0.253+0.016

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    Star formation is primarily controlled by the interplay between gravity, turbulence, and magnetic fields. However, the turbulence and magnetic fields in molecular clouds near the Galactic Center may differ substantially from spiral-arm clouds. Here we determine the physical parameters of the central molecular zone (CMZ) cloud G0.253+0.016, its turbulence, magnetic field and filamentary structure. Using column-density maps based on dust-continuum emission observations with ALMA+Herschel, we identify filaments and show that at least one dense core is located along them. We measure the filament width W_fil=0.17±\pm0.08pc and the sonic scale {\lambda}_sonic=0.15±\pm0.11pc of the turbulence, and find W_fil~{\lambda}_sonic. A strong velocity gradient is seen in the HNCO intensity-weighted velocity maps obtained with ALMA+Mopra, which is likely caused by large-scale shearing of G0.253+0.016, producing a wide double-peaked velocity PDF. After subtracting the gradient to isolate the turbulent motions, we find a nearly Gaussian velocity PDF typical for turbulence. We measure the total and turbulent velocity dispersion, 8.8±\pm0.2km/s and 3.9±\pm0.1km/s, respectively. Using magnetohydrodynamical simulations, we find that G0.253+0.016's turbulent magnetic field B_turb=130±\pm50μ\muG is only ~1/10 of the ordered field component. Combining these measurements, we reconstruct the dominant turbulence driving mode in G0.253+0.016 and find a driving parameter b=0.22±\pm0.12, indicating solenoidal (divergence-free) driving. We compare this to spiral-arm clouds, which typically have a significant compressive (curl-free) driving component (b>0.4). Motivated by previous reports of strong shearing motions in the CMZ, we speculate that shear causes the solenoidal driving in G0.253+0.016 and show that this reduces the star formation rate (SFR) by a factor of 6.9 compared to typical nearby clouds