1,531 research outputs found

    A Comment on "The Far Future of Exoplanet Direct Characterization" - the Case for Interstellar Space Probes

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    Following on from ideas presented in a recent paper by Schneider et al. (2010) on "The Far Future of Exoplanet Direct Characterization", I argue that they have exaggerated the technical obstacles to performing such 'direct characterization' by means of fast (order 0.1c) interstellar space probes. A brief summary of rapid interstellar spaceflight concepts that may be found in the literature is presented. I argue that the presence of interstellar dust grains, while certainly something which will need to be allowed for in interstellar vehicle design, is unlikely to be the kind of 'show stopper' suggested by Schneider et al. Astrobiology as a discipline would be a major beneficiary of developing an interstellar spaceflight capability, albeit in the longer term, and I argue that astrobiologists should keep an open mind to the possibilities.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrobiolog

    Design constraints and higher temperature intermetallic bond coatings

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    Bond coat interlayers in thermal barrier coating (TBC) systems must perform reliably in the complex thermal, chemical and mechanical environment of the turbine engine. To achieve higher temperatures and /or longer cyclic lives, a spectrum of intrinsic failure modes must be suppressed. Failure may occur at the bond coat – thermally grown oxide (TGO) interface, at the TGO-TBC interface or by oxidation-enhanced propagation of cracks from the coating into the substrate. Models for the failure processes suggest that bond coatings should possess improved high temperature strength (creep resistance), low oxide growth stresses and high interfacial toughnesses. Oxide growth stresses have been measured across a spectrum of bond coat compositions. A new femtosecond laser-based approach to measuring interfacial toughness will be discussed. Finally, the behavior of multilayered intermetallic coatings designed to be thermodynamically compatible with the superalloy substrate under cyclic oxidation conditions will be presented

    Surface-to-Surface Transition via Electromagnetic Coupling of Coplanar Waveguides

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    Analiza stabilnosti superluminalne prijenosne linije temeljene na metamaterijalu s neidalnim ne- Fosterovim negativnim kondenzatorima

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    Recently, it has been shown possible to go around basic dispersion energy constraints that limit bandwidth of every passive metamaterial and construct a broadband active Epsilon-Near-Zero superluminal transmission line. A basic building block of this unusual transmission line is an active ‘tank circuit’ that contains both conventional (positive) capacitor and non-Foster negative capacitor. Published theoretical studies revealed that such a ‘tank circuit’ is stable if an overall capacitance is positive. These studies assumed lossless host transmission line periodically loaded with ideal dispersionless negative capacitors. However, a possible influence of the imperfections of a realistic negative capacitor (its dispersion and loss/gain) on the stability has not been investigated so far. Here, stability analysis of realistic superluminal transmission line is performed in Laplace domain. The obtained results are in a good agreement with those obtained in recent experiments on active transmission line developed at University of Zagreb.Nedavno je pokazano da je moguće zaobići temeljne energetskodisperzijske uvjete koji ograničavaju širinu frekvencijskog pojasa svakog pasivnog metamaterijala. Također je pokazano da je moguće konstruirati širokopojasnu aktivnu superluminalnu prijenosnu liniju s približno nultom permitivnosti (ENZ). Osnovni gradivni element ove neuobičajne linije je aktivni “titrajni krug” koji se sastoji od klasičnog (pozitivnog) i ne-Fosterovog negativnog kondenzatora. Do sada objavljene teorijske studije pokazale su da je ovakav “titrajni krug” stabilan ako je ekvivalentni ukupni kapacitet pozitivan. Međutim, stvarni (neidalni) negativni kondenzator uvijek ima gubitke (ili pojačanje) i disperziju. Utjecaj ovih nesavršenosti na stabilnost superluminalne linije je nejasan i do sada nije istraživan. Stoga je u ovome članku načinjena analiza stabilnosti neidealne superluminalne prijenosne u Laplaceovoj domeni. Rezultati analize su u vrlo dobrom suglasju s nedavno objavljenim rezultatima mjerenja na aktivnoj superluminalnoj prijenosnoj liniji koja je razvijena na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu

    CMAS challenges to CMC-T/EBC systems

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    Gas turbine technology is undergoing a major transition with the recent implementation of SiC based ceramic composites (CMCs) in aircraft engines. While the potential improvement in temperature capability (≥1500°C) is unprecedented, there are a number of issues that limit the full exploitation of such potential. In addition to the longstanding concern for low temperature oxidative embrittlement and the limited temperature capability of current bond coats and matrices, the susceptibility of the protective SiO2 to volatilization in the combustion environment requires the use of environmental barrier coatings (EBCs) to achieve durability targets. Most EBC concepts, however, are based on silicates and are thus susceptible to degradation by molten silicate deposits generically known as CMAS originating from mineral debris ingested into engines with the intake air. This presentation will discuss the thermodynamic and mechanistic foundation of the degradation of EBCs by CMAS, recent progress in establishing the relevant phase equilibria for these systems, and the role of the CMAS composition on the extent of degradation, as well as perspective on mitigation. (Research supported by ONR, AFOSR and the P&W Center of Excellence in Composites at UCSB.

    Further studies of electron avalanche gain in liquid argon

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    Transposon mutagenesis of pseudomonas syringae pathovars syringae and morsprunorum to identify genes involved in bacterial canker disease of cherry

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    Bacterial canker of Prunus, affecting economically important stone fruit crops including cherry, peach, apricot and plum, is caused by the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae (P.s.). Strains from two pathovars—P.s. pv. syringae (Pss) and P.s. pv. morsprunorum race 1 (PsmR1) and 2 (PsmR2)—in three phylogenetically distant clades have convergently evolved to infect Prunus. The bacteria enter woody tissues through wounds and leaf scars, causing black necrotic cankers. Symptoms are also produced on blossom, fruit and leaves. Little is known about the mechanisms P.s. uses to colonise tree hosts such as Prunus. Here, we created transposon (Tn) mutant libraries in one strain of P.s. from each of the three clades and screened the mutants on immature cherry fruit to look for changes in virulence. Mutants (242) with either reduced or enhanced virulence were detected and further characterised by in vitro screens for biofilm formation, swarming ability, and pathogenicity on leaves and cut shoots. In total, 18 genes affecting virulence were selected, and these were involved in diverse functions including motility, type III secretion, membrane transport, amino acid synthesis, DNA repair and primary metabolism. Interestingly, mutation of the effector gene, hopAU1, led to an increase in virulence of Psm R

    Dielectric anisotropy in the GW space-time method

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    Excited-state calculations, notably for quasiparticle band structures, are nowadays routinely performed within the GW approximation for the electronic self-energy. Nevertheless, certain numerical approximations and simplifications are still employed in practice to make the computations feasible. An important aspect for periodic systems is the proper treatment of the singularity of the screened Coulomb interaction in reciprocal space, which results from the slow 1/r decay in real space. This must be done without introducing artificial interactions between the quasiparticles and their periodic images in repeated cells, which occur when integrals of the screened Coulomb interaction are discretised in reciprocal space. An adequate treatment of both aspects is crucial for a numerically stable computation of the self-energy. In this article we build on existing schemes for isotropic screening and present an extension for anisotropic systems. We also show how the contributions to the dielectric function arising from the non-local part of the pseudopotentials can be computed efficiently. These improvements are crucial for obtaining a fast convergence with respect to the number of points used for the Brillouin zone integration and prove to be essential to make GW calculations for strongly anisotropic systems, such as slabs or multilayers, efficient. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Second Harmonic Generation for a Dilute Suspension of Coated Particles

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    We derive an expression for the effective second-harmonic coefficient of a dilute suspension of coated spherical particles. It is assumed that the coating material, but not the core or the host, has a nonlinear susceptibility for second-harmonic generation (SHG). The resulting compact expression shows the various factors affecting the effective SHG coefficient. The effective SHG per unit volume of nonlinear coating material is found to be greatly enhanced at certain frequencies, corresponding to the surface plasmon resonance of the coated particles. Similar expression is also derived for a dilute suspension of coated discs. For coating materials with third-harmonic (THG) coefficient, results for the effective THG coefficients are given for the cases of coated particles and coated discs.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Hegemonic masculine conceptualisation in gang culture

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    This research sought to investigate the relationship between gang processes and differing forms of masculine expression. Three hundred and sixteen male participants, drawn from secondary schools within Cape Town, were included in the study. These schools were in areas differentially characterised by gang activity. The questionnaire included the newly devised Male Attitude Norm Inventory designed to explore hegemonic conceptualisations of masculinity. Factor analytic procedures rendered a three-factor model stressing the importance of male toughness, success and control. Through a series of t-tests for independent samples, as well as supporting qualitative data, participants from areas characterised by high gang activity were found to support these hegemonic elements to a significantly greater extent