10 research outputs found


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    Calcitonin Activity in Ultimobranchial Neoplasms from Bulls

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    Ultimobranchial neoplasms from 5 bulls (hat were extracted and assayed individually contained approximately 68% as much calcitonin activity (452 ± 68 MRC mU/g) as thyroid glands from control bulls (663 ± 165 MRC mU/g). These results were consistent with the ultrastructural finding that thyroid neoplasms in old bulls were composed of primitive ultimobranchial cells which contained few mature secretory granules characteristic of parafollicular (C-) cells. Significant difference in calcitonin concentration was not detected between thyroid glands of control cows (617 ± 106 MRC mU/g) and bulls without ultimobranchial neoplasms. © 1971, American College of Veterinary Pathologists. All rights reserved

    Bovine demodicosis: a case report Demodicose bovina: relato de caso

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    Tissues samples collected at necropsy from a 9 year-old Holstein cow were fixed in buffered 10% formalin for histological examination. Macroscopic finding did not reveal typical nodular cutaneous lesions. Vulvar microscopic sections of cutaneous tegument showed mites (Demodex bovis), alone and grouped in hair follicles and sebaceous glands.<br>Amostras de tecidos colhidas à necropsia de uma vaca da raça Holandesa, nove anos de idade, foram fixadas em formol neutro a 10% e enviadas para exames histológicos. A macroscopia não revelou lesões nodulares cutâneas típicas de demodicose. Secções microscópicas de tegumento cutâneo da vulva evidenciaram ácaros (Demodex bovis) isolados ou em grupos no interior de folículos pilosos e glândulas sebáceas