90 research outputs found

    A standardised sampling protocol for robust assessment of reach-scale fish community diversity in wadeable New Zealand streams

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    The New Zealand fish fauna contains species that are affected not only by river system connectivity, but also by catchment and local-scale changes in landcover, water quality and habitat quality. Consequently, native fish have potential as multi-scale bioindicators of human pressure on stream ecosystems, yet no standardised, repeatable and scientifically defensible methods currently exist for effectively quantifying their abundance or diversity in New Zealand stream reaches. Here we report on the testing of a back-pack electrofishing method, modified from that used by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, on a wide variety of wadeable stream reaches throughout New Zealand. Seventy-three first- to third-order stream reaches were fished with a single pass over 150-345 m length. Time taken to sample a reach using single-pass electrofishing ranged from 1-8 h. Species accumulation curves indicated that, irrespective of location, continuous sampling of 150 stream metres is required to accurately describe reach-scale fish species richness using this approach. Additional species detection beyond 150 m was rare (<10%) with a single additional species detected at only two out of the 17 reaches sampled beyond this distance. A positive relationship was also evident between species detection and area fished, although stream length rather than area appeared to be the better predictor. The method tested provides a standardised and repeatable approach for regional and/or national reporting on the state of New Zealand's freshwater fish communities and trends in richness and abundance over time

    Evaluation of a clinical decision support tool for osteoporosis disease management: protocol for an interrupted time series design

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Osteoporosis affects over 200 million people worldwide at a high cost to healthcare systems. Although guidelines on assessing and managing osteoporosis are available, many patients are not receiving appropriate diagnostic testing or treatment. Findings from a systematic review of osteoporosis interventions, a series of mixed-methods studies, and advice from experts in osteoporosis and human-factors engineering were used collectively to develop a multicomponent tool (targeted to family physicians and patients at risk for osteoporosis) that may support clinical decision making in osteoporosis disease management at the point of care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A three-phased approach will be used to evaluate the osteoporosis tool. In phase 1, the tool will be implemented in three family practices. It will involve ensuring optimal functioning of the tool while minimizing disruption to usual practice. In phase 2, the tool will be pilot tested in a quasi-experimental interrupted time series (ITS) design to determine if it can improve osteoporosis disease management at the point of care. Phase 3 will involve conducting a qualitative postintervention follow-up study to better understand participants' experiences and perceived utility of the tool and readiness to adopt the tool at the point of care.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The osteoporosis tool has the potential to make several contributions to the development and evaluation of complex, chronic disease interventions, such as the inclusion of an implementation strategy prior to conducting an evaluation study. Anticipated benefits of the tool may be to increase awareness for patients about osteoporosis and its associated risks and provide an opportunity to discuss a management plan with their physician, which may all facilitate patient self-management.</p

    On-line analysis and in situ pH monitoring of mixed acid fermentation by Escherichia coli using combined FTIR and Raman techniques

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    We introduce an experimental setup allowing continuous monitoring of bacterial fermentation processes by simultaneous optical density (OD) measurements, long-path FTIR headspace monitoring of CO2, acetaldehyde and ethanol, and liquid Raman spectroscopy of acetate, formate, and phosphate anions, without sampling. We discuss which spectral features are best suited for detection, and how to obtain partial pressures and concentrations by integrations and least squares fitting of spectral features. Noise equivalent detection limits are about 2.6 mM for acetate and 3.6 mM for formate at 5 min integration time, improving to 0.75 mM for acetate and 1.0 mM for formate at 1 h integration. The analytical range extends to at least 1 M with a standard deviation of percentage error of about 8%. The measurement of the anions of the phosphate buffer allows the spectroscopic, in situ determination of the pH of the bacterial suspension via a modified Henderson-Hasselbalch equation in the 6–8 pH range with an accuracy better than 0.1. The 4 m White cell FTIR measurements provide noise equivalent detection limits of 0.21 μbar for acetaldehyde and 0.26 μbar for ethanol in the gas phase, corresponding to 3.2 μM acetaldehyde and 22 μM ethanol in solution, using Henry’s law. The analytical dynamic range exceeds 1 mbar ethanol corresponding to 85 mM in solution. As an application example, the mixed acid fermentation of Escherichia coli is studied. The production of CO2, ethanol, acetaldehyde, acids such as formate and acetate, and the changes in pH are discussed in the context of the mixed acid fermentation pathways. Formate decomposition into CO2 and H2 is found to be governed by a zeroth-order kinetic rate law, showing that adding exogenous formate to a bioreactor with E. coli is expected to have no beneficial effect on the rate of formate decomposition and biohydrogen production

    Work-life balance in the police: the development of a self-management competency framework

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    Purpose Addressing a gap in the current work–life balance (WLB) literature regarding individual-focused approaches to inform interventions, we elicited behaviors used to self-manage WLB to draw up a competency-based WLB framework for relevant learnable knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs; Hoffmann, Eur J Ind Train 23:275–285, 1999) and mapping this against extant WLB frameworks. Design/Methodology/Approach Our participants were from a major UK police force, which faces particular challenges to the work–life interface through job demands and organizational cutbacks, covering a range of operational job roles, including uniformed officers and civilian staff. We took a mixed methods approach starting with semi-structured interviews to elicit 134 distinct behaviors (n = 20) and used a subsequent card sort task (n = 10) to group these into categories into 12 behavioral themes; and finally undertook an online survey (n = 356) for an initial validation. Findings Item and content analysis reduced the behaviors to 58, which we analyzed further. A framework of eight competencies fits the data best; covering a range of strategies, including Boundary Management, Managing Flexibility, and Managing Expectations. Implications The WLB self-management KSAs elicited consist of a range of solution-focused behaviors and strategies, which could inform future WLB-focused interventions, showing how individuals may negotiate borders effectively in a specific environment. Originality/Value A competence-based approach to WLB self-management is new, and may extend existing frameworks such as Border Theory, highlighting a proactive and solution-focused element of effective behaviors

    Interpopulation differences in expression of candidate genes for salinity tolerance in winter migrating anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta L.)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Winter migration of immature brown trout (<it>Salmo trutta</it>) into freshwater rivers has been hypothesized to result from physiologically stressful combinations of high salinity and low temperature in the sea.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We sampled brown trout from two Danish populations entering different saline conditions and quantified expression of the <it>hsp70 </it>and <it>Na/K-ATPases α 1b </it>genes following acclimation to freshwater and full-strength seawater at 2°C and 10°C. An interaction effect of low temperature and high salinity on expression of both <it>hsp70 </it>and <it>Na/K-ATPase α 1b </it>was found in trout from the river entering high saline conditions, while a temperature independent up-regulation of both genes in full-strength seawater was found for trout entering marine conditions with lower salinities.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Overall our results support the hypothesis that physiologically stressful conditions in the sea drive sea-run brown trout into freshwater rivers in winter. However, our results also demonstrate intra-specific differences in expression of important stress and osmoregulative genes most likely reflecting adaptive differences between trout populations on a regional scale, thus strongly suggesting local adaptations driven by the local marine environment.</p

    Mechanisms of seawater acclimation in a primitive, anadromous fish, the green sturgeon

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    Relatively little is known about salinity acclimation in the primitive groups of fishes. To test whether physiological preparative changes occur and to investigate the mechanisms of salinity acclimation, anadromous green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris (Chondrostei) of three different ages (100, 170, and 533 dph) were acclimated for 7 weeks to three different salinities (<3, 10, and 33 ppt). Gill, kidney, pyloric caeca, and spiral intestine tissues were assayed for Na+, K+-ATPase activity; and gills were analyzed for mitochondria-rich cell (MRC) size, abundance, localization and Na+, K+-ATPase content. Kidneys were analyzed for Na+, K+-ATPase localization and the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) was assessed for changes in ion and base content. Na+, K+-ATPase activities increased in the gills and decreased in the kidneys with increasing salinity. Gill MRCs increased in size and decreased in relative abundance with fish size/age. Gill MRC Na+, K+-ATPase content (e.g., ion-pumping capacity) was proportional to MRC size, indicating greater abilities to regulate ions with size/age. Developmental/ontogenetic changes were seen in the rapid increases in gill MRC size and lamellar length between 100 and 170 dph. Na+, K+-ATPase activities increased fourfold in the pyloric caeca in 33 ppt, presumably due to increased salt and water absorption as indicated by GIT fluids, solids, and ion concentrations. In contrast to teleosts, a greater proportion of base (HCO3− and 2CO32−) was found in intestinal precipitates than fluids. Green sturgeon osmo- and ionoregulate with similar mechanisms to more-derived teleosts, indicating the importance of these mechanisms during the evolution of fishes, although salinity acclimation may be more dependent on body size

    Paleogene Radiation of a Plant Pathogenic Mushroom

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    Background: The global movement and speciation of fungal plant pathogens is important, especially because of the economic losses they cause and the ease with which they are able to spread across large areas. Understanding the biogeography and origin of these plant pathogens can provide insights regarding their dispersal and current day distribution. We tested the hypothesis of a Gondwanan origin of the plant pathogenic mushroom genus Armillaria and the currently accepted premise that vicariance accounts for the extant distribution of the species. Methods: The phylogeny of a selection of Armillaria species was reconstructed based on Maximum Parsimony (MP), Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI). A timeline was then placed on the divergence of lineages using a Bayesian relaxed molecular clock approach. Results: Phylogenetic analyses of sequenced data for three combined nuclear regions provided strong support for three major geographically defined clades: Holarctic, South American-Australasian and African. Molecular dating placed the initial radiation of the genus at 54 million years ago within the Early Paleogene, postdating the tectonic break-up of Gondwana. Conclusions: The distribution of extant Armillaria species is the result of ancient long-distance dispersal rather than vicariance due to continental drift. As these finding are contrary to most prior vicariance hypotheses for fungi, our result

    Carbon Dioxide Utilisation -The Formate Route

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    UIDB/50006/2020 CEEC-Individual 2017 Program Contract.The relentless rise of atmospheric CO2 is causing large and unpredictable impacts on the Earth climate, due to the CO2 significant greenhouse effect, besides being responsible for the ocean acidification, with consequent huge impacts in our daily lives and in all forms of life. To stop spiral of destruction, we must actively reduce the CO2 emissions and develop new and more efficient “CO2 sinks”. We should be focused on the opportunities provided by exploiting this novel and huge carbon feedstock to produce de novo fuels and added-value compounds. The conversion of CO2 into formate offers key advantages for carbon recycling, and formate dehydrogenase (FDH) enzymes are at the centre of intense research, due to the “green” advantages the bioconversion can offer, namely substrate and product selectivity and specificity, in reactions run at ambient temperature and pressure and neutral pH. In this chapter, we describe the remarkable recent progress towards efficient and selective FDH-catalysed CO2 reduction to formate. We focus on the enzymes, discussing their structure and mechanism of action. Selected promising studies and successful proof of concepts of FDH-dependent CO2 reduction to formate and beyond are discussed, to highlight the power of FDHs and the challenges this CO2 bioconversion still faces.publishersversionpublishe