17 research outputs found

    Glutathione peroxidase overexpression causes aberrant ERK activation in neonatal mouse cortex after hypoxic preconditioning

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    Preconditioning of neonatal mice with nonlethal hypoxia (HPC) protects the brain from hypoxic-ischemic (HI) injury. Overexpression of human glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1), which normally protects the developing murine brain from HI injury, reverses HPC protection, suggesting that a certain threshold of hydrogen peroxide concentration is required for activation of HPC signaling

    Hypoxic preconditioning reverses protection after neonatal hypoxia-ischemia in glutathione peroxidase transgenic murine brain

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    The effect of hypoxic preconditioning (PC) on hypoxic-ischemic (HI) injury was explored in glutathione peroxidase (GPx)-overexpressing mice (human GPx-transgenic [hGPx-tg]) mice. Six-day-old hGPx-tg mice and wild-type (Wt) littermates were pre-conditioned with hypoxia for 30 min and subjected to the Vannucci procedure of HI 24 h after the PC stimulus. Histopathological injury was determined 5 d later (P12). Additional animals were killed 2 h or 24 h after HI and ipsilateral cerebral cortices assayed for GPx activity, glutathione (GSH), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). In line with previous studies, hypoxic PC reduced injury in the Wt brain. Preconditioned Wt brain had increased GPx activity, but reduced GSH, relative to naive 24 h after HI. Hypoxic PC did not reduce injury to hGPx-tg brain and even reversed the protection previously reported in the hGPx-tg. GPx activity and GSH in hGPx-tg cortices did not change. Without PC, hGPx-tg cortex had less H2O2 accumulation than Wt at both 2 h and 24 h. With PC, H2O2 remained low in hGPx-tg compared with Wt at 2 h, but at 24 h, there was no longer a difference between hGPx-tg and Wt cortices. Accumulation of H2O2 may be a mediator of injury, but may also induce protective mechanisms

    Age Is a Determinant of Leukocyte Infiltration and Loss of Cortical Volume after Traumatic Brain Injury

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    There is increasing evidence that the inflammatory response differs in the injured developing brain as compared to the adult brain. Here we compared cerebral blood flow and profiled the inflammatory response in mice that had been subjected to traumatic brain injury (TBI) at postnatal day (P)21 or at adulthood. Relative blood flow, determined by laser Doppler, revealed a 30% decrease in flow immediately after injury followed by prominent hyperemia between 7 and 35 days after injury in both age groups. The animals were euthanized at 1–35 days after injury and the brains prepared for the immunolocalization and quantification of CD45-, GR-1-, CD4- and CD8-positive (+) cells. On average, the number of CD45+ leukocytes in the cortex was significantly higher in the P21 as compared to the adult group. A similar trend was seen for GR-1+ granulocytes, whereas no age-related differences were noted for CD4+ and CD8+ cells. While CD45+ and GR-1+ cells in the P21 group remained elevated, relative to shams, over the first 2 weeks after injury, the adult group showed a time course limited to the first 3 days after injury. The loss of ipsilateral cortical volumes at 2 weeks after injury was significantly greater in the adult relative to the P21 group. While the adult group showed no further change in cortical volumes, there was a significant loss of cortical volumes between 2 and 5 weeks after injury in the P21 group, reaching values similar to that of the adult group by 5 weeks after injury. Together, these findings demonstrate age-dependent temporal patterns of leukocyte infiltration and loss of cortical volume after TBI

    Beneficial effect of erythropoietin on sensorimotor function and white matter after hypoxia-ischemia in neonatal mice

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    There are mixed reports on the neuroprotective properties of erythropoietin (EPO) in animal models of birth asphyxia. We investigated the effect of EPO on short- and long-term outcome after neonatal hypoxic-ischemic (HI) brain injury in mice and compared the effect of two different dose regimens of EPO. Nine-day-old mice were subjected to HI, and EPO was injected i.p. at 0, 24, and 48 h after HI in a dose of either 5 or 20 kU/kg. Paw preference in the cylinder rearing test (CRT) was used as a measure of sensorimotor function. Only in female mice, administration of EPO at 5 kU/kg but not 20 kU/kg improved sensorimotor function, reduced striatum atrophy and hippocampal lesion volume, and enhanced myelin basic protein (MBP) staining as determined at 4 and 9 wk after HI. In addition, at 72 h after HI, more Ki67 cells were found in the subventricular zone and dentate gyrus after EPO 5 kU/kg treatment, indicating an increase in progenitor cell proliferation. In conclusion, EPO improves sensorimotor function after neonatal HI and protects against striatum atrophy, hippocampus injury, and white matter loss. The protective effect of EPO is dose-dependent and only present in females