20 research outputs found


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    In this essay I consider the end-of-art thesis in its metaphysical and empirical versions. I show that both use the correspondence theory of truth as the basis for their conception of the history of art. As a counterpart to these theories I have chosen Patočka’s conception of the history of art. His theory is based also on the relationship between art and truth, but he conceives truth in the phenomenological sense of manifestation. In the rest of the essay I seek to show the consequences Patočka’s conception has for the history of art. In the rst part, I set out to show Patocka’s critique of Hegel’s aesthetics as a system based on the correspondence theory of truth. In particular, I endeavour to explain his critique of some intrinsic problems of Hegel’s aesthetics, the general failure of Hegel’s system to achieve its goal, and, lastly, Hegel’s giving up on the meaning of the art in the present. I also seek to show that Danto’s version runs into the same problems and conclusions as Hegel’s. In the second part I discuss Patočka’s analysis of modern art and the aesthetic attitude, where he nds a hidden a nity between art and aletheia, which Hegel overlooked. e last part of the essay focuses on the consequences that the conception of the truth of art as aletheia have for the history of art. I conclude that art in such a conception represents an independent eld of the manifestation of being in history beside philosophy. Moreover, modern and contemporary art do not mean the end of art; rather, they have their place in art history based on aletheia, since they are more focused on the manifestation itself than on what is manifested. Unlike Hegel and Danto, therefore, Patočka retains the historical meaning of modern and contemporary art. His conception of the history of art, summed up under the idea of aletheia, has greater explanatory potential than Hegel’s and Danto’s conceptions, and it retains the historical meaning of modern and contemporary art

    A fremd lebn : dertseilungen fun Jidishn lebn in Pariz

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    K fenomenologii masového umění a kultury

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    The study presented here stems from the interpretation of pop-art found in the work of Petr Rezek and Walter Biemel. According to these authors, we find in pop art procedures and forms linked with new types of art, such as film, the photograph, or comics, but without these works themselves being film, the photograph, or comics in the usual meaning of the word. The given form is instead reflected in these works. These authors similarly highlight that this is the case with the use of technology, which is used in pop art both on the level of content and in the form of production, and gives rise to the phenomenon of repetition. This repetition is not however the mere multiplication of things, but a reflection of technical reproduction itself. On the basis of both authors’ interpretations of pop art works, the study determines the moments that the phenomenology of mass art must explore. Specific emphasis is placed by the author on the transformation of our conception of the being of things. The solidity and impenetrability of things disappear and the medial, liquid moment of objects is accentuated. Both the thing and the work become a passage and a place of distribution. Our intentionality does not stop at the object itself, but is diverted further, to our own person in kitsch, to the human of flesh, to rational supercivilization, but alternatively to profit and commerce as well. Even though this character of mass culture is usually understood negatively in the phenomenological tradition, the author reaches the conclusion that what is presented in pop art is, instead of being a bad world, a different world

    Historical time and political society in Patočka

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    The Diploma thesis Historical time and political society in Patočka is focused on the relationship between politics and history in Patočka's Herretical Essays in the Philosophy of History. Interpretation of this relationship takes in account Patočka's inspiration in Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt and Aristotle. Aim of this work is to illuminate Patočka's heretical notions of politics and history and reveal its stimulating as well as its problematic heritage

    Patočkova raná filosofie umění

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    This essay analyses Patočka’s philosophy of art in the period before and during the Second World War. Since the philosophy of art in Patočka’s thinking is part of a broader philosophical debate, the first section of this essay introduces the main philosophical problems that Patočka was dealing with at this time. The second part of the essay introduces the place that art has in this broader philosophical context, from the point of view both of the artist and of the viewer. In any case, art for Patočka represents a historical force of spirit, that is, a reflection of a certain form of the lived world. The last two parts of this essay describe specific differences between art and other kinds of spiritual activity like philosophy, science, and religion, as well as the pre-reflexive form of these spiritual forces as represented in mythology. The author concludes that Patočka’s early philosophical thinking creates quite a coherent system in which art plays an important role

    Regeneration of deactivated zeolite catalysts by hydrocracking of the coke deposits

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    In dieser Arbeit wurde die Regenerierung von in der Isobutan/Buten-Alkylierung verkokten Zeolith-Katalysatoren durch Hydrocracken der Koksdeposite untersucht. Diese Regenerierungsmethode wurde gewählt, da sie bei geringerer Temperatur durchgeführt werden kann als die oxidative Regenerierung. Ein weiterer Vorteil der Methode ist, dass die Deposite zu Kohlenwasserstoffen gespalten werden, die wiederum als Edukte in der Alkylierung eingesetzt werden können. Als Grundlage für die späteren Experimente wurden zunächst einige die Alkylierung betreffende Parameter untersucht. Es konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Standzeit des Katalysators nach Vorbehandlung bei 300 °C ein Maximum erreicht. Dies wurde durch die infrarotspektroskopisch bestimmte maximale Konzentration der Brønsted-Säurezentren bei gleichzeitiger Abwesenheit von störendem Wasser interpretiert. Mittels FTIR- und UV/Vis-Spektroskopie sowie durch eine Kombination von Elementaranalyse und TGA konnte beobachtet werden, dass sich im Verlauf der Alkylierung der Mechanismus für die Bildung der Koksdeposite ändert. Zu Beginn erfolgt der Aufbau von stark ungesättigten Koksdepositen durch Hydridtransfer von Olefinen an Kationen unter Bildung von Alkenyl-Kationen. Diese Kationen vergiften die Säurezentren und verringern dadurch die Aktivität des Katalysators. Kurz vor Ende der Standzeit des Katalysators erfolgt eine rapide Zunahme der Masse an eher gesättigten Koksdepositen, deren Bildung durch die Oligomerisierung von Buten interpretiert wird. Der gesättigte Charakter der am Ende der Standzeit gebildeten Deposite wurde auch durch 13C-NMR-Spektroskopie bestätigt. Das Hydrocracken der Deposite wurde zum einen in einem Festbettreaktor, zum anderen in einer für erhöhte Drücke geeigneten IR-Zelle durchgeführt. Dabei wurden die Einflüsse der Temperatur, des Wasserstoffdrucks, der Dauer der Alkylierung sowie des Edelmetallgehaltes auf den Verlauf, den Erfolg und die Produkte der Regenerierung untersucht. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass sich die nach einer Alkylierungsdauer von 7 h aufgebauten Deposite in der Regenerierung bezüglich der zu ihrer Spaltung notwendigen Temperatur sowie bezüglich der Produkte ähnlich verhalten wie aus der Gasphase adsorbierte langkettige und gesättigte Kohlenwas-serstoffe. Dabei konnte mittels Infrarotspektroskopie beobachtet werden, dass die anfänglich gebildeten stark ungesättigten Deposite erst bei wesentlich höherer Temperatur gespalten werden können als die gesättigten langkettigen und stark verzweigten Deposite, die kurz vor Ende der Standzeit des Katalysators durch die Oligomerisierung des Butens entstehen. Ein ausreichend hoher Wasserstoffdruck ist notwendig, um die Umwandlung der Deposite in Hochtemperaturkoks zu vermeiden. Die Dauer der Alkylierung besitzt dabei keinen wesentlichen Einfluss auf den Erfolg der Regenerierung, was sich dadurch erklären lässt, dass die schwerer zu entfernenden Deposite zu Beginn der Alkylierung gebildet werden. Ein ausreichender Platingehalt (≥ 0,3 Ma.-%) ist essentiell für den Erfolg der Regenerierung; bei geringerem Edelmetallgehalt verschiebt sich der Crackmechanismus in Richtung des katalytischen Crackens, was im Aufbau von stark ungesättigtem Hochtemperaturkoks resultiert. Durch die Produktverteilung konnten Rückschlüsse auf das Zusammenspiel von Hydrocracken und Hydrogenolyse als Mechanismen für die Regenerierung der Katalysatoren gezogen werden. Unter Verwendung von optimierten Parametern für die Regenerierung wurden Zyklenexperimente durchgeführt. Die Standzeit des Katalysators konnte wiederhergestellt und über alle vier Zyklen konstant gehalten werden. Durch Verwendung eines edelmetallfreien Katalysators konnte die Desaktivierung über mehrere Zyklen untersucht werden; aufgrund der Veränderung der Produktzusam-mensetzung konnten dabei Rückschlüsse auf den Mechanismus der Alkylierung gezogen werden. Es wurde beobachtet, dass Koksdeposite über mehrere Zyklen akkumulieren und dadurch eine Gefahr für einen industriellen Prozess darstellen können. Diese Akkumulation kann möglicherweise durch modifizierte Regenerie-rungsbedingungen, die jedoch mit einem größeren technischen Aufwand verbunden sind, oder durch in größeren Abständen stattfindende oxidative Regenerierung vermieden werden.In many heterogeneously catalysed reactions, the catalyst suffers from deactivation with time-on-stream. There are many possible causes for this deactivation, one of them is the formation of coke deposits on the catalyst. Those deposits can diminish the activity of the catalyst either by blocking the pores of the catalyst or by poisoning the active sites. There are several possibilities to recover catalyst activity by removing the coke deposits. They can be burned off with air at high temperatures. This widely used regeneration method suffers from the disadvantage that high temperatures are necessary, which can possibly destroy temperature-sensitive catalysts. The deposits can also be removed in the presence of hydrogen and of a metal by hydrocracking. This method is only possible for hydrogen-rich coke deposits ("soft coke"). A reaction where the deactivation is caused by the formation of "soft coke" is the isobutane/butene alkylation. This reaction is applied in the refinery to produce high-octane gasoline from C4 olefins formed in the FCC unit and from isobutane. Presently, liquid acids (HF or H2SO4) are used as catalysts for this reaction. These acids suffer from major disadvantages; HF is highly toxic, and the acid consumption in the process using H2SO4 is high. It is desirable to change the process to using solid, easy-to-handle and environmentally benign catalysts. Zeolite catalysts are good candidates for this application, but they deactivate after a too short time-on-stream to enable an economic process. This drawback can perhaps be overcome by periodically regenerating the catalyst. In this thesis, the regeneration of catalysts deactivated in the isobutane/butene alkylation by hydrocracking of the coke deposits was studied. This method has been chosen because of the above-mentioned lower temperatures and because the deposits can possibly be cracked into hydrocarbons that can be used as reactants in the isobutane/butene alkylation. As a basis for the latter experiments, some parameters concerning the alkylation reaction had to be studied. It was observed that an activation temperature of 300 °C results in maximum lifetime of the catalyst 0.4Pt/La-X. This has been interpreted by a maximum concentration of Brønsted acid sites at this pretreatment temperature while most of the interfering adsorbed water is removed. By FTIR and UV/Vis spectroscopy as well as by combining elemental analysis with thermal analysis, it could be observed that during the alkylation the build-up of coke occurs via different mechanisms with time-on-stream. In the beginning of the alkylation the build-up of unsaturated compounds occurs by hydride transfer from olefins to carbocations forming alkenyl cations. These cations are poisoning acid sites and thereby decrease the activity of the catalyst. A short time before the conversion drops below 100 %, the coke content increases rapidly by the formation of rather saturated hydrocarbons. These are formed via the oligomerisation of butenes. It was confirmed by 13C NMR spectroscopy that after this stage of the reaction mainly saturated deposits are present on the catalyst. Hydrocracking of the deposits was performed in a fixed-bed reactor as well as in an IR cell designed for elevated temperature and pressure. The influence of temperature, hydrogen pressure, alkylation duration and noble metal content on the success and the products of the regeneration were studied. It was observed that the coke deposits formed after 7 h of alkylation act similar in the regeneration by hydrocracking as long-chain hydrocarbons with regard to the necessary temperature as well as the reaction products. Using IR spectroscopy, it could be observed that the primarily formed unsaturated deposits can only be cracked at higher temperatures than the long-chain hydrocarbons formed by butene oligomerisation. Temperatures above 200 °C are required to remove these deposits. However, temperatures higher than 300 °C reduce the high acid site concentration necessary for the alkylation. A sufficiently high hydrogen pressure is necessary to avoid the conversion of the deposits into high-temperature coke. Applying a hydrogen pressure of ca. 1 bar, the intensity of the coke band increases from a temperature of ca. 150 °C to a maximum at a temperature of ca. 220 °C. At this stage of the regeneration, highly unsaturated species are formed from mainly aliphatic coke compounds. This is caused by a shift of the cracking mechanism towards catalytic cracking. At still higher temperatures, the signal intensity decreases due to hydrocracking of the coke deposits. At a hydrogen pressure of 15 bar, the intensity of the coke band is much lower at the end of the regeneration, and the maximum at 220 °C is hardly visible. Obviously, an enhanced hydrogen pressure favours hydrocracking and helps to suppress the formation of high-temperature coke from aliphatic compounds during the regeneration. The duration of the alkylation has no major influence on the success of the regeneration of the catalyst. This can be explained by the fact that the highly unsaturated deposits which are more difficult to remove are formed in the beginning of the alkylation reaction. A sufficiently high content of platinum (≥ 0.3 wt.-%) is essential for the success of the regeneration. A smaller amount of noble metal causes the cracking mechanism to shift towards catalytic cracking, which results in the build-up of highly unsaturated "hard coke". The composition of the regeneration products led to further conclusions concerning the mechanism of the cracking reaction; besides bifunctional hydrocracking, also hydrogenolysis of the deposits on the noble metal was observed. To check whether hydrocracking of the coke deposits fully restores the activity of the catalyst, the hydrotreated zeolite was again used in the alkylation reaction. Regeneration was carried out every seven hours in a fixed-bed reactor at a hydrogen pressure of 15 bar up to a temperature of 300 °C. The success of the regeneration was obvious: both the duration of full conversion of 1-butene and the product composition were virtually identical in all four cycles. Thus, the platinum-containing catalyst coked in the alkylation of isobutane with 1-butene was indeed fully regenerated. Employing a noble metal-free catalyst, deactivation during several cycles could be studied. The change in the product composition observed on the noble metal-free catalyst led to conclusions concerning the mechanism of the alkylation. A high concentration of tert.-butyl cations on the catalyst is essential for a long duration of full conversion of 1-butene. It was also observed that during several cycles deposits can accumulate and thereby jeopardize an industrial process. This accumulation can possibly be avoided by modifying the regeneration conditions, resulting in a higher technical complexity of the process, or by oxidative regeneration after many cycles

    Pavel Zahrádka, Heteronomie estetické hodnoty. Sociologická kritika filozofické estetiky

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    Pavel Zahrádka, Heteronomie estetické hodnoty. Sociologická kritika filozofické estetiky, Host, Brno 2015, 239 s., ISBN 978-80-7491-490-

    Art and Care of Soul in Jan Patočka

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    Summary: This work approaches Patočka's philosophy of art from the perspective of ‚care of the soul'. The first part of work describes evolution of the ‚care of the soul' in context of Patočka's philosophy of history from he 30s up to 70s. Based on this description I recognize experience of the soul as the experience of human freedom as inseparable from the ethical and methaphysical dimensions. The second part approaches art from this perspective.Patočka's intepretations of art show that Patočka saw art not only as a manifestation of human freedom, but as reflection of human position in the world and his relation to aletheia as well. However, art stays half way between myth and philosophy due to the fact, that the movement of freedom is not as absolute in art as it is in philosophy. This is evident in expressions that art takes from the fields of our emotions and experience and thus still remains for Patočka in connection with the world and our everydayness. Therefore art represents for Patočka only limited experience of the soul. It is mostly the momentum of transcendence that is important and interesting for Patočka in art, but not the results that, no matter how deep, are still insights about the things in the world. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Art and Care of Soul in Jan Patočka

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    Summary: This work approaches Patočka's philosophy of art from the perspective of ‚care of the soul'. The first part of work describes evolution of the ‚care of the soul' in context of Patočka's philosophy of history from he 30s up to 70s. Based on this description I recognize experience of the soul as the experience of human freedom as inseparable from the ethical and methaphysical dimensions. The second part approaches art from this perspective.Patočka's intepretations of art show that Patočka saw art not only as a manifestation of human freedom, but as reflection of human position in the world and his relation to aletheia as well. However, art stays half way between myth and philosophy due to the fact, that the movement of freedom is not as absolute in art as it is in philosophy. This is evident in expressions that art takes from the fields of our emotions and experience and thus still remains for Patočka in connection with the world and our everydayness. Therefore art represents for Patočka only limited experience of the soul. It is mostly the momentum of transcendence that is important and interesting for Patočka in art, but not the results that, no matter how deep, are still insights about the things in the world. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org