26 research outputs found

    ESUR prostate MR guidelines 2012

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    The aim was to develop clinical guidelines for multi-parametric MRI of the prostate by a group of prostate MRI experts from the European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR), based on literature evidence and consensus expert opinion. True evidence-based guidelines could not be formulated, but a compromise, reflected by “minimal” and “optimal” requirements has been made. The scope of these ESUR guidelines is to promulgate high quality MRI in acquisition and evaluation with the correct indications for prostate cancer across the whole of Europe and eventually outside Europe. The guidelines for the optimal technique and three protocols for “detection”, “staging” and “node and bone” are presented. The use of endorectal coil vs. pelvic phased array coil and 1.5 vs. 3 T is discussed. Clinical indications and a PI-RADS classification for structured reporting are presented

    Effects of Periplasmic Chaperones and Membrane Thickness on BamA-Catalyzed Outer-Membrane Protein Folding

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    The biogenesis of outer-membrane proteins (OMPs) in gram-negative bacteria involves delivery by periplasmic chaperones to the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM), which catalyzes OMP insertion into the outer membrane. Here, we examine the effects of membrane thickness, the Escherichia coli periplasmic chaperones Skp and SurA, and BamA, the central subunit of the BAM complex, on the folding kinetics of a model OMP (tOmpA) using fluorescence spectroscopy, native mass spectrometry, and molecular dynamics simulations. We show that prefolded BamA promotes the release of tOmpA from Skp despite the nM affinity of the Skp:tOmpA complex. This activity is located in the BamA β-barrel domain, but is greater when full-length BamA is present, indicating that both the β-barrel and polypeptide transport-associated (POTRA) domains are required for maximal activity. By contrast, SurA is unable to release tOmpA from Skp, providing direct evidence against a sequential chaperone model. By varying lipid acyl chain length in synthetic liposomes we show that BamA has a greater catalytic effect on tOmpA folding in thicker bilayers, suggesting that BAM catalysis involves lowering of the kinetic barrier imposed by the hydrophobic thickness of the membrane. Consistent with this, molecular dynamics simulations reveal that increases in membrane thinning/disorder by the transmembrane domain of BamA is greatest in thicker bilayers. Finally, we demonstrate that cross-linking of the BamA barrel does not affect tOmpA folding kinetics in 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) liposomes, suggesting that lateral gating of the BamA barrel and/or hybrid barrel formation is not required, at least for the assembly of a small 8-stranded OMP in vitro