28 research outputs found
Incidence and progression of echocardiographic abnormalities in HIV-infected older children and adolescents taking antiretroviral therapy: A prospective cohort study
BACKGROUND: A high prevalence of cardiac abnormalities has been reported in children with HIV taking ART in sub-Saharan Africa. We investigated the incidence and progression of cardiac abnormalities among children taking ART in Zimbabwe. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted at a paediatric HIV clinic from 2014 to 2017. Children with HIV aged between 6 and 16 years and taking ART â„6 months were enrolled. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed at baseline and 18 months. RESULTS: Of 197 participants recruited at baseline, 175 [(89%), 48% female, median age 12 (IQR, 10-14) years] were followed up. The incidence of left and right heart abnormalities was 3.52 and 5.64 per 100 pys, respectively. Stunting was associated with the development of any cardiac abnormality [adjusted OR 2.59 (95% CI, 1.03-6.49); p=0.043]. Right ventricular (RV) dilatation persisted at follow up in 92% and left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction in 88%. Cardiac abnormalities present at baseline reverted to normal over the follow up period in 11(6%). There was an overall increase in mean z-scores for LV, left atrium (LA), RV, interventricular septum and LV posterior wall diameters at 18 months (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Despite ART, children with HIV have a high incidence of cardiac abnormalities, with only a minority being transient. Mean z-scores for LV, LA, RV, interventricular septum and LV posterior wall diameters increased over a relatively short follow up period, suggesting the potential for progression of cardiac abnormalities. Longer follow up is required to understand the clinical implications of these abnormalities
PrevalĂȘncia de anticorpos IgG antiparvovĂrus B19 em gestantes durante o atendimento prĂ©-natal e casos de hidropisia fetal nĂŁo imune atribuĂdos ao parvovĂrus B19, na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro Anti-parvovirus B19 IgG antibody prevalence in pregnant women during antenatal follow-up and cases of non-immune hydropsis fetalis due to parvovirus B19, in the City of Rio de Janeiro
Com o objetivo de medir a prevalĂȘncia de anticorpos IgG contra o parvovĂrus B19 em gestantes com atĂ© 24 semanas de idade gestacional e detectar a ocorrĂȘncia de casos de hidropisia fetal nĂŁo-imune atribuĂdos a esse vĂrus, coletamos 249 amostras de soro em uma maternidade de referĂȘncia na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, entre junho de 2003 e março de 2005. As gestantes foram acompanhadas atĂ© o termo da gestação, sendo detectados 17 casos de hidropisia fetal. Quatro casos foram atribuĂdos ao parvovĂrus B19 e dois destes ocorreram em gestantes residentes na zona oeste da cidade, em fevereiro de 2005. Resultados positivos para anticorpos IgG antiparvovĂrus B19 foram encontrados em 172 (71,6%) gestantes (IC 95% 65,5-77,7%), sendo esta prevalĂȘncia de anticorpos comparĂĄvel Ă encontrada em outras cidades brasileiras. A Ășnica variĂĄvel associada com aquisição prĂ©via de anticorpos IgG foi nĂșmero de gestaçÔes anteriores maior que um(p= 0,02, IC 95% 0,36-0,94).<br>With the aim of measuring the prevalence of anti-parvovirus B19 IgG antibodies during pregnancy up to 24 weeks of gestation and detecting cases of nonimmune hydrops fetalis, 249 sera from pregnant women attending a reference hospital in Rio de Janeiro city, from June 2003 to November 2004 were collected. They were followed-up until the end of pregnancy, with 17 cases of fetal hydrops detected. Four cases were caused by parvovirus B19 and two of them occurred in pregnant women living in the western zone of the city, during February 2005. Anti-parvovirus B19 IgG antibodies were found in 172 (71.6%) pregnant women (CI 95% 65.5%-77.7%); this antibody prevalence is similar to results found for others Brazilian cities. The only variable associated with previous acquisition of IgG antibodies to parvovirus B19 was number of pregnancies greater than one (p= 0.02, CI 95% 0.36-0.94)