1,062 research outputs found

    Mycotoxins of Concern in Children and Infant Cereal Food at European Level: Incidence and Bioaccessibility

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    Cereals are of utmost importance for the nutrition of infants and children, as they provide important nutrients for their growth and development and, in addition, they are easily digestible, being the best choice for the transition from breast milk/infant formula to solid foods. It is well known that children are more susceptible than adults to toxic food contaminants, such as mycotoxins, common contaminants in cereals. Many mycotoxins are already regulated and controlled according to strict quality control standards in Europe and around the world. There are, however, some mycotoxins about which the level of knowledge is lower: the so-called emerging mycotoxins, which are not yet regulated. The current review summarizes the recent information (since 2014) published in the scientific literature on the amounts of mycotoxins in infants' and children's cereal-based food in Europe, as well as their behaviour during digestion (bioaccessibility). Additionally, analytical methods used for mycotoxin determination and in vitro methods used to evaluate bioaccessibility are also reported. Some studies demonstrated the co-occurrence of regulated and emerging mycotoxins in cereal products used in children's food, which highlights the need to adopt guidelines on the simultaneous presence of more than one mycotoxin. Although very little research has been done on the bioaccessibility of mycotoxins in these food products, very interesting results correlating the fiber and lipid contents of such products with a higher or lower bioaccessibility of mycotoxins were reported. LC-MS/MS is the method of choice for the detection and quantification of mycotoxins due to its high sensibility and accuracy. In vitro static digestion models are the preferred ones for bioaccessibility evaluation due to their simplicity and accuracy

    Subgrupos de c?lulas dendr?ticas em carcinoma espinocelular oral diagnosticado em pacientes jovens e idosos: um estudo imunoistoqu?mico comparativo

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    Data de aprova??o ausente.O carcinoma espinocelular oral (CECO) ? uma neoplasia maligna que acomete principalmente idosos. O desencadeamento da doen?a ? relacionado ? exposi??o aos fatores de risco e ao decl?nio da fun??o imune associada ao envelhecimento cronol?gico. Alguns estudos t?m demonstrado um aumento na incid?ncia de CECO em adultos jovens, sugerindo envolvimento de outros fatores na etiologia da doen?a, como uma altera??o do sistema imunol?gico. As c?lulas dendr?ticas (CDs) s?o c?lulas apresentadoras de ant?geno profissionais e estimuladoras eficazes para a expans?o clonal de linf?citos. Acredita-se que uma altera??o da fun??o das CDs em pacientes com c?ncer contribui para a falha da resposta antitumoral, levando a uma consequente progress?o da doen?a. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, atrav?s da imunoistoqu?mica, se h? diferen?a na quantifica??o tissular dos subgrupos de CDs, associada ? idade, em esp?cimes de bi?psias de CECO. Para isso, foram selecionados casos de CECO de pacientes em tr?s diferentes faixas et?rias: G1 (< 40 anos de idade, n = 12), G2 (? 40 at? < 60 anos de idade, n = 15) e G3 (? 60 anos de idade, n = 14). Os marcadores utilizados foram S100, CD1a, CD207 (para CDs imaturas, imCDs), CD83 e CD208 (para CDs maduras, mCDs). As imagens foram capturadas dos campos com maior intensidade de marca??o nas l?minas histol?gicas e a quantifica??o celular foi realizada com o aux?lio do software Image J. A frequ?ncia e localiza??o das CDs foram avaliadas e analizadas estatisticamente nas regi?es intratumoral (intertumoral e ou estromal) e extratumoral. No geral, imCDs foram significativamente mais frequentes que mCDs em todos os grupos. ImCDs e mCDs mostraram preferencialmente localiza??o intratumoral e extratumoral respectivamente. Comparando G1 versus G2 / G3 foi observada um significativo menor n?mero de mCDs em G1. Na compara??o de G1 em rela??o a G2 ou G3 houve um n?mero significativamente menor de ambas, imCDs e mCDs. Nossos resultados mostram que existe uma menor quantidade de imCDs e mCDs em CECO afetando pacientes jovens em compara??o com idosos, sugerindo um comprometimento da resposta imune antitumoral em G1e permitindo a progress?o do tumor.Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Odontologia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, [2016].Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a malignant neoplasm that mainly affects elderly people. The onset of the disease is related with exposure to risk factors and the decline of immune function associated with chronological aging. Previous studies have demonstrated an increased incidence of CECO in young adults, suggesting involvement of other factors in the etiology of the disease, such as a change in the immune system. Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional antigen presenting cells and effective for stimulating clonal expansion of lymphocytes. It is believed that a change in the function of DC in cancer patients contributes to the failure of the anti-tumor response, leading to a consequent progression of the disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate, by immunohistochemistry, if there were differences in tissue quantification of DCs subsets, associated with age in specimens of OSCC biopsies. For this OSCC cases were selected at three different ages: G1 (< 40 years old, n = 12), G2 (? 40 to <60 years old, n = 15) and G3 (? 60 years old, n = 14). The markers used were S100, CD1a, CD207 (for immature DCs, imDCs), CD83 and CD208 (for mature DCs, mDCs). Images were captured from fields with higher intensity staining in histological sections and cell quantification was performed with Image J software help. The frequency and localization of immunostained DCs were analyzed in intratumoral (intranestal and/or extranestal) and extratumoral areas and statistically compared. Overall, imDCs than mDCs were significantly more frequent in all groups. ImDCs and mDCs showed preferential intratumoral and extratumoral localization, respectivel. Comparing G1 than G2/G3 showed a significant lesser number of mDCs. G1 versus G2 or G3 there is a significantly lower number of both imDCs and mDCs. Our results show a lower number of both imDCs and mDCs in OSCC affecting younger than elderly patients, suggesting impairment of an effective antitumor immune response in G1 and enabling tumor progression, showing a gradual establishment of the antitumor immune response mediated by DCs according to the age, but with defects in quality

    Efeitos de um protocolo de treinamento de subida em escada sobre vari?veis relacionadas ? resist?ncia ? insulina em camundongos alimentados com dieta hiperlip?dica

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    O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - C?digo de Financiamento 001.O treinamento f?sico ? um importante m?todo terap?utico n?o farmacol?gico para o tratamento e preven??o de diversas doen?as como a obesidade, a resist?ncia ? insulina e o diabetes mellitus tipo 2. O treinamento de subida em escadas para roedores pode ser uma estrat?gia para estudar os efeitos do treinamento no metabolismo da glicose. Anteriormente, nosso grupo de pesquisa observou que o treinamento de subida em escada foi capaz de melhorar a toler?ncia ? glicose e reduzir a adiposidade em camundongos alimentados com dieta hiperlip?dica. No presente estudo utilizamos amostras provenientes daquele estudo para analisarmos a resist?ncia ? insulina, a fun??o mitocondrial no tecido muscular e adiposo, e prote?nas envolvidas com a resist?ncia ? insulina no tecido muscular esquel?tico. Quarenta e oito animais foram divididos em 2 grupos (n=24) sendo grupo chow alimentado com ra??o comercial (10% das calorias de gordura) e grupo HFD (de high fat diet) alimentado com dieta hiperlip?dica (42% das calorias de gordura) por 12 semanas. Na quinta semana todos os animais foram adaptados para a subida em escada e passaram por testes f?sicos para determina??o da carga utilizada no treinamento. Os grupos foram subdivididos em grupos sedent?rios e grupos treinados (n=12/grupo). Na sexta semana experimental se deu o in?cio do protocolo de treinamento de forma progressiva que durou por 6 semanas. O treinamento de for?a de subida em escada melhorou a resist?ncia ? insulina e aumentou o conte?do e fosforila??o de prote?nas relacionadas ao metabolismo de glicose que estavam alterados no animais sedent?rios alimentados com dieta hiperlip?dica. O presente estudo mostrou que o treinamento de for?a de subida em escada foi capaz de melhorar a resist?ncia ? insulina, provavelmente por modular prote?nas intracelulares relacionadas ? via de sinaliza??o da insulina.Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa Multic?ntrico de P?s-gradua??o em Ci?ncias Fisiol?gicas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2020.Physical training is an important non-pharmacological therapeutic method for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Rodent ladder training can be a strategy to study the effects of training without glucose metabolism. Previously, our research group noted that stair climbing training was able to improve glucose tolerance and reduce adiposity in mice fed a high-fat diet. In the present study, we used data from that study to analyze insulin resistance, mitochondrial function in muscle and adipose tissue, the proteins involved with insulin resistance in skeletal muscle tissue. Forty-eight animals were divided into 2 groups (n = 24) with a chow group fed commercial feed (10% of the fat calories) and an HFD group (on a high fat diet) fed with a high fat diet (42% of the fat calories) by 12 weeks. In the fifth week, all animals were adapted to climb stairs and underwent physical tests to determine the load used in training. The groups were subdivided into sedentary groups and trained groups (n = 12 / group). In the sixth experimental week, the training protocol started progressively, which lasted for 6 weeks. Stair climbing strength training improved insulin resistance and increased protein content and phosphorylation related to glucose metabolism that was altered in sedentary animals fed a high-fat diet. The present study showed that stair climbing strength training was able to improve insulin resistance, probably due to modular intracellular proteins related to the insulin signaling pathway

    Transpar?ncia governamental : Estudo de caso do Estado da Para?ba

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    A transpar?ncia p?blica est? intimamente relacionada ao acesso a informa??o presente na Constitui??o Federal de 1988. Os ?ndices de transpar?ncia, a partir da d?cada de 90, constituem um conjunto de medidas adotadas na reforma gerencial do Estado, desse modo, ? utilizada por parte dos gestores uma avalia??o do desempenho para verificar a efici?ncia desta transpar?ncia. Neste trabalho ser? abordado a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal, Lei Complementar n? 101 de 04 de maio de 2000, que iniciou a sua execu??o no ano de 2001. De ?mbito nacional, Uni?o, Estados, Distrito Federal e Munic?pios, a Lei Complementar tem o objetivo de regulamentar a Constitui??o Federal, pois determina as normas gerais do direito financeiro para a confec??o e controle dos or?amentos e balan?os em todas as esferas gestoras da Uni?o. Este trabalho almeja realizar uma an?lise nas pol?ticas de transpar?ncia p?blica e acesso a informa??o dos 223 munic?pios e das C?maras do Estado da Para?ba no per?odo de 2014 e 2015. A revis?o de literatura foi realizada atrav?s de uma busca na base de dado SciELO com os termos: transpar?ncia fiscal e lei da responsabilidade fiscal. Os trabalhos analisados foram, preferencialmente, em publica??es com at? 10 anos. Transpar?ncia pode ser compreendida como a disponibilidade de informa??es sobre as finan?as p?blicas, sua facilidade de compreens?o e seu uso pelos interessados, de acordo com as leis em vigor e o principio da publicidade na gest?o p?blica. A Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal influencia significativamente na gest?o p?blica e necessitar? de uma adequa??o pelos gestores para transformar a Administra??o P?blica, sendo este um desafio consider?vel em rela??o ?queles gestores que n?o possu?am esta pr?tica at? a Lei entrar em vigor


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    O cumaru ( Amburana cearensis (Allem.) A. C. Smith) \ue9 uma esp\ue9cie nativa do semi\ue1rido brasileiro que apresenta m\ufaltiplas utilidades como madeira de boa qualidade e cont\ue9m princ\uedpio ativo que pode ser utilizado nas ind\ufastrias aliment\uedcias, de perfume e na produ\ue7\ue3o de medicamentos. \uc9, tamb\ue9m, planta forrageira e mel\uedfera. As respostas do cumaru \ue0 aduba\ue7\ue3o org\ue2nica e cobertura morta do solo, insumos oriundos e ciclados dentro do pr\uf3prio agroecossistema, s\ue3o ainda pouco conhecidas. Para isto, um experimento foi montado visando estudar o comportamento das mudas em um sistema agroflorestal (em cons\uf3rcio com milho e feij\ue3o), testando-se diferentes n\uedveis de mat\ue9ria org\ue2nica (0, 15 e 30 L de esterco na cova), com e sem cobertura morta no solo. Avaliou-se a altura de plantas, di\ue2metro caulinar, n\ufamero de folhas, \ue1rea foliar e sobreviv\ueancia das plantas no campo ap\uf3s um ano de plantio. O cumaru, no sistema agroflorestal estudado, mostrou-se indiferente ao uso de cobertura morta e adaptado \ue0s condi\ue7\uf5es de baixa mat\ue9ria org\ue2nica no solo, obtendo-se o maior crescimento na aus\ueancia de mat\ue9ria org\ue2nica (esterco).Amburana cearensis (Allem.) A. C. Smith is a Brazilian semiarid region native plant. It presents good quality wood, contains an active ingredient that can be used for food, perfume and medicine production and it is also a forage and a melifera plant. The responses of the studied species to organic fertilizer and mulch, inputs produced and cycled within its ecosystem are still unknown. For this, an experiment was conducted to study the behavior of seedlings in an agroforestry system intercropped with maize and beans, testing different levels of organic matter (0, 15 and 30 L of manure) with and without soil mulch. It was evaluated the plant height, stem diameter, leaf number, leaf area and the survival of plants in the field one year after planting. The performance of A. cearensis was indifferent to the use of mulch and well adapted to low soil organic matter conditions, obtaining the largest growth in the absence of organic matter

    Influence of cations Ca2+, Mg2+ and Zn2+ on the flotation and surface charge of smithsonite and dolomite with sodium oleate and sodium silicate.

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    using sodium oleate and sodium silicate. Microflotation test results demonstrated recoveries of 95% and 5% for smithsonite and dolomite, respectively, from 2.5 ? 10?5 M sodium oleate and 50 mg/L sodium silicate at pH 9.5. The smithsonite was depressed by the cations Ca2+ and Mg2+ and, the dolomite was depressed by Zn2+ cations, which was probably caused by the reaction of these cations with the oleate anions in the solution, decreasing the concentration of collector available for adsorption onto the minerals. The powerful depression of smithsonite caused by Ca2+ cations compared with that caused by Mg2+ cations can be considered to have occurred because of the higher concentration of Ca2+ in the solution. From the zeta potential measurements at pH 9.5, we concluded that the predominant species of oleate and of sodium silicate were adsorbed onto both minerals, and the silicate species prevented the adsorption of oleate anions onto dolomite. The decrease in the negative zeta potential of both minerals after cation conditioning can be related to the electrostatic attraction between the cations and the negative sites on their surfaces. The negative zeta potential of smithsonite increased at a concentration of 1 ? 10?6MCa2+ and Mg2+,whereas the potential decreases at a concentration of 1 ? 10?3 M, which can be related to a lower concentration of oleate anions being available for adsorption

    Comparative Fingerprint Changes of Toxic Volatiles in Low PUFA Vegetable Oils Under Deep-Frying

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    The volatile fraction of three vegetable oils recommended for deep-frying due to their high MUFA:PUFA ratios, namely extra-virgin olive oil, peanut oil and canola oil, was compared before and after frying potatoes, with a particular focus on toxic volatiles. For the purpose, a headspace solid-phase-micro extraction technique coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry was optimized, with semi-quantification achieved using two internal standards. Significant qualitative and quantitative differences were observed, both before and after frying. From a total of 51 compounds, aldehydes were the main group formed after deep-frying, their nature and abundance being highly associated with the initial fatty acid composition, particularly linoleic acid (r2 = −0.999, p ≤ 0.001). Globally, extra-virgin olive oil revealed fewer formations of unsaturated aldehydes, including toxic ones, and correlated with lower amounts of degradation indicators, as polar compounds (r2 = 0.998, p ≤ 0.001) and p-anisidine value (r2 = 0.991, p ≤ 0.001). Despite the similarities in total unsaturation degree between canola and peanut oils, the former presented lower amount of volatiles, including E,E-2,4-decadienal and acrolein, the more toxic ones. These results highlight for the pertinence of volatile analyses to evaluate and compare oil degradation under thermal and oxidative stress, while complementing other degradation indicators. Additionally, the optimized methodology allows a direct comparison of different oil matrices, supporting further developments into more general methods for volatiles quantification, enabling more efficient comparison of results between research teams.The authors acknowledge the financial support from PRODER (Contract No. 53989), co-financed by FAEDER, and from project UID/QUI/50006/2013-POCI/01/0145/FEDER/007265 with financial support from FCT/MEC through national funds, cofinanced by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020 and the PhD Grant—SFRH/BD/82285/2011 attributed to CSPS. LMG also acknowledges the financial support from Campus de Excelencia Internacional Agroalimentario (ceiA3) and University of Jaén, from Spain
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