17 research outputs found

    A wide-area GMRT 610-MHz survey of ELAIS N1 field

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    In this paper we present a wide-area 610 MHz survey of the ELAIS\,N1 field with the GMRT, covering an area of 12.8 deg2^2 at a resolution of 6 arcsec and with an rms noise of 40\sim 40 μ\muJy beam1^{-1}. This is equivalent to 20\sim 20 μ\muJy beam1^{-1} rms noise at 1.4 GHz for a spectral index of 0.75-0.75. The primary goal of the survey was to study the polarised sky at sub-mJy flux densities at << GHz frequencies. In addition, a range of other science goals, such as investigations in to the nature of the low-frequency μ\muJy source populations and alignments of radio jets. A total of 6,400 sources were found in this region, the vast majority of them compact. The sample jointly detected by GMRT at 610 MHz and by VLA FIRST at 1.4\,GHz has a median spectral index of 0.85±0.05-0.85 \pm 0.05 and a median 610 MHz flux density of 4.5 mJy. This region has a wealth of ancillary data which is useful to characterize the detected sources. The multi-wavelength cross matching resulted optical/IR counterparts to 90\sim 90 per~cent of the radio sources, with a significant fraction having at least photometric redshift. Due to the improved sensitivity of this survey over preceding ones, we have discovered six giant radio sources (GRS), with three of them at z1z \sim 1 or higher. This implies that the population of GRS may be more abundant and common than known to date and if true this has implications for the luminosity function and the evolution of radio sources. We have also identified several candidate extended relic sources

    The history of dynamics and stellar feedback revealed by the HI filamentary structure in the disk of the Milky Way

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    We present a study of the filamentary structure in the emission from the neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) at 21 cm across velocity channels in the 40 '' and 1.5-km s(-1) resolution position-position-velocity cube, resulting from the combination of the single-dish and interferometric observations in The HI/OH/recombination-line survey of the inner Milky Way. Using the Hessian matrix method in combination with tools from circular statistics, we find that the majority of the filamentary structures in the HI emission are aligned with the Galactic plane. Part of this trend can be assigned to long filamentary structures that are coherent across several velocity channels. However, we also find ranges of Galactic longitude and radial velocity where the HI filamentary structures are preferentially oriented perpendicular to the Galactic plane. These are located (i) around the tangent point of the Scutum spiral arm and the terminal velocities of the Molecular Ring, around l approximate to 28 degrees and v(LSR) approximate to 100 km s(-1), (ii) toward l approximate to 45 degrees and v(LSR) approximate to 50 km s(-1), (iii) around the Riegel-Crutcher cloud, and (iv) toward the positive and negative terminal velocities. A comparison with numerical simulations indicates that the prevalence of horizontal filamentary structures is most likely the result of large-scale Galactic dynamics and that vertical structures identified in (i) and (ii) may arise from the combined effect of supernova (SN) feedback and strong magnetic fields. The vertical filamentary structures in (iv) can be related to the presence of clouds from extra-planar HI gas falling back into the Galactic plane after being expelled by SNe. Our results indicate that a systematic characterization of the emission morphology toward the Galactic plane provides an unexplored link between the observations and the dynamical behavior of the interstellar medium, from the effect of large-scale Galactic dynamics to the Galactic fountains driven by SNe

    Continuum sources from the THOR survey between 1 and 2 GHz

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    We carried out a large program with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA): "THOR: The HI, OH, Recombination line survey of the Milky Way". We observed a significant portion of the Galactic plane in the first quadrant of the Milky Way in the 21cm HI line, 4 OH transitions, 19 radio recombination lines, and continuum from 1 to 2 GHz. In this paper we present a catalog of the continuum sources in the first half of the survey (l=14.0-37.9deg and l=47.1-51.2deg, |b|<1.1deg) at a spatial resolution of 10-25", with a spatially varying noise level of ~0.3-1 mJy/beam. The catalog contains ~4400 sources. Around 1200 of these are spatially resolved, and ~1000 are possible artifacts, given their low signal-to-noise ratios. Since the spatial distribution of the unresolved objects is evenly distributed and not confined to the Galactic plane, most of them are extragalactic. Thanks to the broad bandwidth of the observations from 1 to 2 GHz, we are able to determine a reliable spectral index for ~1800 sources. The spectral index distribution reveals a double-peaked profile with maxima at spectral indices of alpha = -1 and alpha = 0 , corresponding to steep declining and flat spectra, respectively. This allows us to distinguish between thermal and non-thermal emission, which can be used to determine the nature of each source. We examine the spectral index of ~300 known HII regions, for which we find thermal emission with spectral indices around alpha = 0. In contrast, supernova remnants (SNR) show non-thermal emission with alpha = -0.5 and extragalactic objects generally have a steeper spectral index of alpha = -1. Using the spectral index information of the THOR survey, we investigate potential SNR candidates. We classify the radiation of four SNR candidates as non-thermal, and for the first time, we provide strong evidence for the SNR origin of these candidates

    THOR - The HI, OH, Recombination Line Survey of the Milky Way - The pilot study: HI observations of the giant molecular cloud W43

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    To study the atomic, molecular and ionized emission of Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs), we have initiated a Large Program with the VLA: 'THOR - The HI, OH, Recombination Line survey of the Milky Way'. We map the 21cm HI line, 4 OH lines, 19 H_alpha recombination lines and the continuum from 1 to 2 GHz of a significant fraction of the Milky Way (l=15-67deg, |b|<1deg) at ~20" resolution. In this paper, we focus on the HI emission from the W43 star-formation complex. Classically, the HI 21cm line is treated as optically thin with column densities calculated under this assumption. This might give reasonable results for regions of low-mass star-formation, however, it is not sufficient to describe GMCs. We analyzed strong continuum sources to measure the optical depth, and thus correct the HI 21cm emission for optical depth effects and weak diffuse continuum emission. Hence, we are able to measure the HI mass of W43 more accurately and our analysis reveals a lower limit of M=6.6x10^6 M_sun, which is a factor of 2.4 larger than the mass estimated with the assumption of optically thin emission. The HI column densities are as high as N(HI)~150 M_sun/pc^2 ~ 1.9x10^22 cm^-2, which is an order of magnitude higher than for low mass star formation regions. This result challenges theoretical models that predict a threshold for the HI column density of ~10 M_sun/pc^2, at which the formation of molecular hydrogen should set in. By assuming an elliptical layered structure for W43, we estimate the particle density profiles. While at the cloud edge atomic and molecular hydrogen are well mixed, the center of the cloud is strongly dominated by molecular hydrogen. We do not identify a sharp transition between hydrogen in atomic and molecular form. Our results are an important characterization of the atomic to molecular hydrogen transition in an extreme environment and challenges current theoretical models

    The "Maggie" filament: Physical properties of a giant atomic cloud

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    The atomic phase of the interstellar medium plays a key role in the formation process of molecular clouds. Due to the line-of-sight confusion in the Galactic plane that is associated with its ubiquity, atomic hydrogen emission has been challenging to study. Employing the high-angular resolution data from the THOR survey, we identify one of the largest, coherent, mostly atomic HI filaments in the Milky Way at the line-of-sight velocities around -54 km/s. The giant atomic filament "Maggie", with a total length of 1.2 kpc, is not detected in most other tracers, and does not show signs of active star formation. At a kinematic distance of 17 kpc, Maggie is situated below (by 500 pc) but parallel to the Galactic HI disk and is trailing the predicted location of the Outer Arm by 5-10 km/s in longitude-velocity space. The centroid velocity exhibits a smooth gradient of less than ±\pm3 km/s /10 pc and a coherent structure to within ±\pm6 km/s. The line widths of 10 km/s along the spine of the filament are dominated by non-thermal effects. After correcting for optical depth effects, the mass of Maggie's dense spine is estimated to be 7.2×105M7.2\times10^5\,M_{\odot}. The mean number density of the filament is 4cm3\rm\,cm^{-3}, which is best explained by the filament being a mix of cold and warm neutral gas. In contrast to molecular filaments, the turbulent Mach number and velocity structure function suggest that Maggie is driven by transonic to moderately supersonic velocities that are likely associated with the Galactic potential rather than being subject to the effects of self-gravity or stellar feedback. The column density PDF displays a log-normal shape around a mean of NHI=4.8×1020cm2N_{\rm HI} = 4.8\times 10^{20}\rm\,cm^{-2}, thus reflecting the absence of dominating effects of gravitational contraction

    Morphological Mutations of Dwarf Galaxies

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    Dwarf galaxies (DGs) are extremely challenging objects in extragalactic astrophysics. They are expected to originate as the first units in Cold Dark-Matter cosmology. They are the galaxy type most sensitive to environmental influences and their division into multiple types with various properties have invoked the picture of their variant morphological transformations. Detailed observations reveal characteristics which allow to deduce the evolutionary paths and to witness how the environment has affected the evolution. Here we review peculiarities of general morphological DG types and refer to processes which can deplete gas-rich irregular DGs leading to dwarf ellipticals, while gas replenishment implies an evolutionary cycling. Finally, as the less understood DG types the Milky Way satellite dwarf spheroidal galaxies are discussed in the context of transformation.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of Symposium 3 of JENAM 2010 "Dwarf Galaxies: Key to Galaxy Formation and Evolution", Polychronis Papaderos, Simone Recchi, Gerhard Hensler (Eds.), Springer Publisher, Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-22017-

    Characterizing Magnetized Turbulence in M51

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    Tracking the Outer Spiral Arms of the Galaxy in H I Absorption

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    We have analyzed 793 atomic hydrogen emission and absorption spectrum pairs toward continuum background sources in the northern and southern Galactic plane. In this paper we focus on absorption features from cold gas in the outermost arms of the Galaxy. We find H I absorption associated on a global scale with the outer spiral arm (first and second Galactic quadrants). To a lesser extent we also see absorption associated with the most distant spiral arm in the third and fourth Galactic quadrants. In total, 236 spectra contain clear absorption features associated with the outermost spiral arms. Cool-phase gas therefore exists throughout these spiral arms. The mean distances between absorbing clouds are on the order of 90-220 pc. We identify a number of striking H I structures with masses on the order of 105-106 M containing cool H I gas with temperatures below 100 K. These clouds are only marginally stable against gravitational collapse