2,635 research outputs found

    Goodyer, J., Mackay, J., & Poskitt, J. (2017). A pilot study of the Application of Degree Apprenticeships in New Zealand: A focus on Infrastructure Asset Management. A Report for the Tertiary Education Commission. Massey University: Palmerston North.

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    Commissioned by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC), through the Engineering-to-Employment (E2E) programme, the research team facilitated a group of engineering employers and Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) representatives to develop a Plot Degree Apprenticeship Standard in Infrastructure Asset Management. The report details the process of an employer-led development of a standard, in an area of impending engineering employee shortage. Recommendations are made for future development of other degree apprenticeship standards.falsePalmerston NorthTertiary Education Commissio

    Recent climate-driven ecological changes in tropical montane lakes of Rwenzori Mountains National Park, central Africa

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    Rwenzori Mountains National Park, which straddles the border between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda, has experienced rapid glacier loss since the beginning of the twentieth century, yet there has been little investigation of aquatic biodiversity change in the park. This study presents a paleolimnological analysis from Lake Mahoma (2990 m asl), which is situated in the bamboo-forest transition zone. Diatom and organic geochemistry data from a 39-cm-long sediment core with a basal age of c. 1715 CE were compared with new analyses of previously published data from Lakes Bujuku (3891 m asl) and Lower Kitandara (3989 m asl), in the alpine zone. Comparisons were made to determine if aquatic ecosystem changes exhibited similar inter-lake patterns over the past ~ 150 years of climate warming and glacial recession, or if only local change was apparent. The diatom flora of Lake Mahoma is acidophilous, dominated by Aulacoseira ikapoënsis since at least the mid eighteenth century. In recent decades, the obligate nitrogen-heterotroph Nitzschia palea increased in importance, concurrent with declining δ15Norg values. We suggest that these late twentieth century changes were linked to regional warming and increased thermal stratification of Lake Mahoma. Regional comparisons of the Rwenzori lakes were done using existing organic geochemistry records (total organic carbon, C/N and δ13Corg) and through diatom compositional turnover analyses, and categorisation of species into one of four diatom growth morphology traits, or guilds: tychoplanktonic, high-profile, low-profile and motile. Over the past 150 years, all three lakes showed unidirectional, compositional diatom turnover, indicating that deterministic processes had affected diatom communities. Declining turnover at each site is broadly mirrored by an increase in tychoplanktonic taxa, along with concomitant declines in high-profile diatoms at Lake Mahoma, and low-profile diatoms at Lake Bujuku, and at least for the past 60 years, at Lower Kitandara. The interplay between diatom guilds at all sites is mainly a consequence of competition for available resources. Sediment organic carbon at all sites comes from both autochthonous and allochthonous sources, the relative abundances of which are influenced by the time elapsed since lakes had glaciers in their catchment

    Holocene climatic variability indicated by a multi-proxy record from southern Africa's highest wetland

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    The eastern Lesotho Highlands experience climate patterns distinct from those of surrounding lower altitude regions, representing a niche environment with a unique biodiversity, leading to well-adapted but restricted vegetation. This study explores changes in the Holocene composition of diatoms and pollen at southern Africa’s highest altitude wetland (Mafadi: 3390 m a.s.l.). The palaeoenvironmental record for Mafadi Wetland indicates fluctuations between cold, wet conditions, prevalent between ~8140 and 7580 cal. yr BP and between ~5500 and 1100 cal. yr BP, and warmer, drier periods between ~7520 and 6680 cal. yr BP and between ~6160 and 5700 cal. yr BP. Marked climatic variability is noted from ~1100 cal. yr BP with colder conditions at ~150 kyr BP. Notably, the first of these cold periods occurs soon after the Northern Hemisphere 8.2 kyr event, while a second period of notably cold conditions occurs around 1100 cal. yr BP. Variability exists between the moisture reconstructions presented in this study and those from adjacent lower altitude sites, which is hypothesised to reflect variations in the strength and extent of the Westerlies throughout the Holocene

    A multi-proxy analysis of late Quaternary palaeoenvironments, Sekhokong Range, eastern Lesotho

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    The eastern Lesotho Highlands host an array of periglacial and glacial geomorphic features. Their analysis has provided past climate interpretations predominantly for cold periods, yet no multi-proxy temporally continuous palaeoenvironmental records exist. This study presents a palaeoenvironmental reconstruction based on sedimentary characteristics, fossil pollen and diatoms from an alpine wetland located in the Sekhokong Mountain Range. The record commences in the late Pleistocene with a wet period from ∼16 450 to 14 440 cal a BP, interrupted by dry conditions from ∼16 350 to 15 870 cal a BP. From ∼14 150 to 8560 cal a BP, drier conditions are inferred, slowly transitioning to warmer, wetter conditions. Warmer, dry conditions are inferred for ∼8560–7430 cal a BP, followed by cold, wet conditions from ∼7280 to 6560 cal a BP. A dry, warmer period occurs from ∼6560 to 3640 cal a BP indicated by pollen, diatom and sedimentary records, followed by cool, wet conditions from ∼3400 to 1200 cal a BP. The period from ∼1110 cal a BP to the present is characterized by progressive drying. Pronounced cold events are detected from the diatom record. Moisture records appear relatively specific to the topographic setting of Sekhokong near the Great Escarpment edge, probably driven by orographically constrained synoptic controls

    Longevity GWAS Using the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel

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    We used 197 Drosophila melanogaster Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP) lines to perform a genome-wide association analysis for virgin female lifespan, using ~2M common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We found considerable genetic variation in lifespan in the DGRP, with a broad-sense heritability of 0.413. There was little power to detect signals at a genome-wide level in single-SNP and gene-based analyses. Polygenic score analysis revealed that a small proportion of the variation in lifespan (~4.7%) was explicable in terms of additive effects of common SNPs (≥2% minor allele frequency). However, several of the top associated genes are involved in the processes previously shown to impact ageing (eg, carbohydrate-related metabolism, regulation of cell death, proteolysis). Other top-ranked genes are of unknown function and provide promising candidates for experimental examination. Genes in the target of rapamycin pathway (TOR; Chrb, slif, mipp2, dredd, RpS9, dm) contributed to the significant enrichment of this pathway among the top-ranked 100 genes (p = 4.79×10(-06)). Gene Ontology analysis suggested that genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism are important for lifespan; including the InterPro term DUF227, which has been previously associated with lifespan determination. This analysis suggests that our understanding of the genetic basis of natural variation in lifespan from induced mutations is incomplete

    Yangian in the Twistor String

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    We study symmetries of the quantized open twistor string. In addition to global PSL(4|4) symmetry, we find non-local conserved currents. The associated non-local charges lead to Ward identities which show that these charges annihilate the string gluon tree amplitudes, and have the same form as symmetries of amplitudes in N=4 super conformal Yang Mills theory. We describe how states of the open twistor string form a realization of the PSL(4|4) Yangian superalgebra.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figure

    Chrysocoma ciliata L. (Asteraceae) in the Lesotho Highlands: an anthropogenically introduced invasive or a niche coloniser?

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    Over recent decades, concern has been raised regarding the management of Chrysocoma ciliata L. (Asteraceae syn. C. tenuifolia) in the eastern Lesotho Highlands. This shrub species is argued to be a Karroid invasive introduced anthropogenically within the last century. Historical botanical records in Lesotho are scarce, so the origins of this species in the region are as yet uncertain. Speculation is based on the contemporary abundance of these shrubs in overgrazed areas throughout the highlands. This study presents fossil pollen records for the eastern Lesotho Highlands which confirm the presence of this species intermittently throughout the past ~6000 cal yr BP. In so doing, this study refutes claims that the species was introduced anthropogenically within the past 100 years, and of its narrow definition as a Karoo species invasive in Lesotho. The intermittent appearance of this species in the pollen record, however, indicates that it is climate sensitive, colonising the wetlands under conditions unsuitable to other plant species. Evidence presented here calls for a re-evaluation of the categorisation of C. ciliata as an invasive in the Lesotho Highlands, and more critically, for a redevelopment of the environmental management policies which involve this species

    Late Quaternary research in southern Africa: progress, challenges and future trajectories

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    Southern African late Quaternary research has developed rapidly during recent decades, with an increase in the range of proxies used, the inclusion of new field sites, and increased international collaboration and skills transfer. This has enabled recent meta-studies into the synoptic drivers of palaeoenvironmental shifts across the region, and of spatial variability in climatic and environmental changes. Expanded research has also highlighted uncertainties in the understanding of southern African palaeoenvironments, and the relationships with Northern Hemisphere analogues, encouraging on-going critical debate within the discipline. Given current concerns of climate change impacts on the natural environment, the spread of invasives, increased fire frequency, and anthropogenic influences on the natural environment, palaeoenvironmental data and inferences are increasingly being utilised outside of the palaeoenvironmental discipline, providing a valuable inter-disciplinary platform for global change science in the region. Relative to the size, landscape and climatic heterogeneity and resultant biome variability across southern Africa, the network of palaeoenvironmental study sites remains sparse, and arguably insufficient to resolve key debates. This paper critically reviews these spatial gaps in palaeoenvironmental knowledge, with a particular emphasis on the shortfalls of the current network of study sites and palaeoenvironmental records in resolving debates concerning latitudinal shifts of the Westerlies, conditions during the last glacial maximum and contemporaneous Northern and Southern Hemisphere climatic events. Southern African applications of palaeoenvironmental science in exploring ecological trait shifts, fire influences and anthropogenic impacts are briefly discussed, to facilitate the future identification of key sites, proxies, debates and applications in ongoing regional Quaternary work

    Impact of Scottish smoke-free legislation on smoking quit attempts and prevalence

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    <p><b>Objectives:</b> In Scotland, legislation was implemented in March 2006 prohibiting smoking in all wholly or partially enclosed public spaces. We investigated the impact on attempts to quit smoking and smoking prevalence.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> We performed time series models using Box-Jenkins autoregressive integrated moving averages (ARIMA) on monthly data on the gross ingredient cost of all nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) prescribed in Scotland in 2003–2009, and quarterly data on self-reported smoking prevalence between January 1999 and September 2010 from the Scottish Household Survey.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> NRT prescription costs were significantly higher than expected over the three months prior to implementation of the legislation. Prescription costs peaked at £1.3 million in March 2006; £292,005.9 (95% CI £260,402.3, £323,609, p<0.001) higher than the monthly norm. Following implementation of the legislation, costs fell exponentially by around 26% per month (95% CI 17%, 35%, p<0.001). Twelve months following implementation, the costs were not significantly different to monthly norms. Smoking prevalence fell by 8.0% overall, from 31.3% in January 1999 to 23.7% in July–September 2010. In the quarter prior to implementation of the legislation, smoking prevalence fell by 1.7% (95% CI 2.4%, 1.0%, p<0.001) more than expected from the underlying trend.</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> Quit attempts increased in the three months leading up to Scotland's smoke-free legislation, resulting in a fall in smoking prevalence. However, neither has been sustained suggesting the need for additional tobacco control measures and ongoing support.</p&gt
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