133 research outputs found

    High-throughput identification of genotype-specific cancer vulnerabilities in mixtures of barcoded tumor cell lines.

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    Hundreds of genetically characterized cell lines are available for the discovery of genotype-specific cancer vulnerabilities. However, screening large numbers of compounds against large numbers of cell lines is currently impractical, and such experiments are often difficult to control. Here we report a method called PRISM that allows pooled screening of mixtures of cancer cell lines by labeling each cell line with 24-nucleotide barcodes. PRISM revealed the expected patterns of cell killing seen in conventional (unpooled) assays. In a screen of 102 cell lines across 8,400 compounds, PRISM led to the identification of BRD-7880 as a potent and highly specific inhibitor of aurora kinases B and C. Cell line pools also efficiently formed tumors as xenografts, and PRISM recapitulated the expected pattern of erlotinib sensitivity in vivo

    A selective cyclic integrin antagonist blocks the integrin receptors α(v)β(3 )and α(v)β(5 )and inhibits retinal pigment epithelium cell attachment, migration and invasion

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    BACKGROUND: Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) is a leading cause of blindness after failed retinal reattachment surgery. PVR is characterized by the proliferation, migration and contraction of retinal pigmented epithelial cells (RPE), and these cellular responses are influenced by the expression and function of integrin receptors. The effect of a cyclic integrin antagonist containing the amino acid sequence Arg-Gly-Asp-D-Phe-Val (RGDfV), specific for the integrin receptors α(v)β(3 )and α(v)β(5), was investigated on basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), platelet derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB), and serum induced human RPE proliferation, migration, invasion and attachment to the extracellular matrix. Furthermore, the effects of bFGF and PDGF-BB regulated expression of integrins α(v)β(3 )and α(v)β(5 )on RPE cells was examined. METHODS: The effect of a cyclic integrin antagonist and a control peptide (0.01 μg/ml to 300 μg/ml) was investigated on serum or cytokine (bFGF or PDGF-BB pretreatment) induced human fetal RPE cell proliferation by H(3)-thymidine uptake. The effect of the cyclic integrin antagonist on RPE cell attachment onto different extracellular matrices (laminin, collagen IV, fibronectin), RPE cell invasion stimulated by PDGF-BB or serum, and migration stimulated by PDGF-BB, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) or serum was explored. PDGF-BB and bFGF modulation of the integrin receptors α(v)β(3 )and α(v)β(5 )was evaluated by flow cytometry. RESULTS: The integrin antagonist did not inhibit DNA synthesis stimulated by serum, bFGF, or PDGF-BB treatment. RPE attachment onto fibronectin was inhibited in a concentration range of 1–10 μg/ml (p < 0.05). Attachment of the RPE cells onto collagen IV and laminin was inhibited in a range of 3–10 μg/ml (p < 0.05). Serum and PDGF-BB stimulated migration was inhibited by the cyclic integrin antagonist in a concentration range of 1–10 μg/ml (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the cyclic integrin antagonist inhibited PDGF-BB stimulated RPE cell invasion through fibronectin (3μg/ml: 66% inhibition, p < 0.001). In each of these experiments, the control peptides had no significant effects. PDGF-BB and bFGF pretreatment of RPE cells increased the expression of integrin receptors α(v)β(3 )(bFGF: 1.9 fold, PDGF-BB: 2.3 fold) and α(v)β(5 )(bFGF: 2.9 fold, PDGF-BB: 1.5 fold). CONCLUSION: A selective inhibition of the integrin receptors α(v)β(3 )and α(v)β(5 )through a cyclic integrin antagonist is able to inhibit RPE cell attachment, migration and invasion. Since these steps are of importance for the progression of PVR, a cyclic integrin antagonist should be further evaluated for the treatment of this disease

    Berberine enhances inhibition of glioma tumor cell migration and invasiveness mediated by arsenic trioxide

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Arsenic trioxide (As<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) exhibits promising anticarcinogenic activity in acute promyelocytic leukemic patients and induces apoptosis in various tumor cells <it>in vitro</it>. Here, we investigated the effect of the natural alkaloid berberine on As<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>-mediated inhibition of cancer cell migration using rat and human glioma cell lines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay was used to determine the viability of rat C6 and human U-87 glioma cells after treatment with As<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3 </sub>or berberine, and after co-treatment with As<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3 </sub>and berberine. The wound scratch and Boyden chamber assays were applied to determine the effect of As<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3 </sub>and berberine on the migration capacity and invasiveness of glioma cancer cells. Zymography and Western blot analyses provided information on the effect of As<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3 </sub>and berberine on the intracellular translocation and activation of protein kinase C (PKC), and some PKC-related downstream factors. Most assays were performed three times, independently, and data were analyzed using ANOVA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The cell viability studies demonstrated that berberine enhances As<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>-mediated inhibition of glioma cell growth after 24 h incubation. Untreated control cells formed a confluent layer, the formation of which was inhibited upon incubation with 5 μM As<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>. The latter effect was even more pronounced in the presence of 10 μM berberine. The As<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>-mediated reduction in motility and invasion of glioma cells was enhanced upon co-treatment with berberine. Furthermore, it has been reported that PKC isoforms influence the morphology of the actin cytoskeleton, as well as the activation of metalloproteases MT1-MMP and MMP-2, reported to be involved in cancer cell migration. Treatment of glioma cells with As<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3 </sub>and berberine significantly decreased the activation of PKC α and ε and led to actin cytoskeleton rearrangements. The levels of two downstream transcription factors, myc and jun, and MT1-MMP and MMP-2 were also significantly reduced.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Upon co-treatment of glioma cells with As<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3 </sub>and berberine, cancer cell metastasis can be significantly inhibited, most likely by blocking the PKC-mediated signaling pathway involved in cancer cell migration. This study is potentially interesting for the development of novel chemotherapeutic approaches in the treatment of malignant gliomas and cancer development in general.</p

    Can metabolic plasticity be a cause for cancer? Warburg–Waddington legacy revisited

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    Fermentation of glucose to lactate in the presence of sufficient oxygen, known as aerobic glycolysis or Warburg effect, is a universal phenotype of cancer cells. Understanding its origin and role in cellular immortalization and transformation has attracted considerable attention in the recent past. Intriguingly, while we now know that Warburg effect is essential for tumor growth and development, it is thought to arise because of genetic and/or epigenetic changes. In contrast to the above, we propose that Warburg effect can also arise due to normal biochemical fluctuations, independent of genetic and epigenetic changes. Cells that have acquired Warburg effect proliferate rapidly to give rise to a population of heterogeneous progenitors of cancer cells. Such cells also generate more lactate and alter the fitness landscape. This dynamic fitness landscape facilitates evolution of cancer cells from its progenitors, in a fashion analogous to Darwinian evolution. Thus, sporadic cancer can also occur first by the acquisition of Warburg effect, then followed by mutation and selection. The idea proposed here circumvents the inherent difficulties associated with the current understanding of tumorigenesis, and is also consistent with many experimental and epidemiological observations. We discuss this model in the context of epigenetics as originally enunciated by Waddington

    Quantitative High-Throughput Screening Identifies 8-Hydroxyquinolines as Cell-Active Histone Demethylase Inhibitors

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    Small molecule modulators of epigenetic processes are currently sought as basic probes for biochemical mechanisms, and as starting points for development of therapeutic agents. N(epsilon)-Methylation of lysine residues on histone tails is one of a number of post-translational modifications that together enable transcriptional regulation. Histone lysine demethylases antagonize the action of histone methyltransferases in a site- and methylation state-specific manner. N(epsilon)-Methyllysine demethylases that use 2-oxoglutarate as co-factor are associated with diverse human diseases, including cancer, inflammation and X-linked mental retardation; they are proposed as targets for the therapeutic modulation of transcription. There are few reports on the identification of templates that are amenable to development as potent inhibitors in vivo and large diverse collections have yet to be exploited for the discovery of demethylase inhibitors

    Protein kinase C activation disrupts epithelial apical junctions via ROCK-II dependent stimulation of actomyosin contractility

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Disruption of epithelial cell-cell adhesions represents an early and important stage in tumor metastasis. This process can be modeled <it>in vitro </it>by exposing cells to chemical tumor promoters, phorbol esters and octylindolactam-V (OI-V), known to activate protein kinase C (PKC). However, molecular events mediating PKC-dependent disruption of epithelial cell-cell contact remain poorly understood. In the present study we investigate mechanisms by which PKC activation induces disassembly of tight junctions (TJs) and adherens junctions (AJs) in a model pancreatic epithelium.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Exposure of HPAF-II human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell monolayers to either OI-V or 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate caused rapid disruption and internalization of AJs and TJs. Activity of classical PKC isoenzymes was responsible for the loss of cell-cell contacts which was accompanied by cell rounding, phosphorylation and relocalization of the F-actin motor nonmuscle myosin (NM) II. The OI-V-induced disruption of AJs and TJs was prevented by either pharmacological inhibition of NM II with blebbistatin or by siRNA-mediated downregulation of NM IIA. Furthermore, AJ/TJ disassembly was attenuated by inhibition of Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) II, but was insensitive to blockage of MLCK, calmodulin, ERK1/2, caspases and RhoA GTPase.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data suggest that stimulation of PKC disrupts epithelial apical junctions via ROCK-II dependent activation of NM II, which increases contractility of perijunctional actin filaments. This mechanism is likely to be important for cancer cell dissociation and tumor metastasis.</p

    Кинетика восстановления железа при восстановительной плавке рудоугольных окатышей

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    Исследовано влияние интенсивности теплообмена на кинетику восстановления железа в процессе плавки рудоугольных окатышей. Показано, что с ростом интенсивности теплообмена повышается скорость восстановительных процессов. Вследствие роста коэффициента теплообмена увеличивается глубина восстановленного слоя окатыша, существенно изменяются его структура и химический состав образующейся металлической фазы.Досліджено вплив інтенсивності теплообміну на кінетику відновлення заліза в процесі плавки рудовугільних окатишів. Показано, що при зростанні інтенсивності теплообміну підвищується швидкість відновлювальних процесів. Внаслідок зростання коефіцієнту теплообміну збільшується глибина відновленого шару окатиша, суттєво змінюються його структура та хімічний склад металевої фази, що утворюється.Influence of intensity of heat exchange is investigational on kinetics reduction of iron in the process of melting ore-coal pellets. It is rotined that speed of reduction processes rises with growth of intensity of heat exchange. Because of growth of coefficient of heat exchange the depth of the recovered layer of pellet is increased, his structure and chemical composition of appearing metallic phase changes substantially

    Is increased time to diagnosis and treatment in symptomatic cancer associated with poorer outcomes?:Systematic review

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    background: It is unclear whether more timely cancer diagnosis brings favourable outcomes, with much of the previous evidence, in some cancers, being equivocal. We set out to determine whether there is an association between time to diagnosis, treatment and clinical outcomes, across all cancers for symptomatic presentations. methods: Systematic review of the literature and narrative synthesis. results: We included 177 articles reporting 209 studies. These studies varied in study design, the time intervals assessed and the outcomes reported. Study quality was variable, with a small number of higher-quality studies. Heterogeneity precluded definitive findings. The cancers with more reports of an association between shorter times to diagnosis and more favourable outcomes were breast, colorectal, head and neck, testicular and melanoma. conclusions: This is the first review encompassing many cancer types, and we have demonstrated those cancers in which more evidence of an association between shorter times to diagnosis and more favourable outcomes exists, and where it is lacking. We believe that it is reasonable to assume that efforts to expedite the diagnosis of symptomatic cancer are likely to have benefits for patients in terms of improved survival, earlier-stage diagnosis and improved quality of life, although these benefits vary between cancers

    ICAR: endoscopic skull‐base surgery

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