494 research outputs found

    Correlation of omega-3 levels in serum phospholipid from 2053 human blood samples with key fatty acid ratios

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This research was conducted to explore the relationships between the levels of omega-3 fatty acids in serum phospholipid and key fatty acid ratios including potential cut-offs for risk factor assessment with respect to coronary heart disease and fatal ischemic heart disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Blood samples (n = 2053) were obtained from free-living subjects in North America and processed for determining the levels of total fatty acids in serum phospholipid as omega-3 fatty acids including EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid, 20:5 n-3) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, 22:6 n-3) by combined thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatographic analyses. The omega-3 levels were correlated with selected omega-6: omega-3 ratios including AA (arachidonic acid, 20:4n-6): EPA and AA:(EPA+DHA). Based on previously-published levels of omega-3 fatty acids considered to be in a 'lower risk' category for heart disease and related fatality, 'lower risk' categories for selected fatty acid ratios were estimated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Strong inverse correlations between the summed total of omega-3 fatty acids in serum phospholipid and all four ratios (omega-6:omega-3 (n-6:n-3), AA:EPA, AA:DHA, and AA:(EPA+DHA)) were found with the most potent correlation being with the omega-6:omega-3 ratio (R<sup>2 </sup>= 0.96). The strongest inverse relation for the EPA+DHA levels in serum phospholipid was found with the omega-6: omega-3 ratio (R<sup>2 </sup>= 0.94) followed closely by the AA:(EPA+DHA) ratio at R<sup>2 </sup>= 0.88. It was estimated that 95% of the subjects would be in the 'lower risk' category for coronary heart disease (based on total omega-3 ≥ 7.2%) with omega-6:omega-3 ratios <4.5 and AA:(EPA+DHA) ratios <1.4. The corresponding ratio cut-offs for a 'lower risk' category for fatal ischemic heart disease (EPA+DHA ≥ 4.6%) were estimated at < 5.8 and < 2.1, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Strong inverse correlations between the levels of omega-3 fatty acids in serum (or plasma) phospholipid and omega-6: omega-3 ratios are apparent based on this large database of 2053 samples. Certain fatty acid ratios may aid in cardiovascular disease-related risk assessment if/when complete profiles are not available.</p

    Efficient and Specific Analysis of Red Blood Cell Glycerophospholipid Fatty Acid Composition

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    Red blood cell (RBC) n-3 fatty acid status is related to various health outcomes. Accepted biological markers for the fatty acid status determination are RBC phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidyletholamine. The analysis of these lipid fractions is demanding and time consuming and total phospholipid n-3 fatty acid levels might be affected by changes of sphingomyelin contents in the RBC membrane during n-3 supplementation. We developed a method for the specific analysis of RBC glycerophospholipids. The application of the new method in a DHA supplementation trial and the comparison to established markers will determine the relevance of RBC GPL as a valid fatty acid status marker in humans. Methyl esters of glycerophospholipid fatty acids are selectively generated by a two step procedure involving methanolic protein precipitation and base-catalysed methyl ester synthesis. RBC GPL solubilisation is facilitated by ultrasound treatment. Fatty acid status in RBC glycerophospholipids and other established markers were evaluated in thirteen subjects participating in a 30 days supplementation trial (510 mg DHA/d). The intra-assay CV for GPL fatty acids ranged from 1.0 to 10.5% and the inter-assay CV from 1.3 to 10.9%. Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation significantly increased the docosahexaenoic acid contents in all analysed lipid fractions. High correlations were observed for most of the mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and for the omega-3 index (r = 0.924) between RBC phospholipids and glycerophospholipids. The analysis of RBC glycerophospholipid fatty acids yields faster, easier and less costly results equivalent to the conventional analysis of RBC total phospholipids

    Exploring medical student learning in the large group teaching environment: examining current practice to inform curricular development

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    Background Lectures continue to be an efficient and standardised way to deliver information to large groups of students. It has been well documented that students prefer interactive lectures, based on active learning principles, to didactic teaching in the large group setting. Despite this, it is often the case than many students do not engage with active learning tasks and attempts at interaction. By exploring student experiences, expectations and how they use lectures in their learning we will provide recommendations for faculty to support student learning both in the lecture theatre and during personal study time. Methods This research employed a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. Three focus groups, consisting of 19 students in total, were used to explore the experiences of second year medical students in large group teaching sessions. Using generic thematic data analysis, these accounts have been developed into a meaningful account of experience. Results This study found there to be a well-established learning culture amongst students and with it, expectations as to the format of teaching sessions. Furthermore, there were set perceptions about the student role within the learning environment which had many implications, including the way that innovative teaching methods were received. Student learning was perceived to take place outside the lecture theatre, with a large emphasis placed on creating resources that can be taken away to use in personal study time. Conclusions Presented here is a constructive review of reasons for student participation, interaction and engagement in large group teaching sessions. Based on this are recommendations constructed with the view to aid educators in engaging students within this setting. Short term, educators can implement strategies that monopolise on the established learning culture of students to encourage engagement with active learning strategies. Long term, it would be beneficial for educators to consider ways to shift the current student learning culture to one that embraces an active learning curriculum

    Elevated Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) in obese, insulin resistant states is normalised by the synthetic retinoid Fenretinide in mice

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    The authors would like to thank undergraduate student Aleksandra Kowalczuk (University of Aberdeen) for assisting in experiments and Dr. Emma K. Lees (School of Health Sciences, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, UK) for invaluable discussions concerning the regulation of FGF21. We thank Dr. Calum Sutherland and Dr. Amy Cameron (both Division of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK) for technical support and expertise in performing hepatocyte studies. Fenretinide was a generous gift of T. Martin (Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ) and U. Thumeer (Cilag AG, Schaffhausen, Switzerland), for use completely without restriction or obligation. Quantitative-PCR was carried out using the qPCR Core Facility (Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen). RNA-sequencing was carried out at the University of Aberdeen Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine. Pancreas histology was performed by Dr Linda Davidson (Department of Histology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, NHS Grampian, Foresterhill Health Campus, Aberdeen, UK). This study was supported by the British Heart Foundation Intermediate Basic Research Fellowship FS/09/026 to N. Mody, RCUK fellowship to MD, EFSD/Lilly Programme Grant to MD and N. Mody, Tenovus Scotland grants G10/04 and G14/14 to N. Mody, University of Aberdeen Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine (CGEBM) PhD studentship to N. Morrice and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council studentship to GDM.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Δ-6 desaturase substrate competition : dietary linoleic acid (18∶2n-6) has only trivial effects on α-linolenic acid (18∶3n-3) bioconversion in the teleost rainbow trout

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    It is generally accepted that, in vertebrates, omega-3 (n-3) and omega-6 (n-6) poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) compete for ?-6 desaturase enzyme in order to be bioconverted into long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA). However, recent studies into teleost fatty acid metabolism suggest that these metabolic processes may not conform entirely to what has been previously observed in mammals and other animal models. Recent work on rainbow trout has led us to question specifically if linoleic acid (LA, 18:2n-6) and ?-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3) (?-6 desaturase substrates) are in direct competition for access to ?-6 desaturase. Two experimental diets were formulated with fixed levels of ALA, while LA levels were varied (high and low) to examine if increased availability of LA would result in decreased bioconversion of ALA to its LC-PUFA products through substrate competition. No significant difference in ALA metabolism towards n-3 LC-PUFA was exhibited between diets while significant differences were observed in LA metabolism towards n-6 LC-PUFA. These results are evidence for minor if any competition between substrates for ?-6 desaturase, suggesting that, paradoxically, the activity of ?-6 desaturase on n-3 and n-6 substrates is independent. These results call for a paradigm shift in the way we approach teleost fatty acid metabolism. The findings are also important with regard to diet formulation in the aquaculture industry as they indicate that there should be no concern for possible substrate competition between 18:3n-3 and 18:2n-6, when aiming at increased n-3 LC-PUFA bioconversion in vivo

    The reg4 Gene, Amplified in the Early Stages of Pancreatic Cancer Development, Is a Promising Therapeutic Target

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of our work was to identify the genes specifically altered in pancreatic adenocarcinoma and especially those that are altered early in cancer development. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Gene copy number was systematically assessed with an ultra-high resolution CGH oligonucleotide microarray in DNA from samples of pancreatic cancer. Several new cancer-associated variations were observed. In this work we focused on one of them, involving the reg4 gene. Gene copy number gain of the reg4 gene was confirmed by qPCR in 14 cancer samples. It was also found with increased copy number in most PanIN3 samples. The relationship betweena gain in reg4 gene copy number and cancer development was investigated on the human pancreatic cancer cell line Mia-PaCa2 xenografted under the skin of nude mice. When cells were transfected with a vector allowing reg4 expression, they generated tumors almost twice larger in size. In addition, these tumors were more resistant to gemcitabine treatment than control tumors. Interestingly, weekly intraperitoneal administration of a monoclonal antibody to reg4 halved the size of tumors generated by Mia-PaCa2 cells, suggesting that the antibody interfered with a paracrine/autocrine mechanism involving reg4 and stimulating cancer progression. The addition of gemcitabine resulted in further reduction, tumors becoming 5 times smaller than control. Exposure to reg4 antibody resulted in a significant decrease in intra-tumor levels of pAkt, Bcl-xL, Bcl-2, survivin and cyclin D1. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: It was concluded that adjuvant therapies targeting reg4 could improve the standard treatment of pancreatic cancer with gemcitabine

    Differential effects of saturated versus unsaturated dietary fatty acids on weight gain and myocellular lipid profiles in mice

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    OBJECTIVE: In conditions of continuous high-fat (HF) intake, the degree of saturation of the fatty acids (FAs) in the diet might have a crucial role in the onset of obesity and its metabolic complications. In particular, the FA composition of the diet might influence the storage form of lipids inside skeletal muscle. The aim of the present study was to examine whether the FA composition of HF diets differentially affects weight gain and accumulation of myocellular triacylglycerol (TAG) and diacylglycerol (DAG). Furthermore, we examined whether the FA composition of the diet was reflected in the composition of the myocellular lipid intermediates.DESIGN: C57Bl6 mice were fed HF diets (45% energy) mainly containing palm oil (PO), cocoa butter (CB), olive oil (OO) or safflower oil (SO; n=6 per group) for 8 weeks. A low-fat diet (10% energy, PO) was used as control. Body weight was monitored weekly. At the end of the dietary intervention, myocellular TAG and DAG content and profiles were measured.RESULTS: We here show that HF_CB prevented weight gain after 8 weeks of HF feeding. Furthermore, the HF diet rich in SO prevented the accumulation of both myocellular TAG and DAG. Interestingly, the FA composition of DAG and TAG in skeletal muscle was a reflection of the dietary FA composition.CONCLUSION: Already after a relatively short period, the dietary FA intake relates to the FA composition of the lipid metabolites in the muscle. A diet rich in polyunsaturated FAs seems to prevent myocellular lipid accumulation.<br/

    Peripheral nervous system manifestations in a Sandhoff disease mouse model: nerve conduction, myelin structure, lipid analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sandhoff disease is an inherited lysosomal storage disease caused by a mutation in the gene for the β-subunit (<it>Hexb </it>gene) of β-hexosaminidase A (αβ) and B (ββ). The β-subunit together with the GM2 activator protein catabolize ganglioside GM2. This enzyme deficiency results in GM2 accumulation primarily in the central nervous system. To investigate how abnormal GM2 catabolism affects the peripheral nervous system in a mouse model of Sandhoff disease (<it>Hexb-/-</it>), we examined the electrophysiology of dissected sciatic nerves, structure of central and peripheral myelin, and lipid composition of the peripheral nervous system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We detected no significant difference in signal impulse conduction velocity or any consistent change in the frequency-dependent conduction slowing and failure between freshly dissected sciatic nerves from the <it>Hexb</it>+/- and <it>Hexb</it>-/- mice. The low-angle x-ray diffraction patterns from freshly dissected sciatic and optic nerves of <it>Hexb</it>+/- and <it>Hexb</it>-/- mice showed normal myelin periods; however, <it>Hexb</it>-/- mice displayed a ~10% decrease in the relative amount of compact optic nerve myelin, which is consistent with the previously established reduction in myelin-enriched lipids (cerebrosides and sulfatides) in brains of <it>Hexb-/- </it>mice. Finally, analysis of lipid composition revealed that GM2 content was present in the sciatic nerve of the <it>Hexb</it>-/- mice (undetectable in <it>Hexb</it>+/-).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings demonstrate the absence of significant functional, structural, or compositional abnormalities in the peripheral nervous system of the murine model for Sandhoff disease, but do show the potential value of integrating multiple techniques to evaluate myelin structure and function in nervous system disorders.</p

    Decay spectroscopy of Cd-129

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    Excited states of 129^{129}In populated following the β\beta-decay of 129^{129}Cd were experimentally studied with the GRIFFIN spectrometer at the ISAC facility of TRIUMF, Canada. A 480-MeV proton beam was impinged on a uranium carbide target and 129^{129}Cd was extracted using the Ion Guide Laser Ion Source (IG-LIS). β\beta- and γ\gamma-rays following the decay of 129^{129}Cd were detected with the GRIFFIN spectrometer comprising the plastic scintillator SCEPTAR and 16 high-purity germanium (HPGe) clover-type detectors. %, along with the β\beta-particles were detected with SCEPTAR. From the β\beta-γ\gamma-γ\gamma coincidence analysis, 32 new transitions and 7 new excited states were established, expanding the previously known level scheme of 129^{129}In. The logft\log ft values deduced from the β\beta-feeding intensities suggest that some of the high-lying states were populated by the ν0g7/2π0g9/2\nu 0 g_{7/2} \rightarrow \pi 0 g_{9/2} allowed Gamow-Teller (GT) transition, which indicates that the allowed GT transition is more dominant in the 129^{129}Cd decay than previously reported. Observation of fragmented Gamow-Teller strengths is consistent with theoretical calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Physical Review