163 research outputs found

    Electrochemical Overview: A Summary of ACoxMnyNizO2 and Metal Oxides as Versatile Cathode Materials for Metal-Ion Batteries

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    Early LiCoO2 research provided the basis for the tremendous commercial success of Li+ batteries since their invention in the early 1990s. Today, LiNiMnCoO2 (Li-NMC) is one of the most widely used batteries in the rapidly evolving electronic vehicle industry. Li-NMC batteries continue to receive significant interest as research efforts aim to partially, or entirely, replace the use of scarcely available and toxic Co with elemental doping to form binary, ternary, and quaternary layered oxides. Furthermore, safety concerns and rising uncertainty for the future of Li supplies have resulted in growing curiosity toward non-Li+ rechargeable batteries such as Na+ and K+. Unfortunately, the success of Li+ host materials does not always directly transfer to Na+ and K+ batteries due to the difficulty of reversibly intercalating larger ions without irreparably distorting the host structure. Consequently, this report provides an overview of the Li-based materials surrounding the success of commercial Li-NMC and the subsequent progress of their lesser studied Na and K counterparts. The challenges for current cathode materials are highlighted, and the opportunities for progression are suggested. The summary presented in this review can be consulted to steer new and unique research avenues for layered oxide materials as metal-ion battery cathodes

    Correction to: MoO2 Nanowire Electrochemically Decorated Graphene Additively Manufactured Supercapacitor Platforms (Adv. Energy Mater., (2021), 11, (2100433), 10.1002/10.1002/aenm.202100433)

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    Adv. Energy Mater. 2021, 11, 2100433 DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202100433 Figure 4 in the originally published article is incorrect in the original manuscript. The correct figure is displayed below. 4 Figure (Figure presented.) SEMs of A,B,C) MoO2-G/AME and D) G/AME. Electrochemical decoration parameters: −1.4 V, 600 s. This error does not affect the conclusions of the report. The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused

    MoO2 Nanowire Electrochemically Decorated Graphene Additively Manufactured Supercapacitor Platforms

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    Additively manufactured (AM) supercapacitor platforms are fabricated from bespoke filaments, which are comprised of electro-conductive graphene (20 wt%) incorporated polylactic acid (80 wt%), via fused deposition modeling and denoted as G/AMEs. The G/AMEs are shown to be capable of acting as a template for the electrodeposition of metals/metal oxides, in particular MoO2 nanowires (MoO2-G/AMEs), which are subsequently explored as a capacitor within 1 m H2SO4, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate. Optimization of the MoO2-G/AMEs demonstrates capacitance up to 1212 F g–1 when used in a symmetric arrangement. The material science described herein represents a significant enhancement in unlocking AMs potential as a valid manufacturing route for device level capacitance architectures

    Trisomy of human chromosome 21 enhances amyloid-β deposition independently of an extra copy of APP

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    Down syndrome, caused by trisomy of chromosome 21, is the single most common risk factor for early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Worldwide approximately 6 million people have Down syndrome, and all these individuals will develop the hallmark amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer's disease by the age of 40 and the vast majority will go on to develop dementia. Triplication of APP, a gene on chromosome 21, is sufficient to cause early-onset Alzheimer's disease in the absence of Down syndrome. However, whether triplication of other chromosome 21 genes influences disease pathogenesis in the context of Down syndrome is unclear. Here we show, in a mouse model, that triplication of chromosome 21 genes other than APP increases amyloid-β aggregation, deposition of amyloid-β plaques and worsens associated cognitive deficits. This indicates that triplication of chromosome 21 genes other than APP is likely to have an important role to play in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis in individuals who have Down syndrome. We go on to show that the effect of trisomy of chromosome 21 on amyloid-β aggregation correlates with an unexpected shift in soluble amyloid-β 40/42 ratio. This alteration in amyloid-β isoform ratio occurs independently of a change in the carboxypeptidase activity of the γ-secretase complex, which cleaves the peptide from APP, or the rate of extracellular clearance of amyloid-β. These new mechanistic insights into the role of triplication of genes on chromosome 21, other than APP, in the development of Alzheimer's disease in individuals who have Down syndrome may have implications for the treatment of this common cause of neurodegeneration

    High Sensitivity TSS Prediction: Estimates of Locations Where TSS Cannot Occur

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    Although transcription in mammalian genomes can initiate from various genomic positions (e.g., 3′UTR, coding exons, etc.), most locations on genomes are not prone to transcription initiation. It is of practical and theoretical interest to be able to estimate such collections of non-TSS locations (NTLs). The identification of large portions of NTLs can contribute to better focusing the search for TSS locations and thus contribute to promoter and gene finding. It can help in the assessment of 5′ completeness of expressed sequences, contribute to more successful experimental designs, as well as more accurate gene annotation.Using comprehensive collections of Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) and other transcript data from mouse and human genomes, we developed a methodology that allows us, by performing computational TSS prediction with very high sensitivity, to annotate, with a high accuracy in a strand specific manner, locations of mammalian genomes that are highly unlikely to harbor transcription start sites (TSSs). The properties of the immediate genomic neighborhood of 98,682 accurately determined mouse and 113,814 human TSSs are used to determine features that distinguish genomic transcription initiation locations from those that are not likely to initiate transcription. In our algorithm we utilize various constraining properties of features identified in the upstream and downstream regions around TSSs, as well as statistical analyses of these surrounding regions.

    Investigation of G72 (DAOA) expression in the human brain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Polymorphisms at the G72/G30 locus on chromosome 13q have been associated with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder in more than ten independent studies. Even though the genetic findings are very robust, the physiological role of the predicted G72 protein has thus far not been resolved. Initial reports suggested G72 as an activator of D-amino acid oxidase (DAO), supporting the glutamate dysfunction hypothesis of schizophrenia. However, these findings have subsequently not been reproduced and reports of endogenous human G72 mRNA and protein expression are extremely limited. In order to better understand the function of this putative schizophrenia susceptibility gene, we attempted to demonstrate G72 mRNA and protein expression in relevant human brain regions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The expression of G72 mRNA was studied by northern blotting and semi-quantitative SYBR-Green and Taqman RT-PCR. Protein expression in human tissue lysates was investigated by western blotting using two custom-made specific anti-G72 peptide antibodies. An in-depth <it>in silico </it>analysis of the G72/G30 locus was performed in order to try and identify motifs or regulatory elements that provide insight to G72 mRNA expression and transcript stability.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Despite using highly sensitive techniques, we failed to identify significant levels of G72 mRNA in a variety of human tissues (e.g. adult brain, amygdala, caudate nucleus, fetal brain, spinal cord and testis) human cell lines or schizophrenia/control post mortem BA10 samples. Furthermore, using western blotting in combination with sensitive detection methods, we were also unable to detect G72 protein in a number of human brain regions (including cerebellum and amygdala), spinal cord or testis. A detailed <it>in silico </it>analysis provides several lines of evidence that support the apparent low or absent expression of G72.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that native G72 protein is not normally present in the tissues that we analysed in this study. We also conclude that the lack of demonstrable G72 expression in relevant brain regions does not support a role for G72 in modulation of DAO activity and the pathology of schizophrenia via a DAO-mediated mechanism. <it>In silico </it>analysis suggests that G72 is not robustly expressed and that the transcript is potentially labile. Further studies are required to understand the significance of the G72/30 locus to schizophrenia.</p

    Busulphan is active against neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma xenografts in athymic mice at clinically achievable plasma drug concentrations

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    High-dose busulphan-containing chemotherapy regimens have shown high response rates in children with relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma, Ewing's sarcoma and medulloblastoma. However, the anti-tumour activity of busulfan as a single agent remains to be defined, and this was evaluated in athymic mice bearing advanced stage subcutaneous paediatric solid tumour xenografts. Because busulphan is highly insoluble in water, the use of several vehicles for enteral and parenteral administration was first investigated in terms of pharmacokinetics and toxicity. The highest bioavailability was obtained with busulphan in DMSO administered i.p. When busulphan was suspended in carboxymethylcellulose and given orally or i.p., the bioavailability was poor. Then, in the therapeutic experiments, busulphan in DMSO was administered i.p. on days 0 and 4. At the maximum tolerated total dose (50 mg kg−1), busulphan induced a significant tumour growth delay, ranging from 12 to 34 days in the three neuroblastomas evaluated and in one out of three medulloblastomas. At a dose level above the maximum tolerated dose, busulphan induced complete and partial tumour regressions. Busulphan was inactive in a peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET) xenograft. When busulphan pharmacokinetics in mice and humans were considered, the estimated systemic exposure at the therapeutically active dose in mice (113 μg h ml−1) was close to the mean total systemic exposure in children receiving high-dose busulphan (102.4 μg h ml−1). In conclusion, busulphan displayed a significant anti-tumour activity in neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma xenografts at plasma drug concentrations which can be achieved clinically in children receiving high-dose busulphan-containing regimens. 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Broad Epigenetic Signature of Maternal Care in the Brain of Adult Rats

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    BACKGROUND: Maternal care is associated with long-term effects on behavior and epigenetic programming of the NR3C1 (GLUCOCORTICOID RECEPTOR) gene in the hippocampus of both rats and humans. In the rat, these effects are reversed by cross-fostering, demonstrating that they are defined by epigenetic rather than genetic processes. However, epigenetic changes at a single gene promoter are unlikely to account for the range of outcomes and the persistent change in expression of hundreds of additional genes in adult rats in response to differences in maternal care. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We examine here using high-density oligonucleotide array the state of DNA methylation, histone acetylation and gene expression in a 7 million base pair region of chromosome 18 containing the NR3C1 gene in the hippocampus of adult rats. Natural variations in maternal care are associated with coordinate epigenetic changes spanning over a hundred kilobase pairs. The adult offspring of high compared to low maternal care mothers show epigenetic changes in promoters, exons, and gene ends associated with higher transcriptional activity across many genes within the locus examined. Other genes in this region remain unchanged, indicating a clustered yet specific and patterned response. Interestingly, the chromosomal region containing the protocadherin-α, -β, and -γ (Pcdh) gene families implicated in synaptogenesis show the highest differential response to maternal care. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results suggest for the first time that the epigenetic response to maternal care is coordinated in clusters across broad genomic areas. The data indicate that the epigenetic response to maternal care involves not only single candidate gene promoters but includes transcriptional and intragenic sequences, as well as those residing distantly from transcription start sites. These epigenetic and transcriptional profiles constitute the first tiling microarray data set exploring the relationship between epigenetic modifications and RNA expression in both protein coding and non-coding regions across a chromosomal locus in the mammalian brain
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