112 research outputs found

    Repeatability of Corneal Elevation Maps in Keratoconus Patients Using the Tomography Matching Method

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    To assess repeatability of corneal tomography in successive measurements by Pentacam in keratoconus (KC) and normal eyes based on the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm. The study involved 143 keratoconic and 143 matched normal eyes. ICP algorithm was used to estimate six single and combined misalignment (CM) parameters, the root mean square (RMS) of the difference in elevation data pre (PreICP-RMS) and post (PosICP-RMS) tomography matching. Corneal keratometry, expressed in the form of M, J0 and J45 (power vector analysis parameters), was used to evaluate the effect of misalignment on corneal curvature measurements. The PreICP-RMS and PosICP-RMS were statistically higher (P < 0.01) in KC than normal eyes. CM increased significantly (p = 0.00), more in KC (16.76 ± 20.88 μm) than in normal eyes (5.43 ± 4.08 μm). PreICP-RMS, PosICP-RMS and CM were correlated with keratoconus grade (p < 0.05). Corneal astigmatism J0 was different (p = 0.01) for the second tomography measurements with misalignment consideration (−1.11 ± 2.35 D) or not (−1.18 ± 2.35 D), while M and J45 kept similar. KC corneas consistently show higher misalignments between successive tomography measurements and lower repeatability compared with healthy eyes. The influence of misalignment is evidently clearer in the estimation of astigmatism than spherical curvature. These higher errors appear correlated with KC progression

    Evaluating the repeatability of corneal elevation through calculating the misalignment between Successive topography measurements during the follow up of LASIK

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    The study aims to evaluate, using the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm, the repeatability of successive corneal elevation measurements taken post-LASIK. Two topography maps of 98 LASIK participants were recorded preoperatively (Pre), 1 month (Pos1M) and 3 months postoperatively (Pos3M). Elevation of the second measurement was fitted to the first measurement by calculating using ICP, and correcting for, both translational and rotational misalignment components. The RMS of elevation differences between anterior corneal measurements were statistically significant post-LASIK compared to preoperation (P < 0.05). A misalignment ratio used to describe the weighting of the elevation difference caused by misalignment relative to the total difference remained stable (0.40 and 0.23 for anterior and posterior corneal surfaces, respectively) in different periods. The study also considered the combined misalignment parameter (CM), which represents the total effect of all individual misalignment components on the repeatability of corneal topography maps. CM was significantly greater post-LASIK relative to pre-LASIK (P < 0.05). Overall, the contribution of misalignment to the total difference between successive corneal measurements remained stable pre and post operation, while the combined effect of refractive error correction and optical diameter appeared to have a significant influence on the elevation repeatability in the early stages of the follow up period

    Imaging-guided chest biopsies: techniques and clinical results

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    Background This article aims to comprehensively describe indications, contraindications, technical aspects, diagnostic accuracy and complications of percutaneous lung biopsy. Methods Imaging-guided biopsy currently represents one of the predominant methods for obtaining tissue specimens in patients with lung nodules; in many cases treatment protocols are based on histological information; thus, biopsy is frequently performed, when technically feasible, or in case other techniques (such as bronchoscopy with lavage) are inconclusive. Results Although a coaxial system is suitable in any case, two categories of needles can be used: fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) and core-needle biopsy (CNB), with the latter demonstrated to have a slightly higher overall sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. Conclusion Percutaneous lung biopsy is a safe procedure even though a few complications are possible: pneumothorax, pulmonary haemorrhage and haemoptysis are common complications, while air embolism and seeding are rare, but potentially fatal complications

    Increased Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMPs) Levels Do Not Predict Disease Severity or Progression in Emphysema

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    Rationale: Though matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are critical in the pathogenesis of COPD, their utility as a disease biomarker remains uncertain. This study aimed to determine whether bronchoalveolar lavage (BALF) or plasma MMP measurements correlated with disease severity or functional decline in emphysema. Methods: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and luminex assays measured MMP-1, -9, -12 and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 in the BALF and plasma of non-smokers, smokers with normal lung function and moderate-to-severe emphysema subjects. In the cohort of 101 emphysema subjects correlative analyses were done to determine if MMP or TIMP-1 levels were associated with key disease parameters or change in lung function over an 18-month time period. Main Results: Compared to non-smoking controls, MMP and TIMP-1 BALF levels were significantly elevated in the emphysema cohort. Though MMP-1 was elevated in both the normal smoker and emphysema groups, collagenase activity was only increased in the emphysema subjects. In contrast to BALF, plasma MMP-9 and TIMP-1 levels were actually decreased in the emphysema cohort compared to the control groups. Both in the BALF and plasma, MMP and TIMP-1 measurements in the emphysema subjects did not correlate with important disease parameters and were not predictive of subsequent functional decline. Conclusions: MMPs are altered in the BALF and plasma of emphysema; however, the changes in MMPs correlate poorly with parameters of disease intensity or progression. Though MMPs are pivotal in the pathogenesis of COPD, these findings suggest that measuring MMPs will have limited utility as a prognostic marker in this disease. © 2013 D'Armiento et al

    Rescue of a H3N2 Influenza Virus Containing a Deficient Neuraminidase Protein by a Hemagglutinin with a Low Receptor-Binding Affinity

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    Influenza viruses possess at their surface two glycoproteins, the hemagglutinin and the neuraminidase, of which the antagonistic functions have to be well balanced for the virus to grow efficiently. Ferraris et al. isolated in 2003–2004 viruses lacking both a NA gene and protein (H3NA- viruses) (Ferraris O., 2006, Vaccine, 24(44–46):6656-9). In this study we showed that the hemagglutinins of two of the H3NA- viruses have reduced affinity for SAα2.6Gal receptors, between 49 and 128 times lower than that of the A/Moscow/10/99 (H3N2) virus and no detectable affinity for SAα2.3Gal receptors. We also showed that the low hemagglutinin affinity of the H3NA- viruses compensates for the lack of NA activity and allows the restoration of the growth of an A/Moscow/10/99 virus deficient in neuraminidase. These observations increase our understanding of H3NA- viruses in relation to the balance between the functional activities of the neuraminidase and hemagglutinin

    Variation analysis and gene annotation of eight MHC haplotypes: The MHC Haplotype Project

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    The human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is contained within about 4 Mb on the short arm of chromosome 6 and is recognised as the most variable region in the human genome. The primary aim of the MHC Haplotype Project was to provide a comprehensively annotated reference sequence of a single, human leukocyte antigen-homozygous MHC haplotype and to use it as a basis against which variations could be assessed from seven other similarly homozygous cell lines, representative of the most common MHC haplotypes in the European population. Comparison of the haplotype sequences, including four haplotypes not previously analysed, resulted in the identification of >44,000 variations, both substitutions and indels (insertions and deletions), which have been submitted to the dbSNP database. The gene annotation uncovered haplotype-specific differences and confirmed the presence of more than 300 loci, including over 160 protein-coding genes. Combined analysis of the variation and annotation datasets revealed 122 gene loci with coding substitutions of which 97 were non-synonymous. The haplotype (A3-B7-DR15; PGF cell line) designated as the new MHC reference sequence, has been incorporated into the human genome assembly (NCBI35 and subsequent builds), and constitutes the largest single-haplotype sequence of the human genome to date. The extensive variation and annotation data derived from the analysis of seven further haplotypes have been made publicly available and provide a framework and resource for future association studies of all MHC-associated diseases and transplant medicine
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