1,276 research outputs found

    Exploring wind direction and SO2 concentration by circular-linear density estimation

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    The study of environmental problems usually requires the description of variables with different nature and the assessment of relations between them. In this work, an algorithm for flexible estimation of the joint density for a circular-linear variable is proposed. The method is applied for exploring the relation between wind direction and SO2 concentration in a monitoring station close to a power plant located in Galicia (NW-Spain), in order to compare the effectiveness of precautionary measures for pollutants reduction in two different years.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Simultaneous fabrication of multiple tablets within seconds using tomographic volumetric 3D printing

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    3D printing is driving a shift in patient care away from a generalised model and towards personalised treatments. To complement fast-paced clinical environments, 3D printing technologies must provide sufficiently high throughputs for them to be feasibly implemented. Volumetric printing is an emerging 3D printing technology that affords such speeds, being capable of producing entire objects within seconds. In this study, for the first time, rotatory volumetric printing was used to simultaneously produce two torus- or cylinder-shaped paracetamol-loaded Printlets (3D printed tablets). Six resin formulations comprising paracetamol as the model drug, poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) 575 or 700 as photoreactive monomers, water and PEG 300 as non-reactive diluents, and lithium phenyl-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoylphosphinate (LAP) as the photoinitiator were investigated. Two printlets were successfully printed in 12 to 32 s and exhibited sustained drug release profiles. These results support the use of rotary volumetric printing for efficient and effective manufacturing of various personalised medicines at the same time. With the speed and precision it affords, rotatory volumetric printing has the potential to become one of the most promising alternative manufacturing technologies in the pharmaceutical industry

    Microbial catabolic activities are naturally selected by metabolic energy harvest rate

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    The fundamental trade-off between yield and rate of energy harvest per unit of substrate has been largely discussed as a main characteristic for microbial established cooperation or competition. In this study, this point is addressed by developing a generalized model that simulates competition between existing and not experimentally reported microbial catabolic activities defined only based on well-known biochemical pathways. No specific microbial physiological adaptations are considered, growth yield is calculated coupled to catabolism energetics and a common maximum biomass-specific catabolism rate (expressed as electron transfer rate) is assumed for all microbial groups. Under this approach, successful microbial metabolisms are predicted in line with experimental observations under the hypothesis of maximum energy harvest rate. Two microbial ecosystems, typically found in wastewater treatment plants, are simulated, namely: (i) the anaerobic fermentation of glucose and (ii) the oxidation and reduction of nitrogen under aerobic autotrophic (nitrification) and anoxic heterotrophic and autotrophic (denitrification) conditions. The experimentally observed cross feeding in glucose fermentation, through multiple intermediate fermentation pathways, towards ultimately methane and carbon dioxide is predicted. Analogously, two-stage nitrification (by ammonium and nitrite oxidizers) is predicted as prevailing over nitrification in one stage. Conversely, denitrification is predicted in one stage (by denitrifiers) as well as anammox (anaerobic ammonium oxidation). The model results suggest that these observations are a direct consequence of the different energy yields per electron transferred at the different steps of the pathways. Overall, our results theoretically support the hypothesis that successful microbial catabolic activities are selected by an overall maximum energy harvest rate

    Health care utilization in the elderly Mexican population: Expenditures and determinants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Worldwide population aging has been considered one of the most important demographic phenomena, and is frequently referred as a determinant of health costs and expenditures. These costs are an effect either of the aging process itself (social) or because of the increase that comes with older age (individual).</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To analyze health expenditures and its determinants in a sample of Mexican population, for three dimensions acute morbidity, ambulatory care and hospitalization focusing on different age groups, particularly the elderly.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A secondary analysis of the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT), 2006 was conducted. A descriptive analysis was performed to establish a health profile by socio-demographic characteristics. Logistic regression models were estimated to determine the relation between acute morbidity, ambulatory care, hospitalization and age group; to establish the determinants of hospitalization among the population 60 years and older; and to determine hospitalization expenditures by age.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Higher proportion of elderly reporting health problems was found. Average expenditures of hospitalization in households were 240.6amdlls,whereasinhouseholdsexclusivelywithelderlytheexpenditurewas240.6 am dlls, whereas in households exclusively with elderly the expenditure was 308.9 am dlls, the highest among the considered age groups. The multivariate analysis showed higher probability of being hospitalized among the elderly, but not for risks for acute morbidity and ambulatory care. Among the elderly, older age, being male or living in a city or in a metro area implied a higher probability of hospitalization during the last year, with chronic diseases playing a key role in hospitalization.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The conditions associated with age, such as chronic diseases, have higher weight than age itself; therefore, they are responsible for the higher expenditures reported. Conclusions point towards a differentiated use and intensity of health services depending on age. The projected increase in hospitalization and health care needs for this group requires immediate attention.</p

    Effect of Biodiversity Changes in Disease Risk: Exploring Disease Emergence in a Plant-Virus System

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    The effect of biodiversity on the ability of parasites to infect their host and cause disease (i.e. disease risk) is a major question in pathology, which is central to understand the emergence of infectious diseases, and to develop strategies for their management. Two hypotheses, which can be considered as extremes of a continuum, relate biodiversity to disease risk: One states that biodiversity is positively correlated with disease risk (Amplification Effect), and the second predicts a negative correlation between biodiversity and disease risk (Dilution Effect). Which of them applies better to different host-parasite systems is still a source of debate, due to limited experimental or empirical data. This is especially the case for viral diseases of plants. To address this subject, we have monitored for three years the prevalence of several viruses, and virus-associated symptoms, in populations of wild pepper (chiltepin) under different levels of human management. For each population, we also measured the habitat species diversity, host plant genetic diversity and host plant density. Results indicate that disease and infection risk increased with the level of human management, which was associated with decreased species diversity and host genetic diversity, and with increased host plant density. Importantly, species diversity of the habitat was the primary predictor of disease risk for wild chiltepin populations. This changed in managed populations where host genetic diversity was the primary predictor. Host density was generally a poorer predictor of disease and infection risk. These results support the dilution effect hypothesis, and underline the relevance of different ecological factors in determining disease/infection risk in host plant populations under different levels of anthropic influence. These results are relevant for managing plant diseases and for establishing conservation policies for endangered plant species

    Biopsychosocial factors related to the length of hospital stay in older people

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    This study aimed to know what variables influence increased length of hospital stay. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted through an integrated geriatric assessment of 81 people over 65 years of age, admitted to a tertiary acute care hospital. Data were collected through the Pfeiffer Scale, Barthel Index, Goldberg Questionnaire, Family APGAR and Gijón Scale. The length of hospital stay increased in people over 80 years, people living alone or in a retirement home, patients with great physical dependence and those with a risk or problem of social exclusion. The most influential variable for longer hospitalization was cognitive impairment (pEste estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer qué variables influyen en el aumento de la duración de la estancia hospitalaria. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal en el que se realizó una Valoración Geriátrica Integral a 81 personas mayores de 65 años de edad que ingresaron en un hospital de agudos de tercer nivel. Para ello, los datos fueron recogidos por medio de la Escala de Pfeiffer, el Índice de Barthel, el Cuestionario de Goldberg, el APGAR familiar y la Escala de Gijón. Se observó un aumento de la duración de la estancia hospitalaria entre los mayores de 80 años, las personas que vivían solas o en una residencia geriátrica, los pacientes que presentaban gran dependencia física y también, entre quienes tenían un riesgo o problema de exclusión social. La variable que más influyó en la mayor duración de la hospitalización fue el deterioro cognitivo (pEste estudo teve como objetivo conhecer quais as variáveis que influenciam o aumento do tempo de internação hospitalar. Trata-se de estudo descritivo e transversal, conduzido mediante ampla avaliação geriátrica de 81 pessoas com mais de 65 anos, internadas em hospital terciário de cuidados agudos. Os dados foram coletados através da Escala Pfeiffer, Índice de Barthel, Questionário de Goldberg, Apgar da Família e Escala de Gijón. Observou-se aumento no tempo de internação entre pessoas com mais de 80 anos, pessoas que vivem sozinhas ou em lar de idosos, pacientes que tinham grande dependência física, e entre aqueles com algum risco ou problema de exclusão social. A variável mais influente, para a maior duração da hospitalização, foi a deterioração cognitiva (p<0,05), em comparaç��o à maior colaboração do paciente sem essa condição ou ao seu desejo de superar a fase aguda da patologia que levou à internação hospitalar

    Daily consumption of a dairy drink enriched with DHA, Vitamins and minerals enhanced nutritional status and cognitive abilities parameters

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    Preadolescence is a period of growth with special nutritional requirements. In this research we investigated the effects produced by a 5-month consumption of an enriched dairy drink on biochemical and cognitive development parameters in children. Methods: 119 children (8 14y) of both genders (male 49%, female 51%) were randomly distributed into two study groups. The supplemented group (SG, n = 60) consumed 0.6 L/day (breakfast, elevenses and teatime) of an enriched dairy drink containing fish oils (high in DHA), oleic acid, carbohydrates (sugar and honey), vitamins (A, B complex, C, D, and E) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, zinc) (Puleva Max®). The control group (CG, n = 59) consumed 0.6 L/day of standard whole milk. Both groups received the same dietary advice and consumed the dairy drinks for 5-moths, in addition to their usual diet. Blood samples and psychometric tests (some subscales of W.I.S.C.-IV of Wechsler and EVALUA of Vidal) were taken at 0 and 5 months. RM ANOVA was applied. Data are expressed as mean±SEM. Results: The consumption of the enriched dairy drink (SG) produced significant (p < 0.05) increases in plasma DHA (20%) and calcium (1.5%). Total proteins (1.9%), transferrine (2.1%), total cholesterol (3.3%) and HDLcholesterol (5.2%), but not LDL-cholesterol, decreased significantly in CG. Regarding psychometric parameters, digits span (working memory test), speed reading and reading comprehension scores showed significant increases in SG at the end of the study (16.8%, 19.1%, and 19.0% respectively) whereas CG only showed higher scores in the reading comprehension test (19.2%). Conclusion: The dietary supplementation with the enriched dairy drink improved the nutritional and biochemical status and a number of cognitive performance markers in children of 8 and 14 years. Supported by Puleva Food SA.Universidad e Granada Puleva Biotech S

    High genetic diversity at the extreme range edge: nucleotide variation at nuclear loci in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Scotland

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    Nucleotide polymorphism at 12 nuclear loci was studied in Scots pine populations across an environmental gradient in Scotland, to evaluate the impacts of demographic history and selection on genetic diversity. At eight loci, diversity patterns were compared between Scottish and continental European populations. At these loci, a similar level of diversity (θsil=~0.01) was found in Scottish vs mainland European populations, contrary to expectations for recent colonization, however, less rapid decay of linkage disequilibrium was observed in the former (ρ=0.0086±0.0009, ρ=0.0245±0.0022, respectively). Scottish populations also showed a deficit of rare nucleotide variants (multi-locus Tajima's D=0.316 vs D=−0.379) and differed significantly from mainland populations in allelic frequency and/or haplotype structure at several loci. Within Scotland, western populations showed slightly reduced nucleotide diversity (πtot=0.0068) compared with those from the south and east (0.0079 and 0.0083, respectively) and about three times higher recombination to diversity ratio (ρ/θ=0.71 vs 0.15 and 0.18, respectively). By comparison with results from coalescent simulations, the observed allelic frequency spectrum in the western populations was compatible with a relatively recent bottleneck (0.00175 × 4Ne generations) that reduced the population to about 2% of the present size. However, heterogeneity in the allelic frequency distribution among geographical regions in Scotland suggests that subsequent admixture of populations with different demographic histories may also have played a role

    A motivational interview program for cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial in primary healthcare

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    Cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction permits recovery of the heart function and enables secondary prevention programs in which changes in lifestyle habits are crucial. Cardiac rehabilitation often takes place in hospitals without coordination with primary healthcare and is not focused on individual patient preferences and goals, which is the core of the motivational interview. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a cardiac rehabilitation program with a motivational interview in patients discharged from hospital after acute myocardial infarction.A randomized, non-pharmacological clinical trial in six primary healthcare centers in Barcelona (Spain) will assess whether a tailored cardiac rehabilitation program consisting of four motivational interviews and visits with family physicians, primary healthcare nurses and a cardiologist, coordinated with the reference hospital, results in better cardiac rehabilitation than standard care. A minimum sample of 284 participants requiring cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction will be randomized to a cardiac rehabilitation group with a motivational interview program or to standard primary healthcare. The main outcome will be physical function measured by the six-minute walk test, and the secondary outcome will be the effectiveness of secondary prevention: a composite outcome comprising control of blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, smoking and body weight. Results will be evaluated at 1,3 and 6 months.This is the first clinical trial to study the impact of a new primary healthcare cardiac rehabilitation program with motivational interviews for patients discharged from hospital after myocardial infarction. Changes in lifestyles and habits after myocardial infarction are a core element of secondary prevention and require patient-centered care strategies such as motivational interviews. Therefore, this study could clarify the impact of this approach on health indicators, such as functional capacity.ClinicalTriasl.gov NCT05285969 registered on March 18, 2022.© 2022. The Author(s)