2,430 research outputs found

    Zero bias transformation and asymptotic expansions II : the Poisson case

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    We apply a discrete version of the methodology in \cite{gauss} to obtain a recursive asymptotic expansion for \esp[h(W)] in terms of Poisson expectations, where WW is a sum of independent integer-valued random variables and hh is a polynomially growing function. We also discuss the remainder estimations

    Multiple defaults and contagion risks

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    We study multiple defaults where the global market information is modelled as progressive enlargement of filtrations. We shall provide a general pricing formula by establishing a relationship between the enlarged filtration and the reference default-free filtration in the random measure framework. On each default scenario, the formula can be interpreted as a Radon-Nikodym derivative of random measures. The contagion risks are studied in the multi-defaults setting where we consider the optimal investment problem in a contagion risk model and show that the optimization can be effectuated in a recursive manner with respect to the default-free filtration

    Multiple defaults and contagion risks

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    We study multiple defaults where the global market information is modelled as progressive enlargement of filtrations. We shall provide a general pricing formula by establishing a relationship between the enlarged filtration and the reference default-free filtration in the random measure framework. On each default scenario, the formula can be interpreted as a Radon-Nikodym derivative of random measures. The contagion risks are studied in the multi-defaults setting where we consider the optimal investment problem in a contagion risk model and show that the optimization can be effectuated in a recursive manner with respect to the default-free filtration.

    Optimal investment with counterparty risk: a default-density modeling approach

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    We consider a financial market with a stock exposed to a counterparty risk inducing a drop in the price, and which can still be traded after this default time. We use a default-density modeling approach, and address in this incomplete market context the expected utility maximization from terminal wealth. We show how this problem can be suitably decomposed in two optimization problems in complete market framework: an after-default utility maximization and a global before-default optimization problem involving the former one. These two optimization problems are solved explicitly, respectively by duality and dynamic programming approaches, and provide a fine understanding of the optimal strategy. We give some numerical results illustrating the impact of counterparty risk and the loss given default on optimal trading strategies, in particular with respect to the Merton portfolio selection problem

    Information Asymmetry in Pricing of Credit Derivatives

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    We study the pricing of credit derivatives with asymmetric information. The managers have complete information on the value process of the firm and on the default threshold, while the investors on the market have only partial observations, especially about the default threshold. Different information structures are distinguished using the framework of enlargement of filtrations. We specify risk neutral probabilities and we evaluate default sensitive contingent claims in these cases

    Optimal investment under multiple defaults risk: A BSDE-decomposition approach

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    We study an optimal investment problem under contagion risk in a financial model subject to multiple jumps and defaults. The global market information is formulated as a progressive enlargement of a default-free Brownian filtration, and the dependence of default times is modeled by a conditional density hypothesis. In this Ito-jump process model, we give a decomposition of the corresponding stochastic control problem into stochastic control problems in the default-free filtration, which are determined in a backward induction. The dynamic programming method leads to a backward recursive system of quadratic backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) in Brownian filtration, and our main result proves, under fairly general conditions, the existence and uniqueness of a solution to this system, which characterizes explicitly the value function and optimal strategies to the optimal investment problem. We illustrate our solutions approach with some numerical tests emphasizing the impact of default intensities, loss or gain at defaults and correlation between assets. Beyond the financial problem, our decomposition approach provides a new perspective for solving quadratic BSDEs with a finite number of jumps.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AAP829 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Alpha-CIR Model with Branching Processes in Sovereign Interest Rate Modelling

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    We introduce a class of interest rate models, called the α\alpha-CIR model, which gives a natural extension of the standard CIR model by adopting the α\alpha-stable L{\'e}vy process and preserving the branching property. This model allows to describe in a unified and parsimonious way several recent observations on the sovereign bond market such as the persistency of low interest rate together with the presence of large jumps at local extent. We emphasize on a general integral representation of the model by using random fields, with which we establish the link to the CBI processes and the affine models. Finally we analyze the jump behaviors and in particular the large jumps, and we provide numerical illustrations