30 research outputs found

    Clinical Evaluation of Targeted Arterial Infusion of Verapamil in the Interventional Chemotherapy of Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    This study evaluates the clinical effectiveness of targeted arterial infusion of verapamil in interventional treatment of primary hepatocellular carcinoma. For this purpose, in 273 patients with middle- or late-stage primary hepatocellular carcinoma, verapamil, IL-2, and chemotherapeutic agents were infused into the target tumor vasculature through femoral artery using Seldinger technique. The medications were infused as serial dilutions, and effectiveness was evaluated after two treatment cycles. Among these 273 patients, 76 cases showed clinical cure or significant improvement, 119 cases improved, 64 cases stabilized, while 14 cases progressed or deteriorated. In 238 patients, KPS score and body weights were stabilized. Regarding side effects, 99 patients (36.3%) developed leukopenia; 160 patients had gastrointestinal reactions (58.6%); 80 patients (29.3%) presented with elevated ALT/AST profile; and 65 cases (23.8%) had pyrexia; however, these side effects abated quickly. No elevations in BUN/Cr and/or allergic reactions were observed. Pre- and post-intervention cardiac function did not change in all the patients. No significant change was observed in ECG. Liver function was also improved after two cycles of treatment. It was concluded that verapamil management via targeted arterial infusion could effectively reverse the multidrug resistance in cancer cells in primary hepatocellular carcinoma patients and therefore enhanced the efficacy of chemotherapy

    Assessment of the Importance of Similarity in Carbon Source Utilization Profiles between the Biological Control Agent and the Pathogen in Biological Control of Bacterial Speck of Tomato

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    Bacterial speck of tomato, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, was used to determine whether similarity in carbon source utilization between a preemptive biological control agent and the pathogen was significant in determining the ability of the bacterium to suppress disease. Similarity in carbon source utilization was quantified as the ratio of the number of tomato carbon sources utilized in vitro by the biological control agent to the number of tomato carbon sources utilized in vitro by the target pathogen (the niche overlap index [NOI]). Suppression of the disease was quantified as the percent reduction in disease severity compared to the pathogen-only control when nonpathogenic bacteria were applied to foliage 48 h prior to the pathogen. In the collection of 36 nonpathogenic bacterial strains, there was a significant (P < 0.01), but weak (r(2) = 0.25), correlation between reduction in disease severity and similarity in carbon source utilization, suggesting that similarity in carbon source use was significant in determining ability to suppress disease. The relationship was investigated further using catabolic mutants of P. syringae strain TLP2, an effective biological control agent of speck. Catabolic mutants exhibited lower levels of similarity (NOI = 0.07 to 0.90) than did wild-type TLP2 (NOI = 0.93). With these catabolic mutants there was a significant (P < 0.01), and stronger (r(2) = 0.42), correlation between reduction in disease severity and similarity in carbon source utilization. This suggests that similarity in carbon source utilization was a more important component of biological control ability for the catabolic mutants than for the nonpathogenic bacteria. Together, these studies indicate that suppression of bacterial speck of tomato was correlated with nutritional similarity between the pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria and suggest that preemptive utilization of carbon sources was probably involved in the biological control of the disease by both the naturally occurring nonpathogenic bacteria and the catabolic mutants

    Nutritional Similarity between Leaf-Associated Nonpathogenic Bacteria and the Pathogen Is Not Predictive of Efficacy in Biological Control of Bacterial Spot of Tomato

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    It has been demonstrated that for a nonpathogenic, leaf-associated bacterium, effectiveness in the control of bacterial speck of tomato is correlated with the similarity in the nutritional needs of the nonpathogenic bacterium and the pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. This relationship was investigated further in this study by using the pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria, the causal agent of bacterial spot of tomato, and a collection of nonpathogenic bacteria isolated from tomato foliage. The effects of inoculation of tomato plants with one of 34 nonpathogenic bacteria prior to inoculation with the pathogen X. campestris pv. vesicatoria were quantified by determining (i) the reduction in disease severity (number of lesions per square centimeter) in greenhouse assays and (ii) the reduction in leaf surface pathogen population size (log(10) of the number of CFU per leaflet) in growth chamber assays. Nutritional similarity between the nonpathogenic bacteria and X. campestris pv. vesicatoria was quantified by using either niche overlap indices (NOI) or relatedness in cluster analyses based upon in vitro utilization of carbon or nitrogen sources reported to be present in tomato tissues or in Biolog GN plates. In contrast to studies with P. syringae pv. tomato, nutritional similarity between the nonpathogenic bacteria and the pathogen X. campestris pv. vesicatoria was not correlated with reductions in disease severity. Nutritional similarity was also not correlated with reductions in pathogen population size. Further, the percentage of reduction in leaf surface pathogen population size was not correlated with the percentage of reduction in disease severity, suggesting that the epiphytic population size of X. campestris pv. vesicatoria is not related to disease severity and that X. campestris pv. vesicatoria exhibits behavior in the phyllosphere prior to lesion formation that is different from that of P. syringae pv. tomato

    Molecular Characterization of Laboratory Mutants of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum Resistant to Prothioconazole, a Demethylation Inhibitor (DMI) Fungicide

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    Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum (FON) is the causal agent of Fusarium wilt in watermelon, an international growth-limiting pathogen of watermelon cultivation. A single demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicide, prothioconazole, is registered to control this pathogen, so the risk of resistance arising in the field is high. To determine and predict the mechanism by which FON could develop resistance to prothioconazole, FON isolates were mutagenized using UV irradiation and subsequent fungicide exposure to create artificially resistant mutants. Isolates were then put into three groups based on the EC50 values: sensitive, intermediately resistant, and highly resistant. The mean EC50 values were 4.98 µg/mL for the sensitive, 31.77 µg/mL for the intermediately resistant, and 108.33 µg/mL for the highly resistant isolates. Isolates were then sequenced and analyzed for differences in both the coding and promoter regions. Two mutations were found that conferred amino acid changes in the target gene, CYP51A, in both intermediately and highly resistant mutants. An expression analysis for the gene CYP51A also showed a significant increase in the expression of the highly resistant mutants compared to the sensitive controls. In this study, we were able to identify two potential mechanisms of resistance to the DMI fungicide prothioconazole in FON isolates: gene overexpression and multiple point mutations. This research should expedite growers’ and researchers’ ability to detect and manage fungicide-resistant phytopathogens

    The Interactomic Analysis Reveals Pathogenic Protein Networks in Phomopsis longicolla Underlying Seed Decay of Soybean

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    Phomopsis longicolla T. W. Hobbs (syn. Diaporthe longicolla) is the primary cause of Phomopsis seed decay (PSD) in soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill. This disease results in poor seed quality and is one of the most economically important seed diseases in soybean. The objectives of this study were to infer protein–protein interactions (PPI) and to identify conserved global networks and pathogenicity subnetworks in P. longicolla including orthologous pathways for cell signaling and pathogenesis. The interlog method used in the study identified 215,255 unique PPIs among 3,868 proteins. There were 1,414 pathogenicity related genes in P. longicolla identified using the pathogen host interaction (PHI) database. Additionally, 149 plant cell wall degrading enzymes (PCWDE) were detected. The network captured five different classes of carbohydrate degrading enzymes, including the auxiliary activities, carbohydrate esterases, glycoside hydrolases, glycosyl transferases, and carbohydrate binding molecules. From the PPI analysis, novel interacting partners were determined for each of the PCWDE classes. The most predominant class of PCWDE was a group of 60 glycoside hydrolases proteins. The glycoside hydrolase subnetwork was found to be interacting with 1,442 proteins within the network and was among the largest clusters. The orthologous proteins FUS3, HOG, CYP1, SGE1, and the g5566t.1 gene identified in this study could play an important role in pathogenicity. Therefore, the P. longicolla protein interactome (PiPhom) generated in this study can lead to a better understanding of PPIs in soybean pathogens. Furthermore, the PPI may aid in targeting of genes and proteins for further studies of the pathogenicity mechanisms