19 research outputs found

    Is Eddington–Born–Infeld theory really free of cosmological singularities?

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    The Eddington-inspired-Born-Infeld (EiBI) theory has been recently resurrected. Such a theory is characterized by being equivalent to Einstein theory in vacuum but differing from it in the presence of matter. One of the virtues of the theory is to avoid the Big Bang singularity for a radiation filled universe. In this paper, we analyze singularity avoidance in this kind of model. More precisely, we analyze the behavior of a homogeneous and isotropic universe filled with phantom energy in addition to the dark and baryonic matter. Unlike the Big Bang singularity that can be avoided in this kind of model through a bounce or a loitering effect on the physical metric, we find that the Big Rip singularity is unavoidable in the EiBI phantom model even though it can be postponed towards a slightly further future cosmic time as compared with the same singularity in other models based on the standard general relativity and with the same matter content described above.Comment: 5 page

    Cosmology with Eddington-inspired Gravity

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    We study the dynamics of homogeneous, isotropic universes which are governed by the Eddington-inspired alternative theory of gravity which has a single extra parameter, Îş\kappa. Previous results showing singularity-avoiding behaviour for \kappa > 0 are found to be upheld in the case of domination by a perfect fluid with equation of state parameter w > 0. The range -1/3 < w < 0 is found to lead to universes which experience unbounded expansion rate whilst still at a finite density. In the case \kappa < 0 the addition of spatial curvature is shown to lead to the possibility of oscillation between two finite densities. Domination by a scalar field with an exponential potential is found to also lead to singularity-avoiding behaviour when \kappa > 0. Certain values of the parameters governing the potential lead to behaviour in which the expansion rate of the universe changes sign several times before transitioning to regular GR-like behaviour

    Interacting spin-2 fields in the Stueckelberg picture

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    We revisit and extend the `Effective field theory for massive gravitons' constructed by Arkani-Hamed, Georgi and Schwartz in the light of recent progress in constructing ghost-free theories with multiple interacting spin-2 fields. We show that there exist several dual ways of restoring gauge invariance in such multi-gravity theories, find a generalised Fierz-Pauli tuning condition relevant in this context and highlight subtleties in demixing tensor and scalar modes. The generic multi-gravity feature of scalar mixing and its consequences for higher order interactions are discussed. In particular we show how the decoupling limit is qualitatively changed in theories of interacting spin-2 fields. We relate this to dRGT (de Rham, Gabadadze, Tolley) massive gravity, Hassan-Rosen bigravity and the multi-gravity constructions by Hinterbichler and Rosen. As an additional application we show that EBI (Eddington-Born-Infeld) bigravity and higher order generalisations thereof possess ghost-like instabilities