142 research outputs found

    Asymmetric recurrent laryngeal nerve conduction velocities and dorsal cricoarytenoid muscle electromyographic characteristics in clinically normal horses

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    The dorsal cricoarytenoid (DCA) muscles, are a fundamental component of the athletic horse’s respiratory system: as the sole abductors of the airways, they maintain the size of the rima glottis which is essential for enabling maximal air intake during intense exercise. Dysfunction of the DCA muscle leads to arytenoid collapse during exercise, resulting in poor performance. An electrodiagnostic study including electromyography of the dorsal cricoarytenoid muscles and conduction velocity testing of the innervating recurrent laryngeal nerves (RLn) was conducted in horses with normal laryngeal function. We detected reduced nerve conduction velocity of the left RLn, compared to the right, and pathologic spontaneous activity (PSA) of myoelectrical activity within the left DCA muscle in half of this horse population and the horses with the slowest nerve conduction velocities. The findings in this group of horses are consistent with left sided demyelination and axonal loss, consistent with Recurrent Laryngeal Neuropathy (RLN), a highly prevalent degenerative disorder of the RLn in horses that predominantly affects the left side. The detection of electromyographic changes compatible with RLN in clinically unaffected horses is consistent with previous studies that identified “subclinical” subjects, presenting normal laryngeal function despite neuropathologic changes within nerve and muscle confirmed histologically

    Cross-Attraction between an Exotic and a Native Pine Bark Beetle: A Novel Invasion Mechanism?

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    Aside from the ecological impacts, invasive species fascinate ecologists because of the unique opportunities that invasives offer in the study of community ecology. Some hypotheses have been proposed to illustrate the mechanisms that allow exotics to become invasive. However, positive interactions between exotic and native insects are rarely utilized to explain invasiveness of pests.Here, we present information on a recently formed association between a native and an exotic bark beetle on their shared host, Pinus tabuliformis, in China. In field examinations, we found that 35-40% of P. tabuliformis attacked by an exotic bark beetle, Dendroctonus valens, were also attacked by a native pine bark beetle, Hylastes parallelus. In the laboratory, we found that the antennal and walking responses of H. parallelus to host- and beetle-produced compounds were similar to those of the exotic D. valens in China. In addition, D. valens was attracted to volatiles produced by the native H. parallelus.We report, for the first time, facilitation between an exotic and a native bark beetle seems to involve overlap in the use of host attractants and pheromones, which is cross-attraction. The concept of this interspecific facilitation could be explored as a novel invasive mechanism which helps explain invasiveness of not only exotic bark beetles but also other introduced pests in principle. The results reported here also have particularly important implications for risk assessments and management strategies for invasive species

    ProSAAS-Derived Peptides are Colocalized with Neuropeptide Y and Function as Neuropeptides in the Regulation of Food Intake

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    ProSAAS is the precursor of a number of peptides that have been proposed to function as neuropeptides. Because proSAAS mRNA is highly expressed in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, we examined the cellular localization of several proSAAS-derived peptides in the mouse hypothalamus and found that they generally colocalized with neuropeptide Y (NPY), but not α-melanocyte stimulating hormone. However, unlike proNPY mRNA, which is upregulated by food deprivation in the mediobasal hypothalamus, neither proSAAS mRNA nor proSAAS-derived peptides were significantly altered by 1–2 days of food deprivation in wild-type mice. Furthermore, while proSAAS mRNA levels in the mediobasal hypothalamus were significantly lower in Cpefat/fat mice as compared to wild-type littermates, proNPY mRNA levels in the mediobasal hypothalamus and in other subregions of the hypothalamus were not significantly different between wild-type and Cpefat/fat mice. Intracerebroventricular injections of antibodies to two proSAAS-derived peptides (big LEN and PEN) significantly reduced food intake in fasted mice, while injections of antibodies to two other proSAAS-derived peptides (little LEN and little SAAS) did not. Whole-cell patch clamp recordings of parvocellular neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, a target of arcuate NPY projections, showed that big LEN produced a rapid and reversible inhibition of synaptic glutamate release that was spike independent and abolished by blocking postsynaptic G protein activity, suggesting the involvement of a postsynaptic G protein-coupled receptor and the release of a retrograde synaptic messenger. Taken together with previous studies, these findings support a role for proSAAS-derived peptides such as big LEN as neuropeptides regulating food intake

    Patient Complexity: More Than Comorbidity. The Vector Model of Complexity

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    BACKGROUND: The conceptualization of patient complexity is just beginning in clinical medicine. OBJECTIVES: This study aims (1) to propose a conceptual approach to complex patients; (2) to demonstrate how this approach promotes achieving congruence between patient and provider, a critical step in the development of maximally effective treatment plans; and (3) to examine availability of evidence to guide trade-off decisions and assess healthcare quality for complex patients. METHODS/RESULTS: The Vector Model of Complexity portrays interactions between biological, socioeconomic, cultural, environmental and behavioral forces as health determinants. These forces are not easily discerned but exert profound influences on processes and outcomes of care for chronic medical conditions. Achieving congruence between patient, physician, and healthcare system is essential for effective, patient-centered care; requires assessment of all axes of the Vector Model; and, frequently, requires trade-off decisions to develop a tailored treatment plan. Most evidence-based guidelines rarely provide guidance for trade-off decisions. Quality measures often exclude complex patients and are not designed explicitly to assess their overall healthcare. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS: We urgently need to expand the evidence base to inform the care of complex patients of all kinds, especially for the clinical trade-off decisions that are central to tailoring care. We offer long- and short-term strategies to begin to incorporate complexity into quality measurement and performance profiling, guided by the Vector Model. Interdisciplinary research should lay the foundation for a deeper understanding of the multiple sources of patient complexity and their interactions, and how provision of healthcare should be harmonized with complexity to optimize health

    Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and K-RAS status in two cohorts of squamous cell carcinomas

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    With the availability of effective anti-EGFR therapies for various solid malignancies, such as non-cell small lung cancer, colorectal cancer and squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, the knowledge of EGFR and K-RAS status becomes clinically important. The aim of this study was to analyse EGFR expression, EGFR gene copy number and EGFR and K-RAS mutations in two cohorts of squamous cell carcinomas, specifically anal canal and tonsil carcinomas.Journal ArticleMulticenter StudyResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Bacillus anthracis TIR Domain-Containing Protein Localises to Cellular Microtubule Structures and Induces Autophagy

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognise invading pathogens and mediate downstream immune signalling via Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domains. TIR domain proteins (Tdps) have been identified in multiple pathogenic bacteria and have recently been implicated as negative regulators of host innate immune activation. A Tdp has been identified in Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax. Here we present the first study of this protein, designated BaTdp. Recombinantly expressed and purified BaTdp TIR domain interacted with several human TIR domains, including that of the key TLR adaptor MyD88, although BaTdp expression in cultured HEK293 cells had no effect on TLR4- or TLR2- mediated immune activation. During expression in mammalian cells, BaTdp localised to microtubular networks and caused an increase in lipidated cytosolic microtubule-associated protein 1A/1B-light chain 3 (LC3), indicative of autophagosome formation. In vivo intra-nasal infection experiments in mice showed that a BaTdp knockout strain colonised host tissue faster with higher bacterial load within 4 days post-infection compared to the wild type B. anthracis. Taken together, these findings indicate that BaTdp does not play an immune suppressive role, but rather, its absence increases virulence. BaTdp present in wild type B. anthracis plausibly interact with the infected host cell, which undergoes autophagy in self-defence

    The Src inhibitor dasatinib accelerates the differentiation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells into osteoblasts

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    The proto-oncogene Src is an important non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase involved in signaling pathways that control cell adhesion, growth, migration and differentiation. It negatively regulates osteoblast activity, and, as such, its inhibition is a potential means to prevent bone loss. Dasatinib is a new dual Src/Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase inhibitor initially developed for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia. It has also shown promising results in preclinical studies in various solid tumors. However, its effects on the differentiation of human osteoblasts have never been examined.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Clinical trials update: endocrine and biological therapy combinations in the treatment of breast cancer

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    A greater understanding of the biological mechanisms responsible for de novo and acquired endocrine resistance has led to the rational design of clinical trials exploring the benefit of combining hormonal therapies with novel biological agents in an effort to enhance the efficacy of ER+ breast cancer treatment. These studies are increasingly including parallel biological analyses to elucidate the molecular characteristics of those tumors that are most likely to respond to specific targeted/endocrine combinations in an effort to develop a tailored approach to the management of individual patients. Unfortunately despite encouraging preclinical data, some of these combinations have yielded disappointing results in the clinical setting. This article will review the results of clinical trials of endocrine/biological combinations conducted in early and advanced breast cancer as well as provide an update on ongoing studies

    On the typology and the worship status of sacred trees with a special reference to the Middle East

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    This article contains the reasons for the establishment of sacred trees in Israel based on a field study. It includes 97 interviews with Muslim and Druze informants. While Muslims (Arabs and Bedouins) consider sacred trees especially as an abode of righteous figures' (Wellis') souls or as having a connection to their graves, the Druze relate sacred trees especially to the events or deeds in the lives of prophets and religious leaders. A literary review shows the existence of 24 known reasons for the establishment of sacred trees worldwide, 11 of which are known in Israel one of these is reported here for the first time. We found different trends in monotheistic and polytheistic religions concerning their current worship of sacred trees

    Synergistic growth inhibition by Iressa and Rapamycin is modulated by VHL mutations in renal cell carcinoma

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    Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and tumour growth factor alpha (TGFα) are frequently overexpressed in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) yet responses to single-agent EGFR inhibitors are uncommon. Although von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) mutations are predominant, RCC also develops in individuals with tuberous sclerosis (TSC). Tuberous sclerosis mutations activate mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and biochemically resemble VHL alterations. We found that RCC cell lines expressed EGFR mRNA in the near-absence of other ErbB family members. Combined EGFR and mTOR inhibition synergistically impaired growth in a VHL-dependent manner. Iressa blocked ERK1/2 phosphorylation specifically in wt-VHL cells, whereas rapamycin inhibited phospho-RPS6 and 4E-BP1 irrespective of VHL. In contrast, phospho-AKT was resistant to these agents and MYC translation initiation (polysome binding) was similarly unaffected unless AKT was inhibited. Primary RCCs vs cell lines contained similar amounts of phospho-ERK1/2, much higher levels of ErbB-3, less phospho-AKT, and no evidence of phospho-RPS6, suggesting that mTOR activity was reduced. A subset of tumours and cell lines expressed elevated eIF4E in the absence of upstream activation. Despite similar amounts of EGFR mRNA, cell lines (vs tumours) overexpressed EGFR protein. In the paired cell lines, PRC3 and WT8, EGFR protein was elevated post-transcriptionally in the VHL mutant and EGF-stimulated phosphorylation was prolonged. We propose that combined EGFR and mTOR inhibitors may be useful in the subset of RCCs with wt-VHL. However, apparent differences between primary tumours and cell lines require further investigation