408 research outputs found

    A Stochastic Step Model of Replicative Senescence Explains ROS Production Rate in Ageing Cell Populations

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    Increases in cellular Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) concentration with age have been observed repeatedly in mammalian tissues. Concomitant increases in the proportion of replicatively senescent cells in ageing mammalian tissues have also been observed. Populations of mitotic human fibroblasts cultured in vitro, undergoing transition from proliferation competence to replicative senescence are useful models of ageing human tissues. Similar exponential increases in ROS with age have been observed in this model system. Tracking individual cells in dividing populations is difficult, and so the vast majority of observations have been cross-sectional, at the population level, rather than longitudinal observations of individual cells

    Population transcriptomics of Drosophila melanogaster females

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Variation at the level of gene expression is abundant in natural populations and is thought to contribute to the adaptive divergence of populations and species. Gene expression also differs considerably between males and females. Here we report a microarray analysis of gene expression variation among females of 16 <it>Drosophila </it><it>melanogaster </it>strains derived from natural populations, including eight strains from the putative ancestral range in sub-Saharan Africa and eight strains from Europe. Gene expression variation among males of the same strains was reported previously.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We detected relatively low levels of expression polymorphism within populations, but much higher expression divergence between populations. A total of 569 genes showed a significant expression difference between the African and European populations at a false discovery rate of 5%. Genes with significant over-expression in Europe included the insecticide resistance gene <it>Cyp6g1</it>, as well as genes involved in proteolysis and olfaction. Genes with functions in carbohydrate metabolism and vision were significantly over-expressed in the African population. There was little overlap between genes expressed differently between populations in females and males.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that adaptive changes in gene expression have accompanied the out-of-Africa migration of <it>D. melanogaster</it>. Comparison of female and male expression data indicates that the vast majority of genes differing in expression between populations do so in only one sex and suggests that most regulatory adaptation has been sex-specific.</p

    PoPoolation: A Toolbox for Population Genetic Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data from Pooled Individuals

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    Recent statistical analyses suggest that sequencing of pooled samples provides a cost effective approach to determine genome-wide population genetic parameters. Here we introduce PoPoolation, a toolbox specifically designed for the population genetic analysis of sequence data from pooled individuals. PoPoolation calculates estimates of θWatterson, θπ, and Tajima's D that account for the bias introduced by pooling and sequencing errors, as well as divergence between species. Results of genome-wide analyses can be graphically displayed in a sliding window plot. PoPoolation is written in Perl and R and it builds on commonly used data formats. Its source code can be downloaded from http://code.google.com/p/popoolation/. Furthermore, we evaluate the influence of mapping algorithms, sequencing errors, and read coverage on the accuracy of population genetic parameter estimates from pooled data

    Functional conservation of the Drosophila hybrid incompatibility gene Lhr

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hybrid incompatibilities such as sterility and lethality are commonly modeled as being caused by interactions between two genes, each of which has diverged separately in one of the hybridizing lineages. The gene <it>Lethal hybrid rescue </it>(<it>Lhr</it>) encodes a rapidly evolving heterochromatin protein that causes lethality of hybrid males in crosses between <it>Drosophila melanogaster </it>females and <it>D. simulans </it>males. Previous genetic analyses showed that hybrid lethality is caused by <it>D. simulans Lhr </it>but not by <it>D. melanogaster Lhr</it>, confirming a critical prediction of asymmetry in the evolution of a hybrid incompatibility gene.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we have examined the functional properties of <it>Lhr </it>orthologs from multiple Drosophila species, including interactions with other heterochromatin proteins, localization to heterochromatin, and ability to complement hybrid rescue in <it>D. melanogaster</it>/<it>D. simulans </it>hybrids. We find that these properties are conserved among most <it>Lhr </it>orthologs, including <it>Lhr </it>from <it>D. melanogaster</it>, <it>D. simulans </it>and the outgroup species <it>D. yakuba</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that evolution of the hybrid lethality properties of <it>Lhr </it>between <it>D. melanogaster </it>and <it>D. simulans </it>did not involve extensive loss or gain of functions associated with protein interactions or localization to heterochromatin.</p

    Porphyromonas endodontalis in chronic periodontitis: a clinical and microbiological cross-sectional study

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    Although previous studies have shown the presence of Porphyromonas endodontalis in chronic periodontitis associated with periapical lesions, the occurrence of this pathogen in diseased periodontal sites without periapical lesions has been poorly investigated.The aims of this study were to quantify P. endodontalis in patients with chronic periodontitis without periapical lesions, to evaluate the potential correlation of P. endodontalis with Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia, and to evaluate the ability of periodontal treatment to reduce these pathogens.Patients with generalized chronic periodontitis were selected by recording clinical attachment level (CAL), probing depth (PD), and bleeding on probing (BOP). Subgingival samples from 30 diseased nonadjacent sites (CAL&#x200A;&#x2265;&#x200A;5 mm, PD between 5 and 7 mm and positive BOP) and 30 healthy nonadjacent sites (PD&#x200A;&#x2264;&#x200A;3 mm and negative BOP) were collected and subjected to microbial analysis by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) The variables of age, PD, CAL and BOP of all individuals were analyzed using the paired t-test (GrapPad Prism5&#x00AE;). Data of bacteria quantification were subjected to a normality test (D&#x0027;Agostino-Pearson Test). For bacterial correlation analysis, the Spearman correlation was used.Our results showed that diseased sites had significantly higher levels of P. endodontalis compared to healthy sites, similar to the results obtained for P. gingivalis and T. forsythia. The numbers of all bacterial species were reduced significantly after mechanical periodontal treatment. P. endodontalis was significantly correlated with the presence of T. forsythia and P. gingivalis in the diseased group.Our results suggest that there is a high prevalence of P. endodontalis, P. gingivalis and T. forsythia in periodontitis sites and that mechanical periodontal treatment is effective at reducing the pathogens studied

    Conduct of a personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field measurement study: proposed study protocol

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    Background: The development of new wireless communication technologies that emit radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) is ongoing, but little is known about the RF-EMF exposure distribution in the general population. Previous attempts to measure personal exposure to RF-EMF have used different measurement protocols and analysis methods making comparisons between exposure situations across different study populations very difficult. As a result, observed differences in exposure levels between study populations may not reflect real exposure differences but may be in part, or wholly due to methodological differences. Methods: The aim of this paper is to develop a study protocol for future personal RF-EMF exposure studies based on experience drawn from previous research. Using the current knowledge base, we propose procedures for the measurement of personal exposure to RF-EMF, data collection, data management and analysis, and methods for the selection and instruction of study participants. Results: We have identified two basic types of personal RF-EMF measurement studies: population surveys and microenvironmental measurements. In the case of a population survey, the unit of observation is the individual and a randomly selected representative sample of the population is needed to obtain reliable results. For microenvironmental measurements, study participants are selected in order to represent typical behaviours in different microenvironments. These two study types require different methods and procedures. Conclusion: Applying our proposed common core procedures in future personal measurement studies will allow direct comparisons of personal RF-EMF exposures in different populations and study areas

    Internal Jugular Vein Cross-Sectional Area and Cerebrospinal Fluid Pulsatility in the Aqueduct of Sylvius: A Comparative Study between Healthy Subjects and Multiple Sclerosis Patients

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    Objectives Constricted cerebral venous outflow has been linked with increased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pulsatility in the aqueduct of Sylvius in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and healthy individuals. This study investigates the relationship between CSF pulsatility and internal jugular vein (IJV) cross-sectional area (CSA) in these two groups, something previously unknown. Methods 65 relapsing-remitting MS patients (50.8% female; mean age = 43.8 years) and 74 healthy controls (HCs) (54.1% female; mean age = 43.9 years) were investigated. CSF flow quantification was performed on cine phase-contrast MRI, while IJV-CSA was calculated using magnetic resonance venography. Statistical analysis involved correlation, and partial least squares correlation analysis (PLSCA). Results PLSCA revealed a significant difference (p<0.001; effect size = 1.072) between MS patients and HCs in the positive relationship between CSF pulsatility and IJV-CSA at C5-T1, something not detected at C2-C4. Controlling for age and cardiovascular risk factors, statistical trends were identified in HCs between: increased net positive CSF flow (NPF) and increased IJV-CSA at C5-C6 (left: r = 0.374, p = 0.016; right: r = 0.364, p = 0.019) and C4 (left: r = 0.361, p = 0.020); and increased net negative CSF flow and increased left IJV-CSA at C5-C6 (r = -0.348, p = 0.026) and C4 (r = -0.324, p = 0.039), whereas in MS patients a trend was only identified between increased NPF and increased left IJV-CSA at C5-C6 (r = 0.351, p = 0.021). Overall, correlations were weaker in MS patients (p = 0.015). Conclusions In healthy adults, increased CSF pulsatility is associated with increased IJV-CSA in the lower cervix (independent of age and cardiovascular risk factors), suggesting a biomechanical link between the two. This relationship is altered in MS patients

    Analyzing and Biasing Simulations with PLUMED

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    This chapter discusses how the PLUMED plugin for molecular dynamics can be used to analyze and bias molecular dynamics trajectories. The chapter begins by introducing the notion of a collective variable and by then explaining how the free energy can be computed as a function of one or more collective variables. A number of practical issues mostly around periodic boundary conditions that arise when these types of calculations are performed using PLUMED are then discussed. Later parts of the chapter discuss how PLUMED can be used to perform enhanced sampling simulations that introduce simulation biases or multiple replicas of the system and Monte Carlo exchanges between these replicas. This section is then followed by a discussion on how free-energy surfaces and associated error bars can be extracted from such simulations by using weighted histogram and block averaging techniques