15 research outputs found

    Spectroscopie photoassociative des états moléculaires faiblement liés du rubidium : <br />Analyse par la méthode de Lu-Fano.<br />Étude de la réalisation d'une lentille à atomes.

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    This thesis is composed of two parts. The first part presents the study of the realization of a lens for atoms using the dipolar interaction. A theoretical study suggests several possible experimental sequences allowing the realization of an achromatic lens with a controllable magnification. Attempts at realizing the sequence highlighted atom losses induced by the laser. The process of photoassociation, strongly probable under the experimental conditions, is responsible of these losses. The second part of this thesis reports on the recording of the photoassociation spectra. The analysis of the spectra obtained was carried out using the Lu-Fano graphs methods, which is often used in the physics of Rydberg atomic states. Applied to the three observed vibrational series, the method showed that the LeRoy-Bernstein formula, established to describe vibrational levels located in the asymptotic zone of the molecular potential, must be improved. The two suggested improvements consist in taking into account the short-range region of the potential well and the second term of the multipolar expansion. For a third series, the Lu-Fano graph exhibits a coupling between two vibrational series due to the spin-orbit and spin-spin interactions. The graph allowed a quantitative characterization of this coupling.Cette thèse se compose de deux parties. La première partie présente l'étude de la réalisation d'une lentille à atomes utilisant l'interaction dipolaire. Une étude théorique propose plusieurs séquences expérimentales possibles permettant la réalisation d'une lentille achromatique avec un grandissement contrôlable. Des tentatives de réalisation ont mis en évidence des pertes d'atomes induites par le laser utilisé. Le processus de photoassociation, fortement probable dans les conditions de l'expérience, est le responsable de ces pertes. La deuxième partie de cette thèse relate donc de l'enregistrement des spectres de photoassociation. L'analyse des spectres obtenus a été effectuée par la méthode des graphes de Lu-Fano, méthode souvent utilisée pour l'étude des séries de Rydberg. Appliqué aux trois séries vibrationnelles observées, la méthode a montré que la formule de LeRoy-Bernstein, établie pour décrire des niveaux vibrationnels situés dans la zone asymptotique du puits de potentiel moléculaire, doit être améliorée. Les deux améliorations proposées consistent à prendre en compte la région courte portée du puits de potentiel ainsi que le deuxième terme du développement multipolaire. Pour une troisième série, le graphe de Lu-Fano a mis en évidence un couplage dû à l'interaction spin-orbite et l'interaction spin-spin entre deux séries vibrationnelles. Le graphe a permis la caractérisation quantitative de ce couplage

    Plasma Science and Technology - Basic Fundamentals and Modern Applications

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    Usually called the ""fourth state of matter,"" plasmas make up more than 99% of known material. In usual terminology, this term generally refers to partially or totally ionized gas and covers a large number of topics with very different characteristics and behaviors. Over the last few decades, the physics and engineering of plasmas was experiencing a renewed interest, essentially born of a series of important applications such as thin-layer deposition, surface treatment, isotopic separation, integrated circuit etchings, medicine, etc. Plasma Science & Technology - Basic Fundamentals and Modern Applications presents the basic fundamentals behind plasma physics along with some of their most important modern applications

    Spectroscopie photoassociative des états moléculaires faiblement liés du rubidium (analyse par la méthode de Lu-Fano)

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    Cette thèse se compose de deux parties. La première partie présente l étude de la réalisation d une lentille à atomes utilisant l interaction dipolaire. Une étude théorique propose plusieurs séquences expérimentales possibles permettant la réalisation d une lentille achromatique avec un grandissement contrôlable. Des tentatives de réalisation ont mis en évidence des pertes d atomes induites par le laser utilisé. Le processus de photoassociation, fortement probable dans les conditions de l expérience, est le responsable de ces pertes. La deuxième partie de cette thèse relate donc de l enregistrement des spectres de photoassociation. L analyse des spectres obtenus a été effectuée par la méthode des graphes de Lu-Fano, méthode souvent utilisée pour l étude des séries de Rydberg. Appliqué aux trois séries vibrationnelles observées, la méthode a montré que la formule de LeRoy-Bernstein, établie pour décrire des niveaux vibrationnels situés dans la zone asymptotique du puits de potentiel moléculaire, doit être améliorée. Les deux améliorations proposées consistent à prendre en compte la région courte portée du puits de potentiel ainsi que le deuxième terme du développement multipolaire. Pour une troisième série, le graphe de Lu-Fano a mis en évidence un couplage dû à l interaction spin-orbite et l interaction spin-spin entre deux séries vibrationnelles. Le graphe a permis la caractérisation quantitative de ce couplage.This thesis is composed of two parts. The first part presents the study of the realization of a lens for atoms using the dipolar interaction. A theoretical study suggests several possible experimental sequences allowing the realization of an achromatic lens with a controllable magnification. Attempts at realizing the sequence highlighted atom losses induced by the laser. The process of photoassociation, strongly probable under the experimental conditions, is responsible of the losses. The second part of this thesis reports on the recording of the photoassociation spectra. The analysis of the spectra obtained was carried out using the Lu-Fano graphs methods, which is often used in the physics of Rydberg atomic states. Applied to the three observed vibrational series, the method showed that the LeRoy-Bernstein formula established to describe vibrational levels located in the asymptotic zone of the molecular potential, must be improved. The two suggested improvements consist in taking into account the short-range region of the potential well and the second term of the multipolar expansion. For a third series, the Lu-Fano graph exhibits a coupling between two vibrational series due to the spin-orbit and spin-spin interactions. The graph allowed a quantitative characterization of this coupling.ORSAY-PARIS 11-BU Sciences (914712101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Cross Section Ionization By Electron Impact Of Helium Like Ions

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    In this paper we present our calculation of the cross section ionization by electron impact of C V, N VI and O VII. Using the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC), we obtain the cross sections for the ionization of these ions from the ground state 1The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    NARIMA (North Africa Research & Innovation Management Association) Concept Note

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    NARIMA initiative is a non-profit organization and framework which will act as a leading player in the research and innovation management of the North Africa region (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia). It will provide a platform for the promotion and use of the best practices in research and innovation management through research and academic institutions in North Africa

    Atom interferometry measurement of the atom-surface van der Waals interaction

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    International audienceUsing a nano-scale grid as a phase-shifting component, an atom interferometer has been utilized to study atom-surface van der Waals (VdW) interactions. We report phase shifts on the order of 0.2 rad, with a few percent uncertainty. We also report the velocity-dependent attenuation of atomic de Broglie wave amplitude that occurs in conjunction with the observed phase shifts. From these data we deduce the strength of the VdW potential and its dependence on the atom-surface separation. We discuss how our measurements can be used to set limits on the strength of non-Newtonian gravity at short length scales and we discuss the possibility of measuring the atom-surface interactions over a larger range of atom-surface distances. We also compare our results to several theoretical predictions for the VdW potential of Li near a variety of surfaces