116 research outputs found

    Free Radical Exposure Creates Paler Carotenoid-Based Ornaments: A Possible Interaction in the Expression of Black and Red Traits

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    Oxidative stress could be a key selective force shaping the expression of colored traits produced by the primary animal pigments in integuments: carotenoids and melanins. However, the impact of oxidative stress on melanic ornaments has only recently been explored, whereas its role in the expression of carotenoid-based traits is not fully understood. An interesting study case is that of those animal species simultaneously expressing both kinds of ornaments, such as the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa). In this bird, individuals exposed to an exogenous source of free radicals (diquat) during their development produced larger eumelanin-based (black) plumage traits than controls. Here, we show that the same red-legged partridges exposed to diquat simultaneously developed paler carotenoid-based ornaments (red beak and eye rings), and carried lower circulating carotenoid levels as well as lower levels of some lipids involved in carotenoid transport in the bloodstream (i.e., cholesterol). Moreover, partridges treated with a hormone that stimulates eumelanin production (i.e., alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone) also increased blood carotenoid levels, but this effect was not mirrored in the expression of carotenoid-based traits. The redness of carotenoid-based ornaments and the size of a conspicuous eumelanic trait (the black bib) were negatively correlated in control birds, suggesting a physiological trade-off during development. These findings contradict recent studies questioning the sensitivity of carotenoids to oxidative stress. Nonetheless, the impact of free radicals on plasma carotenoids seems to be partially mediated by changes in cholesterol metabolism, and not by direct carotenoid destruction/consumption. The results highlight the capacity of oxidative stress to create multiple phenotypes during development through differential effects on carotenoids and melanins, raising questions about evolutionary constraints involved in the production of multiple ornaments by the same organism

    A 1.3 mm SMA Survey of 29 Variable Young Stellar Objects

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    Young stellar objects (YSOs) may undergo periods of active accretion (outbursts), during which the protostellar accretion rate is temporarily enhanced by a few orders of magnitude. Whether or not these accretion outburst YSOs possess similar dust/gas reservoirs to each other, and whether or not their dust/gas reservoirs are similar as quiescent YSOs, are issues not yet clarified. The aim of this work is to characterize the millimeter thermal dust emission properties of a statistically significant sample of long and short duration accretion outburst YSOs (i.e., FUors and EXors) and the spectroscopically identified candidates of accretion outbursting YSOs (i.e., FUor-like objects). We have carried out extensive Submillimeter Array (SMA) observations mostly at ∌\sim225 GHz (1.33 mm) and ∌\sim272 GHz (1.10 mm), from 2008 to 2017. We covered accretion outburst YSOs located at 3-σ\sigma significance. Detected sources except for the two cases of V883 Ori and NGC 2071 MM3 were observed with ∌\sim1"" angular resolution. Overall our observed targets show a systematically higher millimeter luminosity distribution than those of the M∗>M_{*}>0.3 M⊙M_{\odot} Class II YSOs in the nearby (â‰Č\lesssim400 pc) low-mass star-forming molecular clouds (e.g., Taurus, Lupus, Upp Scorpio, and Chameleon I). In addition, at 1 mm our observed confirmed binaries or triple-system sources are systematically fainter than the rest of the sources even though their 1 mm fluxes are broadly distributed. We may have detected ∌\sim30-60\% millimeter flux variability from V2494 Cyg and V2495 Cyg, from the observations separated by ∌\sim1 year

    Genetic analysis of the interaction between Allium species and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

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    The response of Alliumcepa, A. roylei, A. fistulosum, and the hybrid A. fistulosum × A. roylei to the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Glomus intraradices was studied. The genetic basis for response to AMF was analyzed in a tri-hybrid A. cepa × (A. roylei × A. fistulosum) population. Plant response to mycorrhizal symbiosis was expressed as relative mycorrhizal responsiveness (Râ€Č) and absolute responsiveness (R). In addition, the average performance (AP) of genotypes under mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal conditions was determined. Experiments were executed in 2 years, and comprised clonally propagated plants of each genotype grown in sterile soil, inoculated with G. intraradices or non-inoculated. Results were significantly correlated between both years. Biomass of non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal plants was significantly positively correlated. Râ€Č was negatively correlated with biomass of non-mycorrhizal plants and hence unsuitable as a breeding criterion. R and AP were positively correlated with biomass of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants. QTLs contributing to mycorrhizal response were located on a linkage map of the A. roylei × A. fistulosum parental genotype. Two QTLs from A. roylei were detected on chromosomes 2 and 3 for R, AP, and biomass of mycorrhizal plants. A QTL from A. fistulosum was detected on linkage group 9 for AP (but not R), biomass of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants, and the number of stem-borne roots. Co-segregating QTLs for plant biomass, R and AP indicate that selection for plant biomass also selects for enhanced R and AP. Moreover, our findings suggest that modern onion breeding did not select against the response to AMF, as was suggested before for other cultivated species. Positive correlation between high number of roots, biomass and large response to AMF in close relatives of onion opens prospects to combine these traits for the development of more robust onion cultivars

    Multi-proxy dating the ‘Millennium Eruption’ of Changbaishan to late 946 CE

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    Ranking among the largest volcanic eruptions of the Common Era (CE), the ‘Millennium Eruption’ of Changbaishan produced a widely-dispersed tephra layer (known as the B-Tm ash), which represents an important tie point for palaeoenvironmental studies in East Asia. Hitherto, there has been no consensus on its age, with estimates spanning at least the tenth century CE. Here, we identify the cosmogenic radiocarbon signal of 775 CE in a subfossil larch engulfed and killed by pyroclastic currents emplaced during the initial rhyolitic phase of the explosive eruption. Combined with glaciochemical evidence from Greenland, this enables us to date the eruption to late 946 CE. This secure date rules out the possibility that the Millennium Eruption contributed to the collapse of the Bohai Kingdom (Manchuria/Korea) in 926 CE, as has previously been hypothesised. Further, despite the magnitude of the eruption, we do not see a consequent cooling signal in tree-ring-based reconstructions of Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures. A tightly-constrained date for the Millennium Eruption improves the prospect for further investigations of historical sources that may shed light on the eruption's impacts, and enhances the value of the B-Tm ash as a chronostratigraphic marker.Ranking among the largest volcanic eruptions of the Common Era (CE), the ‘Millennium Eruption’ of Changbaishan produced a widely-dispersed tephra layer (known as the B-Tm ash), which represents an important tie point for palaeoenvironmental studies in East Asia. Hitherto, there has been no consensus on its age, with estimates spanning at least the tenth century CE. Here, we identify the cosmogenic radiocarbon signal of 775 CE in a subfossil larch engulfed and killed by pyroclastic currents emplaced during the initial rhyolitic phase of the explosive eruption. Combined with glaciochemical evidence from Greenland, this enables us to date the eruption to late 946 CE. This secure date rules out the possibility that the Millennium Eruption contributed to the collapse of the Bohai Kingdom (Manchuria/Korea) in 926 CE, as has previously been hypothesised. Further, despite the magnitude of the eruption, we do not see a consequent cooling signal in tree-ring-based reconstructions of Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures. A tightly-constrained date for the Millennium Eruption improves the prospect for further investigations of historical sources that may shed light on the eruption's impacts, and enhances the value of the B-Tm ash as a chronostratigraphic marker

    Molecular adaptation of a plant-bacterium outer membrane protease towards plague virulence factor Pla

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Omptins are a family of outer membrane proteases that have spread by horizontal gene transfer in Gram-negative bacteria that infect vertebrates or plants. Despite structural similarity, the molecular functions of omptins differ in a manner that reflects the life style of their host bacteria. To simulate the molecular adaptation of omptins, we applied site-specific mutagenesis to make Epo of the plant pathogenic <it>Erwinia pyrifoliae </it>exhibit virulence-associated functions of its close homolog, the plasminogen activator Pla of <it>Yersinia pestis</it>. We addressed three virulence-associated functions exhibited by Pla, i.e., proteolytic activation of plasminogen, proteolytic degradation of serine protease inhibitors, and invasion into human cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Pla and Epo expressed in <it>Escherichia coli </it>are both functional endopeptidases and cleave human serine protease inhibitors, but Epo failed to activate plasminogen and to mediate invasion into a human endothelial-like cell line. Swapping of ten amino acid residues at two surface loops of Pla and Epo introduced plasminogen activation capacity in Epo and inactivated the function in Pla. We also compared the structure of Pla and the modeled structure of Epo to analyze the structural variations that could rationalize the different proteolytic activities. Epo-expressing bacteria managed to invade human cells only after all extramembranous residues that differ between Pla and Epo and the first transmembrane ÎČ-strand had been changed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We describe molecular adaptation of a protease from an environmental setting towards a virulence factor detrimental for humans. Our results stress the evolvability of bacterial ÎČ-barrel surface structures and the environment as a source of progenitor virulence molecules of human pathogens.</p

    Developmental Considerations for Assessment and Treatment of Impulsivity in Older Adults

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    Impulsivity is an important factor in many clinical disorders, especially alcohol and substance use disorders. Most of the research on impulsivity in this domain has focused on adolescence and young adulthood, as this developmental period is characterized by onset of and escalation in alcohol and substance use, likely driven in part by brain development patterns. Although many individuals eventually “mature out” of these behaviors in middle adulthood, a critical subset of people do not. The role of impulsivity in middle-to-older adulthood, when certain individuals transition from normative to disordered substance use, has not been carefully examined. The goal of this paper is to review the literature on measuring and modifying impulsivity from adolescence through older adulthood, with a special focus on middle-to-older adulthood. We propose that impulsivity research should include data on middle-to-older adulthood as an important time of transition to disordered use. We consider how impulsivity might have unique meaning at different stages of the adult lifespan and suggest modifications for assessing and treating impulsivity in older adults

    Testing annual tree-ring chemistry by X-ray fluorescence for dendroclimatic studies in high-elevation forests from the Spanish Pyrenees

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    Climate reconstructions based on tree-ring features rely on the assumption that growth drivers are mainly meteorological variables. Consequently, annually resolved and absolutely dated temperature reconstructions in high-elevation conifer forests are mainly based on tree-ring width (TRW) and maximum wood density (MXD). However, long-term and annually resolved chronologies of chemical elements are scarce despite they could complement TRW- and MXD-based reconstructions. Here, we used a novel non-destructive method by applying Micro X-ray fluorescence (ÎŒXRF) to wood samples of old mountain pine (Pinus uncinata) trees from two Pyrenean high-elevation forests. We tested if Calcium (Ca) relative concentration, as estimated through ÎŒXRF, is a valuable proxy of long-term climatic and environmental changes in two sites with basic and acid soils, respectively. We compared the climate sensitivity of TRW, MXD and Ca by using calculating correlations with monthly climate data (mean temperature and total precipitation). Then, we built linear regressions to predict temperatures for the period 1900–2009. Prior-autumn and spring temperatures were positively related to TRW, MXD and Ca. However, Ca series revealed a high sensitivity to temperatures during the prior winter and spring but also to summer precipitation. We confirm the potential of long-term wood-chemistry studies based on the ÎŒXRF non-destructive technique to reconstruct environmental changes
