163 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional femtosecond laser nanolithography of crystals

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    Nanostructuring hard optical crystals has so far been exclusively feasible at their surface, as stress induced crack formation and propagation has rendered high precision volume processes ineffective. We show that the inner chemical etching reactivity of a crystal can be enhanced at the nanoscale by more than five orders of magnitude by means of direct laser writing. The process allows to produce cm-scale arbitrary three-dimensional nanostructures with 100 nm feature sizes inside large crystals in absence of brittle fracture. To showcase the unique potential of the technique, we fabricate photonic structures such as sub-wavelength diffraction gratings and nanostructured optical waveguides capable of sustaining sub-wavelength propagating modes inside yttrium aluminum garnet crystals. This technique could enable the transfer of concepts from nanophotonics to the fields of solid state lasers and crystal optics.Comment: Submitted Manuscript and Supplementary Informatio

    Health Disparities Between Appalachian and Non-Appalachian Counties in Virginia USA

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    The examination of health disparities among people within Appalachian counties compared to people living in other counties is needed to find ways to strategically target improvements in community health in the United States of America (USA). Methods: A telephone survey of a random sample of adults living in households within communities of all counties of the state of Virginia (VA) in the USA was conducted. Findings: Health status was poorer among those in communities within Appalachian counties in VA and health insurance did not make a difference. Health perception was significantly worse in residents within communities in Appalachian counties compared to non-Appalachian community residents (30.5 vs. 17.4% rated their health status as poor/fair), and was worse even among those with no chronic diseases. Within communities in Appalachian counties, black residents report significantly better health perception than do white residents. Conclusion: Residents living in communities in Appalachian counties in VA are not receiving adequate health care, even among those with health insurance. More research with a larger ethnic minority sample is needed to investigate the racial/ethnic disparities in self-reported health and health care utilization within communities

    Large scale clinical trials: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background The COVID-19 pandemic has presented substantial new challenges to clinical and research teams. Our objective was to analyse the experience of investigators and research delivery staff regarding the research response to COVID-19 in order to identify these challenges as well as solutions for future pandemic planning. Methods We conducted a survey of diverse research staff involved in delivery of COVID-19 clinical trials across the UK. This was delivered online across centres linked to the NIHR Respiratory Translational Research Collaboration. Responses were analysed using a formal thematic analysis approach to identify common themes and recommendations. Results 83 survey participants from ten teaching hospitals provided 922 individual question responses. Respondents were involved in a range of research delivery roles but the largest cohort (60%) was study investigators. A wide range of research experiences were captured, including early and late phase trials. Responses were coded into overarching themes. Among common observations, complex protocols without adaptation to a pandemic were noted to have hampered recruitment. Recommendations included the need to develop and test pandemic-specific protocols, and make use of innovations in information technology. Research competition needs to be avoided and drug selection processes should be explicitly transparent. Conclusions Delivery of clinical trials, particularly earlier phase trials, in a pandemic clinical environment is highly challenging, and was reactive rather than anticipatory. Future pandemic studies should be designed and tested in advance, making use of pragmatic study designs as far as possible and planning for integration between early and later phase trials and regulatory frameworks

    Retromer and Its Role in Regulating Signaling at Endosomes.

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    The retromer complex is a key element of the endosomal protein sorting machinery being involved in trafficking of proteins from endosomes to the Golgi and also endosomes to the cell surface. There is now accumulating evidence that retromer also has a prominent role in regulating the activity of many diverse signaling proteins that traffic through endosomes and this activity has profound implications for the functioning of many different cell and tissue types from neuronal cells to cells of the immune system to specialized polarized epithelial cells of the retina. In this review, the protein composition of the retromer complex will be described along with many of the accessory factors that facilitate retromer-mediated endosomal protein sorting to detail how retromer activity contributes to the regulation of several distinct signaling pathways

    Plant expression, lyophilisation and storage of HBV medium and large surface antigens for a prototype oral vaccine formulation

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    Current immunisation programmes against hepatitis B virus (HBV) increasingly often involve novel tri-component vaccines containing—together with the small (S-HBsAg)—also medium and large surface antigens of HBV (M- and L-HBsAg). Plants producing all HBsAg proteins can be a source of components for a potential oral ‘triple’ anti-HBV vaccine. The objective of the presented research was to study the potential of M/L-HBsAg expression in leaf tissue and conditions of its processing for a prototype oral vaccine. Tobacco and lettuce carrying M- or L-HBsAg genes and resistant to the herbicide glufosinate were engineered and integration of the transgenes was verified by PCR and Southern hybridizations. M- and L-HBsAg expression was confirmed by Western blot and assayed by ELISA at the level of micrograms per g of fresh weight. The antigens displayed a common S domain and characteristic domains preS2 and preS1 and were assembled into virus-like particles (VLPs). Leaf tissues containing M- and L-HBsAg were lyophilised to produce a starting material of an orally administered vaccine formula. The antigens were distinctly sensitive to freeze-drying conditions and storage temperature, in the aspect of stability of S and preS domains and formation of multimeric particles. Efficiency of lyophilisation and storage depended also on the initial antigen content in plant tissue, yet M-HBsAg appeared to be approximately 1.5–2 times more stable than L-HBsAg. The results of the study provide indications concerning the preparation of two other constituents, next to S-HBsAg, for a plant-derived prototype oral tri-component vaccine against hepatitis B

    Cys-Ph-TAHA: a lanthanide binding tag for RDC and PCS enhanced protein NMR

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    Here we present Cys-Ph-TAHA, a new nonadentate lanthanide tag for the paramagnetic labelling of proteins. The tag can be easily synthesized and is stereochemically homogenous over a wide range of temperatures, yielding NMR spectra with a single set of peaks. Bound to ubiquitin, it induced large residual dipolar couplings and pseudocontact shifts that could be measured easily and agreed very well with the protein structure. We show that Cys-Ph-TAHA can be used to label large proteins that are biochemically challenging such as the Lac repressor in a 90 kDa ternary complex with DNA and inducer

    Anemia of Inflammation Is Related to Cognitive Impairment among Children in Leyte, The Philippines

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    Past studies have demonstrated that iron deficiency anemia is related to deficits in cognitive fucntioning in children, and treating iron deficiency anemia with iron supplementation can improve cognition. Anemia of inflammation is another type of anemia caused by many diseases of lesser-developed countries including bacterial and parasitic infections. Anemia of inflammation is characterized by disordered iron metabolism, such that iron is sequestered in storage forms, preventing its use from tissues that require it. We hypothesized that decreased iron delivery to the brain in the context of anemia of inflammation might lead to decreased cognitive performance. This study found that children with anemia of inflammation had decreased cognitive performance in specific domains, compared to subjects with no anemia. True total body iron deficiency anemia was related to lower performance in the same domains. The only treatment option for anemia of inflammation is treatment of the underlying disease. Iron supplementation will not prevent cognitive deficits in children with anemia of inflammation. Interventions aimed towards maximizing the cognitive development of children in lesser-developed countries will need to focus on the prevention and treatment of bacterial and parasitic infections

    Integrated MicroRNA-mRNA-Analysis of Human Monocyte Derived Macrophages upon Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis Infection

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    Many efforts have been made to understand basal mechanisms of mycobacterial infections. Macrophages are the first line of host immune defence to encounter and eradicate mycobacteria. Pathogenic species have evolved different mechanisms to evade host response, e.g. by influencing macrophage apoptotic pathways. However, the underlying molecular regulation is not fully understood. A new layer of eukaryotic regulation of gene expression is constituted by microRNAs. Therefore, we present a comprehensive study for identification of these key regulators and their targets in the context of host macrophage response to mycobacterial infections.We performed microRNA as well as mRNA expression analysis of human monocyte derived macrophages infected with several Mycobacterium avium hominissuis strains by means of microarrays as well as quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR). The data revealed the ability of all strains to inhibit apoptosis by transcriptional regulation of BCL2 family members. Accordingly, at 48 h after infection macrophages infected with all M. avium strains showed significantly decreased caspase 3 and 7 activities compared to the controls. Expression of let-7e, miR-29a and miR-886-5p were increased in response to mycobacterial infection at 48 h. The integrated analysis of microRNA and mRNA expression as well as target prediction pointed out regulative networks identifying caspase 3 and 7 as potential targets of let-7e and miR-29a, respectively. Consecutive reporter assays verified the regulation of caspase 3 and 7 by these microRNAs.We show for the first time that mycobacterial infection of human macrophages causes a specific microRNA response. We furthermore outlined a regulatory network of potential interactions between microRNAs and mRNAs. This study provides a theoretical concept for unveiling how distinct mycobacteria could manipulate host cell response. In addition, functional relevance was confirmed by uncovering the control of major caspases 3 and 7 by let-7e and miR-29a, respectively