105 research outputs found

    Solving Nonlinear Parabolic Equations by a Strongly Implicit Finite-Difference Scheme

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    We discuss the numerical solution of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations, exhibiting finite speed of propagation, via a strongly implicit finite-difference scheme with formal truncation error O[(Δx)2+(Δt)2]\mathcal{O}\left[(\Delta x)^2 + (\Delta t)^2 \right]. Our application of interest is the spreading of viscous gravity currents in the study of which these type of differential equations arise. Viscous gravity currents are low Reynolds number (viscous forces dominate inertial forces) flow phenomena in which a dense, viscous fluid displaces a lighter (usually immiscible) fluid. The fluids may be confined by the sidewalls of a channel or propagate in an unconfined two-dimensional (or axisymmetric three-dimensional) geometry. Under the lubrication approximation, the mathematical description of the spreading of these fluids reduces to solving the so-called thin-film equation for the current's shape h(x,t)h(x,t). To solve such nonlinear parabolic equations we propose a finite-difference scheme based on the Crank--Nicolson idea. We implement the scheme for problems involving a single spatial coordinate (i.e., two-dimensional, axisymmetric or spherically-symmetric three-dimensional currents) on an equispaced but staggered grid. We benchmark the scheme against analytical solutions and highlight its strong numerical stability by specifically considering the spreading of non-Newtonian power-law fluids in a variable-width confined channel-like geometry (a "Hele-Shaw cell") subject to a given mass conservation/balance constraint. We show that this constraint can be implemented by re-expressing it as nonlinear flux boundary conditions on the domain's endpoints. Then, we show numerically that the scheme achieves its full second-order accuracy in space and time. We also highlight through numerical simulations how the proposed scheme accurately respects the mass conservation/balance constraint.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures, Springer book class; v2 includes improvements and corrections; to appear as a contribution in "Applied Wave Mathematics II

    Mathematical models for estimating effective diffusion parameters of spherical drug delivery devices

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    Mathematical modeling of drug delivery is of increasing academic and industrial importance in manyaspects. In this paper, we propose an optimization approach for the estimation of the parameters characterizing the diffusion process of a drug from a spherical porous polymer device to an external finite volume. The approach is based on a nonlinear least-squares method and a novel mathematical model which takes into consideration both boundary layer effect and initial burst phenomenon. Ananalytical solution to the model is derived and a formula for the ratio of the mass released in a given time interval and the total mass released in infinite time is also obtained. The approach has been tested using experimental data of the diffusion of prednisolone 21-hemisuccinate sodium saltfrom spherical devices made of porous poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) hydrogels. The effectiveness and accuracy of the method are well demonstrated by the numerical results. The model was used to determine the diffusion parameters including the effective diffusion coefficient of the drug from a series of devices that vary in both the porous structure and the drug loading levels. The computed diffusion parameters are discussed in relation to the physical properties of the devices

    The Effect of Sustained Compression on Oxygen Metabolic Transport in the Intervertebral Disc Decreases with Degenerative Changes

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    Intervertebral disc metabolic transport is essential to the functional spine and provides the cells with the nutrients necessary to tissue maintenance. Disc degenerative changes alter the tissue mechanics, but interactions between mechanical loading and disc transport are still an open issue. A poromechanical finite element model of the human disc was coupled with oxygen and lactate transport models. Deformations and fluid flow were linked to transport predictions by including strain-dependent diffusion and advection. The two solute transport models were also coupled to account for cell metabolism. With this approach, the relevance of metabolic and mechano-transport couplings were assessed in the healthy disc under loading-recovery daily compression. Disc height, cell density and material degenerative changes were parametrically simulated to study their influence on the calculated solute concentrations. The effects of load frequency and amplitude were also studied in the healthy disc by considering short periods of cyclic compression. Results indicate that external loads influence the oxygen and lactate regional distributions within the disc when large volume changes modify diffusion distances and diffusivities, especially when healthy disc properties are simulated. Advection was negligible under both sustained and cyclic compression. Simulating degeneration, mechanical changes inhibited the mechanical effect on transport while disc height, fluid content, nucleus pressure and overall cell density reductions affected significantly transport predictions. For the healthy disc, nutrient concentration patterns depended mostly on the time of sustained compression and recovery. The relevant effect of cell density on the metabolic transport indicates the disturbance of cell number as a possible onset for disc degeneration via alteration of the metabolic balance. Results also suggest that healthy disc properties have a positive effect of loading on metabolic transport. Such relation, relevant to the maintenance of the tissue functional composition, would therefore link disc function with disc nutrition

    Rate-dependent Ca2+ signalling underlying the force-frequency response in rat ventricular myocytes: A coupled electromechanical modeling study

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    Rate-dependent effects on the Ca2+ sub-system in a rat ventricular myocyte are investigated. Here, we employ a deterministic mathematical model describing various Ca2+ signalling pathways under voltage clamp (VC) conditions, to better understand the important role of calmodulin (CaM) in modulating the key control variables Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase-II (CaMKII), calcineurin (CaN), and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) as they affect various intracellular targets. In particular, we study the frequency dependence of the peak force generated by the myofilaments, the force-frequency response (FFR). Our cell model incorporates frequency-dependent CaM-mediated spatially heterogenous interaction of CaMKII and CaN with their principal targets (dihydropyridine (DHPR) and ryanodine (RyR) receptors and the SERCA pump). It also accounts for the rate-dependent effects of phospholamban (PLB) on the SERCA pump; the rate-dependent role of cAMP in up-regulation of the L-type Ca2+ channel (ICa;L); and the enhancement in SERCA pump activity via phosphorylation of PLB.Our model reproduces positive peak FFR observed in rat ventricular myocytes during voltage-clamp studies both in the presence/absence of cAMP mediated -adrenergic stimulation. This study provides quantitative insight into the rate-dependence of Ca2+-induced Ca2+-release (CICR) by investigating the frequency-dependence of the trigger current (ICa;L) and RyR-release. It also highlights the relative role of the sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX) and the SERCA pump at higher frequencies, as well as the rate-dependence of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ content. A rigorous Ca2+ balance imposed on our investigation of these Ca2+ signalling pathways clarifies their individual roles. Here, we present a coupled electromechanical study emphasizing the rate-dependence of isometric force developed and also investigate the temperature-dependence of FFR. Our model provides mechanistic biophysically based explanations for the rate-dependence of CICR, generating useful and testable hypotheses. Although rat ventricular myocytes exhibit a positive peak FFR in the presence/absence of beta-adrenergic stimulation, they show a characteristic increase in the positive slope in FFR due to the presence of Norepinephrine or Isoproterenol. Our study identifies cAMP-mediated stimulation, and rate-dependent CaMKII-mediated up-regulation of ICa;L as the key mechanisms underlying the aforementioned positive FFR

    Modeling CICR in rat ventricular myocytes: voltage clamp studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The past thirty-five years have seen an intense search for the molecular mechanisms underlying calcium-induced calcium-release (CICR) in cardiac myocytes, with voltage clamp (VC) studies being the leading tool employed. Several VC protocols including lowering of extracellular calcium to affect <it>Ca</it><sup>2+ </sup>loading of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), and administration of blockers caffeine and thapsigargin have been utilized to probe the phenomena surrounding SR <it>Ca</it><sup>2+ </sup>release. Here, we develop a deterministic mathematical model of a rat ventricular myocyte under VC conditions, to better understand mechanisms underlying the response of an isolated cell to calcium perturbation. Motivation for the study was to pinpoint key control variables influencing CICR and examine the role of CICR in the context of a physiological control system regulating cytosolic <it>Ca</it><sup>2+ </sup>concentration ([<it>Ca</it><sup>2+</sup>]<it><sub>myo</sub></it>).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The cell model consists of an electrical-equivalent model for the cell membrane and a fluid-compartment model describing the flux of ionic species between the extracellular and several intracellular compartments (cell cytosol, SR and the dyadic coupling unit (DCU), in which resides the mechanistic basis of CICR). The DCU is described as a controller-actuator mechanism, internally stabilized by negative feedback control of the unit's two diametrically-opposed <it>Ca</it><sup>2+ </sup>channels (trigger-channel and release-channel). It releases <it>Ca</it><sup>2+ </sup>flux into the cyto-plasm and is in turn enclosed within a negative feedback loop involving the SERCA pump, regulating[<it>Ca</it><sup>2+</sup>]<it><sub>myo</sub></it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our model reproduces measured VC data published by several laboratories, and generates graded <it>Ca</it><sup>2+ </sup>release at high <it>Ca</it><sup>2+ </sup>gain in a homeostatically-controlled environment where [<it>Ca</it><sup>2+</sup>]<it><sub>myo </sub></it>is precisely regulated. We elucidate the importance of the DCU elements in this process, particularly the role of the ryanodine receptor in controlling SR <it>Ca</it><sup>2+ </sup>release, its activation by trigger <it>Ca</it><sup>2+</sup>, and its refractory characteristics mediated by the luminal SR <it>Ca</it><sup>2+ </sup>sensor. Proper functioning of the DCU, sodium-calcium exchangers and SERCA pump are important in achieving negative feedback control and hence <it>Ca</it><sup>2+ </sup>homeostasis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We examine the role of the above <it>Ca</it><sup>2+ </sup>regulating mechanisms in handling various types of induced disturbances in <it>Ca</it><sup>2+ </sup>levels by quantifying cellular <it>Ca</it><sup>2+ </sup>balance. Our model provides biophysically-based explanations of phenomena associated with CICR generating useful and testable hypotheses.</p

    Policing a Negotiated World: A Partial Test of Klinger’s Ecological Theory of Policing

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    The primary goal of the current study is to examine a portion of Klinger’s theory. Specifically, we test the influence of organizational and environmental contextual factors, guided by Klinger’s theory, on one measure of officer vigor. To date, few studies have taken this approach to examine Klinger’s theory. The study builds on prior research that has tested aspects of Klinger’s theory and adds new analytic strategies that prior studies have not used. The results of this study have implications for both theory and practice, and they add to the growing literature examining the influence of ecological and organization factors on police behavior

    Deferred Growth Inhibition Assay to Quantify the Effect of Bacteria-derived Antimicrobials on Competition.

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    Competitive exclusion can occur in microbial communities when, for example, an inhibitor-producing strain outcompetes its competitor for an essential nutrient or produces antimicrobial compounds that its competitor is not resistant to. Here we describe a deferred growth inhibition assay, a method for assessing the ability of one bacterium to inhibit the growth of another through the production of antimicrobial compounds or through competition for nutrients. This technique has been used to investigate the correlation of nasal isolates with the exclusion of particular species from a community. This technique can also be used to screen for lantibiotic producers or potentially novel antimicrobials. The assay is performed by first culturing the test inhibitor-producing strain overnight on an agar plate, then spraying over the test competitor strain and incubating again. After incubation, the extent of inhibition can be measured quantitatively, through the size of the zone of clearing around the inhibitor-producing strain, and qualitatively, by assessing the clarity of the inhibition zone. Here we present the protocol for the deferred inhibition assay, describe ways to minimize variation between experiments, and define a clarity scale that can be used to qualitatively assess the degree of inhibition

    Diffusion from Constrictions

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