95 research outputs found
The impact of cave lighting on the bioluminescent display of the Tasmanian glow-worm Arachnocampa tasmaniensis
Bioluminescent larvae of the dipteran genus Arachnocampa are charismatic microfauna that can reach high densities in caves, where they attract many visitors. These focal populations are the subjects of conservation management because of their high natural and commercial value. Despite their tourism importance, little is known about their susceptibility and resilience to natural or human impacts. At Marakoopa Cave in northern Tasmania, guided tours take visitors through different chambers and terminate at a viewing platform where the cave lighting is extinguished and a glowing colony of Arachnocampa tasmaniensis (Diptera: Keroplatidae) larvae on the chamber ceiling is revealed. Research has shown that exposure to artificial light can cause larvae to douse or dim their bioluminescence; hence, the cave lighting associated with visitor access could reduce the intensity of the natural display. We used time-lapse digital photography to record light output over 10 days to determine whether cave lighting affects the intensity or rhythmicity of bioluminescence. Simultaneously, another colony in a different section of the cave, away from tourist activity, was photographed over 3 days. Both colonies showed high-amplitude 24 h cycling of bioluminescence intensity, with the peak occurring at 11.50 h at the unvisited site and 12.50 h at the main chamber, so the time of peak display did not appear to be substantially affected by light exposure. Intermittent light exposure experienced by larvae in the main chamber caused detectable reductions in bioluminescence intensity; however, recovery was rapid and the overall shape of the daily bioluminescence curve closely matched that of the unvisited colony. In conclusion, the artificial light exposure regime used in Marakoopa Cave does not have a substantial effect on the timing or quality of the bioluminescence display. The time-lapse photographic monitoring method could be permanently implemented at focal tourism sites to provide information about daily, seasonal and annual fluctuations in the displays, the response to events such as drought and flood, and the population's ability to recover from adverse conditions
Cooperation among cancer cells: applying game theory to cancer
Cell cooperation promotes many of the hallmarks of cancer via the secretion of diffusible factors that can affect cancer cells or stromal cells in the tumour microenvironment. This cooperation cannot be explained simply as the collective action of cells for the benefit of the tumour because non-cooperative subclones can constantly invade and free-ride on the diffusible factors produced by the cooperative cells. A full understanding of cooperation among the cells of a tumour requires methods and concepts from evolutionary game theory, which has been used successfully in other areas of biology to understand similar problems but has been underutilized in cancer research. Game theory can provide insights into the stability of cooperation among cells in a tumour and into the design of potentially evolution-proof therapies that disrupt this cooperation
Resource limitation drives spatial organization in microbial groups.
Dense microbial groups such as bacterial biofilms commonly contain a diversity of cell types that define their functioning. However, we have a limited understanding of what maintains, or purges, this diversity. Theory suggests that resource levels are key to understanding diversity and the spatial arrangement of genotypes in microbial groups, but we need empirical tests. Here we use theory and experiments to study the effects of nutrient level on spatio-genetic structuring and diversity in bacterial colonies. Well-fed colonies maintain larger well-mixed areas, but they also expand more rapidly compared with poorly-fed ones. Given enough space to expand, therefore, well-fed colonies lose diversity and separate in space over a similar timescale to poorly fed ones. In sum, as long as there is some degree of nutrient limitation, we observe the emergence of structured communities. We conclude that resource-driven structuring is central to understanding both pattern and process in diverse microbial communities
Activation of β-Catenin by Oncogenic PIK3CA and EGFR Promotes Resistance to Glucose Deprivation by Inducing a Strong Antioxidant Response
Glucose is an essential fuel for cell survival and its availability limits aberrant cellular proliferation. We have hypothesized that specific cancer mutations regulate metabolic response(s) to glucose deprivation (GD). By means of somatic knock-in cellular models, we have analyzed the response to glucose deprivation in cells carrying the frequent delE746-A750EGFR, G13DKRAS or E545KPIK3CA cancer alleles. We demonstrate that, in mammary epithelial cells, glucose has an essential antioxidant function and that these cells are very sensitive to GD. Conversely, isogenic cells carrying the delE746-A750EGFR or the E545KPIK3CA, but not the G13DKRAS allele, display high tolerance to GD by stimulating the expression of anti-oxidant genes (MnSOD and catalase). This adaptive transcriptional response is mediated by the activation of WNT/β-catenin and FOXO4 signalling. Our data highlights a new functional synergism between oncogenic EGFR and PIK3CA with WNT/β-catenin conferring high tolerance to oxidative stress generated by nutrient deprivation
Multishot versus Single-Shot Pulse Sequences in Very High Field fMRI: A Comparison Using Retinotopic Mapping
High-resolution functional MRI is a leading application for very high field (7 Tesla) human MR imaging. Though higher field strengths promise improvements in signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) and BOLD contrast relative to fMRI at 3 Tesla, these benefits may be partially offset by accompanying increases in geometric distortion and other off-resonance effects. Such effects may be especially pronounced with the single-shot EPI pulse sequences typically used for fMRI at standard field strengths. As an alternative, one might consider multishot pulse sequences, which may lead to somewhat lower temporal SNR than standard EPI, but which are also often substantially less susceptible to off-resonance effects. Here we consider retinotopic mapping of human visual cortex as a practical test case by which to compare examples of these sequence types for high-resolution fMRI at 7 Tesla. We performed polar angle retinotopic mapping at each of 3 isotropic resolutions (2.0, 1.7, and 1.1 mm) using both accelerated single-shot 2D EPI and accelerated multishot 3D gradient-echo pulse sequences. We found that single-shot EPI indeed led to greater temporal SNR and contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) than the multishot sequences. However, additional distortion correction in postprocessing was required in order to fully realize these advantages, particularly at higher resolutions. The retinotopic maps produced by both sequence types were qualitatively comparable, and showed equivalent test/retest reliability. Thus, when surface-based analyses are planned, or in other circumstances where geometric distortion is of particular concern, multishot pulse sequences could provide a viable alternative to single-shot EPI
Metabolic assessment of the action of targeted cancer therapeutics using magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Developing rational targeted cancer drugs requires the implementation of pharmacodynamic (PD), preferably non-invasive, biomarkers to aid response assessment and patient follow-up. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) allows the non-invasive study of tumour metabolism. We describe the MRS-detectable PD biomarkers resulting from the action of targeted therapeutics, and discuss their biological significance and future translation into clinical use
Methodology of calculation of construction and hydrodynamic parameters of a foam layer apparatus for mass-transfer processes
Промислова реалізація методу стабілізації газорідинного шару дозволяє значно розширити галузь застосування пінних апаратів і відкриває нові можливості інтенсифікації технологічних процесів з одночасним створенням маловідходних технологій. У статті встановлені основні параметри, що впливають на гідродинаміку пінних апаратів, розглянуті основні конструкції та режими роботи пінних апаратів. Виявлено зв'язок гідродинамічних параметрів. Розглянуто гідродинамічні закономірності пінного шару. Вказані фактори, що впливають на процес масообміну, як в газовій, так і в рідкій фазах. Проведений аналіз ряду досліджень показав, що перспективним напрямком інтенсифікації процесу масообміну є розробка апаратів з трифазним псевдозрідженим шаром зрошуваної насадки складних форм із сітчастих матеріалів. Отже, необхідне проведення спеціальних досліджень гідродинамічних режимів роботи апарату з сітчастою насадкою і визначенням параметрів, що впливають на швидкість переходу насадки з одного режиму в інший.Industrial implementation of the stabilization method of the gas-liquid layer can significantly expand the field of use of foaming apparatus and opens up new opportunities for intensifying technological processes with the simultaneous creation of low-waste technologies. The article establishes the basic parameters influencing the hydrodynamics of foam apparatus, considers the basic constructions and operating modes of foam apparatus. The connection of hydrodynamic parameters is revealed. The hydrodynamic laws of the foam layer are considered. The indicated factors affecting the process of mass transfer, both in the gas and in the liquid phases. The conducted analysis of a number of studies showed that the perspective direction of intensification of the mass transfer process is the development of apparatuses with a three-phase fluidized bed of an irrigated nozzle of complex forms with mesh materials
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