3,055 research outputs found

    Black-hole horizons as probes of black-hole dynamics I: post-merger recoil in head-on collisions

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    The understanding of strong-field dynamics near black-hole horizons is a long-standing and challenging prob- lem in general relativity. Recent advances in numerical relativity and in the geometric characterization of black- hole horizons open new avenues into the problem. In this first paper in a series of two, we focus on the analysis of the recoil occurring in the merger of binary black holes, extending the analysis initiated in [1] with Robinson- Trautman spacetimes. More specifically, we probe spacetime dynamics through the correlation of quantities defined at the black-hole horizon and at null infinity. The geometry of these hypersurfaces responds to bulk gravitational fields acting as test screens in a scattering perspective of spacetime dynamics. Within a 3 + 1 approach we build an effective-curvature vector from the intrinsic geometry of dynamical-horizon sections and correlate its evolution with the flux of Bondi linear momentum at large distances. We employ this setup to study numerically the head-on collision of nonspinning black holes and demonstrate its validity to track the qualita- tive aspects of recoil dynamics at infinity. We also make contact with the suggestion that the antikick can be described in terms of a "slowness parameter" and how this can be computed from the local properties of the horizon. In a companion paper [2] we will further elaborate on the geometric aspects of this approach and on its relation with other approaches to characterize dynamical properties of black-hole horizons.Comment: final version published on PR

    Managing Interspecies Competition to Improve Spring Pasture

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    Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) is one of the earliest maturing pasture grasses utilized in the northeastern United States. However, wet springs can delay forage harvesting resulting in advanced forage maturity and reduction in nutritive value. Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) is a tall, upright-growing forb that shows promise as a high-energy companion crop to orchardgrass and may delay orchardgrass maturity through shading effects on plant morphology. The objective of this study was to evaluate monocultures and mixtures of orchardgrass, chicory, and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) over two consecutive springs to determine the effects of species diversity on plant maturity, nutritive characteristics, and botanical composition of forage mass. Forage monocultures and mixtures were planted in central Pennsylvania in August 2018 and were observed for two years with three harvests occurring each year (one each in spring, summer, and fall). In the first spring, orchardgrass demonstrated nine days delay in maturity when grown with chicory as compared to when grown in monocultures or in orchardgrass-white clover mixtures. Although orchardgrass was at an earlier developmental stage, fiber concentrations were similar when grown with or without chicory. Additionally, in the first spring, orchardgrass mixtures containing chicory had 1.5x greater forage mass than orchardgrass monocultures and orchardgrass-white clover mixtures. Chicory biomass was low in the second spring, likely due to winterkill following a late fall harvest the previous year, resulting in a negligible effect on orchardgrass. However, orchardgrass-chicory-white clover mixtures (even with low amounts of chicory in the second year) had the greatest forage mass and nutritive value yield over both years, indicating that these mixtures can provide greater agronomic benefits than orchardgrass monocultures

    Win-Win for Dairy Farms: Heifers Raised on Pasture Reduce Cost and Produce More Milk at First Lactation

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    Pastures under good management promote environmental, economic, and animal welfare advantages. However, comparisons of animal performance for pasture-raised dairy heifers versus confinement-raised dairy heifers are scarce. A study was conducted to evaluate the performance of dairy heifers raised on pasture or in confinement. Heifers raised on pasture had similar body weight and age at calving and greater dry matter intake in the end of 2nd grazing season. Cost of heifers raised on pasture was 26.7% less in the first grazing season and 58.4% less in the second grazing season compared to heifers raised in confinement. Heifers raised on pasture had greater dry matter intake and milk yield through first lactation. Physiological adaptation and nutritional benefits are involved in those benefits through lactation. Mammary gland development before breeding and increased feed intake before calving might be the main drivers for the advantages found for heifers raised on pasture compared to heifers raised in confinement. However, further studies are needed to evaluate nutritional and physiological differences of heifers raised on pasture compared to heifers raised in confinement

    Non-uniqueness in conformal formulations of the Einstein constraints

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    Standard methods in non-linear analysis are used to show that there exists a parabolic branching of solutions of the Lichnerowicz-York equation with an unscaled source. We also apply these methods to the extended conformal thin sandwich formulation and show that if the linearised system develops a kernel solution for sufficiently large initial data then we obtain parabolic solution curves for the conformal factor, lapse and shift identical to those found numerically by Pfeiffer and York. The implications of these results for constrained evolutions are discussed.Comment: Arguments clarified and typos corrected. Matches published versio

    Structure Constants for New Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras of U(N+,N-) Tensor Operators and Applications

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    The structure constants for Moyal brackets of an infinite basis of functions on the algebraic manifolds M of pseudo-unitary groups U(N_+,N_-) are provided. They generalize the Virasoro and W_\infty algebras to higher dimensions. The connection with volume-preserving diffeomorphisms on M, higher generalized-spin and tensor operator algebras of U(N_+,N_-) is discussed. These centrally-extended, infinite-dimensional Lie-algebras provide also the arena for non-linear integrable field theories in higher dimensions, residual gauge symmetries of higher-extended objects in the light-cone gauge and C^*-algebras for tractable non-commutative versions of symmetric curved spaces.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, no figures; minor comments added; to appear in J. Phys A (Math. Gen.

    Effective Soft-Core Potentials and Mesoscopic Simulations of Binary Polymer Mixtures

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    Mesoscopic molecular dynamics simulations are used to determine the large scale structure of several binary polymer mixtures of various chemical architecture, concentration, and thermodynamic conditions. By implementing an analytical formalism, which is based on the solution to the Ornstein-Zernike equation, each polymer chain is mapped onto the level of a single soft colloid. From the appropriate closure relation, the effective, soft-core potential between coarse-grained units is obtained and used as input to our mesoscale simulations. The potential derived in this manner is analytical and explicitly parameter dependent, making it general and transferable to numerous systems of interest. From computer simulations performed under various thermodynamic conditions the structure of the polymer mixture, through pair correlation functions, is determined over the entire miscible region of the phase diagram. In the athermal regime mesoscale simulations exhibit quantitative agreement with united atom simulations. Furthermore, they also provide information at larger scales than can be attained by united atom simulations and in the thermal regime approaching the phase transition.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Essential nonlinearities in hearing

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    Our hearing organ, the cochlea, evidently poises itself at a Hopf bifurcation to maximize tuning and amplification. We show that in this condition several effects are expected to be generic: compression of the dynamic range, infinitely shrap tuning at zero input, and generation of combination tones. These effects are "essentially" nonlinear in that they become more marked the smaller the forcing: there is no audible sound soft enough not to evoke them. All the well-documented nonlinear aspects of hearing therefore appear to be consequences of the same underlying mechanism.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A scaling procedure for straightforward computation of sorptivity

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    This research has been supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (grant no. ANR-17-CE04-010).Sorptivity is a parameter of primary importance in the study of unsaturated flow in soils. This hydraulic parameter is required to model water infiltration into vertical soil profiles. Sorptivity can be directly estimated from the soil hydraulic functions (water retention and hydraulic conductivity curves), using the integral formulation of Parlange (1975). However, calculating sorptivity in this manner requires the prior determination of the soil hydraulic diffusivity and its numerical integration between initial and final saturation degrees, which may be difficult in some situations (e.g., coarse soil with diffusivity functions that are quasi-infinite close to saturation). In this paper, we present a procedure to compute sorptivity using a scaling parameter, cp, that corresponds to the sorptivity of a unit soil (i.e., unit values for all parameters and zero residual water content) that is utterly dry at the initial state and saturated at the final state. The cp parameter was computed numerically and analytically for five hydraulic models: delta (i.e., Green and Ampt), Brooks and Corey, van Genuchten–Mualem, van Genuchten–Burdine, and Kosugi. Based on the results, we proposed brand new analytical expressions for some of the models and validated previous formulations for the other models. We also tabulated the output values so that they can easily be used to determine the actual sorptivity value for any case. At the same time, our numerical results showed that the relation between cp and the hydraulic shape parameters strongly depends on the chosen model. These results highlight the need for careful selection of the proper model for the description of the water retention and hydraulic conductivity functions when estimating sorptivity.French National Research Agency (ANR) European Commission ANR-17-CE04-01
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