55,891 research outputs found

    Quanta Without Quantization

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    The dimensional properties of fields in classical general relativity lead to a tangent tower structure which gives rise directly to quantum mechanical and quantum field theory structures without quantization. We derive all of the fundamental elements of quantum mechanics from the tangent tower structure, including fundamental commutation relations, a Hilbert space of pure and mixed states, measurable expectation values, Schroedinger time evolution, collapse of a state and the probability interpretation. The most central elements of string theory also follow, including an operator valued mode expansion like that in string theory as well as the Virasoro algebra with central charges.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, Honorable Mention 1997 GRG Essa

    Selective Equal-Spin Andreev Reflections Induced by Majorana Fermions

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    In this work, we find that Majorana fermions induce selective equal spin Andreev reflections (SESARs), in which incoming electrons with certain spin polarization in the lead are reflected as counter propagating holes with the same spin. The spin polarization direction of the electrons of this Andreev reflected channel is selected by the Majorana fermions. Moreover, electrons with opposite spin polarization are always reflected as electrons with unchanged spin. As a result, the charge current in the lead is spin-polarized. Therefore, a topological superconductor which supports Majorana fermions can be used as a novel device to create fully spin-polarized currents in paramagnetic leads. We point out that SESARs can also be used to detect Majorana fermions in topological superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Comments are welcome. Title changed to match published versio

    Toxicological approach to setting spacecraft maximum allowable concentrations for carbon monoxide

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    The Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentrations (SMACs) are exposure limits for airborne chemicals used by NASA in spacecraft. The aim of these SMACs is to protect the spacecrew against adverse health effects and performance decrements that would interfere with mission objectives. Because of the 1 and 24 hr SMACs are set for contingencies, minor reversible toxic effects that do not affect mission objectives are acceptable. The 7, 30, or 180 day SMACs are aimed at nominal operations, so they are established at levels that would not cause noncarcinogenic toxic effects and more than one case of tumor per 1000 exposed individuals over the background. The process used to set the SMACs for carbon monoxide (CO) is described to illustrate the approach used by NASA. After the toxicological literature on CO was reviewed, the data were summarized and separated into acute, subchronic, and chronic toxicity data. CO's toxicity depends on the formation of carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) in the blood, reducing the blood's oxygen carrying capacity. The initial task was to estimate the COHb levels that would not produce toxic effects in the brain and heart

    Masers and the Massive Star Formation Process: New Insights Through Infrared Observations

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    Our mid-infrared and near-infrared surveys over the last five years have helped to strengthen and clarify the relationships between water, methanol, and OH masers and the star formation process. Our surveys show that maser emission seems to be more closely associated with mid-infrared emission than cm radio continuum emission from UC HII regions. We find that masers of all molecular species surveyed trace a wide variety of phenomena and show a proclivity for linear distributions. The vast majority of these linear distributions can be explained by outflows or shocks, and in general do not appear to trace circumstellar disks as was previously thought. Some water and methanol masers that are not associated with radio continuum emission appear to trace infrared-bright hot cores, the earliest observable stage of massive stellar life before the onset of a UC HII region.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 227: "Massive Star Birth: A Crossroads of Astrophysics", version with full-resolution images available at http://www.ctio.noao.edu/~debuize

    Revised time-of-flight calculations for high-latitude geomagnetic pulsations using a realistic magnetospheric magnetic field model

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    We present a simple time-of-flight analysis of Alfvén pulsations standing on closed terrestrial magnetic field lines. The technique employed in this study in order to calculate the characteristic period of such oscillations builds upon earlier time-of-flight estimates via the implementation of a more recent magnetospheric magnetic field model. In this case the model employed is the Tsyganenko (1996) field model, which includes realistic magnetospheric currents and the consequences of the partial penetration of the interplanetary magnetic field into the dayside magnetopause. By employing a simple description of magnetospheric plasma density, we are therefore able to estimate the period of standing Alfvén waves on geomagnetic field lines over a significantly wider range of latitudes and magnetic local times than in previous studies. Furthermore, we investigate the influence of changing season and upstream interplanetary conditions upon the period of such pulsations. Finally, the eigenfrequencies of magnetic field lines computed by the time-of-flight technique are compared with corresponding numerical solutions to the wave equation and experimentally observed pulsations on geomagnetic field lines

    Minimally Allowed Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Rates From Approximate Flavor Symmetries

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    Neutrinoless double beta decay (ββ0ν\beta\beta0\nu) is among the only realistic probes of Majorana neutrinos. In the standard scenario, dominated by light neutrino exchange, the process amplitude is proportional to meem_{ee}, the e−ee-e element of the Majorana mass matrix. Naively, current data allows for vanishing meem_{ee}, but this should be protected by an appropriate flavor symmetry. All such symmetries lead to mass matrices inconsistent with oscillation phenomenology. I perform a spurion analysis to break all possible Abelian symmetries that guarantee vanishing ββ0ν\beta\beta0\nu rates and search for minimally allowed values. I survey 230 broken structures to yield meem_{ee} values and current phenomenological constraints under a variety of scenarios. This analysis also extracts predictions for both neutrino oscillation parameters and kinematic quantities. Assuming reasonable tuning levels, I find that mee>4×10−6m_{ee}>4\times 10^{-6} eV at 99% confidence. Bounds below this value might indicate the Dirac neutrino nature or the existence of new light (eV-MeV scale) degrees of freedom that can potentially be probed elsewhere.Comment: 19 Pages, 4 .eps Figures, 3 Table

    Spherical collapse model in agegraphic dark energy cosmologies

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    Under the commonly used spherical collapse model, we study how dark energy affects the growth of large scale structures of the Universe in the context of agegraphic dark energy models. The dynamics of the spherical collapse of dark matter halos in nonlinear regimes is determined by the properties of the dark energy model. We show that the main parameters of the spherical collapse model are directly affected by the evolution of dark energy in the agegraphic dark energy models. We compute the spherical collapse quantities for different values of agegraphic model parameter α\alpha in two different scenarios: first, when dark energy does not exhibit fluctuations on cluster scales, and second, when dark energy inside the overdense region collapses similar to dark matter. Using the Sheth-Tormen and Reed mass functions, we investigate the abundance of dark matter halos in the framework of agegraphic dark energy cosmologies. The model parameter α\alpha is a crucial parameter in order to count the abundance of dark matter halos. Specifically, the present analysis suggests that the agegraphic dark energy model with bigger (smaller) value of α\alpha predicts less (more) virialized halos with respect to that of Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology. We also show that in agegraphic dark energy models, the number of halos strongly depends on clustered or uniformed distributions of dark energy.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Accepted in Physical Review
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