9,439 research outputs found

    The Pandemic and its Repercussions on Taiwan, its Identity, and Liberal Democracy

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    The situation generated by the pandemic has meant the acceleration of the ongoing hegemonic clash between the United States and China, as well as the intensification of the anti-China narrative and a deplorable wave of Sinophobia throughout the world. In this context, Taiwan has become a strategic hot spot for the development of the rhetoric of the enemy. This study analyses some of the direct consequences of the ensuing friend/foe discourses in the Taiwanese milieu. In the context of a new Cold War, certain groups of power and their media apparatuses have embarked into a race to discursively distance the country as quickly as possible from the despised global enemy, not to be dragged down by the proximity and commonalities shared with China. Moreover, social polarization within Taiwan and contempt for the internal "enemies" pose an added challenge both for the maintenance of liberal democracy and the preservation of peace and self-government on the island. These outcomes are facilitated by underlying populist and nationalist processes of identity construction and hegemonic struggle: distinct discourses re-articulating the Taiwanese identity as an underdog people and a victimized nation

    Intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy for choroidal neovascularisation secondary to pathological myopia: 4-year outcome

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    OBJECTIVE: To report the visual outcome after 4-year follow-up in a series of highly myopic eyes with choroidal neovascularisation (CNV) treated with antivascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) drugs. METHODS: A retrospective, non-randomised, multicentre, consecutive, interventional case series study was performed. 92 highly myopic eyes with subfoveal CNV were treated with intravitreal injection (IVI) of anti-VEGF. The initial protocol (1 vs 3 injections) was dictated by surgeons' preferences and followed by an as-needed monthly regime. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was evaluated at baseline and then monthly. The primary aim was to analyse BCVA changes. The effect of age, spherical equivalent (SE) and treating drug were evaluated as secondary objectives. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 57 years (SD 14, range 30-93). The mean number of letters read was 46.1 (SD 16.8, range 5-70) at baseline, 55.5 (SD 18.6, range 10-85) at 12 months, 50.1 (SD 20.1, range 5-82) at 24 months, 54.2 (SD 21.9, range 2-85) at 36 months and 53.1 (SD 22.5, range 1-83) at 48 months (p=0.000, initial vs 12, 24 and 36 months; p=0.01 initial vs 48 months; Student t test for paired data). The mean total number of IVI was 4.9 (SD 5.4, range 1-29). SE and treating drug had no influence on the final visual outcome and number of injections required. CONCLUSIONS: Intravitreal bevacizumab and ranibizumab are effective therapies and show similar clinical effects in highly myopic CNV. Visual acuity gain is maintained at 4-year follow-up

    Early elimination of cyclosporine in kidney transplant recipients receiving sirolimus prevents progression of chronic pathologic allograft lesions

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    Cyclosporine elimination in a regimen including sirolimus has been shown to be a safe and effective approach to improve graft function. Nevertheless, it is still unknown whether the functional benefit of CyA withdrawal coincides with a subsequent reduction in histologic lesions of chronic damage or development of chronic allograft nephropathy. This consideration would forecast a reduction in the rate of long-term graft loss. We analyzed 114 graft biopsies from a subgroup of 57 patients that had been included in a randomized study to eliminate CyA at 3 months posttransplant from a regimen including sirolimus either in group A CyA + SRL vs group B of SRL with CyA elimination at 3 months. Every patient had two biopsies, one at transplantation and another at 1 year. The biopsy reading was performed in a blinded manner by a central pathologist using the Banff 1997 and the CADI classifications. A significantly lower rate of progression of tubular and interstitial chronic lesions between basal and 1-year biopsies was observed for group B patients. In addition, the incidence of new cases of chronic allograft nephropathy during the first year was significantly lower in the group in which CyA had been eliminated at 3 months posttransplant. We conclude that early elimination of CyA in the first months posttransplant, when SRL is used as the main immunosuppressant, reduces the appearance or worsening of chronic histologic lesions, probably as a consequence of long-term CyA toxicity prevention

    Early cyclosporine a withdrawal in kidney-transplant recipients receiving sirolimus prevents progression of chronic pathologic allograft lesions

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    BACKGROUND: Nephrotoxicity of calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) is partially responsible for the development of chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN). Sirolimus has demonstrated its potential to substitute for CNIs because it lacks significant nephrotoxicity and shows a short-term immunosuppressive capacity comparable with that of cyclosporine. This results in the maintenance of better renal function when cyclosporine is eliminated, but it has not been demonstrated whether this benefit is associated with an improvement in the pathologic substrate and a reduction in CAN. METHODS: We analyzed pretransplant and 1-year renal-allograft biopsies from 64 patients enrolled in a multicenter trial. Patients received cyclosporine and sirolimus during the first 3 months after transplant and were then randomly assigned to continue with cyclosporine or have it withdrawn. Histologic chronic allograft lesions were compared between groups. RESULTS: The percentage of patients in whom chronic pathologic lesions progressed was lower in the group of cyclosporine elimination. Significant differences were observed in chronic interstitial and tubular lesions (70% vs. 40.9% [P<0.05] and 70% vs. 47.8% [P<0.05], respectively), whereas no differences were observed in acute lesions (subclinical rejection). Prevalence of CAN at 1 year was lower in this group, as was the severity and incidence of new cases (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Early cyclosporine withdrawal associated with sirolimus administration is followed by an improvement in renal function, a reduction in the progression of chronic pathologic allograft lesions, and a lower incidence of new cases and severity of CAN during the first year after transplantation. This benefit may result in better long-term graft outcome

    Reconsidering Calcium Dehydration as the Rate-Determining Step in Calcium Mineral Growth

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    The dehydration of cations is generally accepted as the rate-limiting step in many processes. Molecular dynamics (MD) can be used to investigate the dynamics of water molecules around cations, and two different methods exist to obtain trajectory-based water dehydration frequencies. Here, these two different post-processing methods (direct method versus survival function) have been implemented to obtain calcium dehydration frequencies from a series of trajectories obtained using a range of accepted force fields. None of the method combinations reproduced the commonly accepted experimental water exchange frequency of 10–8.2 s–1. Instead, our results suggest much faster water dynamics, comparable with more accurate ab initio MD simulations and with experimental values obtained using neutron scattering techniques. We obtained the best agreement using the survival function method to characterize the water dynamics, and we show that different method combinations significantly affect the outcome. Our work strongly suggests that the fast water exchange kinetics around the calcium ions is not rate-limiting for reactions involving dissolved/solvated calcium. Our results further suggest that, for alkali and most of the earth alkali metals, mechanistic rate laws for growth, dissolution, and adsorption, which are based on the principle of rate-limiting cation dehydration, need careful reconsideration

    Isolation of entomopathogenic nematodes and control of Phyllophaga vetula Horn in Oaxaca, Mexico

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    This study aimed to isolate native entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca and to determine their potential for control of white grub (Phyllophaga vetula Horn). Fifty-five (55) soil samples were collected in 13 communities in the period August to October 2008 and 29.1% of these were found positive for EPN. Five isolates were selected for their apparent pathogenicity to third instar Galleria mellonella; two of the genus Steinernema and three Heterorhabditis. After evaluating these five isolates for control of white grubs, the Heterorhabditidae EPN presented the lowest values for both lethal dosages and lethal times. Using  polymerase chain reaction (PCR) procedures, the species Heterorhabditis mexicana, Steinernema  carpocapsae and Steinernema feltiae were identified. We concluded that H. mexicana was the most effective isolate for control of P. vetula larvae.Key words: Entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema, Heterorhabditis, bioassays, lethal dosages

    CoExp: A Web Tool for the Exploitation of Co-expression Networks

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    Gene co-expression networks are a powerful type of analysis to construct gene groupings based on transcriptomic profiling. Co-expression networks make it possible to discover modules of genes whose mRNA levels are highly correlated across samples. Subsequent annotation of modules often reveals biological functions and/or evidence of cellular specificity for cell types implicated in the tissue being studied. There are multiple ways to perform such analyses with weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) amongst one of the most widely used R packages. While managing a few network models can be done manually, it is often more advantageous to study a wider set of models derived from multiple independently generated transcriptomic data sets (e.g., multiple networks built from many transcriptomic sources). However, there is no software tool available that allows this to be easily achieved. Furthermore, the visual nature of co-expression networks in combination with the coding skills required to explore networks, makes the construction of a web-based platform for their management highly desirable. Here, we present the CoExp Web application, a user-friendly online tool that allows the exploitation of the full collection of 109 co-expression networks provided by the CoExpNets suite of R packages. We describe the usage of CoExp, including its contents and the functionality available through the family of CoExpNets packages. All the tools presented, including the web front- and back-ends are available for the research community so any research group can build its own suite of networks and make them accessible through their own CoExp Web application. Therefore, this paper is of interest to both researchers wishing to annotate their genes of interest across different brain network models and specialists interested in the creation of GCNs looking for a tool to appropriately manage, use, publish, and share their networks in a consistent and productive manner