25 research outputs found

    Monitoring Winter and Summer Abundance of Cetaceans in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) Through Aerial Surveys

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    Systematic long-term monitoring of abundance is essential to inform conservation measures and evaluate their effectiveness. To instigate such work in the Pelagos Sanctuary in the Mediterranean, two aerial surveys were conducted in winter and summer 2009. A total of 467 (131 in winter, 336 in summer) sightings of 7 species was made. Sample sizes were sufficient to estimate abundance of fin whales in summer (148; 95% CI = 87–254) and striped dolphins in winter (19,462; 95% CI = 12 939–29 273) and in summer (38 488; 95% CI = 27 447–53 968). Numbers of animals within the Sanctuary are significantly higher in summer, when human activities and thus potential population level impacts are highest. Comparisons with data from past shipboard surveys suggest an appreciable decrease in fin whales within the Sanctuary area and an appreciable increase in striped dolphins. Aerial surveys proved to be more efficient than ship surveys, allowing more robust estimates, with smaller CIs and CVs. These results provide essential baseline data for this marine protected area and continued regular surveys will allow the effectiveness of the MPA in terms of cetacean conservation to be evaluated and inform future management measures. The collected data may also be crucial in assessing whether ship strikes, one of the main causes of death for fin whales in the Mediterranean, are affecting the Mediterranean population

    Estimation of population size when capture probability depends on individual state

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    We develop a multi-state model to estimate the size of a closed population from capture–recapture studies. We consider the case where capture–recapture data are not of a simple binary form, but where the state of an individual is also recorded upon every capture as a discrete variable. The proposed multi-state model can be regarded as a generalisation of the commonly applied set of closed population models to a multi-state form. The model allows for heterogeneity within the capture probabilities associated with each state while also permitting individuals to move between the different discrete states. A closed-form expression for the likelihood is presented in terms of a set of sufficient statistics. The link between existing models for capture heterogeneity is established, and simulation is used to show that the estimate of population size can be biased when movement between states is not accounted for. The proposed unconditional approach is also compared to a conditional approach to assess estimation bias. The model derived in this paper is motivated by a real ecological data set on great crested newts, Triturus cristatus. Supplementary materials accompanying this paper appear online

    Quantifying changes in abundance without counting animals: extensions to a method of fitting integrated population models

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    Integrated population modelling techniques combine information from population surveys and independent demographic studies to estimate population size, survival and productivity rates simultaneously. We review the development of the approach, and investigate further the potential to incorporate sources of population survey data other than those currently employed. Generally, the simpler the field protocol, the more data can be gathered; in the simplest case, only a list of species encountered when a site is surveyed might be recorded. We extend the integrated approach to the case of presence/absence survey data from species lists. We consider specifically the extent to which high-quality demographic data, used in conjunction with an ecologically sound model, may result in credible estimates of change and the drivers of it in the context of either counts or presence/absence survey data. We propose an approach to practical model fitting, applicable in either context, using standard software, and we illustrate its performance in practice. Examples are based on simulated data and records of species with very different trends and ecology, and they are used to compare approaches