1,012 research outputs found

    T-Branes and Monodromy

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    We introduce T-branes, or "triangular branes," which are novel non-abelian bound states of branes characterized by the condition that on some loci, their matrix of normal deformations, or Higgs field, is upper triangular. These configurations refine the notion of monodromic branes which have recently played a key role in F-theory phenomenology. We show how localized matter living on complex codimension one subspaces emerge, and explain how to compute their Yukawa couplings, which are localized in complex codimension two. Not only do T-branes clarify what is meant by brane monodromy, they also open up a vast array of new possibilities both for phenomenological constructions and for purely theoretical applications. We show that for a general T-brane, the eigenvalues of the Higgs field can fail to capture the spectrum of localized modes. In particular, this provides a method for evading some constraints on F-theory GUTs which have assumed that the spectral equation for the Higgs field completely determines a local model.Comment: 110 pages, 5 figure

    Measurement of the residual stress tensor in a compact tension weld specimen

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    Neutron diffraction measurements have been performed to determine the full residual stress tensor along the expected crack path in an austenitic stainless steel (Esshete 1250) compact tension weld specimen. A destructive slitting method was then implemented on the same specimen to measure the stress intensity factor profile associated with the residual stress field as a function of crack length. Finally deformations of the cut surfaces were measured to determine a contour map of the residual stresses in the specimen prior to the cut. The distributions of transverse residual stress measured by the three techniques are in close agreement. A peak tensile stress in excess of 600 MPa was found to be associated with an electron beam weld used to attach an extension piece to the test sample, which had been extracted from a pipe manual metal arc butt weld. The neutron diffraction measurements show that exceptionally high residual stress triaxiality is present at crack depths likely to be used for creep crack growth testing and where a peak stress intensity factor of 35 MPa√m was measured (crack depth of 21 mm). The neutron diffraction measurements identified maximum values of shear stress in the order of 50 MPa and showed that the principal stress directions were aligned to within ~20° of the specimen orthogonal axes. Furthermore it was confirmed that measurement of strains by neutron diffraction in just the three specimen orthogonal directions would have been sufficient to provide a reasonably accurate characterisation of the stress state in welded CT specimens

    A & B model approaches to surface operators and Toda theories

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    It has recently been argued by Alday et al that the inclusion of surface operators in 4d N=2 SU(2) quiver gauge theories should correspond to insertions of certain degenerate operators in the dual Liouville theory. So far only the insertion of a single surface operator has been treated (in a semi-classical limit). In this paper we study and generalise this proposal. Our approach relies on the use of topological string theory techniques. On the B-model side we show that the effects of multiple surface operator insertions in 4d N=2 gauge theories can be calculated using the B-model topological recursion method, valid beyond the semi-classical limit. On the mirror A-model side we find by explicit computations that the 5d lift of the SU(N) gauge theory partition function in the presence of (one or many) surface operators is equal to an A-model topological string partition function with the insertion of (one or many) toric branes. This is in agreement with an earlier proposal by Gukov. Our A-model results were motivated by and agree with what one obtains by combining the AGT conjecture with the dual interpretation in terms of degenerate operators. The topological string theory approach also opens up new possibilities in the study of 2d Toda field theories.Comment: 43 pages. v2: Added references, including a reference to unpublished work by S.Gukov; minor changes and clarifications

    The Conformal Sector of F-theory GUTs

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    D3-brane probes of exceptional Yukawa points in F-theory GUTs are natural hidden sectors for particle phenomenology. We find that coupling the probe to the MSSM yields a new class of N = 1 conformal fixed points with computable infrared R-charges. Quite surprisingly, we find that the MSSM only weakly mixes with the strongly coupled sector in the sense that the MSSM fields pick up small exactly computable anomalous dimensions. Additionally, we find that although the states of the probe sector transform as complete GUT multiplets, their coupling to Standard Model fields leads to a calculable threshold correction to the running of the visible sector gauge couplings which improves precision unification. We also briefly consider scenarios in which SUSY is broken in the hidden sector. This leads to a gauge mediated spectrum for the gauginos and first two superpartner generations, with additional contributions to the third generation superpartners and Higgs sector.Comment: v2: 51 pages, 2 figures, remark added, typos correcte

    Residual stress analysis and finite element modelling of repair-welded titanium sheets

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    An innovative FE modelling approach has been tested to investigate the effects of weld repair thin sheets of titanium alloy, taking into account pre-existing stress field in the components. In the case study analysed, the residual stress fields due to the original welds are introduced by means of a preliminary sequentially-coupled thermo-mechanical analysis and considered as pre-existing stress in the sheets for the subsequent weld simulation. Comparisons are presented between residual stress predictions and experimental measurements available from the literature with the aim of validating the numerical procedure. As a destructive sectioning technique was used in the reference experimental measurements, an investigation is also presented on the use of the element deactivation strategy when adopted to simulate material removal. Although the numerical tool is an approximate approach to simulate the actual material removal, the strategy appears to compute a physical strain relaxation and stress redistribution in the remaining part of the component. The weld repair modelling strategy and the element deactivation tool adopted to simulate the residual stress measurement technique are shown to predict residual stress trends which are very well correlated with experimental findings from the literature

    Large-scale synchrony of gap dynamics and the distribution of understory tree species in maple-beech forests

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    Large-scale synchronous variations in community dynamics are well documented for a vast array of organisms, but are considerably less understood for forest trees. Because of temporal variations in canopy gap dynamics, forest communities—even old-growth ones—are never at equilibrium at the stand scale. This paucity of equilibrium may also be true at the regional scale. Our objectives were to determine (1) if nonequilibrium dynamics caused by temporal variations in the formation of canopy gaps are regionally synchronized, and (2) if spatiotemporal variations in canopy gap formation aVect the relative abundance of tree species in the understory. We examined these questions by analyzing variations in the suppression and release history of Acer saccharum Marsh. and Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. from 481 growth series of understory saplings taken from 34 mature stands. We observed that (1) the proportion of stems in release as a function of time exhibited a U-shaped pattern over the last 35 years, with the lowest levels occurring during 1975–1985, and that (2) the response to this in terms of species composition was that A. saccharum became more abundant at sites that had the highest proportion of stems in release during 1975–1985. We concluded that the understory dynamics, typically thought of as a stand-scale process, may be regionally synchronized

    Associations between cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity and clustered cardiometabolic risk in children and adolescents: the HAPPY study

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    Clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors can occur during childhood and predisposes individuals to cardiometabolic disease. This study calculated clustered cardiometabolic risk in 100 children and adolescents aged 10-14 years (59 girls) and explored differences according to cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) levels and time spent at different physical activity (PA) intensities. CRF was determined using a maximal cycle ergometer test, and PA was assessed using accelerometry. A cardiometabolic risk score was computed as the sum of the standardised scores for waist circumference, blood pressure, total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein ratio, triglycerides and glucose. Differences in clustered cardiometabolic risk between fit and unfit participants, according to previously proposed health-related threshold values, and between tertiles for PA subcomponents were assessed using ANCOVA. Clustered risk was significantly lower (p < 0.001) in the fit group (mean 1.21 ± 3.42) compared to the unfit group (mean -0.74 ± 2.22), while no differences existed between tertiles for any subcomponent of PA. Conclusion These findings suggest that CRF may have an important cardioprotective role in children and adolescents and highlights the importance of promoting CRF in youth

    Isolated congenital tracheal stenosis in a preterm newborn

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    Severe tracheal stenosis, resulting in functional atresia of the trachea is a rare congenital malformation with an estimated occurrence of two in 100,000 newborns. If no esophagotracheal fistula is present to allow for spontaneous breathing, this condition is usually fatal. We report on a male infant born at 32 weeks of gestation. The patient presented with respiratory distress immediately after delivery due to severe congenital tracheal stenosis resulting in functional atresia of the trachea. Endotracheal intubation failed and even emergency tracheotomy did not allow ventilation of the patient lungs. The patient finally succumbed to prolonged hypoxia due to functional tracheal atresia. The etiology of tracheal atresia and tracheal stenosis is still unclear, but both conditions are frequently combined with other anomalies of the VACTERL (vertebral anomalies, anal atresia, cardiovascular anomalies, tracheoesophageal fistula, esophageal atresia, renal/radial anomalies and limb defects) and TACRD (tracheal agenesis, cardiac, renal and duodenal malformations) association. Conclusion Successful treatment of severe congenital tracheal stenosis and tracheal atresia depends on either prenatal diagnosis or recognition of this condition immediately after birth to perform tracheotomy without delay. Nevertheless, despite any efforts, the therapeutical results of severe tracheal stenosis and tracheal atresia are still unsatisfactory