1,142 research outputs found

    PSU31 The Improvement of Quality of Life in Patients Treated with Bariatric Surgery

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    Highly reproducible alkali metal doping system for organic crystals through enhanced diffusion of alkali metal by secondary thermal activation

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    In this paper, we report an efficient alkali metal doping system for organic single crystals. Our system employs an enhanced diffusion method for the introduction of alkali metal into organic single crystals by controlling the sample temperature to induce secondary thermal activation. Using this system, we achieved intercalation of potassium into picene single crystals with closed packed crystal structures. Using optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, we confirmed that the resulting samples were uniformly doped and became K2picene single crystal, while only parts of the crystal are doped and transformed into K2picene without secondary thermal activation. Moreover, using a customized electrical measurement system, the insulator-to-semiconductor transition of picene single crystals upon doping was confirmed by in situ electrical conductivity and ex situ temperature-dependent resistivity measurements. X-ray diffraction studies showed that potassium atoms were intercalated between molecular layers of picene, and doped samples did not show any KH- nor KOH-related peaks, indicating that picene molecules are retained without structural decomposition. During recent decades, tremendous efforts have been exerted to develop high-performance organic semiconductors and superconductors, whereas as little attention has been devoted to doped organic crystals. Our method will enable efficient alkali metal doping of organic crystals and will be a resource for future systematic studies on the electrical property changes of these organic crystals upon doping. © 2018 The Author(s

    Monolithic arrays of surface emitting laser NOR logic devices

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    SOX2 is the determining oncogenic switch in promoting lung squamous cell carcinoma from different cells of origin

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    Lung squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) is a devastating malignancy with no effective treatments, due to its complex genomic profile. Therefore, preclinical models mimicking its salient features are urgently needed. Here we describe mouse models bearing various combinations of genetic lesions predominantly found in human LSCC. We show that SOX2 but not FGFR1 overexpression in tracheobronchial basal cells combined with Cdkn2ab and Pten loss results in LSCC closely resembling the human counterpart. Interestingly, Sox2;Pten;Cdkn2ab mice develop LSCC with a more peripheral location when Club or Alveolar type 2 (AT2) cells are targeted. Our model highlights the essential role of SOX2 in commanding the squamous cell fate from different cells of origin and represents an invaluable tool for developing better intervention strategies

    Enhanced production of tropane alkaloids in transgenic Scopolia parviflora hairy root cultures over-expressing putrescine N-methyl transferase (PMT) and hyoscyamine-6β-hydroxylase (H6H)

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    Scopolia parviflora adventitious roots were metabolically engineered by co-expression of the two gene putrescine N-methyl transferase (PMT) and hyoscyamine-6β-hydroxylase (H6H) cDNAs with the aid of Agrobacterium rhizogenes. The transformed roots developed into morphologically distinct S. parviflora PMT1 (SpPMT1), S. parviflora PMT1 (SpPMT2), and S. parviflora H6H (SpH6H) transgenic hairy root lines. Consequent to the introduction of these key enzyme genes, the production of the alkaloids hyoscyamine and scopolamine was enhanced. Among the transgenic hairy root lines, SpPMT2 line possessed the highest growth index. The treatment of transgenic hairy roots with growth regulators further enhanced the production of scopolamine. Thus, the results suggest that PMT1, PMT2, and H6H genes may not only be involved in the metabolic regulation of alkaloid production but also that these genes may play a role in the root development

    Boty-II, a novel LTR retrotransposon in Botrytis cinerea B05.10 revealed by genomic sequence

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    Botrytis cinerea is a necrotrophic pathogen causing pre- and post-harvest diseases in at least 235 plant species. It manifests extraordinary genotype and phenotype variation. One of the causes of this variation is transposable elements. Two transposable elements have been discovered in this fungus, the retrotransposon (Boty), and the transposon (Flipper). In this work, two complete (Boty-II-76 and Boty-II-103) and two partial (Boty-II-95 and Boty-II-141) long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons were identified by an in silico genomic sequence analysis. Boty-II-76 and Boty-II-103 contain 6439 bp nucleotides with a pair of LTRs at both ends, and an internal deduced pol gene encoding a polyprotein with reverse transcriptase and DDE integrase domains. They are flanked by 5 bp direct repeats (ACCAT, CTTTC). In Boty-II-141, two LTRs at both ends, and a partial internal pol gene encoding a protein with a DDE integrase domain were identified. In Boty-II-95, a right LTR and a partial internal pol gene encoding a protein with no conserved domains were identified. Boty-II uses a self-priming mechanism to initiate synthesis of reverse transcripts. The sequence of the presumed primer binding site for first-strand reverse transcription is 5'-TTGTACCAT-3'. The polypurine-rich sequence for plus-strand DNA synthesis is 5'-GCCTTGAGCGGGGGGTAC-3'. Fourteen Boty-II LTRs that contain 125-158 bp nucleotides and share 69.1 ~ 100% identities with the short inverted terminal repeats of 5 bp (TGTCA\u2026TGACA) were discovered. Analysis of structural features and phylogeny revealed that Boty-II is a novel LTR retrotransposon. It could potentially be used as a novel molecular marker for the investigation of genetic variation in B. cinerea

    Selection of high berberine yielding phellodendron insulare nak. lines and the antimicrobial activity of their extracts

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    High berberine yielding Phellodendron insulare Nak. lines were selected by aggregate cloning method and the antimicrobial activity of their extracts was assessed. The berberine producing cork tree lines were selected by adopting a colorimetric method. In all 300 high berberine producing lines were selected with a colorimetric reagent containing 5M HCl and H2O2 and established from dissociated cell aggregates. The crude extracts from these lines showed antibacterial activities against tested Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhimulium, and Listeria monocytogenes. The cork tree extracts were found to be inhibitory to these test organisms. Further the antimicrobial activity of plant extracts was on par with the berberine isolated from the extracts from native cork trees. These results have potential for developing alternative plant products as antimicrobial substances for application in agriculture and food industry